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According to Oxford dictionary heritage is defined

as property that is or may be inherited or in other words

an in heritance.In today’s topic,we are about to focus
more on historic and cultural heritage.In short, a historic
and cultural heritage means the legacy of physical
artifacts and intangible attributes of a group of society
that are inherited from past generations.Secondly,let’s
understand what is modernisation.According to Oxford
dictionary mordenisation means the process of adapting
something to modern needs or habits.A community that
are always moving forward to improve themselves are
said to be modernised.We can’t tell when exactly will
,modernisation in a community will take place but we can
observe modernization in a community in a community by
the revolution in the rise of technology and infrastructure
of technology and infrastructure of a building
.Modernisation can be observed by
industrialisation.Alright now,that we have known what is
heritage value and modernisation,let’s think of the effort
to move towards modernization while preserving our
First and formost,modernisation causes us to leave
behind our heritage.In during modernisation,we tend to
follow the trends from western world.We follow what they
do,and do not care about our own heritage.For an
instance,nowadays ,asians prefer to wear coat and suit to
any occasions even if it is a traditional clothes because we
label them as outdated.Well this is the the main problem
with modernized people.Secondly,we chase modernisation
until we forget our own heritage.People nowadays can’t
even find time to know their heritage because they get
too busy with work and studies.parents do not teach their
children the family’s heritage because they can’t find time
to know their heritage because they get too busy with
work and studies.Parents do not teach their children the
family’s heritage because they can’t find the time for
it.Kids and students do not know the importance of their
heritage as the result of their parents’ ignorance.We do
not appreciate our heritage as a result of
modernisation .Hence,now comes the next question,’How
are going to preserve our heritage value while working
towards modernisation?’.
Firstly,to preserve heritage value while moving
towards modernisaion,we have to practice our heritage
especially cultural heritage.We should be overwhelmed
with western trends.Instead,we should appreciate,accept
and enjoy our own cultural heritage.For an instance,Thai
people should wear ‘chut thai’ to attend a traditional
occasion.When,Thai people people start practicing their
traditional clothing they will find the uniqueness in their
traditional outfit and the same applies to the rest of the
culture around the globe.Secondly,parents should
cultivate and teach their heritage to their
children.Children at their young age ,can easily absorb
new information.They believe in the words of their
parents.Parents could easily cultivate their cultural
heritage to their children by teaching them.For an
instance,parents should teach their children the historic
heritage of their family.In this way,the children will
remember their historic heritage and keep passing it to
the next generation.Heritage value keeps increasing even
if we are modernising,in this way.
Moreover,we should understand our heritage while
working towards modernisation.We should always be
eager to learn and educate ourselves about our
heritage.We can always learn about our heritage from our
parents,grandparents or from scriptures.Once we
understand our heritage ,we will begin to appreciate
it.Other that thant,establishing a museum to keep our
heritage can also save our heritage from
extinction.Keeping our heritage in a museum does not
mean,we only store them,we will portray our heritage to
them,we will portray our heritage to visitors too.Let’s
say,we gather our artefacts in a museum which will be
open to public during day and guarded at night.As so,the
public can witness their heritage with their own eyes
which increases heritage value.These heritage will be
preservevd in the museum even if the world is moving
towards modernisation.
In a nutshell,heritage value and modernisation is and
undeniable part of our life.A perfect balance between
heritage value and modernisation is what it takes to
increase heritage value while moving towards
modernisation.No matter how modernized we have
become,we should never forget our identity that is our
heritage because a human without heritage will be lost at
a point in life.

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