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Midterm Examination Instruction

1. Open Account E-Portal

2. Open Department (College of Maritime)
3. Open your designated Subject ( example: Thermodynamics)
4. Click Turn Editing On

Make sure it is
Turn Editing On

5. Click Add activity or resource ( located below Turn Editing on on/off)

Click this
6. A pop-up screen will show. Click Quiz then Add.

Click this

7. Write Midterm Examination on Name

Write here
8. Click Timing and click enable for open the quiz .
9. Set date to March 26 2020 0800H (Default Time) as we still need to finalize
the exam dates

Check this

10. Click Save and return to Course

Click This

Kindly change the Open the Quiz dates when Final Midterm Examination is
For additional security:

1. Click Restrict Access

2. Click Add Restriction

Look Here
3. A pop-up window will open. Click Date

4. Set the date 26 March 2020 0800H. Then save and return to course.
5. This will ensure that the examination is hidden and the students will not
see that the exam made. No previews or attempts to check the exam can
be made by students.

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