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National Capital Region

Division of Taguig City and Pateros

EP Housing Phase I, Pinagsama, Taguig City

Long Test in Practical Research II

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________

Strand: ___________________________ Score: _______/210
I. Analogy (2 pts. ea.)
Instruction: Encircle the letter of the word that does not belong to the group.

1. a. person b. library c. telephone d. mail

2. a. survey b. government c. observation d. experiments
3. a. simple random b. purposive c. systematic d. stratified
4. a. sampling b. statistical treatment c. data collection d. research questions
5. a. Slovin’s b. mean c. median d. mode
6. a. article b. dissertation c. magazine d. newspaper
7. a. argue b. explain c. describe d. analysis
8. a. APA b. MLA c. Harvard style d. Chicago Style
9. a. website b. pamphlet c. journal d. textbook
10. a. quoting b. editing c. paraphrasing d. summarizing

II. Quoting (5 pts. ea.)

Instruction: Write the statements as direct quotations. Use appropriate signal phrases and citations.

1. Build a dream by attending to the small things that comprise it.

(Christina Ablaza. 2006. Wisdom in Small Bundles. SBA Printers. Quezon City. Page 1.)

2. To become a spiritual pioneer, you’ll need courage and strength of character that will allow you to stop off the
common part and stand up to ridicule, criticism, and the inevitable fear, insecurity, and self-questioning that will
(Cheryl Richardson. 2000. Life Makeovers. Broadway Books. New York. Page 76.)

3. We live in a world of rapid change. Somehow, we must find a way to hold onto the basic unchanging values….
(L. Tom Perry. 2006. Sharing the family heritage. Lianona. September. Page 12.)

III. Paraphrasing (10 pts.)

Instruction: Paraphrase the following paragraph. Use appropriate signal phrases and citations.

Even in dealing with social and political problems, Filipinos resort to humor and merriment to cope with
worrisome situations. Political jokes go the rounds of barbershops, coffee shops, restaurants and bars—any
place where Filipinos congregate and socialize. When they feel almost powerless to cope with a political
problem, Filipinos crack jokes. They can, thus, forget their misery and misfortune and go on to face another
day (Gutierrez, 2006).

IV. Summarizing (15 pts.)

Instruction: Summarize the following statement.

As a result of R. Peuckert’s research, that different birth order elicits different methods of socialization
from parents toward their children. More specifically, another research indicated that mothers were found to engage in
more social, affectionate, and caretaking (except feeding) behavior with first-borns than with second-borns. (Ernst &
Angst 1983)

V. Writing the Methodology (30 pts. ea.)

Instruction: Write the “Chapter II-Materials and Methods” section (research design, respondents, instrumentation,
data collection procedure, statistical analysis, and potential ethical issues) for the following research titles.
Make sure to properly cite the sources of information.

A. Factors affecting Self-Motivation of Grade 12 Students in Practical Research II - (Qualitative or Mixed Method)
B. Struggles of Being in a Relationship and the Academic Performance of Grade 12 Students - (Qualitative)
C. Academic Adjustments of Junior High Teachers in Teaching Senior High -(Qualitative or Mixed Method)
D. Job Satisfaction Indicators among Senior High Faculty -(Quantitative)
E. Spending Habits of Grade 12 Students -(Qualitative)


even when NO ONE is WATCHING” -C.S. Lewis

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