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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA


Issue 15
Date 2014-06-13


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Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the types and formats of bills and call detail records (CDRs). This
document provides guidance for the collection system to collect bills and CDRs through the
collection interfaces of the AAA.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

Application developers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

CAUTION avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to
personal injury.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) About This Document

Symbol Description

NOTE Calls attention to important information, best practices and

NOTE is used to address information not related to
personal injury, equipment damage, and environment

Privacy Notice
Only the documents related to the interfaces required by the current site are provided along with
this version. The disclosure or misuse of the other interfaces supported by this product may lead
to disclosure of trade secrets and unpredictable risks of failures. Therefore, the related interface
documents are disclosed with restrictions. For details about the process of obtaining the
documents and the requirements that must be met before obtaining the documents, contact the
Huawei local office .

Revision Records
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 15 (2014-06-13)

The fifteenth commercial release.

A Parameter Description is updated.

Updates in Issue 14 (2012-10-30)

The fourteenth commercial release.

Framed-Interface-Id and Framed-IPv6-Prefix are added in 2.6 Fields in a CDR.

Updates in Issue 13 (2012-06-15)

The thirteenth commercial release.

Creating an SFTP User Account and Configuring Bill Transfer in SFTP Mode in 4.2
Configuration of the AAA are added.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) About This Document

Updates in Issue 12 (2012-03-15)

The twelfth commercial release.

l The description of AccountReason, DiamSessionID and CarrierID parameter in 3.6.2

Fields in a Usage-Based Fee Bill is updated or added.
l 3.3.2 Name Format of an OCS exception bypass Bill File is added.
l The description of DistinguishCDMAOCSBill and convert_ cdma_ocsoff in A
Parameter Description is added.

Updates in Issue 11 (2012-01-31)

The eleventh commercial release.

l 3.4 Format of the Bill File Content is updated.

l B.4 Configuring billcvt During the Reserved Character Conversion is added.

Updates in Issue 10 (2011-10-31)

The tenth commercial release.

l 3.6.1 Fields in a Basic Fee Bill is updated.

l 3.6.2 Fields in a Usage-Based Fee Bill is updated.

Updates in Issue 09 (2010-03-31)

The ninth commercial release.

The product version V200R002 is changed to R002C10.

Updates in Issue 08 (2009-10-31)

The eighth commercial release.

Updates in Issue 07 (2009-09-28)

The seventh commercial release.

Updates in Issue 06 (2009-08-24)

The sixth commercial release.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) About This Document

Updates in Issue 05 (2009-07-31)

The fifth commercial release.

Updates in Issue 04 (2009-03-31)

The fourth commercial release.

Updates in Issue 03 (2009-01-09)

The third commercial release.

Updates in Issue 02 (2008-12-10)

The second commercial release.

Issue 01 (2008-11-15)
Initial field trial release.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction to the AAA.................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Networking of the AAA and the OSS............................................................................................................................3

2 Description of CDRs.....................................................................................................................5
2.1 Basic Concepts...............................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Handling Processes of CDRs..........................................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Processing Flow...........................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Generating CDRs.........................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.3 Processing CDRs.........................................................................................................................................................8
2.2.4 Querying CDR Files....................................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Format of a CDR File Name...........................................................................................................................................9
2.4 Format of the CDR File Content..................................................................................................................................10
2.5 Types of Field Values...................................................................................................................................................10
2.6 Fields in a CDR............................................................................................................................................................11

3 Description of Bills.....................................................................................................................42
3.1 Basic Concepts.............................................................................................................................................................43
3.2 Handling Processes of Bills..........................................................................................................................................43
3.2.1 Processing Flow.........................................................................................................................................................43
3.2.2 Generating Bills.........................................................................................................................................................44
3.2.3 Processing Bills.........................................................................................................................................................46
3.2.4 Querying Bills............................................................................................................................................................46
3.3 Format of a Bill File Name...........................................................................................................................................47
3.3.1 Name Format of an OSS Bill File.............................................................................................................................47
3.3.2 Name Format of an OCS exception bypass Bill File.................................................................................................48
3.4 Format of the Bill File Content.....................................................................................................................................49
3.5 Types of Field Values...................................................................................................................................................49
3.6 Fields in a Bill...............................................................................................................................................................50
3.6.1 Fields in a Basic Fee Bill...........................................................................................................................................50
3.6.2 Fields in a Usage-Based Fee Bill...............................................................................................................................52
3.7 Bill Instances................................................................................................................................................................56

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vi

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) Contents

3.7.1 Basic Fee Bills...........................................................................................................................................................56

3.7.2 Usage-Based Fee Bills...............................................................................................................................................57

4 Interconnection Guide................................................................................................................61
4.1 Interconnection Process................................................................................................................................................62
4.2 Configuration of the AAA............................................................................................................................................62
4.3 Collection Guide...........................................................................................................................................................66
4.4 Sorting CDRs................................................................................................................................................................68

A Parameter Description...............................................................................................................73
B Format Conversion.....................................................................................................................79
B.1 Overview of the billcvt................................................................................................................................................80
B.2 Directories of the billcvt..............................................................................................................................................80
B.3 Configurations of the billcvt........................................................................................................................................80
B.4 Configuring billcvt During the Reserved Character Conversion.................................................................................82

C Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................................................................................84

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 1 Overview

1 Overview

About This Chapter

This topic describes the AAA and the networking of the AAA and Operation Support System

1.1 Introduction to the AAA

AAA is short for authentication, authorization, and accounting. The AAA provides the
authentication, authorization, and accounting functions for users.

1.2 Networking of the AAA and the OSS

The AAA provides the OSS interface for interconnecting with the OSS. The OSS can obtain
CDRs and billsthrough the OSS interface provided by the AAA. In addition, the OSS can
synchronize user information and query user balance through the OSS interface.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 1 Overview

1.1 Introduction to the AAA

AAA is short for authentication, authorization, and accounting. The AAA provides the
authentication, authorization, and accounting functions for users.

AAA System
The AAA system is enabled through the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)
protocol. With the client/server structure, RADIUS uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as
the transmission protocol. The RADIUS client program runs on the access device, and the
RADIUS server program runs in the AAA system.

Functioning as a RADIUS server, the AAA developed by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
provides the authentication, authorization, and accounting functions for users on the packet
switched (PS) domain through the RADIUS protocol.

The AAA provides the following basic functions:

l Authentication and authorization
The AAA can work with the access device to authenticate users and service access rights
and to assign users the right to use network resources and services.
l Accounting
The AAA can charge users in real time according to the duration, volume, and tariff.

Networking Mode
In different networking modes, the AAA can function as the authentication and authorization
system providing the authentication and authorization functions or as the accounting system
providing the accounting function.

l Functioning as the authentication and authorization system

The AAA works with the access device to provide the authentication and authorization
functions. In addition, the AAA works with another accounting system that charges users.
In this networking mode, the AAA generates a call detail record (CDR) file according to
the accounting message sent by the access device. The OSS can perform rating and
settlement operations according to the CDR files.
l Functioning as the accounting system
The AAA works with the access device to provide the authentication, authorization, and
accounting functions.
In this networking mode, the AAA charges users according to the usage-based or duration-
based tariff and generates bill files. The AAA can generates CDR files as required.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 1 Overview

1.2 Networking of the AAA and the OSS

The AAA provides the OSS interface for interconnecting with the OSS. The OSS can obtain
CDRs and billsthrough the OSS interface provided by the AAA. In addition, the OSS can
synchronize user information and query user balance through the OSS interface.
Figure 1-1 shows the networking of the AAA and the OSS.

Figure 1-1 Networking of the AAA and the OSS

The following describes the functions of each network element.

Access Device
A user requests accessing the service network through the access device. The access device
forwards the request to the AAA for authentication. If the request passes the authentication, the
access device allows the user to access the service network and use the data service.

The AAA works with the access device to authenticate users and the service access rights and
to assign users the right to use network resources and services.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 1 Overview

The AAA can charge users by duration or volume. The AAA can also work with an accounting
system that is used to charge users.

Collection System
The collection system collects CDR and bill files generated by the AAA or other devices. After
preprocessing the CDR and bill files, the collection system sends the CDR and bill files to the
charging center for rating or sends them to the settlement center for roaming settlement.

During the preprocessing, the collection system processes the collected CDR and bill files, such
as converting CDR and bill formats, authenticating CDRs and bills, dividing CDRs and bills,
sorting CDRs and bills, deleting duplicate CDRs and bills, and combining CDRs and bills.

Charging Center
According to the tariff, user information, and account information, the charging center performs
rating for CDRs and bills collected by the collection system. The charging center generates a
list and saves the list to the database.

Accounting Center
By referring to the list, user information, and preference rules obtained from the charging center,
the accounting center combines CDRs and bills and performs preferential processing to generate
a summary bill. The user is charged according to the summary bill.

Settlement Center
The settlement center performs inter-network settlement, roaming settlement, and service
settlement according to the CDR and bill files colleted by the collection system.

Customer Service Center

The customer service center provides users with various services, such as service handling, fee
paying, and information service. The customer service center must synchronize user information
with the service system such as the AAA.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

2 Description of CDRs

About This Chapter

This topic describes the definition, classification, handling processes, and format of CDRs.

2.1 Basic Concepts

A CDR is the detailed record generated according to the wireless parameters and network
parameters reported by the access device.

2.2 Handling Processes of CDRs

This topic describes the processes of generating, processing, and querying CDRs.

2.3 Format of a CDR File Name

A CDR file name consists of the type, date, process ID, serial number, domain name, and

2.4 Format of the CDR File Content

A CDR file consists of multiple CDR records, and each CDR record consists of multiple CDR

2.5 Types of Field Values

A field value can be an integer, a character, a character string, or a string in dotted decimal

2.6 Fields in a CDR

A CDR consists of a serial number, field name, value type, field type, and field description.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

2.1 Basic Concepts

A CDR is the detailed record generated according to the wireless parameters and network
parameters reported by the access device.

The access device adds the collected wireless parameters and network parameters to accounting
messages before sending them to the AAA. The AAA generates a CDR according to the
information reported by the access device. The OSS can perform rating and settlement according
to the CDR files.

Whether the AAA generates CDRs can be configured. If the AAA is configured to generate
CDRs, the AAA generates CDRs after receiving accounting messages from the access device.

CDRs are classified into the following types according to access modes:
l Local CDR
Local CDRs are the CDRs generated by the AAA for local users.
l Proxy CDR
Proxy CDRs are the CDRs generated by the AAA for roaming users.
VPDN CDRs are the CDRs generated by the AAA for users of the Virtual Private Data
Network (VPDN) service.

2.2 Handling Processes of CDRs

This topic describes the processes of generating, processing, and querying CDRs.

2.2.1 Processing Flow

The processing flow of CDRs includes generating, processing, and collecting CDRs.

Figure 2-1 shows the process of generating CDRs in the AAA.

