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Submitted By: LT-04


Submitted to: Prof. Dr. Masood H Siddiqui


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY …………………………………….....

2. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………….….....
3. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY…………………………………..
4. METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………….
6. ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION ………….………………....
7. CONCLUSION…………………..………………………………..
8. ANNEXURE/Reference…………………………………………..

The project is dedicated to present the data analysis and interpretation of BSE Max. opening
and closing share prices and 02 FMCG max. opening and closing shares (M/s ITC & M/s
HUL). We have used the secondary data for this report. Data is taken from BSE SENSEX
site. There are different type of statistical tools used for the analysis of the data and interpret
the results of BSE & FNCG company data. Some of the descriptive tools used in this report
are; mean, median, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient variance, range, skewness
and kurtosis for the proper analysis.
Besides, Coefficient correlation (r), coefficient determination (R2) and adjusted R2 employed
for quantifying the effect of opening and closing BSE stock prices.
Based on the hypothesis developed and analyse we have also used one sample and two
sample testing hypothesis.


HDFC Bank Limited is an Indian banking and money related
administrations organization headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has
104,154 changeless workers starting at 30 June 2019. HDFC Bank is India's
biggest private segment moneylender by resources. It is the biggest bank in
India by market capitalization as of February 2016. It was positioned 60th in
2019 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands.
In 1994 HDFC Bank was fused, with its enrolled office in Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India. Its first corporate office and a full administration
branch at Sandoz House, Worli were initiated by the then Union Finance
Minister, Manmohan Singh.
As of March 31, 2019, the Bank's conveyance system was at 5,103 branches
crosswise over 2,748 urban areas. The bank additionally introduced 4.30
LacsPOS terminals and issued 235.7 Lacs check cards and 85.4 Lacs Visas in
FY 2017.
Items and administrations

HDFC Bank gives various items and administrations including discount

banking, retail banking, treasury, vehicle advances, bike advances, individual
advances, advances against property, purchaser solid advance, way of life
advance and charge cards. Alongside this different advanced items are
Payzapp and SmartBUY.

ICICI Bank Limited is an Indian global banking and budgetary
administrations organization headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra with
its enrolled office in Vadodara, Gujarat. Starting at 2018, ICICI Bank is the
second biggest bank in India as far as resources and market capitalisation. It
offers a wide scope of banking items and money related administrations for
corporate and retail clients through an assortment of conveyance diverts and
concentrated backups in the territories of speculation banking, life, non-
disaster protection, investment and resource the executives. As on March 31,
2018, the bank has a system of 4867 branches and 14367 ATMs crosswise
over India and has a nearness in 17 nations including India.
ICICI Bank was built up by the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
of India (ICICI), an Indian money related foundation, as an entirely
possessed backup in 1994. The parent organization was framed in 1955 as a
joint-adventure of the World Bank, India's open area banks and open
division insurance agencies to give undertaking financing to Indian industry.
The bank was established as the Industrial Credit and Investment
Corporation of India Bank, before it changed its name to the abridged ICICI
Bank. The parent organization was later converged with the bank.

ICICI Bank propelled web banking tasks in 1998.

ICICI's shareholding in ICICI Bank was diminished to 46 percent, through
an open offering of offers in India in 1998, trailed by a value offering as
American Depositary Receipts on the NYSE in 2000. ICICI Bank gained the
Bank of Madura Limited in an all-stock arrangement in 2001 and offered
extra stakes to institutional speculators during 2001-02.


The objective of this project is to determine the implication of managerial comment statistical
concepts in the real world situations.

Methodology adopted for this project is descriptive and the data used is secondary data. Data
for HDFC and ICICI max. opening and closing share price is taken from BSE SENSEX
site.These stock prices are taken from date 8 may 2019 to 31 july 2019. To accomplish the
objective and perception we have used descriptive analysis tool from excel and other data
analysis tool . These tools are useful in interpreting the analysis.


In mathematics and statistics, the term arithmetic mean is preferred over simply "mean"
because it helps to differentiate between other means such as geometric and harmonic mean.
Statistical mean is the most common term for calculating the mean of a statistical

An arithmetic mean is calculated using the following equation:

The statistical mean has a wide range of applicability in various types of experimentation.
This type of calculation eliminates random errors and helps to derive a more accurate result
than a result derived from a single experiment.

The statistical mean can also be used to interpret statistical data. Some important properties
make statistical mean very useful for measuring central tendency.



It is the quantity which shows by how much the data of a group differ from the mean.


Skewness is asymmetry in a statistical distribution, in which the curve appears distorted or

skewed either to the left or to the right. Skewness can be quantified to define the extent to
which a distribution differs from a normal distribution.


It reflects the sharpness of the peak of a frequency-distribution curve.

T test is used as a hypothesis testing tool, which allows testing of an assumption applicable
to a population. A t-test looks at the t-statistic, the t-distribution values and the degrees of
freedom to determine the probability of difference between two sets of data.


The paired sample t-test, sometimes called the dependent sample t-test, is a statistical

procedure used to determine whether the mean difference between two sets of observations is
zero. In a paired sample t-test, each subject or entity is measured twice, resulting in pairs of


It is an analysis of variance, a statistical method in which the variation in a set of observations

is divided into distinct components.




