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Chapter 43 a.

The sacrament must blessed and passed by

3 Nephi 18–22 those who have been ordained to do so
Some Doctrines and Principles
b. The sacrament is to be administered to all
 Worthily partaking of the worthy members of the Church
sacrament provides us with the
c. The bread and wine (water) represent the
companionship of the Holy Ghost
body and blood of the Savior
(see 3 Nephi 18:1–14, 28–32).
d. Partaking the sacrament helps us
 Prayers offered in faith help
remember how he suffered for our sins
bring to pass our righteous
e. His spirit will be with us if we remember
desires and prevent us from
being deceived by Satan
(see 3 Nephi 18:15–21). President James E. Faust (1920–2007) of the First
 Church members should Presidency explained that our worthiness to
partake of the sacrament is closely connected to
extend fellowship to all people our receiving the companionship of the Holy
(see 3 Nephi 18:22–32). Ghost:
 The companionship of the
“As we worthily partake of the sanctified
Holy Ghost is granted to us as we bread and water in remembrance of the
desire it and are worthy of it Savior’s sacrifice, we witness unto God the
(see 3 Nephi 19:6–13, 20–21). Father that we are willing to take upon us
 Jesus Christ is our Advocate the name of His Son and always remember
Him and to keep His commandments which
with the Father (see 3 Nephi He has given us. If we do these things, we
19:15–23). will always have His Spirit to be with us”
 Heavenly Father promised
He would gather Israel in the last read the sacrament prayers in Moroni
days (see 3 Nephi 20:11–29). 4:3 and 5:2. Encourage them to mark
 The Book of Mormon is what these verses say we must do to
instrumental in the gathering of enjoy the companionship of the Holy
Ghost. Have them share their answers.
Israel (see 3 Nephi 21:1–21).
 The Lord remembers His  How will “always remember[ing]”
covenant people with mercy and the Savior lead us to “always have his
everlasting kindness (see 3 Nephi Spirit”?
 God’s people and kingdom If we always remember Him, we observe
will triumph in the end ourselves that we change our past
lifestyle to be in pattern with His
(see 3 Nephi 22:14–17).
developing within ourselves and with
others, the Christ-like attributes He has.
3 Nephi 18:1–14, 28–32. Worthily In this way we are worthy and the Spirit
Partaking of the Sacrament Provides will be our guide in every pursuit of our
Us with the Companionship of the lives. As long as we choose and do what
is right.
Holy Ghost
Read 3 Nephi 18:1–14, 28–32 . Invite them to look Consider reading the statement by Elder
for at least five important truths the Savior taught Dallin H. Oaks on page 317 in the student
about the sacrament. Invite students to share the manual. In this statement, Elder Oaks
truths they find. Write these truths. explains the connection between worthily
partaking of the sacrament and receiving
Five truths about the Sacrament: the ministering of angels.
 Why do you think we need to pray
3 Nephi 18:15–21. Prayers Offered in in the name of Jesus Christ?
Faith Help Bring to Pass Our Because Jesus Christ is our mediator with
Righteous Desires and Prevent Us the Father. He’s like our connecting
from Being Deceived by Satan bridge to Father in heaven.
read 3 Nephi 18:15, 18.
 What do you think the phrase
 In these verses, what does the
“which is right” means in this passage?
Savior command us to do? Why?
(You may also want to refer students
The Savior commands us that we must to James 4:3.)
be very careful and be vigilant and that
we must pray always so that we would Things that we know for ourselves is true
not be tempted by Satan and not be led and if we ask in the Spirit according to
astray and captive by him. His will.

 What do you think it means to Read Doctrine and Covenants 46:30 with

“watch and pray always”? How does this students.
help us resist temptation?  According to this verse, what is the
key to asking for that which is right?
To watch and to pray always means that
in everything we do, we should ask for If we ask in Spirit according to God’s will.
His guidance, we should talk to the
Father in His name and yes, this does
help us resist temptation for our
connection the Lord will become stronger Share the following testimony of President Gordon B.
if we do this always. He’ll bless us with Hinckley (1910–2008), the 15th President of the
strength so as not be deceived. Church:

 After the Savior commanded His “God, our Eternal Father, lives. He is the
twelve disciples to “watch and pray Creator and Ruler of the universe and
always,” He gave the same command to yet He is our Father. He is the Almighty
all the people (see 3 Nephi 18:15–18). and is above all. He can be reached in
What can you learn from the fact that the prayer. … Does He hear a child’s
Savior taught both the disciples and the prayer? Of course He does. Does He
multitude to “watch and pray always”? answer it? Of course He does. Not
always as we might wish, but He
This means that the Savior is very answers. He hears and answers”
(Teachings of Gordon B.
mindful of us and sees each and every
Hinckley [1997], 468).
one of us as equals for we all are
Heavenly Father’s spirit children and this
manifests the truth that He never 3 Nephi 18:22–32. Church Members Should
changes and that His love for us is Extend Fellowship to All People
boundless. read 3 Nephi 18:22–25.
 In these verses, what are Church
members commanded to do?
read 3 Nephi 18:19–21. And
repeat verse 20: “And whatsoever ye Invite others to come unto Him, to pray
shall ask the Father in my name, which is for other people and to not cast them
right, believing that ye shall receive, out.
behold it shall be given unto you.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled:
“With the ever increasing number of Read 3 Nephi 18:28–29 with students.
converts, we must make an increasingly  Why do you think it is important to
substantial effort to assist them as they understand that these verses are
find their way. Every one of them needs directed specifically to priesthood leaders
three things: a friend, a responsibility, and not the general Church membership?
and nurturing with ‘the good word of
God’ (Moroni 6:4). It is our duty and Because the priesthood leaders have the
opportunity to provide these things” (in authority to do this commandment of the
Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 66; Lord.
or Ensign, May 1997, 47).
 What difference does it make to Read 3 Nephi 18:30–32 
extend an invitation as a friend rather  What specific instructions from
than because of an assignment? these verses should all members follow?

To extend an invitation as a friend is to Do not cast others that have done

do or act by your own choice. We have something that made them unworthy in
agency not to invite others but we what the eyes God, lest, we should minister
them to come unto Him, to listen and unto them and pray for them.
know the truth. Sometimes we are just
tasked by our leader to extend an
invitation, the sincerity and genuinely act
might not be present. 3 Nephi 21:1–21. The Book of Mormon Is
Instrumental in the Gathering of Israel
Read following encouragement from
Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of Read 3 Nephi 21:1–2, 7 , the phrase “these things
the Twelve Apostles which I declare unto you” refers to the Book of
“Brothers and sisters, my message is
urgent because we need to retain in full  What sign did the Lord say would
fellowship many more of the new show that the gathering of Israel had
converts and return to activity many begun?
more of the less active. I urge you to
increase the spirit of friendship and The bringing forth of the Book of
pure Christian fellowship in your Mormon.
neighborhoods. A new convert or
recently activated member should feel  In addition to being a sign of the
the warmth of being wanted and being gathering, how does the Book of Mormon
welcomed into full fellowship of the help people gather to the Lord’s Church?
Church. Members and leaders of the
Because it is an instrument we use to
Church should nurture and love them
as Jesus would” (in Conference Report, preach the restored gospel of Christ.
Oct. 1988, 36; or Ensign, Nov. 1988, 29).
Read the second paragraph of the title page of
Read 3 Nephi 18:26. the Book of Mormon.

 To whom is the Savior speaking  What does the Book of Mormon

here? declare to members of the house of
The disciples eg bishops, priesthood
leaders, who’ll confer the power of the That it is another account or testament of
Holy Ghost, pass the sacrament etc unto Jesus Christ.
other that are worthy to receive it.
Have a student read the following statement by Elder C. Scott
Grow of the Seventy, explaining the role of the Book of
Mormon in the latter-day gathering:

“Jesus Christ gave us the Book of

Mormon as the instrument to gather
scattered Israel [see 3 Nephi 21:7]. …
“The Book of Mormon is its own
witness to the people of Latin America
and of all nations. Its very coming forth
in these latter days bears witness that Complete the phrase
God has once again begun to gather
scattered Israel. …
“… The Book of Mormon: Another
Testament of Jesus Christ is the means
whereby people from all nations shall “I will always strive
be gathered into The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints” (in to remember the
Conference Report, Oct. 2005, 35–36;
or Ensign, Nov. 2005, 35; italics in Savior by keeping in

How has the Book of Mormon
mind the He saved
helped you come unto Christ? me, is mindful of me,
The Book of Mormon made me realized
that Jesus Christ really manifested
and never forsakes
himself unto the people in the Americas. I me, doing good not
found an answer to one of my questions
before my baptism and the Book of only within my circle
Mormon made me understood that we as
still part of Jacob’s lineage that we are
of influence but also
His spirit children, that He loves us so unto others, to
much and that His mercy and blessings
to us are boundless. invite others come
 How can we use the Book of unto Him, to be a
Mormon as we participate with Heavenly
Father in the gathering of His children? good example, to
We can use it by sharing to others the strive and endure
scriptures that’ll help us in times of
trouble. We can use it to support and
and to press forward
complement teachings of prophets and in my journey going
Jesus Christ in the old times. We can use
it to show unto others that revelation is back to Him, by
still on earth and that the heavens are
not closed. praying, by loving
others, by keeping
His commandments
and following His
examples and
teachings “

-Applying the Christ – like

attributes whenever and
where ever
-By looking the changes
that happened to my life.
-by helping them keep the
commandments of God.
-always remember where I
am actually going.

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