Figure 2-1 Process of generating CDRs

iSCC Integrated Service Control Center

iSMS Integrated Service Management System
OSS Operation Support System
iSCP Integrated Service Control Point

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

The process of generating CDRs is as follows:

1. The access device adds the collected wireless parameters and network parameters to
accounting messages before sending them to the AAA.
2. The iSCP of the AAA generates a CDR record according to the accounting message and
then writes the CDR record in the CDR file.
3. The Billproc of the AAA obtains CDR files periodically from the iSCP, processes them,
and then saves the processed CDR files to the relevant directory.
4. The OSS obtains CDR files from the OSS directory of the Billproc through SFTP.

2.2.2 Generating CDRs

The AAA can be configured to generate CDRs. When receiving an accounting request message
from the access device, the AAA generates a CDR record and then writes the CDR record in the
corresponding CDR file.

The AAA generates a CDR file according to the CDR type, generation date, ID of the process
that generates the CDR, serial number of the CDR file, and domain name of the user. The AAA
writes the CDR records with the same type, date, process ID, and domain name in the same CDR
file. For the format of a CDR file name, see 2.3 Format of a CDR File Name.

The AAA generates a new CDR file in the following situations:

l The CDR types are different.
l The date when a CDR is generated is different from the date when other CDRs are
l The processes that generate the CDRs are different.
l The domain names are different.
l The size of the original CDR file reaches the maximum. The default maximum size of a
CDR file is 2048 KB.
l The generated CDR files are obtained. That is, the CDR files are removed from the
current directory to the download directory.

The AAA identifies a CDR file through the serial number in the file name. A CDR file can be
numbered according to any of the following rules:
l CDR files are numbered from 00000001 each day.
l CDR files are numbered from 00000001 only when the serial number reaches the maximum
value. The maximum serial number can range from 100000 to 99999999.
l All the types of CDR files are numbered uniformly, and each CDR file has a unique serial
l Different types of CDR files are numbered independently.

The collection system collects CDR files according to the following rules:

l If the CDR files are numbered uniformly, and CDR files are numbered from 00000001
only when the serial number reaches the maximum value:
The serial numbers of the CDR files increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR
files according to the serial numbers.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

l If the CDR files are numbered uniformly, and CDR files are numbered from 00000001
each day:
The serial numbers of the CDR files generated on the same day increase by 1, and the
collection system collects CDR files according to the date and serial numbers.
l If the CDR files are numbered independently, and CDR files are numbered from
00000001 only when the serial number reaches the maximum value:
The serial numbers of the CDR files with the same type, process ID, and domain name
increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR files according to the type, process
ID, and domain name.
l If the CDR files are numbered independently, and CDR files are numbered from
00000001 each day:
The serial numbers of the CDR files with the same date, type, process ID, and domain name
increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR files according to the date, type,
process ID, and domain name.

2.2.3 Processing CDRs

The AAA supports the functions of verifying CDRs and converting CDR formats.

The AAA provides the following processing functions:

l Verifying CDRs

The AAA can verify the formats of CDRs and save the CDRs that do not pass the
verification to the specific directory.
l Saving CDRs to the collection directory

The AAA can save CDRs to the collection directory, that is, the OSS directory. The OSS
obtains the CDRs from the OSS directory through SFTP.
l Converting CDR formats

The AAA can convert the formats of the CDR files that are saved to the OSS directory.
The formats of CDR file names and contents can be converted.
For details about the format conversion, see B Format Conversion.

2.2.4 Querying CDR Files

CDR files are generated by the iSCP of the AAA and processed by the Billproc after the Billproc
obtains the CDR files periodically from the iSCP. Therefore, CDR files can be queried in the
two modules.

Querying the iSCP for CDR Files

1. Log in to the AAA as the iscc2 user.
2. Access the bill directory.
The bill directory consists of three subdirectories:
l bad: directory where incorrect CDR files are saved
l current: directory where the generated CDR files are saved
l download: directory where the CDR files that need to be transferred to the Billproc are

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

3. Run the ls command to query CDR files.

Querying the Billproc for CDR Files

1. Log in to the AAA as the billproc user.
2. Access the record directory.
CDR files are stored in the corresponding directories according to service types, generation
dates, and domains.
3. Run the ls command to query CDR files.

2.3 Format of a CDR File Name

A CDR file name consists of the type, date, process ID, serial number, domain name, and

Figure 2-2 shows the format of a CDMA CDR file name.

Figure 2-2 Format of a CDMA CDR file name

In the name of a CDR file of the CDMA service, use the underscore (_) to separate the type, date, process ID,
and serial number, and use the period (.) to separate the serial number, domain name, and extension.

Table 2-1 describes the format of a CDR file name.

Table 2-1 Format of a CDMA CDR file name

Field Description Example


l CPROXY: proxy CDR

Date Date when a CDR file is generated. 20090301

The date can be accurate to hour and minute.

Process ID ID of the process that generates a CDR. Process IDs are used to 10010
identify the CDRs generated by different processes.
If the process ID is an integer larger than 10010, it indicates that the
CDR is generated by the SCP. The first three digits are the SCP number,
and the last two digits are the SCF number plus 10.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

Field Description Example

Serial Serial number of a CDR file. 00000001

number A serial number consists of eight digits, starting from
A CDR file can be numbered according to any of the following rules:
l CDR files are numbered from 00000001 each day.
l CDR files are numbered from 00000001 only when the serial
number reaches the maximum value. The maximum serial number
can range from 100000 to 99999999.
l All the types of CDR files are numbered uniformly, and each CDR
file has a unique serial number.
l Different types of CDR files are numbered independently.

Domain Name of the domain that the user belongs to. huawei
name NOTE
If the name of the domain that the user belongs to is empty, the field of
the domain name does not exist in the CDR file.

Extension txt: text file txt

2.4 Format of the CDR File Content

A CDR file consists of multiple CDR records, and each CDR record consists of multiple CDR
The default format of the CDR file content is as follows:
l Each CDR file consists of one or more CDR records.
l Each CDR record consists of multiple fields.
l CDR records are separated by line feed characters.
l Every two fields are separated by a vertical bar (|).
An example of the content of the
9.txt CDR is as follows:


2.5 Types of Field Values

A field value can be an integer, a character, a character string, or a string in dotted decimal
Table 2-2 describes the types of field values.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

Table 2-2 Types of field values

Value Type Description

INTEGER An integer of 4 bytes.

When the time is of the INTEGER type, the value indicates the
interval between the current time and 1970-01-01 00:00:00, in
If the value of this field is negative, it indicates that the
corresponding value exceeds 2 GB.

CHAR Characters.
The number in the brackets indicates the maximum number of
characters. For example, CHAR(20) indicates that the number of
characters in the field value must be equal to or less than 20.

IP-addr(16) A string in dotted decimal notation.

String A character string.

2.6 Fields in a CDR

A CDR consists of a serial number, field name, value type, field type, and field description.

Table 2-3 describes the fields in a CDR.


If the value of a CDR field is -1 or null, it indicates that the access device PDSN does not report the attribute
value that the CDR field matches.

Table 2-3 Fields in a CDMA CDR

No. Field Value Field Type Description


1 Streamnu INTEG The value of this Serial number used for identifying a
mber ER field is CDR record.
automatically A CDR file consists of multiple CDR
generated when the records, and each CDR record maps a
AAA generates a serial number.
CDR record. The serial number in each CDR file
starts from 1 and increases in ascending
Example: 1

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


2 AcctTyp INTEG Standard attribute of Accounting status, used for identifying

e ER RADIUS (attribute the type of a CDR record.
number: 40). The type of a CDR record can be:
The PSDN reports l 1: accounting start CDR
the value of this field l 2: accounting stop bill
through an
accounting message. l 3: accounting interim CDR
An online process, that is, one session,
consists of multiple accounting
sessions. In each accounting session,
one accounting start CDR, N (N>=0)
pieces of accounting interim CDRs, and
one accounting stop CDR are generated.
The IDs of accounting sessions
generated in an accounting session are
the same in a CDR record.
A CDR record in which Beginning
Session is 1 and AcctType is 1 is an
accounting start CDR of a session.
Example: 2

3 RoamFla INTEG The value of this Roaming flag, used for identifying the
g ER field depends on the roaming type of a user.
registration type of a l 0: local users of the AAA
user in the AAA.
l 1: users of another AAA who roam
to the AAA
l 2: users of the AAA who roam to
another AAA
l 3: The AAA functions as a proxy and
forwards request messages of the
users of another AAA.
Example: 0

4 PaidType INTEG The value of this Payment type, used for identifying the
ER field depends on the charging type of a user.
registration type of a l 0: unknown
user in the AAA.
l 1: postpaid
l 2: prepaid
Example: 2

5 Remark INTEG - Reserved.

ER Example: 0

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


6 MSID CHAR Standard attribute of Mobile station identification.

(20) RADIUS (attribute The default value is an International
number: 31). Mobile Station Identity (IMSI) of a
The PSDN reports mobile station (MS).
the value of this field An IMSI is a 15-digit decimal number
through an in the format Mobile Country Code
authentication and (MCC) + Mobile Network Code (MNC)
accounting message. + Mobile Subscriber Identification
Number (MSIN).
The MCC is a mobile country code. For
example, the MCC of China is 460. The
MNC is a mobile network code. For
example, the MNC of the CDMA
system of China Unicom is 03. The
MSIN is a 10-digit decimal number.
Example: 640070022960160

7 ESN CHAR Attribute defined by Electronic serial number.

(16) the 3GPP2 An ESN uniquely identifies an MS.
(attribute number:
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting request

8 IP IP-addr Standard attribute of IP address of an MS.

Address (16) RADIUS (attribute Example:
number: 8).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

9 Network CHAR Standard attribute of Network access identifier, that is, the
Access (64) RADIUS (attribute account that a user uses to access the
Identifier number: 1). Internet.
(NAI) The PSDN reports Format: user@domain
the value of this field Example: 0732960160@mobile
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


10 Account CHAR Standard attribute of ID of an accounting session, identifying

Session (64) RADIUS (attribute an accounting session in a session.
ID number: 44). The PDSN generates a unique
The PSDN reports accounting session ID to correlate
the value of this field accounting start CDR records,
through an accounting stop CDR records, and
accounting message. accounting interim CDR records
generated in an R-P session.
An R-P session is a session between the
Packet Control Function (PCF) and the
In a PPP session, multiple accounting
sessions are generated, and each
accounting session has an ID.
Example: 0000003

11 Correlati CHAR Attribute defined by ID of a session, identifying a PPP

on ID (64) the 3GPP2 session of a user.
manufacturer In a session, all the generated CDRs has
(attribute number: the same correlation ID.
26/44). A PPP link from an MS to the PDSN is
The PSDN reports a PPP session. The PDSN generates a
the value of this field unique correlation ID to correlate
through an different accounting sessions in a PPP
authentication and link.
accounting message. Example: 08062392

12 Session INTEG Attribute defined by Session stop flag, indicating whether

Continue ER the 3GPP2 this CDR record is the last CDR record
manufacturer generated in the current session.
(attribute number: l 0: indicates that the session ends and
26/48). this CDR record is the last CDR
The PSDN reports record in the current session.
the value of this field l 1: indicates that the session does not
through an end and this CDR record is not the
accounting stop last CDR record in the current
message. session.
The CDR record in which AcctType is
2 and Session Continue is 2 is the last
CDR record of the entire session.
Example: 1

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


13 Beginnin INTEG Attribute defined by Session start flag, indicating whether

gSession ER the 3GPP2 this CDR record is the first CDR record
manufacturer generated in the current session.
(attribute number: l 0: indicates that this CDR record is
26/51). not the first CDR record.
The PSDN reports
l 1: indicates that this CDR record is
the value of this field
the first CDR record.
through an
accounting message. Example: 0

14 MIP IP-addr Attribute defined by IP address of the home agent (HA).

Home (16) the 3GPP2 In the MIP scheme, the HA saves the
Agent manufacturer information about the home location of
(HA) (attribute number: a user.
26/7). Example:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting request

15 PDSN/ IP-addr Standard attribute of IP address of the PDSN.

FA (16) RADIUS (attribute In the VPN service, the value of this
Address number: 4). field is the IP address of the VPN
The PSDN reports gateway.
the value of this field Example:
through an
accounting message.