Mean 2164.743333 Mean 2164.48 Mean 2186.518333 Mean 2140.033

Standard Error 13.04249852 Standard Error 13.19695438 Standard Error 12.73706079 Standard Error 13.10472
Median 2183.05 Median 2182.75 Median 2199.3 Median 2160.35
Mode #N/A Mode 2277 Mode #N/A Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 101.0267591 Standard Deviation 102.223169 Standard Deviation 98.66084861 Standard Deviation 101.5087
Sample Variance 10206.40606 Sample Variance 10449.57629 Sample Variance 9733.963048 Sample Variance 10304.02
Kurtosis 0.824406012 Kurtosis 0.676023883 Kurtosis 1.042646493 Kurtosis 0.604173
Skewness -1.062180447 Skewness -1.104960166 Skewness -1.161776186 Skewness -1.03366
Range 430.55 Range 416.75 Range 426.25 Range 391.5
Minimum 1914.6 Minimum 1915.25 Minimum 1931.6 Minimum 1901.3
Maximum 2345.15 Maximum 2332 Maximum 2357.85 Maximum 2292.8
Sum 129884.6 Sum 129868.8 Sum 131191.1 Sum 128402
Count 60 Count 60 Count 60 Count 60
HDFC had an average opening price valued at 2164.48 and an average closing price of
2164.7333 and between this period their average high price was of 2186.518333.

MEDIAN shows the middle value of any data. Here the median for the opening of the
HDFC is 2182.75 and closing for the same is 2183.05 and from the descriptive analysis it is
almost clear that there is no substantial difference between mean and median so it can be said
there is no outlier in the data. So, in this set of data we should consider mean as the measure
of average for both opening and closing stock.


STANDARD DEVIATION of the opening of this set of data is 102.223169037824 and

same for the closing stock is 101.2067591 which indicates that how the numbers vary among
each other.

SKEWNESSof the opening stock price is -1.104960166 and for the closing stock is
-1.062180447 which is almost same to each other and there is no substantial difference
between both of them, and their skewness is less than 0 so the graph will be, left tailed graph.

KURTOSISof the opening stock price of the HDFC is positive that is 0.676023883 and for
the closing it is 0.824406012 which is also positive in number. As these are positive so the
graph will be peaked that is leptokurtic.



Mean 217.8416667 Mean 217.6683 Mean 221.0516667 Mean 214.2808

Standard Error 1.133106179 Standard Error 0.988378 Standard Error 1.064457878 Standard Error 1.025498
Median 219 Median 218.975 Median 221.575 Median 216.175
Mode 200 Mode 219 Mode 221 Mode 217
Standard Deviation 8.777002725 Standard Deviation 7.655944 Standard Deviation 8.24525527 Standard Deviation 7.943477
Sample Variance 77.03577684 Sample Variance 58.61347 Sample Variance 67.98423446 Sample Variance 63.09882
Kurtosis 0.383935074 Kurtosis 0.674511 Kurtosis 0.851806183 Kurtosis 0.192468
Skewness -0.999671901 Skewness -0.78297 Skewness -0.98276209 Skewness -0.97602
Range 34.2 Range 34.7 Range 35.9 Range 30.1
Minimum 197.95 Minimum 199.8 Minimum 199.8 Minimum 197
Maximum 232.15 Maximum 234.5 Maximum 235.7 Maximum 227.1
Sum 13070.5 Sum 13060.1 Sum 13263.1 Sum 12856.85
Count 60 Count 60 Count 60 Count 60

ICICI had an average opening price valued at 217.6683 and an average closing price of
217.8416667 and between this period their average high price was of 221.0516667.

The median for the opening of ICICI is 218.975 and closing for the same is 219 and from
the descriptive analysis it is almost clear that there is no substantial difference between mean
and median so it can be said there is no outlier in the data. So, in this set of data we should
consider mean as the measure of average for both opening and closing stock.


STANDARD DEVIATIONof the opening of this set of data is 7.655944 and same for
the closing stock is 8.777002725 which indicates that how the numbers are variable within
each other.

SKEWNESSof the opening stock price is -0.78297 and for the closing stock is
-0.999671901 which is almost same to each other and there is no substantial difference
between both of them, and their skewness is less than 0 so the graph will be, left tailed graph.

KURTOSISof the opening stock price of the ICICI is positive that is 0.674511 and for the
closing it is also positive in number i.e. 0.383935074. As these are positive so the graph will
be peaked that is laptokurtic.



The Null Hypothesis considered is

H0: µ (HDFC) = µ (ICICI) (Perception is wrong)

H1: µ (HDFC) > µ (ICICI) (Perception is right)

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

PRICE icici 1/10 OF HDFC

Mean 217.8416667 216.4743333
Variance 77.03577684 102.0640606
Observations 60 60
Pearson Correlation 0.471483036
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 59
t Stat 1.083878056
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.141414175
t Critical one-tail 1.671093033
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.28282835
t Critical two-tail 2.000995361




After applying the t-Test for Two

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Mean 2164.743 2164.48
Variance 10206.41 10449.58
Observations 60 60
Pooled Variance 10327.99
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 118
t Stat 0.014192
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.49435
t Critical one-tail 1.65787
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.9887
t Critical two-tail 1.980272


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.982492749
R Square 0.965292003
Adjusted R Square 0.963432646
Standard Error 1.678390462
Observations 60

