Shell Cognitive Test Part 1 Decision Making PDF

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Welcome ‘Shell Businesses Shell Gobel Funezone Problem Solving ‘Thank you Developed by Cubiks During this part of the test, you will be presented with scenarios that reflect situations that Shell graduates may face. The scenarios are based in a Shell business context; however, you do not need any specialist knowledge to answer these questions, You should base your answers only on the information provided. There are 18 scenarios in total, each accompanied by four courses of action. For each scenario, you must assess the effectiveness of the four options by responding in two different ways. First, you must rate the effectiveness of each option in relation to the scenario using a 1 to 5 rating scale (1 = Counterproductive; 2 = Ineffective; 3 = Neutral; 4 = Effective; 5 = Highly Effective). You must then select which option is “Most Effective” and which option is “Least Effective”, To select an answer, you should use the slider bar to select how effective you think each answer option is. You should then click one button to select the answer that you think is most effective and one button to select the answer that you think is least effective. On the next page you will be shown an example question. This will show you how you should answer the questions in the assessment. Back Binet Question 1 of 18, While drilling a well, you experience a potential problem. The correlational data from one source suggests that an adjustment needs to be made to the direction that the well is being drilled in, However, seismic data from another source suggests that no adjustment is needed in the driliing Wecome direction. How would you tackle the problem? Assessment 2. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4..ffective 5. Highly Eftective Ey Not 4 2-3 4S Most Least sated ‘A, Make the adjustment to the direction of the drilling |_] 0° ‘Shel Global as recommended by correlational data; you know Functions that this data source is usually the most accurate. B. Consult with a geophysicist with the relevant Oo oOo Problem Solving expertise to discuss the reliability of the data sources and the best course of action; their are expertise will be beneficial. €. Make no adjustment to the direction of driling as) oOo the seismic deta you receive is usually reliable. However, you will continue to monitor the situation closely. D. Seek out addtional data from other local wells to.) oOo confirm the accuracy of your seismic data; you would expect your well to behave similarly to these. Back EI Dinext Developed by cubis Wetcome Assessment Shel Global Funevons Problem Saving Thank you Developed by Cubiks mCubiks Question 2 of 18 You are working in a country where reeds (tall water grasses) are successfully used to remove the contaminants in water produced by the refining process. Using this technique, the refinery purifies 60,000 cubic metres of water per day, which is one-third of the total water used. Shell are keen to increase the volume of water purified using this technique. You are asked to consider how Shell could meet this objective. What would you suggest? 1. Countorproductive 2. netfective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 2 23 45 Most. Least rote ‘A. Establishing reed beds in areas with similar oO oo characteristics to this country to transfer leaning to other similar sites with potential for reed bed planting B. Increasing the size of the existing planting site to Oo oO oO double the water capacity, therefore increasing the Volume of purified water in the established site . Thoroughly researching optimal sites for oO oo establishing reed plants, using the findings to. identify new sites and minimise the risk of focusing on inappropriate sites. D. Focusing on improving the efficiency of the oO 0° existing water purification process at the current plant; enhancing the current process before considering additional locations. Back EI Binet Welcome [Assessment ‘Shel Gobal Functions Problem Solving Thank you MCubiks Question 3 of 18 Well pressure has an established pattern of behaviour that you observe through regular measurement. When reviewing the data from 10 wells, you notice that the pressure in one well is different to what was predicted. This data will be used to decide whether to intervene in the well, which is 2 costly exercise. As a graduate reservoir engineer working on this project, what would be your first response? 4. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4.Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 4 2 3 4S Most Least rites ‘A. Report the issue immediately so that the Well oO 0) Manager can investigate it B. Engage with senior reservoir engineers to better [_] 6 06 Understand why this well may be different to what was predicted. ©. Apply your own knowledge and analysis models to) oOo better understand the issue. D. Ask for new data, using alternative measuring Oo oO tools, to check whether the data is accurate. ack EI Divext Developed by Cubes Welcome Assessment Shell Global Functions Probiem Saving Thank you ‘Gaveeadiy Ellie WCubiks Question 4 of 18 Shell is trying to get some new equipment approved by the National Oil Company (NOC) who they are partnering with on a project. The equipment has been successfully used in other countries and you want to ensure it is approved by the NOC. Your manager has asked you to prepare a presentation about the equipment that will be shown to the NOC decision makers next week. How would you approach this? 4. Counterproductive 2. Tneffective 3. Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective AA. Speak to other countries that are using the °0 0 equipment and ask them to explain what works well about it; you can then share this information with the NOC. B. Find detailed information on the main features of | L] oOo the new equipment and provide a summary of each so the NOC better understand what this equipment can do CC. Make a list ofthe advantages and disadvantages of the new equipment compared to what is currentiy being used so the NOC can make an informed decision. D. Find out what the NOC's priorities are for the Oo & & project. Focus on the features of the new equipment that are most relevant to these prionties 0 ° ° Back I] Di ext ‘Shel clopa! Functions, Problem Solving Thank you Question 5 of 18 Seismic studies can be used to estimate the likely volume of gas that could be produced from a ges field. Two gas fields exist in close proximity and you are aware that a seismic study hs recently been conducted in the field established first. You are asked by your supervisor to estimate the likely volume of gas from the second field. What would be your priority in responding to this situation? S.Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Nott 2 3 4 5 Most Lenst ina ‘A. Using the existing se'smic data from the first field [_) 0° to inform your estimation in order to save time and cost B, Recommending that seismic studies are conducted] 00 in the second field in order to provide an accurate estimation. ©. Checking whether there are any seismic studies ) oOo being conducted in the second field and if s0, use this data to inform your response. D. Gathering existing seismic data from the first eld) 00 and consider this alongside non-seismic data regarding the second field. sack EI Dinext Developed by Cubiks Welcome Assessment ‘Shel Gobal Funcsions Problem Solving ‘Thank you mCubiks Question 6 of 18 ‘A manufacturer of pipeline repair equipment has invited you to visit their site to see how their equipment is made. You have never used the equipment that they sell, so do not know very much about it or the supplier. You know that Shell will need to use this equipment or similar in the future so you accept the invitation. What are your key aims for the visit? A.Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2 3 4 5S Most Least mea ‘A. To find out as much as possible. You will use the visit to let the supplier tell you about the equipment and then follow up afterwards to ask further questions, B. To speak to the supplier about the cost options for Ooo buying and hiring the equipment; you need this information to decide if the equipment is attractive to Shell or not ©. To find out as much as possible. Before the visit, oeo you will ask your team what they would like to find out and will use the visit to ensure that you gather this information. To focus on building a strong relationship with the Oo o°e supplier; this is essential if you need to buy or hire thelr equipment to repair a pipeline in the future. eck ED Dre Developed by Cubiks| ‘Shel Gina Functions, Problem Solving Thank you mCubiks Question 7 of 18. ‘One of Shell's plants is having @ problem getting supplies of a particular chemical to create its lubricant products. The supply problem is starting to have an impact on the plant's ability to meet customer demand. You have spoken to the supplier but they have not come up with an adequate solution to meet the plant's requirements. What would you do? 2. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2 3 4 5 Most Least rated A. Speak to the supplier and say that you will Oo o7°@e terminate their contract unless they start to ‘supply enough of the chemical, as was agreed with them. _ B, Speak to other Shell plants within the region to Oo oOo see if they are experiencing similar problems. If nt, see if another plant can help you supply your customers. ‘Speak to other Shell plants within the region to Oeo see if they are experiencing the same problem. If rot, see if their suppliers can also supply your plant. _ D. Ask Shell researchers to try to adjust the lubricant Oo oo formula to achieve the same quality with less chemical, to meet customer demand with existing supplies. ack EI Dre ean cs ‘welcome ‘Assessment Shel Global Functions Problem Solving ‘Tank you Developed by Cubes MCubiks Question 8 of 18 You are supporting the sales department to increase the retail sales of Shell fuel in a particular country. There are two mejor sales areas in the country, one existing and one new. Currently, the storage facilities for fuel in the new sales area are limited and would require significant financial investment to increase and even up the distribution of product between the locations. How would you recommend that Shell responds in this situation? i. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4.Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2-3 4S Most Least tea ‘A. You would recommend investigating whether there o oo is a temporary solution for storage in the new area; reducing the immediate financial investment in storage ws, Youlwould recoritiaad inceaslon tie storage oO €@o the new area by a fraction of the planned amount and plan to extend more fully in future If profitable You would recommend increasing the storage fully D in the new area to maximise potential sales and risk lower levels of custom than planned. 1D. You would recommend investigating a temporary Doo solution for the provision of fuel in the new area to prevent investment in storage facilities before the area is proven to be profitable. Back Dinext Welcome Assesament Shell Gobo! Functions Proplem Solving Thank you Cubiks Question 9 of 18 Shell is in the process of developing innovative uses for sulphur, a naturally occurring by-product of oil and gas production. One use for sulphur is as a component in a fertiliser to increase crop yields. Shell is currently exploring further options for the use of sulphur. You wark in the Downstream business and have been asked to recommend how Shell can best respond to this challenge. What would you do? 1. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 10203 4S Most Least ritea ‘A. Speak to your colleague who has worked onthe = [_| oo fertiliser project to get a better understanding of your aptions for new applications of sulphur. B. Speak to yaur colleagues in the commercial area (_) oo of the business to understand more about where the demands for sulphur based products might be. _ ©. Gather some experts fram across the business to) °° share knowledge and generate ideas; this wil help You generate a range of possible options. . Look at what other sulphur based products exist (_] oo on the market so you can consider how Shell is best able to differentiate itself with a new sulphur product. eck EI Dre Developed by Cubies| ‘Waleome Assessment Shell Global Functions Problem Solving Thank you MCubiks ‘Question 10 of 18 Shell has recently replaced an old fuel card scheme. The old scheme ends in two weeks’ time and those fuel cards will no longer be accepted as fuel payment. Despite having been notified of the changes 2 few months ago, over 1,000 customers have not yet registered for the new scheme. What action would you suggest as your first response? S.Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3, Neutral 4.Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2 3 4 5 Most Least ated A. Immediately contacting all customers with @ a 6 0 reminder about the new scheme, its benefits and Getails of how to register for it. B. Setting up a dedicated customer support lineto —- _) 0 a | assist customers indivigually when they next try to Use their fuel card and find itis not werking. . Inviting all customers who have not yet registered] oo to attend an online briefing session which explains the benefits of the new scheme and how to register for It. D. Sending an email to all retail sites informing staff [_] 6 0 Of the issue and giving them information about what to tell customers who try to use the old fuel cards. ack EI Dinext Developed by Cubes Welcome Assessment Shel Global Functions Problem Saving Thank you Developed by Cubike Projects & Technology (P&T) manages the delivery of Shell's projects and drives the research and innovation to create technology solutions. P&T provides technical services, develops technology capability and executes projects in both Upstream and Downstream. It drives research and innovation to create the technology that will be needed tomorrow. It is also an important source of support to the wider Shell technical and engineering community and is responsible for providing functional leadership across Shell in the areas of contracting and procurement as well as Health & Safety and the environment (HSSE). Back ED Dine Welcome ‘Assessment ‘Shel Giobai Puncaons Problem Solving “Thank you mCubiks Question 11 of 18 You are working as part of a project team who have been tasked with researching well design improvements with the objective of minimising the well’s impact on the surrounding environment. How do you approach your research? 1. