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Tuguegarao City
School of Accountancy, Business and Hospitality

Review in Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
1st Semester, S.Y. 2019-2020

Instruction: The following items are multiple choice questions and straight problems. For MCQs, choose the letter of your
choice that best corresponds to the best answer. GODBLESS! #CPADream # KeepTheFaith


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1. When inventory is misstated, its presentation lacks

A. Comparability C. Faithful representation
B. Relevance
D. All of the choices are correct
2. The failure to record a purchase of merchandise on account even though the goods are properly included in the physical
inventory results in
A. An overstatement of asset and net income
B. An understatement of asset and net income
C. An understatement of liability and an overstatement of equity
D. An understatement of cost of goods sold and liability and an overstatement of assets
3. Why are inventories measured at lower of cost and net realizable value?
A. To be conservative
B. To permit future profit to be recognized
C. To report a loss when there is a decrease in the future utility
D. To report a loss when there is a decrease in the future utility below the original cost
4. Under PAS 2, which of the following inventory items is not valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value?
A. Biological inventory C. Industrial inventory
B. Manufactured inventory D. Retail inventory
5. Which of the following is not an acceptable method of applying the lower of cost and net realizable value method to
A. Individual item C. Inventory location

B. Major group of inventory D. Total of the inventory

6. When inventory declines in value below original cost, what is the maximum amount that the inventory can be valued at
A. Sales price
B. Historical cost
C. Net realizable value
D. Sales price reduced by estimated cost of disposal
7. An inventory method which is designed to approximate inventory at LCNRV is
A. Conventional retail method
D. Specific identification
8. When the cost of goods sold method is used to record inventory at NRV
A. A loss is debited directly and credited to inventory
B. There is direct reduction in the selling price of the inventory
C. Only the portion of the loss attributable to inventory sold is recorded
D. The NRV is substituted for cost and the loss is buried in the cost of goods sold
9. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding LCNRV?
A. In most situations, entities price inventory on a total inventory basis
B. Entities can use an allowance amount in reducing inventory at NRV
C. NRV is estimated selling price less estimate cost to complete and cost to make a sale
D. One of two method may be used to record the income effect of valuating inventory at LCNRV
10. A major advantage of the retail inventory method is that is
A. Provides reliable results
B. Hides costs from competitors and customers
C. Gives a more accurate statement of inventory cost that other method
D. Provides a method for inventory control and facilitates determination of the periodic inventory
11. How is the gross profit used as it relates to inventory valuation?
A. To estimate cost of goods sold
B. To provide a LIFO inventory value
C. Verify the accuracy of the physical inventory
D. Verify the accuracy of the perpetual inventory records
12. If a material amount of inventory has been ordered through a formal purchase contract at the statement of financial position
date for future delivery at firm prices
A. This fact must be disclosed
B. An appropriation of retained earnings is necessary
C. Disclosure is required only if prices have since risen substantially
D. Disclosure is required only if prices have declined since the date of the order
13. How is a significant amount of consignment inventory reported in the statement of financial position?
A. The inventory is reported separately on the consignee’s statement of financial position
B. The inventory is reported separately on the consignor’s statement of financial position
C. The inventory is combined with other inventory on the consignee’s statement of financial position
D. The inventory is combined with other inventory on the consignor’s statement of financial position

14. Where should goods in transit that were recently purchased FOB destination be included?
A. Accounts payable
B. Equipment
C. Inventory
D. Not in the statement of financial position
15. Which if not a common disclosure for inventories?
A. Inventory composition C. Inventory cost method