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 4387.359139 1462.453 519.1537 8.06136E-41
Residual 56 157.7516944 2.816995
Total 59 4545.110833

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept -5.639929832 6.217891303 -0.90705 0.368268 -18.09586278 6.816003121 -18.09586278 6.816003121
OPEN -0.489320709 0.093840504 -5.21439 2.77E-06 -0.677305826 -0.301335591 -0.677305826 -0.301335591
HIGH 0.859823304 0.090874337 9.461673 3.27E-13 0.677780133 1.041866476 0.677780133 1.041866476
LOW 0.653002151 0.096454232 6.770073 8.29E-09 0.459781107 0.846223195 0.459781107 0.846223195

Equation- Ŷ=A+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3

Step 1: Significance of regression model

HO: Regression model is insignificant

H1: Regression model is significant

In ANOVA P value = 8.06136*10-41<0.05

Reject HO assume regression model is significant

Step 2: Strength of regression model

Adjusted R2=0.96 i.e. 96% variation in the share price can be explained by
our regression model rest 4% variation is due to some other factor

Step 3: Significance of predictors


HO: open price is insignificant.

H1: open price is significant

P value= 2.77*10-6<0.05

Reject HO, open price is significant value.

Further if price is significant:

Coefficient of open price b1= -0.489230709

There is an inverse relationship between open and close price.

X2: high price

HO: high price is insignificant

H1: High price is significant

P value=3.27*10-13 <0.05

Reject HO, high price is significant value.

Further if price is significant:

Coefficient of open price b2= 0.859823304

There is a direct relationship between high and close price.

X3: Low price

HO: low price is insignificant

H1: low price is significant

P value=8.29*10-9<0.05

Reject HO, high price is significant value.

Further if price is significant:

Coefficient of open price b3= 0.653002151

There is a direct relationship between low and close price.

Step 4: Final prediction or regression model


Share= -5.6399298320554-0.489320709(open price) +0.859823304(high

price) +0.653002151(low price)

Step 5: Prediction through final regression model

Predict shares when open price is Rs200, high price is Rs 230 and low price
is Rs 180 and also gives 95% prediction interval.

Point prediction =
5.6399298320554-0.489320709*(200) +0.859823304*(230)
+0.653002151*(180) = 223.1

Lower confidence interval

223.1 – 1.96 * 1.678390462 = 219.81

Higher confidence level

223.1 + 1.96 * 1.678390462 = 226.39


The BSE Sensex of HDFC and ICICI for given duration of 8th may2019 to 31st
July 2019 , were assumed as even flow of stock price But in the real world ,The
fluctuations can be seen. There may be various factors which affects the share
price. By the share price, we will not be able to reach to any suggestions for
these factors. We had measured kurtosis, skewness, standard deviation, central
tendency, hypothesis, regressions. We have reached to all the interpretation
according to the result of testing.