16 Serving IP-addr Attribute defined by IP address of the PCF that is providing

PCF (16) the 3GPP2 services.
manufacturer Example:
(attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


17 BSID CHAR Attribute defined by Base station identification.

(12) the 3GPP2 The value of this field is a character
manufacturer string in the format sector ID (SID) +
(attribute number: network ID (NID) + cell ID.
26/10). The value of this field is a number
The PSDN reports consisting of a four-byte SID, a four-
the value of this field byte NID, and a four-byte cell ID. In the
through an cell ID, the twelve higher bytes indicate
accounting message. a cell, and the four lower bytes indicate
a sector. The value of this field is an
ASCII character string in hexadecimal
Example: 26A000010009

18 User INTEG Attribute defined by User zone.

Zone ER the 3GPP2 The user zone maps a sector that covers
manufacturer a specific area. In this area, the network
(attribute number: can provide users with the services that
26/11). the value of this field matches.
The PSDN reports A user zone ID (UZID) consists of
the value of this field multiple zone IDs (ZIDs), and a ZID
through an consists of multiple sector IDs (SIs).
accounting message. Example: 0

19 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Forward multiplexing option.

Mux ER the 3GPP2 It is a multiplexing format of a physical
Option manufacturer frame.
(attribute number: Example: 1
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


20 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Reverse multiplexing option.

Mux ER the 3GPP2 It is a multiplexing format of a physical
Option manufacturer frame.
(attribute number: Example: 1
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

21 Service INTEG Attribute defined by Service option of the air interface of the
Option ER the 3GPP2 RASYS.
manufacturer l 33: CDMA2000 1X
(attribute number:
26/16). l 59: CDMA2000 EVDO

The PSDN reports Example: 33

the value of this field
through an
accounting request

22 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Forward communications type.

Traffic ER the 3GPP2 l 0: primary channel
Type manufacturer
(attribute number: l 1: secondary channel
26/17). Example: 1
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


23 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Reverse communications type.

Traffic ER the 3GPP2 l 0: primary channel
Type manufacturer
(Primary, (attribute number: l 1: secondary channel
Secondar 26/18). Example: 1
y) Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

24 Fundame INTEG Attribute defined by Size of a fundamental channel frame.

ntal ER the 3GPP2 l 0: indeterminate
Frame manufacturer
Size (attribute number: l 1: 5 ms frame
26/19). l 2: 20 ms frame
Private attribute of Example: 0
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

25 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Forward fundamental resource

Fundame ER the 3GPP2 capability.
ntal RC manufacturer It indicates the format and structure of
(attribute number: the forward fundamental wireless
26/20). channel. The field indicates a group of
Private attribute of forward transmission formats and has
the CDMA 1X the features of the data rate,
standard. personalized modulation, and
transmission rate.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field Example: 3
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


26 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Reverse fundamental resource

Fundame ER the 3GPP2 capability.
ntal RC manufacturer It indicates the format and structure of
(attribute number: the reverse fundamental wireless
26/21). channel. The field indicates a group of
Private attribute of reverse transmission formats and has the
the CDMA 1X features of the data rate, modulation,
standard. and transmission rate.

The PSDN reports Example: 3

the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

27 IP INTEG Attribute defined by IP technology type, identifying the IP

Technolo ER the 3GPP2 technology used for calls.
gy manufacturer l 1: simple IP
(attribute number:
26/22). l 2: mobile IP

The PSDN reports Example: 1

the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

28 Compuls INTEG Attribute defined by Type of a compulsory tunnel.

ory ER the 3GPP2 l 0: no tunnel
Tunnel manufacturer
Indicator (attribute number: l 1: non-security tunnel
26/23). l 2: security tunnel
The PSDN reports This field indicates the indicator of the
the value of this field compulsory tunnel established on the
through an terminal side. This tunnel provides a
accounting message. private network. The tunnel can also
access the internet service provider
(ISP) through a single data package.
Example: 0

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


29 Release INTEG Attribute defined by Cause for sending an accounting stop

Indicator ER the 3GPP2 message.
manufacturer l 0: Unknown.
(attribute number:
26/24). l 1: The PPP or service is overtime.

The PSDN reports l 2: Handoff occurs.

the value of this field l 3: The PPP stops.
through an l 4: The MIP registration fails.
accounting message.
l 5: The PPP stops abnormally.
l 6: The resource management stops.
l 7: The service connection is
l 8: The traffic reaches the traffic
quota, and the service connection is
released (for the prepaid packet data
l 9: The duration reaches the duration
quota, and the service connection is
released (for the prepaid packet data
l 10: The prepaid accounting
information is incompatible (for the
prepaid packet data service).
l 11: The parameters such as e1, f1,
f2, and i4 of the air interface are
l 12: The time point set in the daily
timer arrives.
l 13: The sleep time is identified by
l 14: The Hot-Line status is changed.
l 15: The stream is deactivated.
Example: 0

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


30 DCCH INTEG Attribute defined by Format of a frame in the dedicated

Frame ER the 3GPP2 control channel.
Format manufacturer The frame size can be 0 milliseconds, 5
(0/5/20m (attribute number: milliseconds, or 20 milliseconds.
s) 26/50). Example: 0
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

31 Always INTEG Attribute defined by Whether the Always On service is

On ER the 3GPP2 enabled for a user.
manufacturer l 0: no
(attribute number:
26/78). l 1: yes

The PSDN reports Example: 0

the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

32 Data INTEG Standard attribute of Number of bytes in the IP packet

Octet ER RADIUS (attribute received by a user.
Count number: 43). The total number of bytes received by
(Termina The PSDN reports the user in this session equals the sum of
ting) the value of this field the values of this field in all accounting
through an stop CDRs (in which AcctType is 2).
accounting stop Example: 425757

33 Data INTEG Standard attribute of Total number of bytes in the IP packet

Octet ER RADIUS (attribute sent by a user.
Count number: 42). The total number of bytes sent by the
(Originat The PSDN reports user in this session equals the sum of the
ing) the value of this field values of this field in all accounting stop
through an CDRs (in which AcctType is 2).
accounting stop Example: 15434

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


34 Bad PPP INTEG Attribute defined by Total number of bad frames discarded
Frame ER the 3GPP2 by the PDSN due to error rectification
Count manufacturer failures.
(attribute number: Example: 0
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

35 Event INTEG Expansion attribute Time when an event happens, which is

Time ER of RADIUS recorded by the PDSN.
(attribute number: l For an accounting start message, the
55). value of this field is the time stamp
The PSDN reports when an accounting session starts.
the value of this field l For an accounting stop message, the
through an value of this field is the time stamp
accounting message. when an accounting session ends.
l For an accounting interim message,
the value of this field is the time
stamp when an accounting interim
session is updated.
The value of Event Time in the first
CDR is the start time of the entire
session. The value of Event Time in the
last CDR is the end time of the entire
session. Therefore, the difference
between the two values is the duration
of this session.
Example: 1239952174

36 Active INTEG Attribute defined by Total active connection duration on the

Time ER the 3GPP2 traffic channel, in seconds.
manufacturer The field indicates the activation
(attribute number: duration reported by the RAN in the
26/49). activation stop airlink record.
The PSDN reports Example: 183
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


37 Number INTEG Attribute defined by Number of times that the status changes
of Active ER the 3GPP2 from inactive to active in one PPP link.
Transitio manufacturer Example: 0
ns (attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

38 SDB INTEG Attribute defined by Total number of bytes received by a user

Octet ER the 3GPP2 through Short Data Burst (SDB) mode.
Count manufacturer The field indicates the number of SDB
(Termina (attribute number: bytes reported by the RAN in the SDB
ting) 26/31). airlink record.
The PSDN reports Example: 0
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

39 SDB INTEG Attribute defined by Total number of bytes sent by a user

Octet ER the 3GPP2 through the SDB mode.
Count manufacturer The field indicates the number of SDB
(Originat (attribute number: bytes reported by the RAN in the SDB
ing) 26/32). airlink record.
The PSDN reports Example: 0
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

40 Number INTEG Attribute defined by Number of times that a user receives the
of SDBs ER the 3GPP2 SDB.
(Termina manufacturer Example: 0
ting) (attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


41 Number INTEG Attribute defined by Number of times that a user sends the
of SDBs ER the 3GPP2 SDB.
(Originat manufacturer Example: 0
ing) (attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

42 Number INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes that the PDSN receives
of HDLC ER the 3GPP2 in the high-level data link control
layer manufacturer (HDLC).
bytes (attribute number: Example: 47026
received 26/43).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

43 In-Bound INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the registration or

Mobile IP ER the 3GPP2 proxy request message sent by an MS.
Signal- manufacturer Example: 0
ing Octet (attribute number:
Count 26/46).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

44 Out- INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the registration

bound ER the 3GPP2 response or proxy announcement sent to
Mobile IP manufacturer an MS.
Signal- (attribute number: Example: 0
ing Octet 26/47).
Count The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


45 IP INTEG Attribute defined by User quality level code of the IP

Quality ER the 3GPP2 network, identifying the IP service
of manufacturer quality of user data. Currently, the value
Service (attribute number: is Best Effort in most cases.
(QoS) 26/36). l 0: Best Effort
The PSDN reports l 10: AF11
the value of this field
through an l 12: AF12
accounting message. l 14: AF13
l 18: AF21
l 20: AF22
l 22: AF23
l 26: AF31
l 28: AF32
l 30: AF33
l 34: AF41
l 36: AF42
l 38: AF43
l 46: EF
Example: 0

46 Airlink INTEG The PSDN reports Quality level code of wireless links,
Quality ER the value of this field identifying the priority of airlinks of
of through an users. This priority is relevant to the
Service accounting request packet data service.
(QoS) message. Example: 0

47 Airlink INTEG Attribute defined by Type of a wireless link record.

Record ER the 3GPP2 This attribute is used for the A10
Type manufacturer interface of airlink records.
(attribute number: l 1: Connection Setup
l 2: Active Start
The PSDN reports
the value of this field l 3: Active Stop
through an l 4: SDB Record
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


48 R-P INTEG Attribute defined by ID of an R-P session.

Session ER the 3GPP2 Example: 36681
ID manufacturer
(attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

49 Airlink INTEG Attribute defined by Serial number of a wireless link.

Sequence ER the 3GPP2 This attribute is used for the A10
Number manufacturer interface of airlink records.
(attribute number: Example: 0
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

50 Mobile INTEG Attribute defined by Whether the SDB is initiated or

Originate ER the 3GPP2 terminated by a terminal.
d/Mobile manufacturer l 0: terminal initiation
Terminat (attribute number:
ed 26/45). l 1: terminal termination
Indicator The PSDN reports This attribute is used for the A10
the value of this field interface of airlink records.
through an Example: 0
accounting message.

