Energy Assessment

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Energizing Everything  Name: ___________________

Date: ___________________ 
Mystery 8: Where does energy come from? 

End of Mystery Assessment 

1. Which is the ​most common​ source of energy used by towns and cities today?
a. Water behind dams
b. Sunlight
c. Wind
d. Burnable fuels

2. Air pollution...
a. is a problem that no one will be able to solve
b. can be seen in cities as “smog”
c. is created mostly by solar panels
d. is a natural part of the environment

3. Which energy source has to be burned to release its energy?

a. Sunlight
b. Wind
c. Coal
d. Water

4. Match each choice with the natural resource being used to produce energy.
___ Set up solar panels A. Wood
___ Build a dam on a river B. Coal
___ Dig it out of the ground C. Wind
___ Build tall turbines (windmills) D. Sunlight
___ Cut down trees E. Water

5. TRUE or FALSE? (circle one) Some energy sources are more packed
with energy than others.

Energizing Everything | Mystery 8

6. The town of Coalville wants to use more alternative energy sources, and the townspeople
have gathered information to figure out which kind of alternative energy will work best.

Number of clear, sunny days 70 sunny days (out of 365 days in

a year)

Number of rivers nearby 1 small stream

Average wind speed 20 mph (30 km/h), or very windy

Based on this information, which kind of alternative energy would you recommend for Coalville?
Provide reasoning to support your answer.

7. Energy sources have changed a lot over time! What is one way that scientists and engineers
have improved how we get energy?

Energizing Everything | Mystery 8

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