B. Inventory financing arrangement D. Inventory location

16. Which of the following is not dealt with by PAS 41?
A. The accounting for biological assets
B. The processing of agricultural produce after harvesting
C. The initial measurement of agricultural produce harvested from biological assets
D. The accounting treatment of government grant received in respect of biological assets
17. When activities involve production through natural growth or aging of biological asset, revenue is earned as the plant or
living animal grows
A. Accretion approach C. Cost-recovery or zero-profit approach
B. Completion of production basis D. Multiple-deliverable arrangements approach
18. Which of the following is unlikely to be used in fair value measurement of biological asset?
A. Quoted market price
B. External independent valuation
C. The most recent market transactions price
D. The present value of the expected net cash flows from the asset
19. An unconditional government grant related to biological asset should be recognized as
A. Income when the grant becomes receivable
B. A deferred credit when the grant has been approved
C. A deferred credit when the grant become receivable
D. Income when the grant application has been submitted
20. If government grant related to biological asset is unconditional, the grant should be recognized as
A. Income when the grant has been approved
B. A deferred credit when the grant has been approved
C. Income when the conditions attaching to the grant are met
D. A deferred credit when the conditions attaching to the grant are met
21. Which of the following information should be disclosed in relation to agriculture?
A. There is no requirement to disclose separately any gain or loss
B. The total gain or loss from biological assets and agricultural produce
C. Separate disclosure of the gain or loss relating to biological assets and agricultural produce
D. The aggregate gain or loss arising on the initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce and
from the change in fair value less cost of disposal of biological assets
22. Where there is a production cycle of more than one year for a biological asset, separate disclosure is
A. Required for physical change
B. Encouraged for physical change
C. Required for physical change and price change
D. Encouraged for physical change and price change
23. Which of the following statements is true about biological assets?
A. Biological assets must be valued at cost
B. Biological assets are only fond in Biotech entities
C. Biological assets do not generally have future economic benefits
D. Biological assets are living animals or plants and must be discovered as a separate item in the statement of
financial position
24. Which of the following is not a capital expenditure?
A. An addition
B. A betterment
C. A replacement
D. Repair and maintains an asset in operating condition
25. Which of the following is not a major characteristic of an item of property, plant and equipment?
A. Acquired for resale C. Acquired for use

B. Long-term in nature D. Possesses physical substance

26. Under PAS 16, which of the following is not a major characteristic of a plant assets?
A. Long-term in nature
B. Acquired for use in operations
C. Possesses physical substance
D. All of these are major characteristics of a plant asset
27. Fence and parking lot are reported in the statement of financial position as
A. Current assets B. Land improvements
C. Land
D. Property, plant and equipment
28. An entity recently purchased land a usable hotel with the plan to tear down immediately the hotel and build a new luxury
hotel. The allocated cost of the old hotel should be
A. Capitalized as part of the cost of the land C. Written off as loss in the year the hotel is
B. Depreciated over the remaining useful life torn
D. Capitalized as part of the cost of the new hotel
29. A non-recoverable purchase tax on the purchase of machinery should be charged to
A. A separate deferred charge account C. Miscellaneous tax expense
B. Accumulated depreciation D. The machinery account
30. For a monetary exchange, the configuration of cash flows includes which of the following?
A. The entity-specific value of the asset
B. The estimated present value of the assets exchanged
C. The risk, timing and amount of cash flows of the asset
D. The implicit rate, maturity date of loan and amount of loan
31. The cost of a non-monetary asset acquired in exchange for another non-monetary asset with commercial substance is
usually recorded at
A. Either the fair value of the asset given, or the asset received
B. The fair value of the asset given, and a gain or loss is recognized
C. The fair value of the asset given and a gain but not a loss may be recognized
D. The fair value of the asset received if it is equally reliable as the fair value of the asset given
32. Accounting recognition should be given to the gain realized on a non-monetary exchange of plant asset, except when the
exchange has
A. Commercial substance and additional cash is paid
B. No commercial substance and additional cash is paid
C. Commercial substance and additional cash is received
D. All of these cause recognition of a gain
33. Plant assets purchased on a long-term credit contract should be accounted for at
A. The total value of the future payments C. The present value of the future payments
B. The future amount of the future payments D. None of these
34. The revaluation surplus resulting from initial revaluation of property, plant and equipment should be
A. Credited to retained earnings
B. Credited to revaluation surplus
C. Released to the income statement
D. Deducted from current assets and added to the property, plant and equipment
35. When the revaluation model is used for reporting property, plant and equipment, the gain or loss should be included in
A. Income for the period
B. Gain from revaluation in the income statement
C. An extraordinary gain or loss in the income statement
D. A revaluation surplus account in other comprehensive income
36. How it the account revaluation surplus reported?
A. As part of other comprehensive income
B. As other income in the income statement
C. It is included with Reserves in shareholder’s equity
D. The account is not presented in the financial statements
37. Under the revaluation model for accounting for property, plant and equipment
A. Asset must be revalued quarterly
B. Asset must be revalued annually
C. Asset must be revalued bi-annually
D. There is no rule regarding the frequency of revaluation
38. When an entity chooses the revaluation model as the accounting policy for measuring property, plant and equipment,
which of the following statements is correct?
A. Revaluation of property, plant and equipment must be made at least every three years.
B. When an asset is revalued, the entire class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs must be
C. Increase in an asset’s carrying amount as a result of the first revaluation must be recognized as a component of profit
or loss
D. When an asset is revalued, individual asset within a class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs
can be revalued
39. Which of the following most accurately reflects the concept of depreciation?
A. The process of charging the decline in value of an economic resource to income in the period in which the benefit
B. A method of allocating asset cost to an expense account in a manner which closely matches the physical deterioration
of the asset
C. The process of allocating the cost of tangible asset to expense in a systematic and rational manner to those
periods expected to benefit from the use of the asset
D. An accounting concept that allocates the portion of an asset used up during the year to the contra asset account for the
purpose of properly recording the fair value of the asset
40. The term “depreciable value” or “depreciation base” refers to
A. The acquisition cost of the asset
B. The estimated fair value of the asset at the end of the useful life
C. The cost of the asset less the related depreciation recorded to date
D. The total amount to be charged to expense over an asset’s useful life
41. Depreciation is a variable expense if the depreciation method use is
A. Declining balance C. Straight line