51 Containe CHAR Attribute defined by Charging container, consisting of the

r (64) the 3GPP2 3GPP2 VSAs and RADIUS accounting
manufacturer attributes.
(attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


52 NAS- INTEG Standard attribute of Number of the physical port of the

Port ER RADIUS (attribute PDSN.
number: 5). Example: 1813
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


53 Service- INTEG Standard attribute of Type of the service requested by a user

Type ER RADIUS (attribute or provided for a user.
number: 6). l 1: Login
The PSDN reports The user should be connected to a
the value of this field host.
through an l 2: Framed
authentication and A Framed Protocol should be started
accounting message. for the User, such as PPP or SLIP.
l 3: Callback Login
The user should be disconnected and
called back, then connected to a host.
l 4: Callback Framed
The user should be disconnected and
called back, then a Framed Protocol
should be started for the User, such
as PPP or SLIP.
l 5: Outbound
The user should be granted access to
outgoing devices.
l 6: Administrative
The user should be granted access to
the administrative interface to the
NAS from which privileged
commands can be executed.
l 7: NAS Prompt
The user should be provided a
command prompt on the NAS from
which non-privileged commands
can be executed.
l 8: Authenticate Only
Only Authentication is requested,
and no authorization information
needs to be returned in the Access-
l 9: Callback NAS Prompt
The user should be disconnected and
called back, then provided a
command prompt on the NAS from
which non-privileged commands
can be executed.
l 10: Call Check
Used by the NAS in an Access-
Request packet to indicate that a call
is being received and that the

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


RADIUS server should send back an

Access-Accept to answer the call, or
an Access-Reject to not accept the
call, typically based on the Called-
Station-Id or Calling-Station-Id
attributes. It is recommended that
such Access-Requests use the value
of Calling-Station-Id as the value of
the User-Name.
l 11: Callback Administrative
The user should be disconnected and
called back, then granted access to
the administrative interface to the
NAS from which privileged
commands can be executed.
Example: 2

54 AcctDela INTEG Standard attribute of Charging delay duration, that is, the
yTime ER RADIUS (attribute time that the PDSN spends in sending
number: 41). an accounting request message.
The PSDN reports Example: 0
the value of this field
through an
accounting request

55 Acct- INTEG Standard attribute of Mode for authenticating users.

Authenti ER RADIUS (attribute l 1: RADIUS
c number: 45). Users are authenticated through
The PSDN reports RADIUS.
the value of this field l 2: Local
through an Users are authenticated through
accounting request NAS.
l 3: Remote
Users are authenticated through a
remote authentication protocol.
Example: 1

56 AcctSess INTEG Standard attribute of Duration of an accounting session, that

ionTime ER RADIUS (attribute is, the duration in which a user uses the
number: 46). service.Unit:second.
The PSDN reports The AcctSessionTime field in an
the value of this field accounting stop CDR record (in which
through an AcctType is 2) indicates the duration of
accounting stop an accounting session.
message. Example: 65

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


57 AcctInpu INTEG Standard attribute of Number of uplink packages, that is, the
tPackets ER RADIUS (attribute number of packages that the PDSN
number: 47). receives from the port through which a
The PSDN reports user uses the service.
the value of this field Example: 302
through an
accounting stop

58 AcctOutp INTEG Standard attribute of Number of downlink packages, that is,

utPackets ER RADIUS (attribute the number of packages that the PDSN
number: 48). sends to the port through which a user
The PSDN reports uses the service.
the value of this field Example: 332
through an
accounting stop

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


59 AcctTer INTEG Standard attribute of Cause of the session disconnection.

minateCa ER RADIUS (attribute l 1: User Request
use number: 49). User requested termination of
The PSDN reports service.
the value of this field l 2: Lost Carrier
through an DCD was dropped on the port.
accounting request
message. l 3: Lost Service
Service can no longer be provided;
for example, user's connection to a
host was interrupted.
l 4: Idle Timeout
Idle timer expired.
l 5: Session Timeout
Maximum session length timer
l 6: Admin Reset
Administrator reset the port or
l 7: Admin Reboot
Administrator is ending service on
the NAS, for example prior to
rebooting the NAS.
l 8: Port Error
NAS detected an error on the port
which required ending the session.
l 9: NAS Error
NAS detected some error (other than
on the port) which required ending
the session.
l 10: NAS Request
NAS ended session for a non-error
reason not otherwise listed here.
l 11: NAS Reboot
The NAS ended the session in order
to reboot non-administratively
l 12: Port Unneeded
NAS ended session because
resource usage fell below low-water
l 13: Port Preempted
NAS ended session in order to
allocate the port to a higher priority

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


l 14: Port Suspended

NAS ended session to suspend a
virtual session.
l 15: Service Unavailable
NAS was unable to provide
requested service.
l 16: Callback
NAS is terminating current session
in order to perform callback for a
new session.
l 17: User Error
Input from user is in error, causing
termination of session.
l 18: Host Request
Login Host terminated session
Example: 1

60 Acct- CHAR Standard attribute of ID of a multi-session.

Multi- (64) RADIUS (attribute A multilink session has a unique multi-
Session- number: 50). session ID and multiple accounting
ID The PSDN reports session IDs. One multi-session ID
the value of this field correlates multiple accounting session
through an IDs that have relation with each other.
accounting request Example: 08062378

61 Acct- INTEG Standard attribute of Number of links in a multilink session.

Link- ER RADIUS (attribute Example: 0
Count number: 51).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting request

62 AcctInpu INTEG Standard attribute of Number of times that the uplink volume
tGigawor ER RADIUS (attribute is calculated from zero.
ds number: 52). Number of bytes that PDSN receives
The PSDN reports from the port used by a user = 2^32 x the
the value of this field value of AcctInputGigawords + the
through an value of AcctInputOctets
accounting request Example: 0

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


63 AcctOutp INTEG Standard attribute of Number of times that the downlink

utGigaw ER RADIUS (attribute volume is calculated from zero.
ords number: 53). Number of bytes that PDSN sends to the
The PSDN reports port used by a user = 2^32 x the value
the value of this field of AcctOutputGigawords + the value
through an of AcctOutputOctets
accounting request Example: 0

64 NAS- INTEG Standard attribute of Type of the port used for authenticating
Port- ER RADIUS (attribute users through NAS.
Type number: 61). Example: 5
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting request

65 MDN CHAR If the PDSN reports The number that a calling party dials to
(20) the MDN through an call a local mobile user.
accounting message, The number is in the format CC+MAC
the AAA records the +H0H1H2H3+ABCD.
MDN in a CDR. If The value of CC is a country code. For
an accounting example, the country code of China is
message does not 86. The value ofMAC is a mobile access
contain the MDN, code. The value ofH0H1H2H3 is the
the AAA records the identification code of an HLR. The
payment number value ofABCD is the mobile number
registered during assigned by each HLR.
subscription in a
CDR. Example: 8613307550001

66 Service INTEG Attribute defined by For CDMA 1X, this field indicates a
Referenc ER the 3GPP2 reference ID of a service instance. The
e manufacturer reference ID is contained in the A11
(attribute number: Registration Request message.
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

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No. Field Value Field Type Description


67 FLOW_I INTEG Attribute defined by ID of the IP stream.

D ER the 3GPP2
Paramete manufacturer
r (attribute number:
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

68 Subnet String Attribute defined by Subnet of the HRPD RAN and the sector
(37) the 3GPP2 ID.
(attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

69 RSVP_Si INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the SRVP signaling

gnaling_I ER the 3GPP2 that an MS sends.
nbound_ manufacturer
Count (attribute number:
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

70 RSVP_Si INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the SRVP signaling

gnalling_ ER the 3GPP2 that an MS receives.
Outboun manufacturer
d_Count (attribute number:
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


71 RSVP_Si INTEG Attribute defined by Number of packets in the SRVP

gnaling_I ER the 3GPP2 signaling that an MS sends.
n_Pkts manufacturer
(attribute number:
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

72 RSVP_Si INTEG Attribute defined by Number of packets in the SRVP

gnaling_ ER the 3GPP2 signaling that an MS receives.
Out_Pkts manufacturer
(attribute number:
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

73 Granted INTEG Attribute defined by Quality of Service (QoS) of the IP

QoS ER the 3GPP2 stream for authentication.
Paramete manufacturer The Granted QoS Parameters field
rs (attribute number: that the RAN receives is identified by
26/132). FLOW_ID and stream direction.
Private attribute of
the DOA standard.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

74 Last User INTEG Attribute defined by Time when a user performs the last
Activity ER the 3GPP2 activation.
Time manufacturer The time starts from January 1, 1970, in
(attribute number: seconds.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


75 MEID String Attribute defined by Mobile equipment identifier (MEID) in

(14) the 3GPP2 the format of an ASCII character string.
(attribute number:
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

76 Foreign IP-addr Attribute defined by IPv4 address of the PDSN CoA

Agent (16) the 3GPP2 contained in the registration request
Address manufacturer (RRQ) message.
(attribute number:
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an

77 Carrier- String Attribute defined by ID of the visitor carrier that generates

ID (4) the 3GPP2 CDRs.
manufacturer The field indicates the ID of the visitor
(attribute number: PDSN, consisting of five or six bytes.
26/142). The value of this field consist of a three-
The PSDN reports byte MCC and a two-byte or three-byte
the value of this field MNC of the visitor carrier.
through an The value of this filed is set on the PDSN
authentication and of the visitor carrier.
accounting message.

