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Menu menu Pada Program Microsoft Excel

1. Menu File
a. New
b. Open
c. Close
d. Save As
e. Save
f. Save As Web Page
g. Save Wordspace
h. File Search
i. Permission
j. Web Page Preview
k. Page Setup
l. Print Area
m. Print Previeew
n. Print
o. Send to
p. Exit
2. Menu Edit
a. Undo
b. Redo
c. Cut
d. Copy
e. Office Clipboard
f. Paste
g. Paste Spesial
h. Paste As hyperlink
i. Fill
j. Clear
k. Delete Sheet
l. Delete
m. Move Or Copy Sheet
n. Find
o. Replace
p. Go To
3. Menu View
a. Nor,mal
b. Page Break Preview
c. Task Pane
d. Toolbars
e. Formula Bar
f. Status Bar
g. Header And Footer
h. Comments
i. Customs View
j. Full Screen
k. Zoom
4. Menu Insert
a. Cell
b. Rows
c. Columns
d. Worksheet
e. Chart
f. Symbol
g. Page Break
h. Function
i. Name
j. Comment
k. Picture
l. Diagram
m. Object
n. Hyperlink
5. Menu Format
a. Cell
b. Low
c. Column
d. Sheet
e. Auto Format
f. Conditional Formating
g. Style
6. Menu Tools
a. Spelling
b. Research
c. Error Checking
d. Track Changes
e. Compare And Merge Wordbooks
f. Protection
g. Online Colobration
h. Goal Seek
i. Scenarios
j. Formula Auditing’
k. Makro
l. Add-Ins
m. Auto Correct Option
n. Custommize
o. Options
7. Menu Data
a. Short
b. Filter
c. Subtotal
d. Validation
e. Table
f. Text To Columns
g. Consolidate
h. Group And Outline
i. Pivol Tabel and Pivot chart Report
j. Import External Data
k. Refresh Data
8. Menu Window
a. New Window
b. Arrange
c. Unhide
d. Spilt
e. Freeze Panes
9. Menu Help
a. Microsoft Excel Help
b. Show the Office Assistannt
c. Microsoft Excel Online
d. Contact Us
e. Check For Updates
f. Detect and Repair
g. About Microsoft office excel

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