SAP BackBone - Final - POA

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ABAP System connectivity SAP Backbone

Task Name
1 Check the System for BASIS Release and Relevant SP Level as followed

Please check for the SAP Basis Release and SP level in

the Customer managed Systems and

The TCI enablement in SNOTE are available in the

Support Packages of their respective SAP_BASIS releases.
If a system is in any of the Basis Release and SP levels
then implementing the bootstrap is not needed and proceed
with procedure given in cloumn "F".
If SP level for the listed Releases in the Customer managed
Systems is of lower SP level then implement the list of notes
given below based on the SAP_BASIS release of the system.
(1.4.1 to 1.4.7). Doing this enables SNOTE for TCI.
Please check for the SAP Basis Release and SP level
in the Customer managed Systems and if it is of the
same SP level or below in the given screen shot then:

1.4 Update to Support Package Manager (SPAM) version 70 or higher.

1.4.1 >> SAP_BASIS 700:

1.4.2 >> SAP_BASIS 701:

1.4.3 >> SAP_BASIS 702:

1.4.4 >> SAP_BASIS 731:

1.4.5 >> SAP_BASIS 740:

1.4.6 >> SAP_BASIS 750:

1.4.7 >> SAP_BASIS 751:

1.5 Procedure for implementing an SAP Note containing TCI
1.6 Procedure for Implementing the Bootstrap SAP Note

Please check for the SAP Basis Release and SP level in the Customer managed Systems and if it is
of the SP level or below in the given screen shot then:

Please check for the SAP Basis Release and SP level in the Customer managed Systems and if it is
of the SP level or below in the given screen shot then:


Request a technical communication user and provide the same to SOLMAN team as they need to
maintain it in AISUSER tcode in SOLMAN.

3 Please ensure the ST - PI and ST-A/PI patch levels are updated to the latest

Go to transaction SM59 in Managed System to create an RFC of Type 3 to Central SOLMAN as


4 Naming convention : DS_<CUSTOMERNAME>_CONNECT

> In the target host – Provide FQDN of your POD’s central solman.
> Now go to the Logon & Security tab
5 > Enter the user and password provided by the SOLMAN team that is used to connect to the
Central SOLMAN System.
> Perform connection and authorization test.

6 Go to SPRO transaction - > SAP Reference IMG -> SAP Netweaver -> Application server -> Basis
Services -> SNOTE -> Define Procedure for Downloading SAP Note

In the above navigation if you do not get the screen shown, Then implement Snote: 2576306 to
download Digitally Signed Notes:
2576306 - Transport-Based Correction Instruction (TCI) for Download of Digitally Signed SAP
After successful implementation of the S Note: 2576306, Rerun the Steps as given above in Step 6
8 and then enter the RFC destination name created to connect to SOLMAN in step 4 above. Screen
shot shown for reference.

9 Go to SA38 and run report RCWB_SNOTE_DWNLD_PROC_CONFIG

10 Select option as shown and save.

11 Now Go to T-Code SNOTE to download test note 2755640

After successful download check Note log for below message

'Digitally Signed SAP Note < NR > downloaded using RFC Destination < Name of RFC to Download

13 If you see the above message then all your configurations are complete.
nnectivity SAP Backbone update configuration TLO


> If the SAP BASIS Release same SP level or above as shown in screen shot, Then No Action is
In case the SP level is below than the given screen shot, then proceed with Step 1.2

>> If the SNOTE is enabled for TCI, implement

• SAP Note 2576306
Note: Procedure for implementing an SAP Note containing TCI refer to section to 1.5
Procedure for Implementing the Bootstrap SAP Note refer to section to 1.6
> Implement bootstrap SAP Note 2187425 & its prerequisites (Refer to Section 1.6)
> Need to implement SAP Note : 2576306 (Refer to Section 1.5)
> Customizing Reports
Note: Procedure for implementing an SAP Note containing TCI refer to step 1.5
Procedure for Implementing the Bootstrap SAP Note refer to step 1.6

Before proceeding with 1.4.1 to 1.4.7, make sure your SPAM is higher version as stated

Download and implement following SAP Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 975510
o SAP Note 1113339
o SAP Note 1832923
o SAP Note 2344014
o SAP Note 2134534
o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2569813
o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 2446868 (TCI Package: SAPK70000PCPSAPBASIS)

