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BENITEZ, Jewel Ann Q.

Block 6 B.S. Accountancy

BME 12: Human Behavior in Organizations

Discussion Questions in Chapter 10

1. Have you ever experienced a constructive conflict? What happened? How was the
disagreement resolved?
We all experience constructive conflict. One of mine was always in teams. When I work
with teams, I often silence myself because I don’t want to offend other people. Later on I
realise that it actually helps. It helps what to improve, what not to do, what to follow and
what character is to avoid. A good communication often resolves this kind of disagreement.

2. Have you ever experienced dysfunctional conflict? What happened? Why was the conflict
not resolved earlier?
I experienced this dysfunctional conflict with one of my friends. Sometimes frienship with
other people tend to hinder what you really want to be just to be fit on. I am not that kind of
person who “fits” so I follow what I want to become. And then there goes this friends who
like to change me. Eventually, we resolved it by accepting each other. We have to, or else
we lose the person we love.

3. How can managers promote constructive conflict?

To promote constructive conflict, for me, managers must think as if they are also a
member. They should not forget to be a human just because of a status. Managers must
think and feel like members and eventually think of a solution applicable for everyone.
Manager must be sensitive of what situations can his/her members be at their highest

4. Which of the conflicts causes do you feel is most challenging to a manager? Why?
I think every conflict is challenging to managers but the the hardest for me is basically
the task conflict. I mean, how would you call yourself a team if in basics, you do not agree in
the first place, like a simple task? If there is no unison is task, then probably an organization
won’t last in the long run.

5. Think about a current conflict you are experiencing with a coworker, friend, or family
member. Which if Glasl’s conflict stages are you in? What can you do to keep the conflict
from excalating to the next level.
I am a person who value peace. Conflicts in my life tend to be small, usually with friends.
So I think I am in stage one of Glasl’s conflict: Hardening. I deeply understand that every
people percieves things differently. I often resolve this conflict through lowering my
nonsense prise and communicating with the other party.

6. If two of your subordinates were experiencing relationship conflict, what would you do to
manage it? Why?
To manage individual differences, I tend to manage it by making both parties the value
of acceptance. Why it is necessary and why it is important. Somehow, we always want to be
accepted yet knows not how to accept other people. We have to learn the value of
acceptance especially in working with other people. It’s a good thought that you are the one
who accepts they way people act before sleeping at night.
7. If two of your subordinates were experiencing task conflict, what would you do to manage it?
Being a good listener I think is the best way to resolve a conflict. Well for me, people
argue because people always want to talk and no one wants to listen. This is the way I
manage conflicts because I want people to know that if there is a 99 people who wants to
talk, I am the sole who wants to listen.

8. What would you do to minimize the potential for negative outcomes in cross-cultural
To minimize potential negative outcomes of cross-cultural negotations, we have to make
efforts of understanding them. It is like a simple thought of accepting your friends for the way
they are because you aren’t raised by the same mum. International perspectives are the
same. We have to make adjustments, say for example, making an effort to learn their norms
or understanding their language. It is not much but at least you are making a step to avoid

9. What would have to happen for you to fully accept and cooperate with a mediator’s
recommended settlement?
I would like to accept a mediator’s recommended settlement when it is for the common
good. I think it would be best to think for the common good of everyone rather than being
selfish and thinking for self interest. I am ready to cooperate if it’s for everyones sake.

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