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Book Review on


~Torsha Saha

5 It is a novel written by Paulo Coelho, published is 2008 by Harper

Collins. It has got a slow moving yet an interesting plot. It is a story
about Igor Malev, a young Russian billionaire. He is a divorcee, who is
obsessed with his love for his ex-wife, Ewa. Ewa is now married to
another man, Hamid, one of the best fashion designers,this world has
10 got.

One rainy night, Igor was busy with his memories of Ewa and a glass of
whisky neat. That night, he realises that his love for Ewa is superior
than any other feelings in this world to him. So, he decides to get Ewa
15 back in his life. Even if it costs anybody's life. He was very sure of it
and wasn't drunk. Obesessed with his love for Ewa, Igor sets a journey
to find her.

Igor starts with erasing all the bad memories with Ewa. First kill was
the florist who used to keep a bouquet of red roses ,ready every
20 morning for him that he took for his wife. He had become heartless for
the rest of the world and has become a psycho-killer. After few more
kills, he gets to know that Ewa and her present husband, Hamid are
attending The Cannes Film Festival in Rio,Brazil. The story is of two
days how he finds her in Rio.


Gabriella, a 25 year-old , wants to become a star,and the time is

running really fast for her. As for the film industry, she is getting really
old for getting her career started into it. She starts dreaming that this
Cannes Film Festival will be her first appearance on red carpet. She is
30 busy trying to get the fame in this industry.
Jasmine, a reknowned model . She used to walk the ramp so fierce that
every garment she wore was her dress of karma and her attitude used
to send a message to the world that nobody could replace the attire
and the fire in her. But she was in her own world. She realised that one
5 fine day, another lady will replace her in the league with her aging and
all her fame and name will vanish. She started realising that this
limelight will eventually vanish from her life.

Jasmine and Gabriella both were just the opposite characters in the
10 plot. One struggling to get recognised and the other was struggling to
stay in this fame, anymore.

Igor, now reaches to The Cannes Film Festival, and sends a message to
Ewa that he will forgive her for cheating on him and will accept her
15 back with all the love and respect. Ewa ignore his message. She gets to
know about all his killings around the city. Igor sends another message
threatening her. Now, Ewa is scared, not of herself but for her present
husband's life. Ewa now starts hiding from Igor but unfortunately was
unable to. He was keeping a track of her every step which made
20 impossible for Hamid and Ewa to escape the film festival.

The end of the story is quite unexpected. Igor now finds Hamid and
Ewa where there was no crowd and just a gun, in Igor's pocket. He kills
Hamid for removing the only thorn in between them, Ewa and Igor. The
night was cold and silent once again. Ewa breaks the silence by saying
25 that she would come back to him.

The novel has got many deep and meaningful quotes. One must read
the book to know what happens to everyone in the plot. Loved the way
the story has been narrated. All the characters in the story are quite
realistic and relatable. The story has got bags full of turns and twist till
30 the very end.

The story ends with a message that running after “all that glitters”
won’t bring you happiness or peace of mind. If you’re not satisfied with
what you have, then chances are you won’t be happy after getting
what you currently desire either.


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