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Personal Leadership Portfolio

Part 1

What I think of leadership:

I have always thought of leadership as the ability to influence the thoughts or actions of the
people. I have been a leader in various clubs, both in high-school and the post-secondary level;
Having lead teams in DECA, and various chess competitions up to the national level. In the 4
group projects I have been a part of in my first three years at the University of Guelph, I have
been a leader in two of them and was above average according to my group members in their
project reflections. I have a natural draw towards leadership as I have always seemed to
assume/earn that role in activities I was good at. But I never forced to be the leader, I guess I
have some expert power for some activities as I was approached for help by my fellow students
during certain classes.

Leadership Learning Objectives:

The main sections of leadership that would like to improve and work on are:

 My personal Leadership Skills: I want to improve as a leader in general by absorbing as

much information as I can from this course.
 Improving on my persuasion skills: I want to be better at sharing my opinion to the
group and improving on the ability to sway their opinions.
 Avoiding Procrastination: I want any project that I might be a leader in, to be completed
without any personal procrastination which will be a good example for my group
 My Leader relationships with group members: I want to connect with my group
members and give them the confidence to share their ideas and make them better.
Also, be more willing to take a step back and let someone else be the leader if their idea
is much better than mine.

I believe the above points are very important for me to grow as a person as well as a leader.
These skills will make a big difference in a real work setting where we are to work on groups on
tight schedules whether I am the leader of the project or not. I have lead teams like DECA in the
past and have sometimes come across as too aggressive or bossy which I know I need to work
on. I want to be a better “People’s Person” much like Kelsey Matts from Case 2.1 in the
I would put the knowledge from this course to good use in all of my future jobs as I am working
on a management and finance degree so being able to work in groups both as a leader and as a
follower is an invaluable skill. This course will also help me understand what to do as a leader
when things don’t go to plan.
A. The Qualities of Leadership

1. I know myself, my values and skills, my strengths and weaknesses. __5____

2. I am confident of meeting most challenges and emerging intact and feeling good about myself. _4_
3. I have a vision of where we ought to be going as a group, community, society, and people. _4___
4. I call my group, community or organization to act out of values that transcend the day-to-day,
business-as-usual, garden-variety norms of operation. __4____
5. I possess above-average intelligence; I have lived long and perceptively and use that intelligence to
create wisdom, and my actions are tempered by judgment. __4____
6. The learning process constantly excites me. ___4___
7. I am constantly renewed by what I learn and by my interaction with others. ____3__
8. I am constantly amazed at how I pick out the very broadest implications of enterprises and projects
that others see in narrow terms. ___4___
9. I see events today along a continuum in time, with major trends and the sweep of history propelling
change. __4____
10. I see the way to success is through steady coalition building. _2____
11. I see great wisdom in building the capabilities of others, empowering them, motivating them to do
their best. __3___
12. I possess stamina, energy, tenacity, and enthusiasm for my work. __4____
13. I have the courage to take on what I know is right, regardless of my critics and detractors. ____5__
14. I possess high integrity and intellectual honesty. __5____
15. I have high moral character, I know what is right and wrong, and act accordingly. __4____
16. I am willing to take risks for something I believe in, whether for people or ideals. __4____
17. I am an active, effective listener; people seek me out as a listener. __3____
18. I present my ideas logically, forcefully, and effectively; my ideas are often adopted. _4_____
19. I understand the nature of power; I exercise and respect power. ___5___
20. I translate authority as responsibility and assume my share of it. ___4___
21. I achieve results through concentrating on clear goals over time; I build small successes into
something larger. ___4___
22. I have a healthy sense of humour; I laugh at myself and keep cynicism and sarcasm in rein. __3____
23. I keep perspective; I know where we are in a process, how far we've come, how far we've got to go,
what's important in the short run and the long. ___3___
24. I am known for my flexibility, responding to a variety of situations with appropriate skills, styles and
perceptions. ___4___

B. The Skills of Leadership


Personal Relationship Skills (working with others):

25. I listen actively to colleagues and those with whom I work; I hear their words and their feelings.
26. I maintain an open, warm relationship with others, encouraging them with praise and genuine
respect of their views and feelings. ___4___
27. I provide others with clear feedback, reinforcing positive contributions, clarifying and confronting as
is helpful. ___5___
28. I elicit information and ideas by asking open-ended questions. __4____
29. I mediate for others, helping them find and reinforce the common ground on which solutions can be
built. ___4___
30. I facilitate interpersonal and group relationships, teaching by example; and by making these
relationships visible I provide both knowledge and skills about productive behaviour. ___4___
31. I help groups maintain discipline and direction toward achievement, while suggesting ways in which
all members of a group can participate. __5____

Task Accomplishment Skills (getting the work done):

32. I initiate ideas, actions, solutions, and procedures. __5____
33. I elaborate on ideas, using examples and definitions. __5____
34. I communicate ideas effectively. ___4___
35. I coordinate ideas, activities, relationships, making sense out of the piece. __5____
36. I seek information and clarification to shed light on ideas and suggestions. ___5___
37. I provide information, bringing a base of understanding to the subject at hand. _5_____
38. I analyze the idea, task or process, developing an understanding of each piece and its relationship to
the whole. __5____
39. I diagnose the sources of difficulties. __4____
40. I summarize for the group, offering information, alternatives, or perspectives for consideration.
41. I evaluate progress, process and products, holding them up to comparison with standards or
expectations. __4____
42. I manage, using a combination of planning, task assignment, and guidance to meet goals. __2____

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