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• Search of moving vehicles

If the object seized is in inside a closed • Consented warrantless search
package, is it seized in plain view? • Customs search
• Stop and frisk situations (Terry Search)
An object is in plain view if the object itself is • Exigent and emergency circumstances
plainly exposed to sight. Where the object seized
was inside a closed package, the object itself is An object is in plain view if the object itself is
not in plain view and therefore cannot be seized plainly exposed to sight. Where the object seized
without a warrant. was inside a closed package, the object itself is
not in plain view and therefore cannot be seized
Caballes v. Court of Appeals without a warrant. If the package is such that an
Petitioner was the driver of a passenger jeep experienced observer could infer from its
covered with “kakawati” leaves. Upon suspecting appearance that it contains the prohibited
that the jeep was loaded with smuggled goods, article, then the article is deemed in plain view.
two police officers flagged down such vehicle.
Police officers checked the cargo and discovered It is clear from the records that the cable wires
bundles of 3.08 mm aluminum/galvanized were not exposed to sight because they were
conductor wires exclusively owned by NPC. The placed in sacks and covered with leaves. The
wires were turned over to the Police Station articles were neither transparent nor
Commander of Pasanjan, Laguna. immediately apparent to the police authorities.
They had no clue as to what was hidden
Petitioner’s arguments: underneath the leaves and branches. As a matter
The flagging down of his vehicle merely on of fact, they had to ask petitioner what was
suspicion, does not constitute probable cause loaded in his vehicle. in such a case, it has been
that will justify a warrantless search and seizure. held that the object is not in plain view which
He insists that he did not give any consent to the could have justified mere seizure of the articles
search of the vehicle. without further search.

Respondent’s arguments: People vs. Nuevas

A warrantless search of a moving vehicle is PO3 Fami and SPO3 Cabling received
justified on grounds of practicability. It was ruled information that a certain male person, with a
that automobiles because of their mobility may tattoo on the upper right hand, and usually
be searched without a warrant upon facts not wearing a sando and maong pants would make a
justifying warrantless search of a resident or delivery of marijuana dried leaves. While
office. stationed thereat, they saw a male person who fit
the description, carrying a plastic bag later
Issue: identified as Nuevas, they accosted him and
Whether or not the constitutional right of informed him that they are police officers. In
petitioner was violated when the police officers Nuevas’ bid to escape charges, he disclosed
searched his vehicle and seized the wires found where the two other male persons would make
therein without a search warrant were admitted the delivery of marijuana. The police officers
in evidence as basis for his conviction together with Nuevas approached 2 persons who
were also carrying plastic bags. The officers took
Ruling: the bag and upon found marijuana packed in
The constitutional proscription against newspaper and wrapped therein.
warrantless searches and seizures is not
absolute by admits of certain exceptions, namely: Petitioner’s arguments:
The instant case is exempted from the
• Warrantless search incidental to a lawful requirement of a judicial warrant as appellants
• Seizure of evidence in plain view
have waived their right against unreasonable door open and entered the house. They found in
searches and seizures. 12 small heat-sealed transparent plastic bags
and a paper clip box a white crystalline
Ruling: substance. They also found two bricks of dried
The searches could not be justified under the leaves, which appeared to be marijuana wrapped
plain view doctrine. in newsprint.

An object is in plain view if it is plainly exposed Issue:

to sight. Where the object seized was inside a Whether or not the requisites for the plain-view
closed package, the object itself is not in plain doctrine were complied by the authorities in
view and therefore cannot be seized without a seizing the marijuana
warrant. However, if the package proclaims its
contents, whether by its distinctive Ruling:
configuration, its transparency, or if its contents Under the plain view doctrine, unlawful objects
are obvious to an observer, then the contents are within the plain view of an officer who has the
in plain view and may be seized. In other words, right to be in the position to have that view are
if the package is such that an experienced subject to seizure and may be presented in
observer could infer from its appearance that it evidence. For this to apply, there must be:
contains the prohibited article, then the article is
deemed in plain view. It must be immediately • Prior justification
apparent to the police that the items that they • Inadvertent discovery of the evidence
observe may be evidence of a crime, contraband • Immediate apparent illegality of the
or otherwise subject to seizure. evidence before the police

