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1.) Compare P2P and Client server system?

Client-Server Peer-to-Peer
1.There is a specific server and specific 1.Clients and server are not distinguished;
clients connected to the server. each node act as client and server.
2.The client request for service and server 2.Each node can request for services and
respond with the service. can also provide the services.
3.It mainly focus on Sharing the
3.It mainly focus on Connectivity.
4.The data is stored in a centralized server.4.Each peer has its own data.
5.When several clients request for the 5.As the services are provided by several
services simultaneously, a server can get servers distributed in the peer-to-peer
bottlenecked. system, a server in not bottlenecked.
6.The client-server are expensive to 6.Peer-to-peer are less expensive to
implement. implement.
7.Peer-toPeer suffers if the number of
7.Client-Server is more stable and scalable.
peers increases in the system.

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