Download and implement the following SAP Notes if they are valid:
o SAP Note 1504500
o SAP Note 1532112
o SAP Note 2344014
o SAP Note 2134534
o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 2444141 (TCI Package: SAPK70100DCPSAPBASIS)
Download and implement the following SAP Notes if they are valid:
o SAP Note 1532112
o SAP Note 2344014
o SAP Note 2134534
o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 2444141 (TCI Package: SAPK70200GCPSAPBASIS)

Download and implement the following SAP Notes if they are valid:
o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 1995550 (TCI Package: SAPK73100DCPSAPBASIS) • Implement
SAP Note 2408383 (TCI Note) (TCI Package: SAPK73100GCPSAPBASIS)

Download and implement following SAP Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 1995550 (TCI Package: SAPK74000FCPSAPBASIS)
• Implement SAP Note 2408383 (TCI Note) (TCI Package: SAPK74000ICPSAPBASIS)

Download and implement following SAP Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 1995550 (TCI Package: SAPK750002CPSAPBASIS)
• Implement SAP Note 2408383 (TCI Note) (TCI Package: SAPK750003CPSAPBASIS)

Download and implement following SAP Notes if they are valid:

o SAP Note 2536585
o SAP Note 2606986
o SAP Note 2615270
o SAP Note 2569813
• Implement the bootstrap SAP Note 1995550 (TCI Package: SAPK751001CPSAPBASIS)
• Implement SAP Note 2408383 (TCI Note) (TCI Package: SAPK751002CPSAPBASIS)
1. Download the SAP Note (which is also a TCI note).

2. Download the TCI package:

a) Search and open the relevant SAP Note xxxxxxx in SAP ONE Support Launchpad
b) Choose Correction Instructions and select the relevant software component.
c) On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version (on the left
side) and choose Download (on the right side). Save the SAR file into your system.
d) Log on into client 000 of the ABAP system you want to install the TCI.
e) Upload the TCI SAR file in the Note Assistant, Choose Goto > Upload TCI
Note: Alternatively, you can upload the TCI SAR archive (for example, K700005CPSAPBASIS.SAR)
through Support Package Manager or SAINT from front end to your development system (SPAM
must be called in client 000). To do so, call transaction SPAM or SAINT in client 000 and choose
Support Package > Load Packages > From Front End in transaction SPAM or Installation Package >
Load Package > From Front End in transaction SAINT.
If Upload TCI is not available, then execute Report RSLANG20(Refer to SAP Notes 110910 and
48624). After this step, launch SNOTE and choose Goto > Upload TCI

3. Implement the SAP Note xxxxxxx as any other SAP Note in Note Assistant.
1. Download the Bootstrap TCI:
a) Search and open the relevant bootstrap SAP Note xxxxxxx from SAP One Support Launchpad.
Refer to the above sections 1.2.2 to 1.2.8 for relevant Note.
b) Choose Correction Instructions and select SAP_BASIS Software Component.
c) On the Correction Instruction view, select the relevant software component version (on the left
side) and choose Download (on the right side). Save the SAR file into your directory.
d) Log on into client 000 of the ABAP system you want to install the TCI.
e) Upload the bootstrap TCI SAP Note to the system: Call transaction SPAM, then choose Support
Package > Load Packages > From Front End and navigate to the directory, into which you
downloaded the SAR file (for example, K70003CPSAPBASIS.SAR).

2. Define queue:
a) In transaction SPAM, display the new support packages.
b) From the OCS Package Directory: New Packages view, select the respective bootstrap TCI SAP
c) To define the TCI queue, click the Calculate Queue button.
Note: If you receive the following message "Not allowed Support Package is already applied," the
import of TCI is not required as the required changes are already available in the system.
d) Import the TCI queue: Click the Import queue button to import the TCI queue.
e) Confirming the queue: Once the queue is imported, you are prompted with the next action - to
go to the SAP Note Assistant (transaction SNOTE) and download (Even if the Note is available
download it again) and implement the bootstrap note; that the status of the SAP Note is completely
implemented. Doing this will automatically confirm the SPAM queue.

3. Verify the SAP Note Status: Verify if the status of the SAP Note xxxxxxx (for example, SAP Note
2446868 for 700 release) is set to Completely Implemented.

> Support Package update is required. TLO

> Perform a release upgrade of the ABAP managed system. TLO

2532813 - Information about the Technical Communication User

2174416 - Creation and activation of users in the Technical Users application - SAP ONE Support TLO







Down the test Sap Note: 2755640 TLO





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