Records show that the dried marijuana leaves Because the location of the shabu was indicated
were inside the plastic bags and were not readily in the warrant and thus known to the police
apparent or transparent to the police officers. It operatives, it is reasonable to assume that the
cannot therefore be said that the items were in police found the packets of shabu first. Once the
plain view, which could have justified mere valid portion of the search warrant has been
seizure of the articles without further search. executed, the plain view doctrine can no longer
provide any basis for admitting the other items
29. subsequently found.
Is it possible for a search and seizure to be
invalid if a prior search and seizure was Moreover, the marijuana bricks were wrapped in
made pursuant to a lawful search warrant? newsprint. There was no apparent illegality to
justify their seizure. Not being in a transparent
Yes, if the articles seized were not indicated in container, the contents wrapped in newsprint
the warrant and were found only after the could not have been readily discernible as
seizure of the articles specifically indicated by marijuana.
the warrant. Case in point is People v. Salanguit
where the court held inadmissible as evidence 30.
the marijuana taken by the authorities, who Inquire into the case of United Laboratories v.
justified their seizure by a warrant specifically Isip. 1 Expound the requirement of
authorizing them to obtain only shabu. inadvertence and the ‘immediately apparent’
test explained by the Supreme Court in said
People v. Salanguit case.
A group of policemen along with one civilian
informer went to the residence of accused-
appellant to serve the warrant which authorized
the seizure of shabu. The officers knocked on the 1 G.R. No. 163858, 28 June 2005.
door but nobody opened it, thus they forced the
United Laboratories v. Isip Requirement of Inadvertence
UNILAB hired a private investigator to This means that the officer must not have known
investigate a place purported to be in advance the location of the evidence and
manufacturing fake UNILAB products, especially intend to seize it. Discovery is not anticipated.
Revicon multivitamins. The agent took
photographs where the clandestine Immediately Apparent
manufacturing operation was taking place. The immediate requirement means that the
UNILAB then sought the help of the NBI, which executing officer can, at the time of the
thereafter filed an application for the issuance of discovery, determine probable cause of the
a search warrant. The court issued a search object’s incriminating evidence. To be
warrant directing the police to seize “finished or immediate, probable cause must be the direct
unfinished products of UNILAB, particularly result of the officer’s instantaneous sensory
REVICON multivitamins.” No fake Revicon was perception of the object. The object is apparent if
however found; instead, the authorities seized the executing officer had probable cause to
sealed boxes, which contained Disudrin and connect the object to criminal activity. The
Inoflox. incriminating nature of the evidence becomes
apparent in the course of the search, without the
Petitioner’s arguments: benefit of any unlawful search or seizure. It must
Seizure of the items was justified by the plain be apparent at the moment of seizure.
view doctrine
Respondent’s arguments:
Items seized were contained in boxes at the time 31.
of the seizure and were not apparently Suppose a police officer is on a routine patrol
incriminating on plain view. Moreover, the items duty and he observes two people outside a
were not those described and itemized in the variety store. Both his experience and
search warrant application nor the warrant training tell him that their acts are consistent
issued by the court. with acts of people with criminal designs
although he has no concrete facts showing
Ruling: probable cause that a crime has been
Objects, articles or papers not described in the committed or that it is actually being
warrant but on plain view of the executing committed. He knows that mere suspicion is
officer may be seized by him. However, the not sufficient to make a valid arrest, but his
seizure by the officer of the instincts honed by years of experience in the
objects/articles/papers not described in the streets tell him something untoward is
warrant cannot be presumed as plain view. The imminent. May he briefly stop the persons,
state must adduce testimonial or documentary ask them questions and engage in a
evidence to prove the confluence of the essential protective search for a concealed weapon
requirements for the doctrine to apply, namely: short of a full-scale arrest?

