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Chapter 3

“Transformation, Manipulation and

Data Storage”

19/02/2020 Miss.Neepa M. Patel 1


 CAD/CAM & Automation

By Farazdak Haideri.
 Computer Graphics
By A.P. Godse, D.A. Godse.

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Introduction of Computer Graphics

2D and 3D Transformations

Translation, Rotation, Scaling etc.

Concatenations, Matrix representation

Object Transformation, Mirror transformation

Bill of Materials

Engg. Data management system

SQL, Design Info System

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Introduction of Computer Graphics
 It deals with the generation of 2D & 3D models---
by using graphics software or an application
software or both.
User can generate a model either with the help
of a programming or by using the user friendly specialized
 Application of Computer Graphics :

 Science, Advertising,
 Engineering, Education,
 Medicine, Art,
 Business, Entertainment,
 Industry etc.

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Introduction of Computer Graphics
CAD/CAM hardware would be useless without the software
to support it. Any software normally consists of two parts:
1) Graphics software : It is the collection of programs
which are written to operate the computer graphic
system. It includes programs to generate images on the
screen ,to manipulate the image...AutoCAD, PRO-
2) Application software : It is the collection of programs
which are written for implementing certain specialized
function related to CAD/CAM. It includes programs for
FEA, Dynamic analysis of mechanical

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2D Transformations
 What is transformations?
 The geometrical changes of an object from a
current state to modified state.
 The major adv. Of computer graphics is that
the alterations can be done easily in the
 To generate graphic image, data base is
 And this data base can be modified by
mathematical operations called
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2D Transformations
 Why the transformation is needed?
 To manipulate the initially created object and
to display the modified object without having
to redraw it.
 The basic 2D Transformations are:
1. Translation.
2. Rotation.
3. Scaling.
4. Reflection.(Mirror)
5. Shear.

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 Moving drawing or model across the

P x
x  x  t x , y   y  t y

 x  x  t x 
P    , P    , T   
 y  y t y 
P  P  T
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 Changing the dimensions of window and
viewport to alter the size of drawing

 Used to enlarge or reduce the size of an


 Not necessarily be done equally in x and y


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x  x  s x , y   y  s y
 x   s x 0   x
 y   0 s y   y 
Sy   
P  S  P

x  x  sx  x f 1  sx 

y  y  s y  y f 1  s y 
x f , yf 
P  P  S  P f   1 - S 

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 Rotation of a drawing about a pivot point.

 Point V can be rotated about the origin through an

angle θ in the anti clockwise direction to position V’

 The coordinates of V’ can be obtained by

multiplying the coordinates of V by matrix-

cos 𝜃 −𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃
𝑆𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝜃

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Rotation in angle  about a

pivot (rotation) point  xr , yr  .

x  xr   x  xr  cos    y  yr  sin 
 x, y
y  yr   x  xr  sin    y  yr  cos 

 x, y  P  Pr  R   P  Pr 

cos   sin  
 xr , yr  x R
 sin  cos  

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Mirror Transformation
 In modeling operations, one frequently
used operation is mirroring an object.

 Mirroring is a convenient method used

for copying an object while preserving its

 The mirror transformation is a special

case of a negative scaling.

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(-1,1) (1,1)



Reflection about X - axis Reflection about Y - axis

x  x y    y x   x y   y
1 0 0   1 0 0
M x  0  1 0 M y   0 1 0
0 0 1  0 0 1

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Other transformations
x-axis y-axis

1 0 0
0  1 0 
 
0 0 1

  1 0 0
 0 1 0
 
 0 0 1

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origin line x=y

  1 0 0 0 1 0 
 0  1 0 1 0 0
   
 0 0 1 0 0 1

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Shearing Transformation

1 a 0 1 0 0 1 a 0
SH x  0 1 0 SH y  b 1 0 SH xy  b 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Sheared in X Sheared in Y Sheared in both X

unit cube
direction direction and Y direction

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x-direction y-direction
1 shx 0  1 0 0
0 1 0   sh 1 0
   y
0 0 1  0 0 1

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 To combine the individual transformations in order
to achieve the required results.

