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The Air Around Us

1 The table shows the percentage of three gases in inhaled and exhaled air.

Percentage of gas
Inhaled air Exhaled air
Nitrogen 78 78
Oxygen 21 16
Carbon dioxide 0.03 4

The percentage of oxygen gas decreases because it

A is trapped in the heart

B is used in respiration
C is lost through transpiration
D flows through the whole body

PMR 2005

2 Which comparison between combustion and respiration is correct?

Combustion Respiration
A Uses oxygen Produces oxygen
B Produces oxygen Does not produce energy
C Occurs outside the living cell Occurs inside the living cell
D Occurs in dark condition only Occurs in bright and dark conditions

PMR 2005
3 Diagram 2 shows an experiment to investigate the percentage of oxygen in air.

Gas jar


Diagram 2

The following are steps taken during the experiment.

P - Place a lighted candle in a gas jar

Q - Observe the level of water rise in the gas jar as the flames goes out
R - Mark the space above the water level in the gas jar into five equal parts

Which of the following sequences is correct?

PMR 2006

4 What are the products of combustion of a candle?

A Nitrogen and oxygen

B Water vapour and oxygen
C Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
D Water vapour and carbon dioxide
PMR 2007
5 Diagram 3 shows a student blowing up a balloon.

Diagram 3

Why does the balloon become bigger?

A Air occupies space

B Air expand
C Air has mass
D Air is light
PMR 2008

6 Which of the following are the correct matches between the gas used and the process
related to it?
Gas used Process
I Oxygen Respiration
II Carbon dioxide Combustion
III Oxygen Transpiration
IV Carbon dioxide Photosynthesis

A I and II
B I and IV
C II and III
D III and IV
PMR 2008

7 Which step is implemented to prevent and control air pollution?

A Used leaded fuel

B Practice car-pooling system
C Smoke in public places
D Practice open burning
PMR 2008
8 Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the products of combustion.

Diagram 4

The kerosene is lit and a liquid is collected in test tube P.

What will happen to the blue cobalt chloride paper and the lime water?

Blue cobalt chloride Lime water

A Turns pink Turns cloudy
B Remains blue Remains clear
C Remains blue Turns cloudy
D Remains clear
PMR 2008
1 (a) Diagram 1 shows the composition of air.


Inert gases


Diagram 1

(i) On Diagram 1, label gases P,Q and R using the following words:

Carbon dioxide Oxygen Nitrogen

(3 marks)

(i) State the percentage of carbon dioxide in air.

(1 mark)

(b) Draw lines to match oxygen with its properties.


• Slightly soluble in water

• Very soluble in sodium hydroxide solution

Oxygen •

• Ignites a glowing wooden splinter

• Changes a moist blue litmus paper to red

(2 marks)

PMR 2008

The Air Around Us

Paper 1
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. A

Paper 2
(a) (i) P – Oxygen

Q - Carbon dioxide
R – Nitrogen
(ii) 0.03%
(iii) Slightly soluble in water
Ignites a glowing wooden splinter

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