• The executing law enforcement officer Yes. As held in Terry v. Ohio, where a police
has prior justification for an initial officer observes unusual conduct which leads
intrusion him reasonably to conclude in light of his
• The officer must discover experience that a criminal activity may be afoot
incriminating evidence inadvertently and that the persons with whom he is dealing
• It must be immediately apparent to the with may be armed and presently dangerous,
police they the items they observe may where in the course of investigating this behavior
be evidence of a crime, contraband, or he identifies himself as a policeman and makes
otherwise subject to seizure reasonable inquiries and where nothing in the
initial stages of the encounter serves to dispel his
reasonable fear for his own or others’ safety, he is necessary for the discovery of weapons which
is entitled for the protection of himself and might be used to harm the officer or others
others in the area to conduct a carefully limited nearby, and may realistically be characterized as
search of the outer clothing of such persons in an something less than a full search, even though it
attempt to discover weapons which might be remains a serious intrusion.
used to assault him.
Further, on the distinction between protective
Terry v. Ohio search for weapons under stop-and-frisk on one
The officer noticed the Petitioner talking with hand, and arrest (and the search incidental
another individual on a street corner while thereof) on the other hand, it was declared that:
repeatedly walking up and down the same street.
The men would periodically peer into a store An arrest is intended to vindicate society’s
window and then talk some more. The men also interest in having its laws obeyed, and it is
spoke to a third man whom they eventually inevitably accompanied by future interference
followed up the street. The officer believed that with the individual’s freedom of movement. The
the Petitioner and the other men were “casing” a protective search for weapons on the other hand
store for a potential robbery. The officer decided constitutes a brief intrusion upon the sanctity of
to approach the men for questioning, and given the person. It does not follow that because an
the nature of the behavior the officer decided to officer may lawfully arrest a person only when
perform a quick search of the men before he is apprised of facts sufficient to warrant a
questioning. A quick frisking of the Petitioner belief that the person has committed or is
produced a concealed weapon and the Petitioner committing a crime, the officer is equally
was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. unjustified, absent that kind of evidence, in
making any intrusions short of an arrest.
Issue: Was the gun seized from Terry admissible There must be a narrowly drawn authority to
in evidence against him and thus his conviction permit a reasonable search for weapons for the
of carrying concealed weapon was proper? protection of the police officer, where he has
reason to believe that he is dealing with an
Ruling: armed and dangerous individual, regardless of
In assessing the reasonableness of stop-and-frisk whether he has probable cause to arrest the
as a valid form of warrantless search, the Court individual for a crime.
held that there is the more immediate interest of
the police officer in taking steps to assure 32.
himself that the person with whom he is dealing
is not armed with a weapon that could People v. Chua
unexpectedly and fatally be used against him. SPO2 Mario Nulud and PO2 Emmeraldo Nunag
received a report that Chua distributes illegal
When an officer is justified in believing that the drugs in different karaoke bars in Angeles City
individual whose suspicious behavior he is and was about to deliver one at the Thunder Inn
investigating at close range is armed and Hotel. The informer pointed to a car driven by
presently dangerous to the officer or to others, it Chua to which he alighted, carrying a sealed
would appear to be clearly unreasonable to deny Zest-O juice box. The officers hurriedly accosted
the officer the power to take necessary measures him and introduced themselves as police officers.
to determine whether the person is in fact As Chua pulled out his wallet, a small
carrying a weapon and to neutralize the threat of transparent plastic bag with a crystalline
physical harm. substance protruded from his right back pocket.
Forthwith, the authorities subjected him to a
A search for weapons in the absence of probable body search, which yielded 20 pieces of live
cause to arrest, however, must be strictly bullets and crystalline substance in the Zest-O
circumscribed by the exigencies, which justify its box.
initiation. Thus, it must be limited to that which
Issue: Whether or not the warrantless arrest, valid stop and frisk operation. The search/seizure of
search and seizure made upon Chua is valid the suspected shabu initially noticed in petitioner’s
possession – later voluntarily exhibited to the police
Ruling: The Court ruled that neither the in operative – was undertaken after she was
flagrante delicto nor the stop and frisk principles interrogated on what she placed inside a cigarette
are applicable to justify the warrantless arrest case, and after PO1 introduced himself to petitioenr
