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Seed Thought: 24th March 2020

Self Quarantine

Physical level
Quarantine means restriction of movement of people.. people are told to stay at one place and not go out
unnecessarily. It will be imposed externally by others.

Quarantine is imposed at times of rise of communicable diseases to avoid spread of disease.

Self quarantine is restrictions imposed by self from unnecessary movement and communication with others..

Here one is very cautious about ones physical actions.. it is necessary for one to be clean and neat... avoid contact
with others in any form...

During self quarantine one should use resource very efficiently

Emotional level
Self quarantine .. avoid unnesssary argument, judgements, hatredness, jealousy. Being away from egoistist
behaviours , slander and vanity.. so that one remains at peace and will help enjoy self quarantine.. self quarantine
should be practiced on daily basis in order to achieve harmony within one self...

Mental level
Self quarantine- best time to spend time with oneself... work on ones passions and hobbies.. gain more knowledge,
spend time with loved ones, work on the areas where one requires improvements, learn new things..

Spiritual level
Self quarantine..activities like mediation, prayers, creative acts will help one to enhance ones beleif and intuition

At critical times like now, mediation for self and meditation for the well being of other creatures will be the best
think to do and it might really in over coming the problem as the positive energies (cooperation and faith) and will
help destroy the negative powers that has raised due to human negligence.

Self quarantine is nothing but SELF TIME. Which we all have forgotten for self improvement ( PEMS).. since we
never took time to do so nature itself decided to do it for us but with force.. but still the true self quarantine is to
switch all our phones, internets, tv and get ready to go inside ones self. this is the time we be with our selves and
questions about what we are doing to our selves and to earth.. this is the time to correct and start a new chapter

Self quarantine s are good once in a while to control humans ego to show him that he is not superior and can never
be spuerior in front of nature... nature is ultimate power and I bow my self to her And be at her service.

Also it is trying to teach Time and again that god in every form- through plants, animals, doctors, public sevenths
and farmer. Respecting everything and have gratitude towards everything around us is when human will be free of
such man made calamities..

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