B. Sum of the years’ digits D. Units of production

42. The activity method of depreciation
A. Is a variable charge approach
B. Results in a constant charge to depreciation expense
C. Results in a decreasing charge to depreciation expense
D. Assumes that depreciation is a function of passage of time
43. The sum-of-the-years-digit method of depreciation
A. Results in residual value being ignored
B. Means the carrying amount should not be reduced below residual value
C. Means the denominator is the years remaining at the beginning of the year
D. All of these describe the sum-of-years-digits method
44. Which of the following is not a similarity in the treatment for depreciation and depletion?
A. Both depreciation and depletion are based on time
B. The estimated life is based on economic or productive life
C. The rate may be changed upon revision of the estimated original productive life
D. Assets are reported in the same classification in the statement of financial position
45. Which of the following disclosures is not required for property, plant and equipment?
A. The depreciation method used
B. The existence and amount of restriction on title
C. A narrative discussion of future capital expenditure plans
D. The measurement basis used for determining the gross carrying amount
46. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. A gain on disposal of a noncurrent asset is classified as revenue
B. Assets are depreciated even if the fair value exceeds carrying amount
C. Land and building are not accounted for separately when acquired together
D. A noncurrent asset acquired as the result of an exchange of assets is not recognized
47. Valuation of inventories requires determination of all of the following except the
A. Costs to be included in inventory
B. Cost flow assumption to be adopted
C. Physical goods to be included in inventory
D. Cost of goods held on consignment from other entities
48. Which of the following is not true about accounting for inventory?
A. FIFO is allowed
B. Interest costs should not be capitalized
C. The weighted-average method is acceptable
D. Inventories are always valued at net realizable value
49. Situations in which net realizable value is used to measure inventory include
A. Agricultural inventory C. Commodities held by broker-traders
B. Mineral and Mineral products D. All of these
50. Lower of cost and realizable value as it applies to inventory is best described as the
A. Assumption to determine inventory flow
B. Method of determining cost of goods sold
C. Change in inventory value to net realizable value
D. Reporting of a loss when there is a decrease in future utility below the original cost

Magtibay Company provided the following data:

Value of biological asset at acquisition cost on

December 31, 2020 600,000
Fair valuation surplus on initial recognition at fair value on
December 31, 2020 700,000
Change in fair value to December 31, 2021 due to
growth and price fluctuation 100,000
Decrease in fair value due to harvest 90,000

51. What is the carrying amount of the biological asset on December 31, 2021?
A. 1,400,000 B. 1,310,000 C. 1,300,000 D. 1,490,000
52. What is the gain from change in fair value of biological asset that should be reported in the 2021 income statement?
A. 100,000 B. 800,000 C. 710,000 D. 10,000

Magpayo Company is engaged in raising dairy livestock. Information regarding its activities relating to the dairy livestock is as

Carrying amount on January 1, 2020 5,000,000

Increase due to purchase 2,000,000
Gain arising from change in fair value less cost of disposal
attributable to price change 400,000
Gain arising from change in fair value less cost of disposal
attributable to physical change 600,000
Decrease due to sales 850,000
Decrease due to harvest 200,000
53. What is the carrying amount of the biological asset on December 31, 2020?
A. 6,950,000 B. 6,000,000 C. 8,000,000 D. 7,150,000