78 GMT- String Attribute defined by Offset between the GMT time and the
Time- (4) the 3GPP2 time on the PDSN.
Zone- manufacturer The value is an integer of four bytes with
Offset (attribute number: symbols, in seconds.
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
authentication and
accounting message.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


79 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Radio frequency configuration of the

PDCH ER the 3GPP2 forward packet data channel.
RC manufacturer The field indicates that an MS supports
(attribute number: 1x EV DV.
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

80 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Multiplexing option of the forward

DCCH ER the 3GPP2 dedicated control channel (DCCH).
Mux manufacturer
Option (attribute number:
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

81 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Multiplexing option of the reverse

Mux manufacturer
Option (attribute number:
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


82 Forward INTEG Attribute defined by Format and structure of the wireless

DCCH ER the 3GPP2 channel of the forward DCCH.
RC manufacturer The field indicates a group of forward
(attribute number: transmission formats that are described
26/86). with the data rate, modulation feature,
Private attribute of and spreading rate.
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

83 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Format and structure of the wireless

DCCH ER the 3GPP2 channel of the reverse DCCH.
RC manufacturer The field indicates a group of reverse
(attribute number: transmission formats that are described
26/87). with the data rate, modulation feature,
Private attribute of and spreading rate.
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

84 Reverse INTEG Attribute defined by Radio frequency configuration of the

PDCH ER the 3GPP2 reverse packet data channel.
RC manufacturer The field indicates that an MS supports
(attribute number: 1x EV DV.
Private attribute of
the CDMA 1X
The PDSN obtains
the value of this field
from the Airlink
Record and reports
the value through an
accounting message.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


85 Hot-Line INTEG Attribute defined by Background system of the Hot-Line

Accounti ER the 3GPP2 session.
ng manufacturer l 0: not Hot-Line
Indicatio (attribute number:
n 26/122). l 1: Hot-Line
This field may be
contained in the
RADIUS Access-
Accept or RADIUS
COA message. If a
Hot-lining device (a
PDSN or an HA)
obtains this attribute
from the RADIUS
Access-Accept or
message, any
following RADIUS
accounting message
in the session
contains this

86 Flow INTEG Attribute defined by Status of the IP stream.

Status ER the 3GPP2 l 0: active
(attribute number: l 0: inactive
26/145). If the IP stream is in active state, the
The PSDN reports value of this field is 0. Otherwise, the
the value of this field value of this field is 1.
through an
accounting message.

87 Remote INTEG Attribute defined by IPv4 address and the number of bytes
IPv4 ER the 3GPP2 received and sent through the IPv4
Address manufacturer address when a user uses the service.
Octet (attribute number:
Count 26/72).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


88 Filtered INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the IP package that

Octet ER the 3GPP2 the PDSN receives from the IP network
Count manufacturer but does not send to a user.
(Termina (attribute number:
ting) 26/146).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

89 Filtered INTEG Attribute defined by Number of bytes in the IP package that

Octet ER the 3GPP2 the PDSN receives from an MS but does
Count manufacturer not send to the Internet.
(Originat (attribute number:
ing) 26/147).
The PSDN reports
the value of this field
through an
accounting message.

90 PMIP IP-addr Attribute defined by Proxy mobile IP address, indicating

Indicator (16) the 3GPP2 whether the current data session uses the
manufacturer proxy mobile IP service.
(attribute number: l 0: no
The HAAA sends l 1: yes
the value of this field
through the
RADIUS Access-
Accept message to
the PDSN during
Simple IP
authentication. In
PMIP mode, the
PDSN reports the
value of this field
through an
accounting message.
If the accounting
message send by the
PDSN does not
contain the value of
this field, it indicates
that the current data
session does not use
the proxy mobile IP

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 2 Description of CDRs

No. Field Value Field Type Description


91 SUBSTY INTEG Subscription l 0: 1X subscription

PE ER Attribute l 1: 1X CAVE subscription
l 2: EVDO subscription

92 Framed- String Standard attribute of IPv6 interface ID.

Interface- (16) RADIUS (attribute A capital hexadecimal.
Id number: 96).

93 Framed- String Standard attribute of Prefix of the IPv6 address of the ND

IPv6- (34) RADIUS (attribute protocol.
Prefix number: 97). A capital hexadecimal.

94 Granted INTEG Attribute defined by The granted QoS parameters for the IP
QoS ER the 3GPP2 flow.
Paramete manufacturer
rs (attribute number:

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

3 Description of Bills

About This Chapter

This topic describes the definition, classification, handling processes, and format of bills.

3.1 Basic Concepts

A bill is a fee record generated by the AAA. A bill contains the rating information.

3.2 Handling Processes of Bills

This topic describes the processes of generating, processing, and querying bills.

3.3 Format of a Bill File Name

In the CDMA AAA service, the format of a bill file name can be OSS or OCSOFF.

3.4 Format of the Bill File Content

A bill file consists of multiple bill records, and a bill record consists of multiple bill fields.

3.5 Types of Field Values

A field value can be an integer, a character, a character string, or a string in dotted decimal

3.6 Fields in a Bill

This topic describes the fields in a basic fee bill and usage-based fee bill.

3.7 Bill Instances

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 42

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

3.1 Basic Concepts

A bill is a fee record generated by the AAA. A bill contains the rating information.
The access device reports quota updating messages to the AAA through authentication request
messages. The AAA generates bills containing rating information according to the quota
updating messages and local charging policies. The OSS can query bills through the OSS
interface of the AAA or obtain bills from the collection interface. Then the OSS processes the
According to the charging modes, bills are classified into the following types:
l Basic fee bills
Basic fee bills are the records about the fee information generated by the AAA in a charging
period. A charging period can be a fiscal month or a rolling period.
If the basic fee is set in the charging policy of a user, the AAA generates the basic fee bill
at the basic fee deduction time of a charging period.
The basic fee is deducted on the fiscal day of each fiscal month or the start time of the
rolling period.
The basic fee deduction time can be set. By default, the basic fee is deducted at 4:00 am.

The basic fee deduction mode can be set through the WMAS and the basic fee deduction time can
be set through configuration files.
l Usage-based fee bills
Usage-based fee bills are the records about the fee information generated by the AAA
according to the service duration or volume used by a user.
If the charging rate (duration-based or volume-based charging rate) is set in the charging
policy of a user, the AAA generates a usage-based fee bill after receiving the interim
authentication request message or authentication stop request message from the access
The bills are classified into the following types according to the audience:
l Internal bills
Internal bills are generated by the AAA and saved on the local device.
l External bills
External bills are collected by the external system such as the bill collection system from
the AAA, that is, OCS bills.

3.2 Handling Processes of Bills

This topic describes the processes of generating, processing, and querying bills.

3.2.1 Processing Flow

This processing flow of bills includes generating, processing, and collecting bills.
Figure 3-1 shows the process of generating bills in the AAA.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

Figure 3-1 Process of generating bills

ACC Account Independent Process

iSCC Integrated Service Control Center
iSCP Integrated Service Control Point
iSMS Integrated Service Management System
OSS Operation Support System

The internal modules of the AAA are described as follows:

l iSCP
The iSCP charges users in real time and generates basic fee bills and usage-based fee bills.
The ACC is an independent process. It deducts the basic fee periodically and generates
basic fee bills.
l Billproc
The Billproc transfers bills, combines bills, converts bill file formats, and saves bills to the
l Billdb
The Billdb, that is, bill database, saves bill tables.

The iSCP and ACC can generate basic fee bills. If a user is online at the time when the basic fee is deducted,
the iSCP generates the basic fee bill; otherwise, the ACC generates the basic fee bill.

The process of generating a bill is as follows:

1. The access device reports the duration and volume to the AAA through an authentication
request message.
2. The iSCP of the AAA generates a usage-based fee bill according to the charging policy,
duration, and volume. The iSCP or ACC generates a basic fee bill at the time when the
basic fee is deducted.
3. The Billproc of the AAA preprocesses the bill and saves the bill to the database periodically.
4. The OSS obtains the bill from the OSS directory of the Billproc through SFTP.

3.2.2 Generating Bills

When the AAA provides the charging function, the AAA generates a usage-based fee bill record
after receiving the interim authentication request or authentication stop request sent by the access

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

device. The AAA generates a basic fee bill record when the basic fee is deducted and stores the
bill record to the corresponding bill file.

The AAA generates a bill file according to the bill type, generation date, ID of the process that
generates the bill, and domain name of the user. The AAA records the bill records with the same
type, date, process ID, and domain name to the same bill file. For the format of a bill file name,
see 3.3.1 Name Format of an OSS Bill File.

The AAA generates a new bill file in the following situations:

l The bill types are different.
l The date when a bill is generated is different from the date when other bills are generated.
l The processes that generate bills are different.
l The domain names are different.
l The size of a bill file reaches the maximum value. The default maximum size of a usage-
based fee bill file is 2048 KB, and the default maximum size of a basic fee bill file is
10000 bytes.
l The generated bill file is moved from the current directory to the download directory.

The AAA identifies a bill file through the serial number in the file name. A bill file can be
numbered according to any of the following rules:
l Bill files are numbered from 00000001 each day.
l Bill files are numbered from 00000001 only when the serial number reaches the maximum
value. The maximum serial number can range from 100000 to 99999999.
l All the types of bill files are numbered uniformly, and each bill file has a unique serial
l Different types of bill files are numbered independently.

The default numbering mode of bill files on the AAA is as follows: All types of bill files are
numbered uniformly, and are numbered from 00000001 when the serial number reaches the
maximum value.

The collection system collects bill files according to the following rules:

l If the bill files are numbered uniformly, and bill files are numbered from 00000001 only
when the serial number reaches the maximum value, then the serial numbers of the bill files
increase by 1, and the collection system collects bill files only according to the serial
l If the bill files are numbered uniformly, and bill files are numbered from 00000001 every
day, then the serial numbers of the bill files generated on the same day increase by 1, and
the collection system collects bill files according to the date and serial numbers.
l If the bill files are numbered independently, and bill files are numbered from 00000001
only when the serial number reaches the maximum value, then the serial numbers of the
bill files with the same type, process ID, and domain name increase by 1, and the collection
system collects bill files according to the type, process ID, and domain name.
l If the bill files are numbered independently, and bill files are numbered from 00000001
every day, then the serial numbers of the bill files with the same date, type, process ID, and
domain name increase by 1, and the collection system collects bill files according to the
date, type, process ID, and domain name.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

3.2.3 Processing Bills

The AAA supports the functions of verifying bills, combining bills, saving bills to the database,
and converting bill formats.

The AAA provides the following processing functions:

l Verifying bills
The AAA can verify bills and save the bills that do not pass the verification to the specific
l Combining bills
The AAA can combine multiple bill records generated during an online process of a user
into one bill record.
l Saving bills to the database
The AAA can save bills to corresponding bill tables according to the service key, bill fiscal
month, and billproc process ID.
l Saving bills to the OSS directory
The AAA can save bills to the OSS directory. The OSS automatically obtains the bills from
the OSS directory through SFTP. The AAA can also transfer the bills in the OSS directory
to the OSS.
l Converting bill formats
The AAA can convert the bill file names and separators of bills saved to the OSS directory.

3.2.4 Querying Bills

After the AAA saves bills to the database, an operator can query the bills through the WMAS
management terminal.

To query bills, do as follows:

1. Log in to the WMAS as the cdmaadm user.
2. Choose Business > User Management > Query the Detailed Bill.
3. Figure 3-2 shows the page for setting the domain name, user name, and month.
By default, an operator can query the bill records generated in last three months.

Figure 3-2 Querying bills

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

4. Click Next.
5. The WMAS displays all the bills of the subscriber in this month.

3.3 Format of a Bill File Name

In the CDMA AAA service, the format of a bill file name can be OSS or OCSOFF.

3.3.1 Name Format of an OSS Bill File

A bill file name consists of the type, date, process ID, serial number, domain name, and extension.

Figure 3-3 shows the format of a CDMA bill file name.

Figure 3-3 Format of a CDMA bill file name


Type Date Process Serial Domain Extension

ID number

In the name of a bill file of the CDMA service, use the underscore (_) to separate the type, date, process ID, and
serial number, and use the period (.) to separate the serial number, domain name, and extension.

Table 3-1 describes the fields in a bill file name.