BSE Sensex data

Date Open High Close*

30-Nov-18 36,304.43 36,389.22 36,194.30
29-Nov-18 35,997.29 36,253.85 36,170.41
28-Nov-18 35,635.52 35,822.16 35,716.95
27-Nov-18 35,394.77 35,555.16 35,513.14
26-Nov-18 35,118.09 35,397.24 35,354.08
22-Nov-18 35,282.33 35,364.50 34,981.02
21-Nov-18 35,492.62 35,494.25 35,199.80
20-Nov-18 35,730.77 35,731.67 35,474.51
19-Nov-18 35,647.62 35,818.83 35,774.88
16-Nov-18 35,398.70 35,545.85 35,457.16
15-Nov-18 35,145.75 35,402.00 35,260.54
14-Nov-18 35,330.14 35,351.88 35,141.99
13-Nov-18 34,846.19 35,187.75 35,144.49
12-Nov-18 35,287.49 35,333.22 34,812.99
9-Nov-18 35,258.13 35,287.29 35,158.55
7-Nov-18 35,301.88 35,302.25 35,237.68
6-Nov-18 35,076.24 35,196.03 34,991.91
5-Nov-18 35,118.62 35,123.41 34,950.92
2-Nov-18 34,743.95 35,190.20 35,011.65
1-Nov-18 34,650.63 34,679.93 34,431.97
31-Oct-18 33,963.09 34,463.38 34,442.05
30-Oct-18 34,068.92 34,176.36 33,891.13
29-Oct-18 33,549.88 34,154.60 34,067.40
26-Oct-18 33,776.80 33,776.80 33,349.31
25-Oct-18 33,778.60 33,838.76 33,690.09
24-Oct-18 34,203.70 34,300.97 34,033.96
23-Oct-18 33,935.88 34,073.92 33,847.23
22-Oct-18 34,689.39 34,748.69 34,134.38
19-Oct-18 34,563.29 34,563.29 34,315.63
17-Oct-18 35,543.38 35,605.43 34,779.58
16-Oct-18 35,004.33 35,215.79 35,162.48
15-Oct-18 34,971.83 35,008.65 34,865.10
12-Oct-18 34,291.92 34,808.42 34,733.58
11-Oct-18 34,063.82 34,325.18 34,001.15
10-Oct-18 34,493.21 34,858.35 34,760.89
9-Oct-18 34,651.82 34,711.68 34,299.47
8-Oct-18 34,412.36 34,636.43 34,474.38
5-Oct-18 35,097.99 35,118.54 34,376.99
4-Oct-18 35,820.53 35,820.53 35,169.16
3-Oct-18 36,602.85 36,602.85 35,975.63
1-Oct-18 36,274.25 36,616.64 36,526.14
28-Sep-18 36,452.74 36,551.86 36,227.14
27-Sep-18 36,691.93 36,711.62 36,324.17
26-Sep-18 36,936.64 36,938.74 36,542.27
25-Sep-18 36,350.25 36,705.79 36,652.06
24-Sep-18 36,924.72 36,945.50 36,305.02
21-Sep-18 37,278.89 37,489.24 36,841.60
19-Sep-18 37,432.93 37,530.63 37,121.22
18-Sep-18 37,660.19 37,745.44 37,290.67
17-Sep-18 38,027.81 38,027.81 37,585.51
14-Sep-18 37,939.29 38,125.62 38,090.64
12-Sep-18 37,546.42 37,752.58 37,717.96
11-Sep-18 38,017.49 38,043.27 37,413.13
10-Sep-18 38,348.39 38,354.52 37,922.17
7-Sep-18 38,314.55 38,421.56 38,389.82
6-Sep-18 38,161.85 38,320.96 38,242.81
5-Sep-18 38,192.95 38,250.61 38,018.31
4-Sep-18 38,460.96 38,518.56 38,157.92
3-Sep-18 38,915.91 38,934.35 38,312.52
31-Aug-18 38,704.84 38,838.45 38,645.07
30-Aug-18 38,796.98 38,819.06 38,690.10
29-Aug-18 38,989.65 38,989.65 38,722.93
28-Aug-18 38,814.76 38,938.91 38,896.63
27-Aug-18 38,472.03 38,736.88 38,694.11
24-Aug-18 38,366.79 38,429.50 38,251.80
23-Aug-18 38,416.65 38,487.63 38,336.76
21-Aug-18 38,360.32 38,402.96 38,285.75
20-Aug-18 38,075.07 38,340.69 38,278.75
17-Aug-18 37,898.60 38,022.32 37,947.88
16-Aug-18 37,796.01 37,891.92 37,663.56
14-Aug-18 37,749.59 37,932.40 37,852.00
13-Aug-18 37,693.19 37,799.54 37,644.90
10-Aug-18 38,050.07 38,051.45 37,869.23
9-Aug-18 37,994.51 38,076.23 38,024.37
8-Aug-18 37,756.24 37,931.42 37,887.56
7-Aug-18 37,849.21 37,876.87 37,665.80
6-Aug-18 37,714.70 37,805.25 37,691.89
3-Aug-18 37,327.16 37,582.27 37,556.16
2-Aug-18 37,529.69 37,529.69 37,165.16
1-Aug-18 37,643.87 37,711.87 37,521.62
31-Jul-18 37,534.95 37,644.59 37,606.58
30-Jul-18 37,491.39 37,533.50 37,494.40
27-Jul-18 37,253.86 37,368.62 37,336.85
26-Jul-18 36,928.38 37,061.62 36,984.64
25-Jul-18 36,928.06 36,947.18 36,858.23
24-Jul-18 36,859.39 36,902.06 36,825.10
23-Jul-18 36,501.05 36,749.69 36,718.60
20-Jul-18 36,377.03 36,567.34 36,496.37
19-Jul-18 36,509.08 36,515.58 36,351.23
18-Jul-18 36,722.41 36,747.87 36,373.44
17-Jul-18 36,390.99 36,549.55 36,519.96
16-Jul-18 36,658.71 36,658.71 36,323.77
13-Jul-18 36,635.14 36,740.07 36,541.63
12-Jul-18 36,424.23 36,699.53 36,548.41
11-Jul-18 36,299.26 36,362.30 36,265.93
10-Jul-18 36,068.27 36,274.33 36,239.62
9-Jul-18 35,835.10 35,977.37 35,934.72
6-Jul-18 35,543.66 35,799.71 35,657.86
5-Jul-18 35,703.17 35,748.26 35,574.55
4-Jul-18 35,385.52 35,667.31 35,645.40
3-Jul-18 35,344.21 35,445.21 35,378.60
2-Jul-18 35,545.22 35,578.24 35,264.41

Descriptive Statistics of BSE Sensex

Open   High   Close*  

Mean 36403.058 Mean 36528.962 Mean 36316.293

04 84 53
Standard 144.22731 Standard 140.93102 Standard 143.32641
Error 3 Error 6 Error 92
Median 36407.61 Median 36585.095 Median 36323.97
Mode #N/A Mode #N/A Mode #N/A
Standard 1456.6244 Standard 1423.3335 Standard 1447.5258
Deviation 6 Deviation 93 Deviation 78
Sample 2121754.8 Sample 2025878.5 Sample 2095331.1
Variance 19 Variance 17 Variance 68
Kurtosis - Kurtosis - Kurtosis -
1.1170097 1.1474014 1.1156305
92 57
Skewness - Skewness - Skewness -
0.0502347 0.0285645 0.0448579
95 87 94
Range 5439.77 Range 5212.85 Range 5547.32
Minimum 33549.88 Minimum 33776.8 Minimum 33349.31
Maximum 38989.65 Maximum 38989.65 Maximum 38896.63
Sum 3713111.9 Sum 3725954.2 Sum 3704261.9
2 1 4
Count 102 Count 102 Count 102
Confidenc 286.10818 Confidenc 279.56923 Confidence 284.32105
e 47 e 8 Level(95.0 36
Level(95.0 Level(95.0 %)
%) %)
Coefficient 0.0039619 Coefficient 0.0038580 Coefficient 0.0039466
of 56 of 63 of variation 15
variation variation

