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Explorers – Intro to Time Traveling Theater!

(Day 1)

Teachers: Mr. Petritsch Time: 45 min.

Grade Level: 4TH Grade

GLCE: 4 – H3.0.5 Use visual data and informational text or

primary accounts to compare a major Michigan economic
activity today with that same activity or a related activity in
the past.

Subject Big Idea: People react to change.

Explorers Essential Question: How do people respond to hardship?

Students will compare various cultures, races, and groups of people through
active and engaged discussion.

- Launch: Intro Project
Visuals to use for
o “We are going to be doing an awesome project, and
Modeling today we are going to be talking about what our project
expectations for is, why we are doing this and what
museum and o
modeling for the o Intro Field trip - What is it? Why are we doing this? What are
project in form of goals?
objects and  first part of that project, which is going on a field
worksheets. trip. 
 We are going to the MI historical museum!”
 “On Feb 27, all the 4th grade classes will be
headed to the museum in downtown Lansing.”
 “Why are we doing this? - We are doing this to
research for our project and in our assigned time
period (get the necessary info we need) and to
take some time to explore in other areas and
learn more about the awesome other time
periods that we didn’t really learn about in our
 Some facts/history of museum
 Set expectations
- Discussion
o Why should we study this kind of thing for a project? – Turn and
talk and then whole group talk
o This leads into a quick write for how to behave in the museum
and how they can individually use this field trip experience to
more readily prepare for the project.
o Have Quick Write/worksheet for coming up with questions, etc.
 Intro this and model
 Give them indep time to do this

Materials Teacher: PP slides, LP outline, worksheets and quick writes (60 copies of each)
Students: Pencils,

Homework Working on roles during FT

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