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Synopsis (1st Draft)


Throughout my life there has been a recurrent image in my mind about feeling
nauseous under different circumstances in my childhood at the sight of human blood, open
wounds, accidents, etc. I remember feeling embarrassed to admit my fragility and getting
unconscious when I saw the fresh wound after my brother’s operation. But gradually
growing up I got used to such sights and I ceased reacting to it with the same intensity.
This process of desensitisation through repeated exposure either directly or indirectly to
acts of violence or natural disasters or accidents has been interesting me for sometime.

While growing up we start studying history from Class 4 learning to chronicle

invasions and conquests and building of big empires - all resulting from blood and gore in
wars. Being sensitive and showing fear is not something that is particularly rewarded
among little boys on a playground - so one learns how to best hide one’s feelings and put
up a charade of bravado. And as you are constantly conditioning yourself to not react to
the little things you grow up adjusting and adapting to your surroundings.

Since this discussion on adaptability started out with the sight of blood and gradual
desensitisation of my reaction to it I was inclined to look at professions like that of a
surgeon or a slaughterhouse worker who conditioned themselves to deaden that icky
feeling one might get when starting out training for it. I want to understand the psychology
of the process of desensitisation through repetitive exposure to events in experience and
through news and different visuals in popular media.

In the film I want the viewer to go on a journey of gradual desensitisation towards

certain images - images that can shock when put out of context but when a discussion
evolves around it and you learn to view it through different perspectives you start to bear
with it somehow I feel. I want explore that treatment in my narrative.

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