Paired t-test of BSE

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  Open Close*
Mean 36403. 36316.
06 29
Variance 212175 209533
5 1
Observations 102 102
Pearson 0.9827
Correlation 61
Hypothesized 0
Mean Difference
Df 101
t Stat 3.2481
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0007
t Critical one-tail 1.6600
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0015
t Critical two-tail 1.9837  

ITC sensex data

Date Days Open Price High Price Close Price
30-Nov-18 Fri 289.9 290.05 286.25
29-Nov-18 Thu 284.8 288.85 287.35
28-Nov-18 Wed 286.3 287.8 282.05
27-Nov-18 Tue 286.9 287.05 284.75
26-Nov-18 Mon 281.25 286.25 285.65
22-Nov-18 Thu 284 284.3 280.45
21-Nov-18 Wed 283.1 284.7 281.05
20-Nov-18 Tue 284.45 286.35 283.6
19-Nov-18 Mon 277.5 284.65 283.9
16-Nov-18 Fri 277 278.15 276.25
15-Nov-18 Thu 277 279.2 274.45
14-Nov-18 Wed 278.5 278.5 276.45
13-Nov-18 Tue 274.95 277.85 276.9
12-Nov-18 Mon 278.45 278.45 273.85
9-Nov-18 Fri 279.75 280 277.25
7-Nov-18 Wed 280.1 281 280.15
6-Nov-18 Tue 281.5 281.9 277.4
5-Nov-18 Mon 286.4 286.4 279.6
2-Nov-18 Fri 278.5 285 282.35
1-Nov-18 Thu 281.1 281.9 277.5
31-Oct-18 Wed 280.9 280.9 279.8
30-Oct-18 Tue 283 283.55 279
29-Oct-18 Mon 282 285 283.55
26-Oct-18 Fri 290.55 290.55 280.65
25-Oct-18 Thu 286 289.5 287.25
24-Oct-18 Wed 287.3 289.6 287.75
23-Oct-18 Tue 286.9 291 285.9
22-Oct-18 Mon 292.7 292.95 288.25
19-Oct-18 Fri 285.8 291 288.45
17-Oct-18 Wed 285.5 291.95 286.35
16-Oct-18 Tue 283.6 283.8 282.55
15-Oct-18 Mon 278 282.75 281.6
12-Oct-18 Fri 268.9 277.5 274.7
11-Oct-18 Thu 265.55 269.25 265.2
10-Oct-18 Wed 270 271.3 270.05
9-Oct-18 Tue 276 276 268.5
8-Oct-18 Mon 279.3 279.3 273.45
5-Oct-18 Fri 287 287.55 277.15
4-Oct-18 Thu 292.5 295.65 287.25
3-Oct-18 Wed 299.7 299.7 294.6
1-Oct-18 Tue 300.65 302.95 296.7
28-Sep-18 Fri 294.8 299.9 296.7
27-Sep-18 Thu 293 295 293.25
26-Sep-18 Wed 302.2 302.55 293
25-Sep-18 Tue 297.9 302.2 301.05
24-Sep-18 Mon 305 306.25 297.9
21-Sep-18 Fri 300.95 306.25 303.75
19-Sep-18 Wed 305 305.3 299.65
18-Sep-18 Tue 304.5 304.5 302.6
17-Sep-18 Mon 305.9 306.05 301.9
14-Sep-18 Fri 307.8 308.6 306.95
12-Sep-18 Thu 297.25 308.4 306.5
11-Sep-18 Tue 306.9 306.9 297.25
10-Sep-18 Mon 311 312 306.2
7-Sep-18 Fri 312 313.15 310.4
6-Sep-18 Thu 311 311.5 310.7
5-Sep-18 Wed 310.2 314 310.2
4-Sep-18 Tue 313 313 309.65
3-Sep-18 Mon 322.35 322.7 312.75
31-Aug-18 Fri 321.2 322.6 319.15
30-Aug-18 Thu 314.55 320 319.2
29-Aug-18 Wed 312.4 315.25 312.7
28-Aug-18 Tue 314 315.5 311.5
27-Aug-18 Mon 312.8 314.9 313.45
24-Aug-18 Fri 311.5 313 310.35
23-Aug-18 Thu 314 316.45 311.35
21-Aug-18 Tue 315 317 312.75
20-Aug-18 Mon 314.95 314.95 313.1
17-Aug-18 Fri 308 315.2 313.75
16-Aug-18 Thu 308.15 308.65 306.8
14-Aug-18 Tue 306.35 310.25 307.25
13-Aug-18 Mon 304.8 307.7 305.9
10-Aug-18 Fri 302 306.8 304.7
9-Aug-18 Thu 301 304.15 301.85
8-Aug-18 Wed 301 302.5 300.4
7-Aug-18 Tue 304 304 301.05
6-Aug-18 Mon 304.2 306.9 301.6
3-Aug-18 Fri 299.1 305.5 303.75
2-Aug-18 Thu 301 303.5 299.05
1-Aug-18 Wed 297.5 302.95 301.7
31-Jul-18 Tue 301.45 301.6 297.2
30-Jul-18 Mon 302.7 303.6 301.1
27-Jul-18 Fri 300 307 302.2
26-Jul-18 Thu 287 290.9 287.15
25-Jul-18 Wed 284.7 286.9 286.05
24-Jul-18 Tue 285.7 287 284.25
23-Jul-18 Mon 276 286.5 283.85
20-Jul-18 Fri 272.9 274.8 273.45
19-Jul-18 Thu 269.9 274.45 272.9
18-Jul-18 Wed 271.7 271.7 268.3
17-Jul-18 Tue 271.7 273 269.8
16-Jul-18 Mon 271 273.15 271.5
13-Jul-18 Fri 277 278.2 270.4
12-Jul-18 Thu 276.2 278.1 276.75
11-Jul-18 Wed 276.5 279.9 275.65
10-Jul-18 Tue 275.5 276.9 276.25
9-Jul-18 Mon 275 275.75 274.25
6-Jul-18 Fri 272.95 274.35 272.3
5-Jul-18 Thu 264.95 273.55 272.3
4-Jul-18 Wed 266 266.4 264.45
3-Jul-18 Tue 264 266.4 265.15
2-Jul-18 Mon 268 268 263.05
Descriptive Statistics of ITC Sensex
Open Price   High Price   Close Price  

