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遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

Lesson 1: The Big Rocks and the Jar

I. 字彙測驗

__________ 1. I saw the b ts of glass on the ground, but don’t know who broke the
__________ 2. We can put s d in these bags and use them to keep the flood water
__________ 3. To be successful in business, you need to understand the c t of risk.
__________ 4. While I was p ring myself a glass of juice, I spilled some on my white
__________ 5. Happily, everything on our wedding day went according to s le.
__________ 6. I asked Mom to let me stay out late, but she r ied with a loud no.
__________ 7. I am not going to discuss my p l life with a stranger.
__________ 8. If you want to ask a question during the exam, please r se your hand.
__________ 9. She ate the w le cake herself. No wonder she feels sick!
__________ 10. I won’t leave her u s she doesn’t need me anymore.
__________ 11. A lot of dust had s led on the furniture while we were away.
__________ 12. I carried a b t of water to the garden for Grandma to water the plants
__________ 13. Urban apartment dwellers tend to be w y of unfamiliar faces.
__________ 14. The boy opened the j r and took out some cookies.
__________ 15. Cut the lemon in half and s ze the juice onto the grilled fish.
__________ 16 Thomas Edison is the _______ (science) I admire the most; he said
that genius is 1 percent inspiration(靈感)and 99 percent
__________ 17. The _______ (grow) of the world’s population has increased rapidly
in the last fifty years.
__________ 18. The famous chef has a popular TV show in which she gives cooking
_______ (demonstrate).
__________ 19. The factory _______ (product) 10,000 motorcycles a month.
__________ 20. You can get a lot of _______ (inform) for your report by looking at
these websites.

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

II. 語法測驗

( ) 1. The _____ girl burst into tears when the naughty boys called her “carrot-top.”
(A) red hair (B) hair-red (C) red-hairy (D) red-haired
( ) 2. During the break, some students stayed in the classroom, but _____ went outside.
(A) most (B) other (C) little (D) who
( ) 3. If you don’t try simply because you are wary _____, you won’t ever succeed.
(A) failing (B) to fail (C) of failing (D) to failing
( ) 4. The capacity of the elevator is 1,200 kilograms, but is it possible to squeeze
_____ so many people?
(A) off (B) in (C) out (D) with
( ) 5. One important point of her speech is _____ many animals are the victims of
human cruelty.
(A) for (B) about (C) that (D) which
( ) 6. Helium(氦) is lighter than air, so if you fill a balloon _____ it, the balloon will
float upwards.
(A) up (B) with (C) of (D) out
( ) 7. _____ on the Net takes up most of Victor’s time after work.
(A) It surfs (B) Surfs (C) Surfing (D) Surfed
( ) 8. When you feel lonely and need someone to talk to, _____ me a call.
(A) gave (B) giving (C) to give (D) give
( ) 9. My neighbor Mr. Smith is a _____ teacher in a high school.
(A) scientific (B) science (C) scientist (D) sciences
( )10. All the students _____ their hands, except Tom, who didn’t know the answer.
(A) rose (B) raised (C) arose (D) aroused

III. 句型結構

for the first/second/… time, S + V … 第一/二/……次

【例句 1】Hank was very nervous when he dated a girl for the first time.
【例句 2】When I invited Amy to the party for the second time, she changed her mind
and agreed to come.

no matter how + adj./adv. + S + V 不論如何……

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

【例句 1】No matter how hot it gets, she never takes her sweater off.
【例句 2】We won’t get there in time no matter how fast you drive.

the most important thing/point is (that) S + V …. 最重要的是……

【例句 1】The most important thing is that you remember to bring your ID card when
you enter the examination room.
【例句 2】To sum up, the most important point is that educational reform must begin soon.

Unless S + V …, S + V …. 除非……
S + V … unless S + V ….
【例句 1】Unless I win the lottery, I’ll never be able to live in a house like that one.
【例句 2】He’ll be here at six unless his flight is delayed.