 The combined transformation matrix can be

obtained by multiplying the respective
transformation matrices

 The order of the matrix multiplication be the same

as that of transformation

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 One advantage of using matrices is that you can
combine the effects of two or more matrices by
multiplying them.
 This means that, to rotate a model and then translate it
to some location, you do not need to apply two matrices.
Instead, you multiply the rotation and translation
matrices to produce a composite matrix that contains all
of their effects.
 This process, called matrix concatenation, can be written
with the formula.
 [CT] = [Th]-1 [R] [Th]

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3D Transformations
 Homogeneous coordinates: (x,y,z)=(wx,wy,wz)

 Transformations are now represented as 3x3


 Typical graphics packages allow for specification

of translation, rotation, scaling and arbitrary

 Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection

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3D Transformations

 Very similar to 2D.

 Same general procedure are applied.

 Using 3x3 matrices rather than 2x2.

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3D Translation

 The translational matrix for a point defined

in three dimensions would be –
T = (m n p)

 It would be applied by adding the

increments m, n, p to the respective
coordinates of each of points defining the
3D geometry element.

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3D Translation

x  x  t x
y  y  t y

z  z  tz

 x, y, z  x   1 0 0 tx   x 

 x, y, z   y 0
  1 0 t y   y 

 z  0 0 1 tz   z 
z x      
 1  0 0 0 1  1 

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3D Scaling
y y
x  x  S x

y  y  S y

z  x  S z

z x z x
Enlarging object also moves it from origin

 x   S x 0 0 0  x 
 y  0 Sy 0 0  y 
P        SP
 z   0 0 Sz 0  z 
     
1  0 0 0 1  1 

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3D Rotation

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3D Reflection
 Transformation matrix for a reflection through X-Y plane

 Transformation matrix for a reflection through Y-Z plane


 Transformation matrix for a reflection through Z-X plane


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Shear in 3D

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General 3D Rotations (extra)
1. Translate the object such that rotation axis passes
through the origin.

2. Rotate the object such that rotation axis coincides with

one of Cartesian axes.

3. Perform specified rotation about the Cartesian axis.

4. Apply inverse rotation to return rotation axis to

original direction.

5. Apply inverse translation to return rotation axis to

original position.

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y y y
P1 P1
x x x
z z z

y y y
P2 P2

P1 P1 P1

P2 x x x

z z z

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Bill Of Materials
 Bill of materials (BOM): a listing of all of the raw
materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies needed
to produce one unit of a product.
 Each finished product has its own bill of materials.

 Product structure tree: Visual description of the

requirements in a bill of materials, where all
components are listed by levels.

 Basically, a bill of material (BOM) is a complete list of

the components making up an object or assembly.

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Definition of Bill of material :

 A comprehensive list of raw materials,

components and assemblies required to build
or manufacture a product.
 A bill of materials (BOM) is usually in a
hierarchical format, with the topmost level
showing the end product, and the bottom
level displaying individual components and

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Structure of a BOM

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Difference between BOM and
Product structure tree

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Product Structure tree

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Structure of a BOM

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Types of BOMs
1.)Static (fixed) bill
 A bill of material for a part that is normally
made from the same components, labor and raw

 Example:
 A bill of materials for a standard chair

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Types of BOMs
2.)Dynamic (parametric) bill
 A bill of material for a product or part for
which size, color, laminate, and other
options can be selected.

 Example:
 A bill of materials for a Dell computer

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What information is on a BOM?

1. Quantity

2. Item ID

3. Description of Item

4. Cost of Item

5. Total Project Cost

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Engineering Data Management
 Engineering Data Management (EDM) is the
administration of documents or data related to
engineering applications using computers and
electronic storage media.

Engineering Data Management comprises subjects like,

 documentation
 communication
 collaborative work
These subjects are not at all limited to engineering issues, they
are useful in many other fields too.