Mean 290.905 Mean 293.277 Mean 289.862

9 3
Standard 1.49435 Standard 1.49106 Standard 1.47745
Error 3 Error 7 Error 9
Median 286.95 Median 290.3 Median 286.75
Mode 277 Mode 281.9 Mode 276.25
Standard 15.0922 Standard 15.0590 Standard 14.9216
Deviation 3 Deviation 4 Deviation
Sample 227.775 Sample 226.774 Sample 222.654
Variance 4 Variance 8 Variance 1
Kurtosis - Kurtosis - Kurtosis -
1.12448 1.19032 1.17224
Skewness 0.15860 Skewness 0.13067 Skewness 0.17493
6 1 3
Range 58.35 Range 56.3 Range 56.15
Minimum 264 Minimum 266.4 Minimum 263.05
Maximum 322.35 Maximum 322.7 Maximum 319.2
Sum 29672.4 Sum 29914.2 Sum 29565.9
5 5
Count 102 Count 102 Count 102
Confidence 2.96439 Confidence 2.95787 Confidence 2.93088
Level(95.0% 5 Level(95.0% 7 Level(95.0%
) ) )
Coefficient 0.00513 Coefficient 0.00508 Coefficient 0.00509
of variation 7 of variation 4 of variation 7

Paired t-test of ITC sensex data

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  Open Close
Price Price
Mean 290.905 289.862
9 3
Variance 227.775 222.654
4 1
Observations 102 102
Pearson Correlation 0.96696
Hypothesized Mean 0
Df 101
t Stat 2.72995
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.00373
t Critical one-tail 1.66008
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00747
t Critical two-tail 1.98373  

Groups of ITC Sensex data

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
286.25 287.05 287.8 288.85 290.05
284.65 286.35 284.7 284.3 278.15
278.45 277.85 278.5 279.2 280
286.4 281.9 281 281.9 285
285 283.55 280.9 289.5 290.55
292.95 291 289.6 269.25 291
282.75 283.8 291.95 295.65 277.5
279.3 276 271.3 295 287.55
306.25 302.95 299.7 308.4 299.9
306.05 302.2 302.55 311.5 306.25
312 304.5 305.3 320 308.6
322.7 306.9 314 316.45 313.15
314.9 313 315.25 308.65 322.6
314.95 315.5 302.5 304.15 313
307.7 317 302.95 303.5 315.2
306.9 310.25 286.9 290.9 306.8
303.6 304 271.7 274.45 305.5
286.5 301.6 279.9 278.1 307
273.15 287 266.4 273.55 274.8
275.75 273 278.2
268 276.9 274.35

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Averag Varian
e ce
Mon 21 6174. 294.00 256.83
2 95 82
Tue 22 6448. 293.12 227.88
7 27 64
Wed 19 5512. 290.15 206.04
9 26 82
Thu 19 5573. 293.33 237.69
3 16 12
Fri 21 6205. 295.48 234.75
15 33 11
Source of SS df MS F P- F crit
Variation value
Between 299.54 4 74.886 0.3213 0.8630 2.465
Groups 65 63 49 64 48
Within 22604. 97 233.03
Groups 71 82