If + S + V, S + will + V 如果……的話
S + will + V if + S + V
【例句 1】If you tell my secret to anybody else, I will never speak to you again.
【例句 2】Dad will buy me an iPhone 4S if I get an A on the exam.
如果我考試拿到 A 的話,爸爸會買一台 iPhone 4S 給我。

A. 選擇題:
( ) 1. If it ______ tomorrow, I will take my dog for a long walk.
(A) doesn’t rain (B) won’t rain (C) aren’t raining (D) shouldn’t rain
( ) 2. Kate really hurt me. I won’t talk to her again unless she ______ to me first.
(A) apology (B) apologizing (C) apologize (D) apologizes
( ) 3. The most important thing ______ you brush your teeth after you wake up.
(A) to be (B) is that (C) is for (D) that is
( ) 4. I won’t stay at that hotel no matter how _____.
(A) it cheap (B) cheap it is (C) cheap (C) it is cheap
( ) 5. He ignored me even when I spoke to him ______ the second time.
(A) by (B) with (C) for (D) beyond

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

B. 引導式翻譯:
6. 除非她改變工作態度,否則她很快就會失去工作。
__________ she changes her attitude to her job, she __________ soon be out of
7. 不管他多常約她,她就是不跟他出去約會。
She won’t go on a date with him __________ __________ __________ often he
asks her.
8. 最重要的一點就是這場意外中沒有人受傷。

C. 句子合併/改寫:
9.(用 the most important thing/point is that 合併)
People should fasten their seatbelts as soon as they get into a car.
It’s the most important thing.

10.(用 S + will + V if + S + V 改寫)

Dad will give me some money, but I have to wash his car.

IV. 搭配詞語

1. a bucket/can/… of 一水桶/罐/……的……
The little girl isn’t strong enough to carry a bucket of sand.
I bought a can of beans from the store.

2. pour sth. into sth. 把……倒進……

Please pour the sand into the tray for me.
She slowly poured the orange juice into the glass.

3. hold back 忍住;抑制

Louisa wanted to tell the man how stupid he was, but she held back.

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

Chris held back his anger and stayed calm.

4. fill up 裝滿
He filled up the glass with juice.
Peggy filled up the whole wall with photos of herself.

5. what is the point of …? 幹嘛還……?

You already know the answer, so what is the point of asking?
What is the point of waiting here when the last bus has already gone?

6. make time/room 硬是挪出時間/空間

I’ve been very busy lately, but I have to make time to go see my mother in the hospital.
There are only two people on the couch. I think they can make room for me.

A. 選擇題:

A. bucket of B. pour it into C. point of

D. make time for E. fills up F. hold back

( ) 1. The kids made a big sandcastle using a _____ damp sand and some shells.
( ) 2. We have plenty of eggs, so what is the _____ buying more?
( ) 3. If you can, _____ checking your answers at the end of the test.
( ) 4. Open that small bottle of red wine and _____ the soup.
( ) 5. Don’t _____! Tell me what you really think.
( ) 6. Every morning, my mother _____ that glass with milk.

B. 引導式翻譯:
7. 馬克把桌上的電腦移動一下,挪出空間給新的印表機。

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

Mark moved the computer on the desk a little bit to __________ __________
__________ the new printer.
8. 凱文壓抑住他對莎麗的感情,因為她是他最好朋友的女友。
Kevin __________ __________ his feelings for Sally because she is the girlfriend
of his best friend.
9. 人潮常常在尖峰時間擠滿捷運車廂。
The crowds usually __________ __________ the MRT carriages during rush hours.
10. 如果你不趕時間(in a rush),那幹什麼要搭計程車?