Alteria Company produces milk for sale to local and national ice cream producers. The entity
began operations on January 1, 2020 by purchasing 650 milk cows for P8,000,000. The entity had the following information available
at year-end relating to the cows:
Acquisition cost, January 1, 2020 8,000,000
Change in fair value due to growth and price changes 2,500,000
Decrease in fair value due to harvest 250,000
Milk harvested during 2020 but not yet sold 400,000

54. What amount of gain on change in fair value should be recognized for biological asset in 2020?
A. 2,500,000 B. 2,250,000 C. 2,900,000 D. 2,650,000
55. What amount of gain on change in fair value should be reported for agricultural produce in 2020?
A. 2,250,000 B. 400,000 C. 150,000 D. 0
56. On August 1, 2020, Velasco Company purchased a new machine on a deferred payment basis. Down payment of P100,000
was made and 4 monthly installments of P250,000 each are to be made beginning on September 1, 2020. The cash equivalent
price of the machine was P950,000. The entity incurred and paid installation costs amounting to P30,000. What is the amount
to be capitalized as cost of the machine?
A. 950,000 B. 980,000 C. 1,100,000 D. 1,130,000

Gaerlan Company entered into a contract to acquire a new machine for its factory. The machine, which had a cash price of P2,000,000
was paid as follows:
Down payment 400,000
Note payable in 3 equal annual installments 1,200,000
20,000 ordinary shares with a par value of
P25 and fair value of P40 per share 800,000
57. Prior to the machine’s use, installation cost of P50,000 was incurred. The machine has an estimated residual value of
P100,000. What is the initial cost of the machine?
A. 2,000,000 B. 2,400,000 C. 2,050,000 D. 2,450,000

On December 31, 2020, Corpuz Company purchased a machine in exchange for a noninterest
bearing note requiring eight payments of P200,000. The first payment was made on December 31, 2020, and the others are due
annually on December 31. At date of issuance, the prevailing rate of interest for this type of note was 11%. Present value factors are as

PV of an ordinary annuity of 1 at 11% for 8 periods 5.146

PV of an annuity of 1 in advance at 11% for 8 periods 5.712
58. What amount should be recorded as initial cost of the machine?
A. 1,600,000 B. 1,029,200 C. 1,400,000 D. 1,420,400

Sevilla Company recently acquired two items of equipment. The transactions are described as follows:
 Acquired a press at an invoice price of P3,000,000 subject to a 5% cash discount which was taken. Costs of freight and
insurance during shipment were P50,000 and installation cost amounted to P200,000.
 Acquired a welding machine at an invoice price of P2,000,000 subject to a 10% cash discount which was not taken.
Additional welding supplies were acquired at a cost of P100,000.

59. What is the total increase in the equipment account as a result of the transactions?
A. 4,900,000 B. 5,000,000 C. 5,100,000 D. 5,200,000
60. On September 1, 2020 Vicente Company issued 100,000 treasury shares with P25 par value for a parcel of land to be held
for a future plant site. The treasury shares were acquired at a cost of P30 per share. The share had a fair market value of P40
on September 1, 2020. The entity received P50,000 from the sale of scrap when an existing structure on the site was razed.
What is the initial cost of the land?
A. 4,000,000 B. 3,950,000 C. 3,000,000 D. 2,500,000

Manalo Company exchanged a car from its inventory for a computer to be used as a long-term asset. The following information relates
to this exchange:
Carrying amount of the car 600,000
List selling price of the car 900,000
Fair value of the computer 860,000
Cash difference paid by Manalo 100,000
61. What amount of gain should be recognized on the exchange?
A. 260,000 B. 160,000 C. 200,000 D. 0

On January 1, 2020, Concepcion Company traded in an old machine for a newer model. Data relative to the old and new machines

Old machine
Original cost 800,000
Accumulated depreciation on January 1, 2020 600,000
Average published retail value 170,000

New machine
List price 1,000,000
Cash price without trade in 900,000
Cash paid with trade in 780,000

62. What amount should be recognized as cost of the new machine acquired in the exchange?
A. 900,000 B. 950,000 C. 980,000 D. 1,000,000

At the beginning of the current year, Villacarlos Company purchased a parcel of land as a factory
site for P3,200,000. An old building on the property was demolished and construction started on a new building that was completed at
the end of current year. Costs incurred on the construction project are as follows:

Demolition of old building 210,000

Architect fee 300,000
Legal fee-title investigation 40,000
Construction cost 8,500,000
Imputed interest based on stock financing 140,000
Landfill of building site 190,000
Clearing of trees from building site 100,000
Temporary building used for construction activities 290,000
Land survey 40,000
Excavation for basement 130,000
Salvage materials from demolition 20,000
Timber sold 30,000
63. What is the cost of land and building, respectively?
A. 3,730,000 and 9,220,000 C. 3,860,000 and 9,090,000
B. 3,630,000 and 9,320,000 D. 3,760,000 and 9,190,00

De Leon Company incurred the following costs during the current year:

Option fee for land acquired 10,000

Option fee for land not acquired 10,000
Taxes in arrears on building on land 50,000
Payment for land 1,000,000
Demolition of old building, net of salvage of P10,000 100,000
Architect fee 230,000
Payment to city hall for approval of building construction 120,000
Contract price for factory building 5,000,000
Safety fence around construction site 35,000
Safety inspection on building 30,000
Removal of safety fence after completion of building 20,000
New fence surrounding the factory 80,000
Driveways, parking bays and safety lighting 550,000

64. What is the cost of land and building, respectively?

A. 1,150,000 and 5,435,000 C. 1,160,000 and 5,415,000
B. 1,160,000 and 5,435,000 D. 1,060,000 and 5,535,000

Villamor Company acquired a new machinery. The following data are available:
List price of the machinery 1,400,000
Cash discount available but not taken on purchase 20,000
Freight paid on the new machinery 40,000
Cost of removing the old machinery 15,000
Installation cost of the new machinery 50,000
Testing cost before the machinery was put into regular operation
(including P10,000 in wages of the regular machinery operator) 30,000
Loss on premature retirement of the old machinery 5,000
Estimated cost of manufacturing similar machinery
in the entity’s own plant, including overhead 1,300,000
65. What amount should be capitalized as cost of the new machinery?
A. 1,500,000 B. 1,490,000 C. 1,515,000 D. 1,520,000

On December 31, 2020, Afable Company has an equipment with the following cost and accumulated depreciation:

Equipment 9,000,000
Accumulated depreciation 3,000,000

Due to obsolescence and physical damage, the equipment is found to be impaired. On December 31, 2020, the entity has determined
the following information related to the equipment:

Fair value less cost of disposal 4,500,000

Value in use or discounted net cash inflows 4,000,000
66. What amount should be reported as impairment loss for 2020?
A. 1,500,000 B. 2,000,000 C. 500,000 D. 0

Martin Company acquired equipment on January 1, 2019 for P5,000,000. The equipment had a
10-year useful life and no residual value. On December 31, 2020, the following information was obtained:

Expected value of undiscounted cash flows 3,600,000

Fair value estimated with in-use premise 3,700,000
Fair value estimated with in-exchange premise 3,500,000

67. What amount should be recognized as impairment loss for 2020?

A. 300,000 B. 400,000 C. 500,000 D. 0

De Jesus Company has an equipment with carrying amount of P1,600,000 on December 31, 2020 after recording depreciation for
2020. The following information is available on December 31, 2020 relative to the equipment:

Fair value of similar equipment 1,400,000

Discounted future cash flows 1,300,000
Undiscounted future cash flows 1,350,000

68. At what amount should the equipment be reported on December 31, 2020?
A. 1,600,000 B. 1,400,000 C. 1,300,000 D. 1,350,000
69. Trinidad Company reported an impairment loss of P2,000,000 in 2019. This loss was related to an item of property, plant and
equipment which was acquired on January 1, 2018 with cost of P10,000,000, useful life of 10 years and no residual value. On
December 31, 2019, the entity reported this asset at P6,000,000 which is the fair value on such date. On December 31, 2020,
the entity determined that the fair value of the impaired asset had increased to P7,500,000. The straight-line method is used in
recording depreciation. What amount of gain on reversal of impairment should be reported in the 2020 income statement?
A. 2,250,000 B. 1,750,000 C. 1,500,000 D. 0
70. Garces Company, a clothing manufacturer, purchased a sewing machine for P2,000,000 on July 1, 2017. The machine had a
10-year life, a P100,000 residual value, and was depreciated using the straight-line method. On January 1, 2020, a test for
impairment indicated that the undiscounted cash flows from the sewing machine are less than carrying amount. The
machine’s fair value on January 1, 2020 is P600,000. What is the loss on impairment?
A. 1,300,000 B. 950,000 C. 925,000 D. 830,000

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