Total 22904. 101        


HUL Sensex Data

Date Days Open Price High Price Close Price
30-Nov-18 Fri 1780 1796.7 1753.6
29-Nov-18 Thu 1743 1777 1765.35
28-Nov-18 Wed 1733 1748.7 1730.8
27-Nov-18 Tue 1741.9 1741.9 1732.65
26-Nov-18 Mon 1678 1749 1745.15
22-Nov-18 Thu 1690.1 1702.5 1674.65
21-Nov-18 Wed 1685.3 1706 1689.9
20-Nov-18 Tue 1705 1710 1693.55
19-Nov-18 Mon 1690.15 1709 1701.35
16-Nov-18 Fri 1705 1717.5 1690.75
15-Nov-18 Thu 1717.8 1727.95 1705.6
14-Nov-18 Wed 1672 1739 1718.2
13-Nov-18 Tue 1652 1678.75 1672.15
12-Nov-18 Mon 1675 1678.5 1653.85
9-Nov-18 Fri 1642.75 1678.9 1672.55
7-Nov-18 Wed 1634 1644 1640.05
6-Nov-18 Tue 1645 1651.5 1628.25
5-Nov-18 Mon 1639.7 1648.8 1638.25
2-Nov-18 Fri 1616.05 1645.9 1633.6
1-Nov-18 Thu 1628.5 1628.5 1611.3
31-Oct-18 Wed 1590 1620 1617.85
30-Oct-18 Tue 1555 1601.65 1592.25
29-Oct-18 Mon 1561 1561 1553.85
26-Oct-18 Fri 1570 1579.25 1560.45
25-Oct-18 Thu 1590 1594.5 1577
24-Oct-18 Wed 1556 1591 1585.6
23-Oct-18 Tue 1583.95 1583.95 1553.85
22-Oct-18 Mon 1583 1590 1584.95
19-Oct-18 Fri 1556.9 1584.45 1579.2
17-Oct-18 Wed 1565 1575.9 1561.05
16-Oct-18 Tue 1535 1557.15 1544.35
15-Oct-18 Mon 1563.7 1594.95 1526.6
12-Oct-18 Fri 1549.15 1578 1568.65
11-Oct-18 Thu 1500 1539 1528.5
10-Oct-18 Wed 1520 1541 1527.1
9-Oct-18 Tue 1560.05 1569.5 1514.75
8-Oct-18 Mon 1559.45 1570.05 1557.25
5-Oct-18 Fri 1573 1573.45 1559.45
4-Oct-18 Thu 1610 1610 1573.85
3-Oct-18 Wed 1642 1642 1622.05
1-Oct-18 Tue 1608 1650.55 1642.85
28-Sep-18 Fri 1625 1627.15 1607.65
27-Sep-18 Thu 1619.95 1623.8 1618.85
26-Sep-18 Wed 1638.4 1648.8 1610.7
25-Sep-18 Tue 1591 1657.25 1634.3
24-Sep-18 Mon 1629.5 1638.95 1591
21-Sep-18 Fri 1650 1657.2 1621.65
19-Sep-18 Wed 1668.5 1679 1648.9
18-Sep-18 Tue 1622.9 1671.2 1666.15
17-Sep-18 Mon 1630.15 1630.15 1604.05
14-Sep-18 Fri 1634.1 1648.7 1630.15
12-Sep-18 Thu 1595 1636.5 1627.95
11-Sep-18 Tue 1617.95 1629.7 1591.45
10-Sep-18 Mon 1637 1638.95 1610.55
7-Sep-18 Fri 1614 1644.75 1638.95
6-Sep-18 Thu 1621 1636 1608.05
5-Sep-18 Wed 1645 1647.6 1611
4-Sep-18 Tue 1705.95 1705.95 1651.4
3-Sep-18 Mon 1781 1786 1699.05
31-Aug-18 Fri 1777 1789.5 1780.6
30-Aug-18 Thu 1750 1778.9 1771.35
29-Aug-18 Wed 1780 1780 1759
28-Aug-18 Tue 1791.65 1791.65 1770.8
27-Aug-18 Mon 1788 1796.35 1791.65
24-Aug-18 Fri 1776 1788.2 1781.75
23-Aug-18 Thu 1766 1782 1771.9
21-Aug-18 Tue 1779.7 1785 1752.4
20-Aug-18 Mon 1780.15 1807.75 1775.4
17-Aug-18 Fri 1740 1785 1780.8
16-Aug-18 Thu 1747.1 1751.75 1735.2
14-Aug-18 Tue 1733 1759.45 1747.1
13-Aug-18 Mon 1743 1755.55 1732.9
10-Aug-18 Fri 1764.9 1764.9 1748.7
9-Aug-18 Thu 1762 1764 1753.5
8-Aug-18 Wed 1730.4 1757.1 1753.4
7-Aug-18 Tue 1749.95 1749.95 1730.4
6-Aug-18 Mon 1764.95 1764.95 1730.5
3-Aug-18 Fri 1750 1764.85 1759.45
2-Aug-18 Thu 1739 1759.8 1749
1-Aug-18 Wed 1731.6 1742.9 1733.1
31-Jul-18 Tue 1689 1734.6 1731.6
30-Jul-18 Mon 1669.5 1691 1689
27-Jul-18 Fri 1668.05 1671.85 1657.55
26-Jul-18 Thu 1654.1 1680.45 1668.3
25-Jul-18 Wed 1668 1678 1655.35
24-Jul-18 Tue 1690.15 1708.9 1668
23-Jul-18 Mon 1670 1700.45 1686.6
20-Jul-18 Fri 1652 1670 1656.2
19-Jul-18 Thu 1651.7 1669.45 1648.1
18-Jul-18 Wed 1694 1696.95 1643.8
17-Jul-18 Tue 1770 1779.95 1683.75
16-Jul-18 Mon 1759 1779 1753.85
13-Jul-18 Fri 1744 1749.65 1741.15
12-Jul-18 Thu 1717.15 1748 1739.05
11-Jul-18 Wed 1678 1717.5 1714.1
10-Jul-18 Tue 1697 1697.65 1687.25
9-Jul-18 Mon 1681 1699 1694.1
6-Jul-18 Fri 1684.55 1696.35 1678.95
5-Jul-18 Thu 1671.15 1690.75 1684.1
4-Jul-18 Wed 1642.75 1681 1676.15
3-Jul-18 Tue 1645 1660 1642.75
2-Jul-18 Mon 1644.9 1647.4 1644.2

