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1. I have encountered many organisms including bacteria ,algae , and many more to discover.

2. Some of the interactions that occur is how do some organisms survive in cold or hot weather.
3. Models are important because ecologists need them to control the number of variables and
scientists need them to measure the effect of each variable one at a time , on the model.
4. Biosphere is the portion of the earth that supports life.
5. My plants depend on the little animals that feed off them and there isn’t much rainfall to rain
on it.
6. Tolerance and limiting factor have a relationship because they both see what the organisms
need or how much or less they need.
7. The graph represents how much of the steelhead trout tolerates the temperature between
13’c and 21’c.
8. Other types of biomes that can be found in the biosphere are plant , animal on land, rivers ,
lakes and much more.
9. all rabbits living on earth
10. If all the resources are gone then all the growing of the population will keep on decreasing
and decreasing.
11. Habitat and niche are the same they give the organisms what they need but in different
12. I have seen a dog capture a running chicken and a bird capture a fish.
13. Mutualism

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