Table 3-1 Fields in a CDMA bill file name

Field Description Example

Type l CDMA: usage-based fee bill of the CDMA service CDMA

l CMF: basic fee bill of the CDMA service

Date l Date when a bill is generated. 20090301

l Format: YYYYMMDD
The date can be accurate to hour and minute.

Process ID of the process that generates a bill. Process IDs are used to 10010
ID identify the bills generated by different processes.
l If the process ID is 00003, it indicates that the bills are generated by the
ACC independent process.
l If the process ID is greater than 10010, it indicates that the bills are
generated by the SCP. The first three digits are the SCP number, and the
last two digits are the SCF number plus 10.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

Field Description Example

Serial Serial number of a bill file. 00000001

number The serial number consists of eight digits, starting from 00000001.
A bill file can be numbered according to any of the following rules:
l Bill files are numbered from 00000001 each day.
l Bill files are numbered from 00000001 only when the serial number
reaches the maximum value. The maximum serial number can range
from 100000 to 99999999.
l All the types of bill files are numbered uniformly, and each bill file has
a unique serial number.
l Different types of bill files are numbered independently.

Domai Name of a domain that the user belongs to. huawei

n name NOTE
If the name of a domain that the user belongs to is empty, the field of the
domain name does not exist in the bill files.

Extensi Format of a bill file. txt


3.3.2 Name Format of an OCS exception bypass Bill File

The name of an OCSOFF bill file name consists of a type, a date, a serial number, and an

OSS bill file name of the broadband service:COCSOFF_YYYYMMDDSerial number.txt.

In the name of the OCSOFF bill file in the CDMA service, use the delimiter "_" to separate the type and date;
use the delimiter "." to separate the oss file name and extension.

Table 3-2 describes the fields of the OCSOFF bill file name.

Table 3-2 OCSOFF bill file name in the CDMA service

Field Description

Type The value COCSOFF indicates a passby bill in online charging.

Date l Date when a bill is generated.

l Format: YYYYMMDD

Serial Serial number of a bill file.

number The serial number is the last five digits of the serial number of the OSS bill

Extension Format of a bill file.

The extension txt indicates that the bill files is in text format.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

3.4 Format of the Bill File Content

A bill file consists of multiple bill records, and a bill record consists of multiple bill fields.

The default format of the bill file content is as follows:

l Each bill file consists of one or more bill records.
l Each bill record consists of multiple fields.
l Bill records are separated by line feed characters.
l Every two fields are separated by a vertical bar (|).

An example of the content of the CDMA_20120222_10010_00000011.TESTDOMAIN.txt

bill is as follows:

The system allows reserved characters to be restored and replaced based on

cdmaSubReserveChar when bills are imported to the database and bills or CDRs are converted.
Reserved characters are special characters (| CR LF %) and separators required by Billing. Values
of cdmaSubReserveChar are as follows:
l no: Reserved characters are not restored and replaced.
l yes: Reserved characters are restored and replaced.

The cdmaSubReserveCharparameter is stored in the ~/billproc/config/base.conf file, and its

default value is no.

When original bills or CDRs contain reserved characters, carriage return (CR) characters, and
line feed (LF) characters, Billing restores separators, carriage return characters, line feed
characters, and percent (%) in the field values when processing bills or CDRs.
The separator required by Billing cannot be percent (%).

3.5 Types of Field Values

A field value can be an integer, a character, a character string, or a string in dotted decimal

Table 3-3 describes the types of field values.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

Table 3-3 Types of field values

Value Type Description

INTEGER An integer of 4 bytes.

When the time is of the INTEGER type, the value indicates the
interval between the current time and 1970-01-01 00:00:00, in
If the value of this field is negative, it indicates that the
corresponding value exceeds 2 GB.

CHAR Characters.
The number in the brackets indicates the maximum number of
characters. For example, CHAR(20) indicates that the number of
characters in the field value must be equal to or less than 20.

IP-addr(16) A string in dotted decimal notation.

String A character string.

3.6 Fields in a Bill

This topic describes the fields in a basic fee bill and usage-based fee bill.

3.6.1 Fields in a Basic Fee Bill

A basic fee bill consists of a serial number, field name, value type, and field description.

Table 3-4 describes the fields in the basic fee bills of the CDMA service.

Table 3-4 Fields in the basic fee bills of the CDMA service

No. Field Value Type Description

1 Streamnumb INTEGER Serial number used for identifying a bill record.

er The value of this field is automatically generated
when the AAA generates a bill record.
A bill file consists of multiple bill records, and
each bill record maps a serial number.
The serial number in each bill file starts from
00000001 and increases in ascending order.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Field Value Type Description

2 MDN CHAR(28) Charged number registered by a user during

subscription, which is recorded by the AAA in
a bill.
The charged number is in the format CC+MAC
The value of CC is a country code. For example,
the country code of China is 86. The value of
MAC is a mobile access code. The value of
H0H1H2H3 is the identification code of a Home
Location Register (HLR). The value of ABCD is
the mobile number assigned by each HLR.
Example: 8613307550001

3 UserName CHAR(20) Login name for accessing the Internet.

The access device reports the network access
identifier (NAI) through the RADIUS standard
attribute, namely, User-Name. The AAA parses
the NAI and obtains the user name.

4 Domain CHAR(40) Domain name for accessing the Internet.

The access device reports the NAI through the
RADIUS standard attribute, namely, User-
Name. The AAA parses the NAI and obtains the
domain name.

5 GroupID INTEGER ID of the user group that a user belongs to.

The AAA queries the local database for the user
group that a user belongs to according to the
login name of the user.
The AAA groups the users with the same
attribute to facilitate the management of users.

6 RatePolicyI INTEGER Index of the charging policy of a user.

dx The AAA queries the local database for the
charging policy of a user according to the service
of the user.
The charging policy is the combination of
charging features. The AAA charges a user
according to the charging policy of the user.

7 LastDedcut CHAR(14) Time of the last charging.


8 NextDeduct CHAR(14) Time of the next charging.


Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 51

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Field Value Type Description

9 Fee INTEGER Basic fee that a user pays in a charging period.

The AAA queries the local database for the basic
fee of a user according to the charging policy of
the user.
A charging period can be a fiscal month or a
rolling period.

10 ServiceID INTEGER ID of a service that a user subscribes to.

The AAA queries the local database for the
service that a user subscribes to according to the
login name of the user.
In the AAA, a service consists of different
charging policies and access policies. After
different services are set, the AAA can provide
multiple flexible access services and charging

11 DeductMont char(14) Time when the basic fee is deducted.

hFeeTime Format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss.

12 SCPNo INTEGER ID of an SCP node.

This field is the same as the SCP ID in the
generated bill file.
The value of this field is 0 in the basic fee bill file
generated by the independent process.

3.6.2 Fields in a Usage-Based Fee Bill

A usage-based fee bill consists of a serial number, field name, value type, and field description.

Table 3-5 describes the fields in a usage-based fee bill of the CDMA service.

Table 3-5 Fields in a usage-based fee bill of the CDMA service

No. Field Value Type Description

1 Streamnumber INTEGER Serial number used for identifying a bill

The value of this field is automatically
generated when the AAA generates a bill
A bill file consists of multiple bill records,
and each bill record maps a serial number.
The serial number in each bill file starts from
00000001 and increases in ascending order.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 52

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Field Value Type Description

2 MDN CHAR(28) Mobile directory number, which is the

number that a calling party dials to call a
local mobile user.
The AAA records the charged number
registered during subscription by a user to a
The MDN is in the format CC+MAC
The value ofCC is a country code. For
example, the country code of China is 86.
The value ofMAC is a mobile access code.
The value ofH0H1H2H3 is the
identification code of an HLR. The value
ofABCD is the mobile number assigned by
each HLR.
Example: 8613307550001

3 UserName CHAR(20) Login name for accessing the Internet.

The access device reports the NAI through
the RADIUS standard attribute, namely,
User-Name. The AAA parses the NAI and
obtains the user name.

4 Domain CHAR(40) Domain name for accessing the Internet.

The access device reports the NAI through
the RADIUS standard attribute, namely,
User-Name. The AAA parses the NAI and
obtains the domain name.

5 UserIP IP-addr(16) IP address of a user.

The access device reports the value of this
field through the RADIUS standard
attribute, namely, Framed-IP-Address.

6 Correlation ID CHAR(64) ID of a session, identifying an online process

of a user.
It is an attribute defined by the 3GPP2
manufacturer (attribute number: 26/44).
The access device reports the value of this
field through an authentication message.
In a session, all the generated bills share the
same correlation ID.
A PPP link from an MS to the Packet Data
Serving Node (PDSN) is a PPP session. The
PDSN generates a unique correlation ID that
correlates different accounting sessions in a
PPP link.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Field Value Type Description

7 AccountReason INTEGER Type of a bill record. The bill record types

are as follows:
l 2: stop bill record
l 3: interim bill record
l 60: OCS Exceptional Permit
l 61: OCS response tiomeout
l 62: OCS CCA return result failure
The AAA determines the type of a bill record
according to the type of the authentication
request message reported by the access
l If the access device reports an
authentication request message due to
"threshold reached", the AAA records an
interim bill record.
l If the access device reports an
authentication request message due to
"Client Service termination", the AAA
records a stop bill record.

8 StartTime CHAR(14) Time when a session of a user starts.

The AAA records the time when the quota
is updated for the first time.

9 PriorTime CHAR(14) Time of the last charging.

AAA records the last charging time. If the
charging is performed for the first time, the
value of this field must be the same as the
value of StartTime.

10 CurTime CHAR(14) Time of the current charging.

The AAA records the value of PriorTime
plus the value of SessionTime.

11 SessionTime INTEGER Duration of a session, in seconds.

The AAA records the difference between the
duration quota reported by the access device
this time and the duration quota reported by
the access device last time.

12 SessionVolume INTEGER Volume of the current charging.

The AAA records the difference between the
volume quota reported by the access device
this time and the volume quota reported by
the access device last time.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Field Value Type Description

13 RatePolicyIdx INTEGER Index of the charging policy of a user.

The AAA queries the local database for the
charging policy of a user according to the
service of the user.
The charging policy is the combination of
charging features. The AAA charges a user
according to the charging policy of the user.

14 Fee INTEGER Usage-based fee of the current charging.

The AAA calculates the fee of the current
charging according to the duration, volume,
and the basic charging rate in the charging
policy of this charging.

15 GroupID INTEGER ID of the user group that a user belongs to.

The AAA queries the local database for the
user group that a user belongs to according
to the login name of the user.
The AAA groups the users with the same
attribute to facilitate the management of

16 ServiceID INTEGER ID of a service that a user subscribes to.

The AAA queries the local database for the
service that a user subscribes to according to
the login name of the user.
In the AAA, a service consists of charging
policies and access policies. After different
services are set, the AAA can provide
multiple flexible access services and
charging services.

17 SCPNo INTEGER ID of an SCP node.

This field is the same as the SCP ID in the
generated bill file.
The value of this field is 0 in the basic fee bill file
generated by the independent process.