11. 她打開一罐綜合水果做雞尾酒。

V. 課文問答

1. What were the first objects that the teacher placed into the jar? (paragraph 1)

2. What happened to the gravel when the teacher added it to the jar? (paragraph 3)

3. How many times did the teacher ask the students if the jar were full? (paragraphs 1-7)

4. Why did the sand get saturated? (paragraph 9)

5. What was the teacher's purpose in giving the demonstration? (paragraph 10)

6. What do the big rocks in the jar represent? (paragraph 11)

VI. 綜合測驗

Sometimes it’s hard to know how ___1___ our time. Modern life is so busy that,
___2___ how hard we try, we never seem to have enough time for everything. There are
so many things we need to ___3___. We have to work, go to school, do homework, eat,
sleep, clean our rooms, ___4___. There is no way we can cope with everything ___5___
we plan our lives carefully. For example, we mustn’t fill our schedules ___6___

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

unimportant things that take up too much time. ___7___ too much attention to the little
things will make it hard to ___8___ what is important to us in life, ___9___ friends and
family, for example. If someone is making a schedule ___10___ the first time, they
really need to identify their priorities before doing anything else.

( ) 1. (A) spend (B) spending (C) have spent (D) to spend

( ) 2. (A) not (B) no matter (C) so that (D) even if
( ) 3. (A) lift up (B) stand out (C) squeeze in (D) put away
( ) 4. (A) and so (B) and so on (C) so and so (D) all the same
( ) 5. (A) because (B) unless (C) however (D) when
( ) 6. (A) with (B) from (C) about (D) by
( ) 7. (A) Give (B) Gives (C) We give (D) Giving
( ) 8. (A) go up to (B) make time for (C) take place in (D) look back on
( ) 9. (A) like (B) such (C) ever (D) so
( )10. (A) in (B) on (C) with (D) for

VII. 文意選填

There are many ways in which you can manage your time better. The first thing
you have to do is ___1___ yourself that there is always enough time for the ___2___
things. If something matters enough, you should be able to ___3___ time to do it. So,
you should continually look for ways to make ___4___ time. For example, by ___5___
your day in the early morning or the night before, you will ___6___ to decide what to
do first, second, and so on.
If you have been ___7___ at managing your time, it will be useful to look back at
your ___8___. Then you can look for ways to get rid of time-wasting habits. Also, try to
keep your ___9___ on what you are doing, and concentrate on one thing at a time.
Above all, look at all your time as valuable, and use every ___10___ as well as you can.

A. be able B. important C. free D. make E. mind

F. minute G. mistakes H. planning I. poor J. remind

1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________

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VIII. 閱讀測驗

People have not always been as concerned with the concept of keeping time as we
are now. The science of keeping time goes back only about six thousand years. Some
ancient societies used the shadows made by the sun to keep track of time during the day.
Usually, a tall, slender object would be raised in a central place, and people used its
shadow to schedule their activities. Of course, this instrument—called a sundial—could
only be used during the day, and only when the sun was shining. At night, the
movement of stars could be tracked across the sky to determine the time, but this was
too difficult for the average person unless they had some special training.

To make it easier for people to tell time during the night, water clocks were
invented. A water clock is made from either a bucket or jar with a small hole in the
bottom. In the evening, the bucket is filled with water. As the water slowly drains out,
marks on the side of the bucket allow one to measure how much time has passed since
the bucket was filled up. Much later, a type of clock was invented that used sand instead
of water. On the whole, these clocks were not as accurate as modern ones, but they do
demonstrate the cleverness of their inventors.

( ) 1. According to the passage, the concept of keeping time ________.
(A) is understood only with special training
(B) was a big concern in ancient times
(C) is around six thousand years old
(D) appeared only in modern times

( ) 2. One disadvantage of using a sundial to keep time is that ________.

(A) it must be filled with water every evening
(B) it requires some special training
(C) it can only be done on a sunny day
(D) it is located in a place that is hard to find

( ) 3. According to the passage, how does using the stars to tell time compare to using a
water clock?
(A) Using the stars is equally accurate.
(B) Using the stars is much more accurate.
(C) Using the stars is much easier to do.
(D) Using the stars is more difficult to do.

遠東高一(乙版)三合一學生手冊 LESSON 1

( ) 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article as helping people to

determine the time?
(A) Stones.
(B) Sand.
(C) Water.
(D) Stars.

( ) 5. What do these ancient clocks tell us about their inventors?

(A) They had special scientific training.
(B) They were creative and intelligent.
(C) They worshipped the stars.
(D) They were not concerned with accuracy.

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