Descriptive Statistics of ITC data

Open Price   High Price   Close Price  

Mean 1667.8161 Mean 1684.9269 Mean 1665.76

76 61 1
Standard 7.1840250 Standard 7.0433007 Standard 7.13632
Error 6 Error 64 Error 6
Median 1668.275 Median 1679.725 Median 1667.07
Mode 1645 Mode 1717.5 Mode 1553.85
Standard 72.555096 Standard 71.133850 Standard 72.0733
Deviation 57 Deviation 85 Deviation 6
Sample 5264.2420 Sample 5060.0247 Sample 5194.57
Variance 38 Variance 36 Variance
Kurtosis - Kurtosis - Kurtosis -
0.8687901 1.0018695 0.95889
52 32
Skewness - Skewness - Skewness -
0.0965483 0.1236848 0.12922
15 34
Range 291.65 Range 268.75 Range 276.9
Minimum 1500 Minimum 1539 Minimum 1514.75
Maximum 1791.65 Maximum 1807.75 Maximum 1791.65
Sum 170117.25 Sum 171862.55 Sum 169907.
Count 102 Count 102 Count 102
Confidence 14.251172 Confidence 13.972013 Confidence 14.1565
Level(95.0 86 Level(95.0 71 Level(95.0 5
%) %) %)
Coefficient 0.0043074 Coefficient 0.0041801 Coefficient 0.00428
of variation 44 of variation 82 of variation 4

Group of HUL Sensex data for Market opening price

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1678 1741.9 1733 1743 1780
1690.15 1705 1685.3 1690.1 1705
1675 1652 1672 1717.8 1642.75
1639.7 1645 1634 1628.5 1616.05
1561 1555 1590 1590 1570
1583 1583.95 1556 1500 1556.9
1563.7 1535 1565 1610 1549.15
1559.45 1560.05 1520 1619.95 1573
1629.5 1608 1642 1595 1625
1630.15 1591 1638.4 1621 1650
1637 1622.9 1668.5 1750 1634.1
1781 1617.95 1645 1766 1614
1788 1705.95 1780 1747.1 1777
1780.15 1791.65 1730.4 1762 1776
1743 1779.7 1731.6 1739 1740
1764.95 1733 1668 1654.1 1764.9
1669.5 1749.95 1694 1651.7 1750
1670 1689 1678 1717.15 1668.05
1759 1690.15 1642.75 1671.15 1652
1681 1770 1744
1644.9 1697 1684.55

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Averag Varian
e ce
Mon 21 35128. 1672.7 5496.7
15 69 57
Tue 22 36669. 1666.7 5889.4
15 8 71
Wed 19 31473. 1656.5 4350.6
95 24 98
Thu 19 31773. 1672.2 5370.4
55 92 91
Fri 21 35072. 1670.1 5981.9
45 17 77
Source of SS df MS F P- F crit
Variation value
Between 3453.4 4 863.36 0.1585 0.9586 2.465
Groups 6 51 4 82 48
Within 528235 97 5445.7
Groups 22

Total 531688 101        


Group of HUL Sensex data for Market closing price

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1745.15 1732.65 1730.8 1765.35 1753.6
1701.35 1693.55 1689.9 1674.65 1690.75
1653.85 1672.15 1718.2 1705.6 1672.55
1638.25 1628.25 1640.05 1611.3 1633.6
1553.85 1592.25 1617.85 1577 1560.45
1584.95 1553.85 1585.6 1528.5 1579.2
1526.6 1544.35 1561.05 1573.85 1568.65
1557.25 1514.75 1527.1 1618.85 1559.45
1591 1642.85 1622.05 1627.95 1607.65
1604.05 1634.3 1610.7 1608.05 1621.65
1610.55 1666.15 1648.9 1771.35 1630.15
1699.05 1591.45 1611 1771.9 1638.95
1791.65 1651.4 1759 1735.2 1780.6
1775.4 1770.8 1753.4 1753.5 1781.75
1732.9 1752.4 1733.1 1749 1780.8
1730.5 1747.1 1655.35 1668.3 1748.7
1689 1730.4 1643.8 1648.1 1759.45
1686.6 1731.6 1714.1 1739.05 1657.55
1753.85 1668 1676.15 1684.1 1656.2
1694.1 1683.75 1741.15
1644.2 1687.25 1678.95

Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Averag Varian
e ce
Mon 21 34964 1664.9 5938.6
.1 57 31
Tue 22 36532 1660.5 4942.8
45 74
Wed 19 31498 1657.7 4338.8
.1 95 75
Thu 19 31811 1674.2 5732.3
.6 95 99
Fri 21 35101 1671.5 5844.9
.8 14 55
Source of SS df MS F P- F crit
Variation value
Between 3896.5 4 974.13 0.1814 0.9475 2.465
Groups 53 81 51 13 48
Within 520755 97 5368.6
Groups 08

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