18 DiamSessionID CHAR(64) ID of a Diameter session.

19 CarrierID CHAR(16) The value is from Radius Attrbute 3GPP2-

The value of this field is NULL if the GW does
not send the 3GPP2-Attr-142.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

3.7 Bill Instances

3.7.1 Basic Fee Bills

Generation Scenario
Basic fee bills are the records about the fee information generated by the AAA in a charging
period. A charging period can be a fiscal month or a rolling period.

For example, John with the mobile phone applies for the Internet access service by month. The
service data is described as follows.

Service Item Data Value Description

Internet access local@local- Account for John accessing the Internet.

account domain

Mobile 13307550001 Registered mobile number for applying for services.


Monthly fee 2000 Fee deducted from John's account every month.
Unit: RMB fen

Basic fee Basic fee Monthly fee deducted from John's account when John
deduction less deducted uses the Internet access service for the first time.
than a month.

Bill Instance
The name of the basic fee bill is as follows:

Bill records:

Bill Details
No. Value Field Name Description

1 1 StreamNumb This field indicates the serial number of a bill.

er If the value of the field is 1, it indicates that
the bill record is the first record of the bill file.

2 13307550001 MDN This field indicates the mobile number

registered for applying for the Internet access
service by month.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

No. Value Field Name Description

3 local UserName This field indicates the registered user name

for applying for the Internet access service by
The format of the account is

4 local-domain Domain This field indicates the domain name for

applying for the Internet access service by
The format of the account is

5 1 GroupID This field identifies the user group that the

user belongs to.
The user group defines the Internet access
service by month.

6 1 RatePolicyId This field identifies the charging policy

x corresponding to the Internet access service
by month.
The charging policy defines the monthly fee
of the Internet access service.

7 20090320080 LastDedcutTi This field indicates the last time the basic fee
959 me is deducted.
For example, the user uses the Internet access
service on 2009-03-20 08:09:59 for the first
time. The AAA deducts the monthly fee from
the user's account at this time.

8 20090401000 NextDeductT This field indicates the next time the basic fee
000 ime is deducted.
The next time for the AAA to deduct the
monthly fee is the first day of the fiscal
month, that is, 2009-04-01 00:00:00.

9 2000 Fee This field indicates that the AAA deducts the
monthly fee of RMB 2000 fen from the user's

10 10000 ServiceID This field identifies the service by month.

3.7.2 Usage-Based Fee Bills

Generation Scenario
Usage-based fee bills are the records about the fee information generated by the AAA according
to the service duration or volume used by a user.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

For example, John applies the Internet access service by duration for the mobile phone number.
The user information and account information of John are saved in the AAA. The service data
is described as follows.

Service Item Data Value Description

Internet access local@local- Account for John accessing the Internet.

account domain

Mobile 13307550001 Registered mobile number for John applying for

number services.

Basic charging 1 fen/60 seconds Basic charging rate of the Internet access service by
rate duration
That is, the AAA charges fees by 60 seconds and the
Internet access fee is RMB 1 fen every 60 seconds.

Bill Instance
The name of the usage-based fee bill by duration is as follows:

Bill records:


Bill Details
Serial Value Field Name Description

1 1 StreamNumb Serial number of the bill.

er If the value of the field is 1, it indicates that
the bill record is the first record of the bill file.

2 13307550001 MDN Mobile number registered for applying for


3 local UserName User name registered for applying for

The format of the account is

4 local-domain Domain Domain name for applying for services.

The format of the account is

5 UserIP IP address used by the mobile phone to access

00 the Internet.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

Serial Value Field Name Description


6 00000001 Correlation This field identifies a PPP session.

ID The ID of a PPP session is unique when the
user is online.

7 3 AccountReas Type of a bill record.

on If the value of the field is 3, it indicates that
the bill record is the interim charging bill
record. That is, it is the bill record generated
when the AAA receives the quota updating
messages of the PDSN.

8 20090320193 StartTime Start time of the PPP session.

650 The user starts to access the Internet on
2009-03-20 19:36:50.

9 20090320194 PriorTime Last time for charging.

150 The AAA charges fees on 2009-03-20

10 20090320194 CurTime Current time for charging.

650 The current time for charging equals the last
time for charging plus the duration for this
The last time for charging is on 2009-03-20
19:41:50 and the duration of this charging is
300 seconds; therefore, the time for this
charging is on 2009-03-20 19:46:50.

11 300 SessionTime Duration of the current charging.Unit:second.

The AAA records the difference between the
duration quota reported by the access device
this time and the duration quota reported by
the access device last time.
The duration quota requested by the PDSN
last time is 300 seconds and the duration
quota requested by the PDSN this time is 600
seconds. The duration of the current charging
is 300 seconds (600 seconds minus 300

12 0 SessionVolu Traffic volume for this charging.Unit:KB.

me The value of the field is 0 because the service
applied by the user is the Internet access
service charged by duration.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 3 Description of Bills

Serial Value Field Name Description


13 1 RatePolicyId This field identifies the charging policy

x corresponding to the Internet access service
charged by duration.
The charging policy defines the basic
charging rate by duration.

14 5 Fee The field indicates the fee deducted from the

user account by the AAA.
The AAA calculates the fee of the current
charging according to the duration and the
basic charging rate in the charging policy of
this charging.
The usage-based fee is RMB 1 fen every 60
seconds. The duration of this charging is 300
seconds; therefore, RMB 5 fen is deducted.

15 1 GroupID User group that the user belongs to.

The user group defines the Internet access
service charged by duration.

16 10000 ServiceID The field identifies the Internet access service

charged by duration.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 4 Interconnection Guide

4 Interconnection Guide

About This Chapter

This topic describes the process of interconnecting the AAA and the collection system.

4.1 Interconnection Process

Before the AAA interconnects with the collection system, the interconnection of the AAA must
be configured. After the interconnection is configured, the collection system collects CDR files
from the AAA through SFTP. After sorting CDR files, the collection system transfers the CDR
files to the charging center for rating.

4.2 Configuration of the AAA

The configuration of the collection interface of the AAA includes generating CDRs, saving
CDRs to the OSS directory, creating SFTP user accounts, and setting the mode for numbering
CDR files.

4.3 Collection Guide

This topic describes the collection mode, collection directory, collection period, and operation
guide of the collection system.

4.4 Sorting CDRs

The procedure performed by the collection system for sorting CDRs involves filtering and
combining CDRs.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 4 Interconnection Guide

4.1 Interconnection Process

Before the AAA interconnects with the collection system, the interconnection of the AAA must
be configured. After the interconnection is configured, the collection system collects CDR files
from the AAA through SFTP. After sorting CDR files, the collection system transfers the CDR
files to the charging center for rating.

The collection system can also collect bills through the collection interface of the AAA. This document
describes the process of collecting and sorting CDR files.

Figure 4-1 shows the interconnection process.

Figure 4-1 Interconnection process

4.2 Configuration of the AAA

The configuration of the collection interface of the AAA includes generating CDRs, saving
CDRs to the OSS directory, creating SFTP user accounts, and setting the mode for numbering
CDR files.

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 4 Interconnection Guide

Generating CDRs
Whether to generate CDR files can be configured through the WMAS management terminal.
To configure the AAA to generate CDR files, do as follows:
1. Log in to the WMAS as the cdmaadm user.
2. Choose System > Domain Management > Modify Domain.
3. Select the domain name.

4. Set the type of the generated CDR.

The Need Start CDR field indicates that the AAA generates a CDR and writes the record
in a CDR file when receiving an accounting start message from the access device.
The Need Interim CDR field indicates that the AAA generates a CDR and writes the record
in a CDR file when receiving an accounting interim message from the access device.
The Need Stop CDR field indicates that the AAA generates a CDR record and writes the
record in a CDR file when receiving an accounting stop message from the access device.

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5. Click OK.

Saving CDRs to the collection directory

By default, the AAA does not save CDRs to the collection directory, that is, the OSS directory.
Therefore, the configuration file needs to be modified manually.


To convert the format of the CDRs, see B Format Conversion.

1. Log in to the node where the ismswork application is located as the billproc user.
2. Access the config directory.
3. Set the parameters in the base.conf file.
If you want to save a type of CDRs to the OSS directory, set the corresponding parameter
to yes.

Parameter Description Value Example

[CDMA configuration]

cdma_oss Whether to save the usage-based fee Yes

CDRs of the CDMA service to the OSS

cmf_oss Whether to save the basic fee CDRs of Yes

the CDMA service to the OSS directory.

cproxy_oss Whether to save the CDMA proxy CDRs Yes

to the OSS directory.

cvpdn_oss Whether to save the CDMA VPDN Yes

CDRs to the OSS directory.

cdmacdr_oss Whether to save the CDMA CDRs to the Yes

OSS directory.

4. For the settings to take effect, restart the Billproc.

a. Access the /opt/HWitellin/ismswork/bin directory.
If the two-node cluster management software is SUN Cluster3.0, the directory is /opt/
If the two-node cluster management software is VCS, the directory is /opt/HWitellin/
b. Set BILLFLAG to false in the spy.config file.
c. Restart the Billproc.
d. Set BILLFLAG to true in the spy.config file.

Creating an SFTP User Account

The collection system is connected to the AAA and obtains CDRs through SFTP. An SFTP user
account needs to be manually created in the AAA.

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After an external system obtains bill files from the AAA, these bill files need to be deleted from the OSS. If the
customer wants to back up bill files, the customer needs to define the deletion method and policy, avoiding no
free space in billproc.

1. Log in to the AAA two-node cluster where the ismswork application is located as the
root user.
2. Run the following command to create the ibill user account.
useradd -d /export/home/ibill -g dba -s /bin/csh -m -k /etc/skel ibill

3. Run the passwd command to set the login password of the ibill user.
Enter the login password of the ibill user.
4. Run the following command to link /export/home/ibill/bill of the ibill user to /export/
su - ibill -c "ln -s /export/home/billproc/oss/bill bill"


If CDR formats are converted, run the following command to link the path:
su - ibill -c "ln -s /export/home/billproc/oss/record record"

Configuring Bill Transfer in SFTP Mode

AAA runs the script to upload bills to the SFTP server in SFTP mode. Before bills
are uploaded, SFTP configurations need to be modified.
1. Log in to the AAA two-node cluster where the ismswork application is located as the
root user
2. Establish a trust relationship. For details, see $HOME/billproc/script/sftpput/
3. Modify the sftpput.ini file in $HOME/billproc/script/sftpput.
#Config sftp
OPEN_FLAG=1 #Whether need to open sftp 1:open;0:not open
SFTP_NUM=1 #Number of SFTP server

#Config sftp1 connect

SFTP_NAME[1]="billproc" #SFTP user
HOST_IP[1]="" #SFTP server
SOURCE_DIR[1]=/export/home/billproc/oss/bill #Source path of the bills
to be uploaded
DEST_DIR[1]=/export/home/billproc/oss/bill #Destination path on the
sftp server where the bills are uploaded
IsNeedBackup[1]=no #Whether need to backup the
source bill(yes/no)
BackupPath[1]=/export/home/billproc/oss/bill/bak #Backup path

#Config of cycle log

#Max size of logfile(Kbytes),20M in default.