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2 3 4S Most Least rea ‘A. Focus on one test case for well design; this will oO oo allow you to present a thorough piece of research and a strong business case for dealing with the issue B. Examine what Shell's competitors are doing inthis [_) oo area; this will provide good direction for your research efforts and will allow you to consider current innovations. C. Look at current well design and identify where Oo oo improvements need to be made, speaking to engineering colleagues who have expertise in this area for their ideas. D. Research multiple options for well design 0 oo improvements and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the different designs in order to arrive at an optimal solution. Beck ED Bet Eevdlopal by Zale: Welcome Assessment ‘Shell Goal Functions, Problem Solving Thank you Question 12 of 18 mCubiks Shelll is always seeking ways to improve eneray efficiency at their chemical plants. You are part of a team tasked with investigating new ways of recovering and reusing the heat lost during processing and you have been involved in the design of some new equipment that can do this effectively, What do you recommend to the business about the implementation of this equipment? 4. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective ‘A. Suggest installing the equipment in one plant to test it and measure its benefits before investing in rolling it out to other plants. B. Compile documentation on the new equipment to sell the benefits to plant managers so they can make an informed choice about whether to buy it. €. Work to ensure that the new equipment is made available to as many plants as possible considering the investment budgets available. . Propose that the new equipment is implemented in all new plants that are currently being built so they are energy efficient from the start. Boek EY Not. rated oO 5 Most Least 0 oOo Oeo o°@e oo Divext Developed by Cubes Welcome Assessment ‘Shell Gcbal Funcuone Prater Solving ‘Thank you WCubiks Question 13 of 18 Shell is exploring innovative methods of drilling wells in deep water environments and is seeking some new drilling technology. There are many options for Shell to acquire or develop this type of technology. What action would you recommend that Shell takes? 1. Countorproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 20-2) 3 45S Most Least rated ‘A. Shell should focus on increasing the number of its (_) oo employees with the expertise to develop the technology; this will add long-term strategic value to the enterprise. B. Shell should seek to co-create innovative driling technology in collaboration with external experts, in order to ensure that the technology has competitive value. Shell should focus on adopting the most cost 0 oo effective strategy of developing technologies to rival those of its major competitors Shell should toebelon traning ie:current Oo 00 employees to design and develop the technology within Shell, to enhance Shell's existing talent. Bock EI Dinext Developed by Cubes Shell Global Functions Problem Solving Thank you (Question 14 of 18 MCubiks You have recently analysed a lot of data for a task which had no urgent deadline. For this, you were asked to specify all safety risks that would occur if the climate were to change in a region where Shell is drilling offshore. You were given a specific brief and worked hard to deliver this. However, one stakeholder thinks the work is unsatisfactory and has asked you to redo your analysis. What do you do? 4.Counterproductive 2.tneffective 3. Neutral 4.Effective 5. Highly Effective Not ated ‘A. Start again because there is no deadline; itisa ‘good lesson as next time you will ensure you fully understand the scope before beginning work. B. Start again but before you do, you would call the stakeholder to discuss the scope and agree upon the specific changes that need to be made. . Involve your manager as you believe youhave =) done what was asked of you, in this situation itis probably best your manager speaks to the stakeholder. D. Call the stakeholder and explain why you think the [7] analysis is sufficient; it is important that they Understand the rationale behind your approach. ‘0ek EI 2 2 3&5 Most Least 0°90 oo oo oOo Dinext Developed by Cubies Welcome Assessment Shell Businesses Problem Solving Thank you mCubiks i : . Shell Global Functions covers a wide range of professions. While they each add value to the business in a unique way, their agendas are common - to maximise business impact, to continuously improve the function, and to attract and develop world-class people. The Global Functions share common challenges on how to increase their “business partnering” capabilities, how to best provide support to Joint Ventures and how to achieve better business outcomes by improving the operating processes across the organisation. Their “people” agendas are also shared: to provide exciting jobs and careers, along with great learning and development opportunities, and inspirational leadership, Overall, the functions provide 2 great opportunity for Shell employees to contribute to exciting businesses across the company. Shell Global Functions include: Finance, Legal, IT, HR & Corporate (Aircraft, Communications, Health, Real Estate, Shell Business Service Centres, Security and Travel), Safety and Environment, Contracting & Procurement, Government Relations, Sustainable Development and C02. More than 20,000 employees work in these functions around the globe. eck EI Dnext ate Welcome Assessment ‘Shel Businesses Problem Solving ‘Thank you Developed by Cubes Question 15 of 18 WCubiks Working in Shell Marketing, you are creating a leaflet for an industry career conference that Shell is sponsoring. The flyer aims to attract graduates to the event, Shell’s brand has a high value and branding standards state that only one company logo is put on the leaflet. The other companies attending the conference also want their logo on it. You have one week to produce the leaflet. What do you do? S.Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3. Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective ‘A. Include the other company names, but not their logos; as Shell is sponsoring the event it should be a fully Shell branded leaflet. B. Include all the company logos, but make Shell's largest; it is not a Shell document so you know you can compromise on the branding requirements. ©. Contact the Shell brand experts and ask for guidance on what should be included and whether You are able to make an exception in this case. D. Design several different options with and without logos. Send them to the other companies for them to vote on the one they like best. Back EI a 0 QO Oo 0 1 2 2&5 Most Least oOo o oOo ° ° Dinoxt Welcome Assesement Shell Businesses Problem Solving Thank you MiCubiks Question 16 of 18 Shell is trying to enter 2 new country to drill for oll. Although Shell has not worked in this country before, it has generally been successful in its attempts to enter new regions. You have been asked to prepare a report that will provide the Upstream leadership team with an overview of how best to approach working in this country, What is the first action you would take? 1. Counterproductive 2, Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 2 2-3 8S Most Least ited A. Speak with people who have been involved inthis [_} oOo type of project before to see what they think are the key areas to include. B, Conduct some research on the country to see what [_) oo the key issues seem to be and incorporate these into your suggestions. . Research what the competition are offering in this) oo country and focus your report on describing what Shell could do to differentiate its offerings from them. D._ Review past reports that had been written when oOo Shell was preparing to enter a new country ané base your report on the same areas Back EI Dive Developed by Cuties Welcome Assessment Shell Businesses Problem Soving Thank you MCubiks Question 27 of 28 Your colleague is on holiday for one week and you are covering their tasks in their absence. Their manager sends you an urgent email with an Excel sheet attached, claiming that they have identified a few mistakes in the output. Tackling this issue will take you a long time and you have an important deadline for another task that your own manager has asked for. What do you do? A. Counterproductive 2. Ineffective 3.Neutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1 2 3 4 5 Most Least rated A. Immediately review the Excel sheet, itis clearly [_} oo important to their manager and you are responsible for your colleague's tasks in their absence. B. Call their manager and ask whether this is really [_} oOo urgent before yeu star with ths task itis really urgent, co everything you can to extend your other deadline. €. tis more time efficient to leave it for your colleague so you Would call and inform their manager about this; by the time you nave tackled this situation, your coleague vill be back. Call their manager an ask whether this i realy — (7) 00 urgent before you consider starting on the task, whilst explaining that you have an important deadline yoursett Bock ED Dinext Developed by Cubiks Question 18 of 18 You are working on the sale of a rig to another major eneray company. As part of the sale, this company is contracted to purchase all of the existing equipment on the rig, on the basis of the rig specification. However, they are now refusing to purchase half of it as it does not meet their requirements. What information would be most useful for you to gather in order to proceed with the negotiations? 4. Countorproductive 2. Inoffective 3.Noutral 4. Effective 5. Highly Effective Not 1234S Most Least voted A. Financial information to understand the financial [_) o0 loss resulting from not selling all of the rig equipment, Problem Solving B. Information about past negotiations by the other [_} oo company to judge what they are most likely to compromise on. “Tank you . Information from Shell colleagues on similar 0 oo negotiations involving rig equipment with other ‘companies. D. Guidelines regarding the specification of rig 0 oo equipment at Shell and the other company. Back EI Binext Darnped by Galie

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