and consequent search and seizure. In acquitting as a police officer. And, at the time of her arrest,
the accused, the court noted the following petitioner was exhibiting suspicious behavior and in
circumstances: the appellant was first arrested fact attempted to flee after the police officer had
before the search and seizure of the alleged identified himself.
illegal items found in his possession; at the time
of the arrest, accused did not exhibit manifest What is/are the difference/s between a
unusual or suspicious conduct; the arrest of the search incidental to a lawful arrest and a
accused was not a product of an “on the spot” tip terry search or a stop and frisk?
which may excuse them from obtaining a
warrant of arrest. These two types of warrantless searches differ in
terms of the requisite quantum of proof before
Esquillo v. People they may be validly effected and in their
On the basis of an informant’s tip, PO1 Cruzin allowable Scope.
together with PO2 Aguas conducted surveillance on
the activities of an alleged notorious snatcher In a search incidental to a lawful arrest, the law
operating in the area. However, as PO1 Cruzin requires that the first be arrest before a search
alighted from the vehicle, he glanced at the can be made- the process cannot be reversed.
direction of petitioner who was standing three Assuming the a valid arrest, the arresting officer
meters away and seen placing inside a yellow may search the person of the arrestee and the
cigarette case what appeared to be a small hear- area within which the latter may reach for a
sealed rtansparent plastic sachet containing white weapon or for evidence to destroy, and seize any
substance. PO1 Cruz became suspicious when money or property found which was used in the
petitioner started acting strangely as he began to commission of the crime, or the fruit of the
approach her. He introduced himself as a police crime, or that which may be used as evidence, or
officer and inquired about the plastic sachet she was which might furnish the arrestee with the means
placing inside her cigarette case. In stead of of escaping or committing violence.
replying, petitioner attempted to flee to her house
nearby but was timely restrinaed by PO1 Cruzin On the other hand, in a stop and frisk, the
who requested her to take out the transpaarent apprehending police officer must have a genuine
plastic sachet from the cigarette case. Both the trial reason, in accordance with the police officer’s
and the appellate courts found herein petitioner experience and the surrounding conditions, to
guilty. Hence, the instant petition. warrant the belief that the person to be held has
weapons (or contraband) concealed about him.
Issue: Whether or not the stop and frisk principle in It should therefore be emphasized that a search
light of PO1 Cruzin’s failure to justify his suspicion and seizure should precede the arrest for this
that a crime was committed be invoked principle to apply. A stop and frisk is the act of a
police officer to stop a citizen on the street,
Ruling: interrogate him, and pat him for weapon(s) or
What is essential is that a genuine reason msut exist, contraband. The police officer should properly
in light of police officer’s experience and introduce himself and make initial inquiries,
surrounding conditions to warrant the belief that the approach and restrain a person who manifests
person who manifests unsual suspircious conduct unusual and suspicious conduct, in order to
has weapons or contraband concealed about him. check the latter’s outer clothing for possibly
From these standards, the Court finds that the concealed weapons.
questioned act of the police officers constituted a
What is the justification for allowing a terry

A terry search serves a two-fold interest: (1) the

general interest of effective crime prevention
and detection, which underlies the recognition
that a police officer may, under appropriate
circumstances and in an appropriate manner,
approach a person for purpose of investigating
possible criminal behavior even without
probable cause; and (2) the more pressing
interest of safety and self-preservation which
permit the police officer to take steps to assure
himself that the person with whom he deals is
not armed with a deadly weapon that could
unexpectedly and fatally be used against the
police officer.

What is the allowable scope of a stop and


The scope of a stop and frisk is considered as a

“limited protective search of outer clothing for
weapons,” as laid down in Terry v. Ohio.

Is ‘probable cause’ similar with ‘genuine

reason?’ What is required in order to
properly carry out a terry search?

No. A probable cause refers to the actual

knowledge of apparent facts and circumstances
antecedent to the issuance of a warrant that are
in themselves strong enough to justify a
reasonable man in the belief that he was acting
in lawful grounds for prosecuting a defendant.

Genuine reason on the other hand is dependent

on the police officer’s experience and
surrounding conditions to warrant the belief that
the person who manifests unusual suspicious
conduct has weapons or contraband concealed
about him. Such requisite quantum of proof is
essential in order to properly carry out a terry

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