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Engineering Data management system

 Objective of EDMs :
1. Reduce redundant data.(Data redundancy is
defined as the storing of the same data in multiple
2. Integrate existing Data
3. Provide Security
4. Share data among users
5. Simplify the method of using data

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Engineering Data management system
 Data Base Models
 Hierarchical Database
 Network Database
 Relational Database

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What you mean by SQL ?

 It Stands for "Structured Query Language," and

can be pronounced as either "sequel" or "S-Q-
 It is a query language used for accessing and
modifying information in a database. Some
common SQL commands include "insert,"
"update," and "delete."
 SQL is a standard computer language for
relational database management and data
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SQL Environment
 Data Manipulation Language (DML) is used to
add, update or delete data
 Data Definition Language (DDL) is used for
managing tables and index structures. Examples
of DDL statements include CREATE, ALTER, and
 Data Control Language (DCL) is used to assign
and revoke database rights and permissions. Its
main statements are GRANT and REVOKE.

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Design Information Systems
 A logical series of development phases
followed in an organisation to conduct all
the steps necessary to analyse, design,
implement & maintain information systems.

 These logical series of development phases

- known as System Development Life Cycle

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Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Scope & objectives






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University Questions
1) Explain in details any four 3D transformations.

2) Explain with diagram Engineering Data Management System.

3) Write a short note on Bill of Materials.

4) What is Structured Query Language ?

5) Why are Concatenated transformation matrices used in CAD ?

6) Explain in details 2D transformations. Enlist its benefits.

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University Questions
 Find the transformed homogenous coordinates when a
square [(1,1), (2,1), (1,2),(2,2)] is rotated through one of its
vertex (1,1) and 30 degree clockwise direction. Also give its
concatenated matrix .
 A point (4,3) is to be scaled by factor of 4 and rotated by 30
degree .find the new coordinates of the point. Also find the
concatenated transformation matrix to the original point.
 A triangle is defined by its three vertices (0,2),(1,2) and (0,3).
Express this in matrix notation and perform the following
transformation succession. i) Rotate the triangle about its
vertex (0,2) by 45 degree clockwise. ii) give the concatenated
matrix for this overall transformation.
 A point P (2, 4, 8) is translated by d= 4i-5j-7k and then scaled
uniformly by S= 2. Determine the transformed point P’.

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University Questions
 A point (7, 9) is to be scaled by factor of 4, find the new coordinates of the
point, by homogenous transformation matrix.
 Write down any four operations of 3D/2D transformation matrix.
 A rectangle is formed by four points whose coordinates are:
A(50,50),B(100,50),C(100,80) and D(50,80). Determine its new coordinates
when shear factor is 0.5 and 0.6 along X and Y directions respectively.
 A triangle PQR with vertices P (2,1), Q(4,4) and R(1,3) is to be translated by
2 units and 4 units in X and Y directions respectively. Find the new
 A triangle A(2,2) ,B(4,4) and C( 3,5) has undergone the following
1) Mirrored about line y=x;
2)Rotated by 45o in clockwise direction about (2, 2).
3)Derive composite matrix and its new coordinates.
 A rectangle ABCD having diagonal corner A (2,2) and C(10,8) is to be
reflected about line y= 1.7321 x -3.Determine composite transformation
matrix and the new coordinates of A and C.

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University Questions

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University Questions

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University Questions

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University Questions

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University Questions
 Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0),B(1,1) and C(8,2) to
double its size keeping vertex C as fixed.
 A line is defined by its two end points (1,2) and (6,4).Express
this in matrix notation and perform the following
transformation in succession. i) Rotate the line by 90 degree
clockwise about origin. ii)Translate the line by 2 units in x
direction and 3 units in y direction. iii) Also give the
concatenated matrix for this overall transformation.
 A triangle PQR with vertices P (2, 5), Q (6, 7), and R (2, 7) is
to be reflected about the Line y=0.5x+3. Determine the
composite transformation matrix.

 Note :-Refer Lecture note for 2D/ 3D transformation


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Thank You…

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