#Config of interval time


Configuration items are described as follows:

l OPEN_FLAG indicates SFTP flag. The value 1 indicates the SFTP function is enabled,
and 0 indicates that the SFTP function is disabled.
When the SFTP function is enabled, the script scans the source path for TXT
files. If TXT files are found, an expect script is generated temporarily to upload bills

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through SFTP. The script running process is recorded in the $HOME/billproc/script/

sftpput/sftpput.log file. If no TXT file exists, the script stops for a period
specified in intervaltime and waits to scan the source path for TXT files.
l SFTP_NUM indicates Number of SFTP server.
l SFTP_NAME[1] indicates user name for logging in to the SFTP server.
l HOST_IP[1] indicates IP address of the SFTP server.
l SOURCE_DIR[1] indicates path from which bills are obtained to upload.
l DEST_DIR[1] indicates path to which bills are uploaded on the SFTP server.
l IsNeedBackup[1] indicates whether need to backup the source bill.
l BackupPath[1] indicates backup path of the source bill.
l MaxLogSize indicates the maximum size of log file.
l intervaltime indicates Interval for executing the script.

The $HOME/billproc/script/sftpput directory contains the following scripts:

l monitors the script. script detects that the script stops, it starts SFTP to
upload the script. This script is also applicable to the crontab scheduled task (* * * *
* su - billproc -c "/export/home/billproc/script/sftpput/" > /dev/null2>&1).
l sftpput.ini: configuration file for uploading bills in SFTP mode.
l sftpput.readme: SFTP usage instruction.
l implements the function of using SFTP to upload bills.
4. Run the following command to set up monitoring.
crontab -e

Add the following context at the last of text.

* * * * * su - billproc -c /export/home/billproc/script/sftpput/ > /dev/null 2>&1

Setting the Mode for Numbering CDR Files

You can change the values of the MaxFileSerialNo and IsUniqueSerialNo parameters in the
SCPCFG.INI configuration file in /export/home/iscc2/config to set the mode for numbering
CDR files.
l If MaxFileSerialNo is set to 0, it indicates that CDR files are numbered from 00000001
each day.
l If MaxFileSerialNo is set to a value between 100000 and 99999999, it indicates that CDR
files are numbered from 00000001 only when the serial number reaches the value of
l If IsUniqueSerialNo is set to 1, it indicates that all the types of bills and CDR files are
numbered uniformly.
l If IsUniqueSerialNo is set to a value that is not 1, it indicates that different types of bills
and CDR files are numbered independently.

4.3 Collection Guide

This topic describes the collection mode, collection directory, collection period, and operation
guide of the collection system.

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Collection Mode
The collection system can obtain bills and CDRs from the collection directory through SFTP.
In this manner, an SFTP user account must be added manually in the AAA before the collection.

The name of the SFTP user is ibill.

Collection Directory
The selection of the collection directory depends on whether the AAA converts the formats of
bills or CDRs. The following collection directories are provided:
l Collection directory used before the AAA converts the formats:
l Collection directory used after the AAA converts the formats:

Collection Period
The collection period can be set. The AAA saves new bills and CDRs to the collection directory
every five minutes by default.

Operation Guide
An SFTP user supported by the AAA can log in to the collection system in the AAA. The
collection system starts the collection process to collect CDR files.

The collection system collects bill files according to the following rules:

l If the CDR files are numbered uniformly, and CDR files are numbered from 00000001
only when the serial number reaches the maximum value:
The serial numbers of the CDR files increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR
files only according to the serial numbers.
l If the CDR files are numbered uniformly, and CDR files are numbered from 00000001
each day:
The serial numbers of the CDR files generated on the same day increase by 1, and the
collection system collects CDR files according to the date and serial numbers.
l If the CDR files are numbered independently, and CDR files are numbered from
00000001 only when the serial number reaches the maximum value:
The serial numbers of the CDR files with the same type, process ID, and domain name
increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR files according to the type, process
ID, and domain name.
l If the CDR files are numbered independently, and CDR files are numbered from
00000001 each day:
The serial numbers of the CDR files with the same date, type, process ID, and domain name
increase by 1, and the collection system collects CDR files according to the date, type,
process ID, and domain name.

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4.4 Sorting CDRs

The procedure performed by the collection system for sorting CDRs involves filtering and
combining CDRs.

Sorting Principles
A CDR is a detailed record generated by the AAA according to the wireless parameters and
network parameters reported by the access device.

The access device collects wireless parameters and network parameters and reports these
parameters to the AAA through accounting messages. The AAA generates a CDR according to
the accounting message reported by the access device. The OSS system can perform rating
according to CDR files.

Before performing rating according to the CDR files, the OSS system needs to sort the CDRs.
That is, the OSS system needs to combine the CDRs that are generated during an online event
of a user.

The following contents describe how to sort CDRs.

During an online event of a user, the access device generates a unique ID, that is, the Acct-Multi-

During an online event of a user, the access device sends multiple charging requests to the AAA,
that is, multiple accounting sessions. Each accounting session has a unique ID, that is, the account
session ID.

In each accounting session, the AAA generates an accounting start CDR, N (N >= 0) accounting
interim CDRs, and an accounting stop CDR. The type of a CDR is identified through the
AcctType field.

An accounting stop CDR contains the total volume of an accounting session. The Data Octet
Count(Terminating) and Data Octet Count(Originating) fields in a CDR record the downlink
volume and uplink volume respectively.

The sum of the volume of all the accounting sessions involved in an online event of a user, that
is, the sum of the volume in an accounting stop CDR, is the total volume of the online event of
the user.

An accounting stop CDR contains the total duration of an accounting session. The
AcctSessionTime field in a CDR records the duration of an accounting session.

The sum of the duration of all the accounting sessions involved in an online event of a user, that
is, the sum of the duration in an accounting stop CDR, is the total duration of the online event
of the user.

The total duration of the online event of the user can also be calculated through the Event
Time field. The value of Event Time in the first CDR is the start time of the entire session. The
value of Event Time in the last CDR is the end time of the entire session. Therefore, the
difference between the two values is the duration of this session.

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The Correlation ID parameter can also be used to identify a session event or a user. When the PDSN is
powered off or switches, the value of Correlation ID changes. Before the switch, the value of Session
Continue in the accounting stop message sent by the PDSN is 1. After the switch, the value of Beginning
Session in the accounting message sent by the PDSN is 0, and the value of Acct Session ID starts from

Table 4-1 Fields related to sorting

Loc Field Value Description

atio Type

2 AcctType INTEGE Charging status, which is used for identifying the type of a
R(4) CDR.
The type of a CDR can be:
l 1: accounting start CDR
l 2: accounting stop bill
l 3: accounting interim CDR
An online event, that is, one session, consists of multiple
accounting sessions. In each accounting session, one
accounting start CDR, N (N>=0) accounting interim CDRs,
and one accounting stop CDR are generated.
The IDs of accounting sessions generated in an accounting
session are the same in a CDR.
A CDR in which Beginning Session is 1 and AcctType is
1 is an accounting start CDR of a session.

6 MSID CHAR Mobile station identification.

(20) The default value is an International Mobile Station Identity
(IMSI) of a mobile station (MS).

10 Account CHAR ID of an accounting session, identifying an accounting

Session ID (64) session in a session.
The PDSN generates a unique accounting session ID to
correlate accounting start CDRs, accounting stop CDRs,
and accounting interim CDR records generated in an R-P

11 Correlation CHAR ID of a session, identifying a PPP session of a user.

ID (64) In a session, all the generated CDRs has the same
correlation ID.
A PPP link from an MS to the PDSN is a PPP session. The
PDSN generates a unique correlation ID to correlate
different accounting sessions in a PPP link.
When the PDSN is powered off or switches, the value of
Correlation ID changes.

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Loc Field Value Description

atio Type

12 Session INTEGE Session stop flag, indicating whether this CDR is the last
Continue R(4) CDR generated in the current session.
l 0: indicates that the session ends and this CDR is the last
CDR in the current session.
l 1: indicates that the session does not end and this CDR
is not the last CDR in the current session.
The CDR in which AcctType is 2 and Session Continue
is 2 is the last CDR of the entire session.

13 Beginning INTEGE Session start flag, indicating whether this CDR is the first
Session R(4) CDR generated in the current session.
l 0: indicates that this CDR is not the first CDR.
l 1: indicates that this CDR is the first CDR.

32 Data Octet INTEGE Number of bytes in the IP packet received by a user.

Count R(4) The total number of bytes received by the user in this
(Terminati session equals the sum of the values of this field in all
ng) accounting stop CDRs (in which AcctType is 2).

33 Data Octet INTEGE Total number of bytes in the IP packet sent by a user.
Count R(4) The total number of bytes sent by the user in this session
(Originatin equals the sum of the values of this field in all accounting
g) stop CDRs (in which AcctType is 2).

35 Event Time INTEGE Time when an event happens, which is recorded by the
R(4) PDSN.
l For an accounting start message, the value of this field
is the time stamp when an accounting session starts.
l For an accounting stop message, the value of this field
is the time stamp when an accounting session ends.
l For an accounting interim message, the value of this
field is the time stamp when an accounting interim
session is updated.
The value of Event Time in the first CDR is the start time
of the entire session. The value of Event Time in the last
CDR is the end time of the entire session. Therefore, the
difference between the two values is the duration of this

56 AcctSessio INTEGE Duration of an accounting session, that is, the duration in

nTime R(4) which a user uses the service.
Unit: second
The AcctSessionTime field in an accounting stop CDR (in
which AcctType is 2) indicates the duration of an
accounting session.

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Loc Field Value Description

atio Type

60 Acct- CHAR ID of a multi-session.

Multi- (64) A multilink session has a unique multi-session ID and
Session-ID multiple accounting session IDs. One multi-session ID
correlates multiple accounting session IDs that have
relation with each other.

62 AcctInput INTEGE Number of times that the uplink volume is calculated from
Gigawords R zero.
Number of bytes that PDSN receives from the port used by
a user = 2^32 x the value of AcctInputGigawords + the
value of AcctInputOctets

63 AcctOutpu INTEGE Number of times that the downlink volume is calculated

tGigaword R from zero.
s Number of bytes that PDSN sends to the port used by a user
= 2^32 x the value of AcctOutputGigawords + the value
of AcctOutputOctets

Sorting Methods
The method of sorting CDRs for the volume-based charging is as follows:

1. Collect the first accounting start CDR that is generated during an online event of a user.
Collect the CDR whose AcctType is 1 and Beginning Session is 1 according to MSID. In
addition, record the value of the Acct-Multi-Session-ID field in the CDR.
2. Collect all the accounting stop CDRs that are generated during this online event of the user.
Collect the CDR whose AcctType is 2 according to MSID and Acct-Multi-Session-ID.
If the value of Session Continue in an accounting stop CDR is 0, it indicates that this CDR
is the last accounting stop CDR that is generated during the offline event of the user.
3. Calculate the total volume of the user during this online event.
Add the values of the Data Octet Count (Termination) fields and the values of the Data
Octet Count (Originating) fields in the collected accounting stop CDRs together to obtain
the total volume of this online event of the user.
If the access device reports the AcctInputGigawords and AcctOutputGigawords fields,
you need to consider the values of the two fields when calculating the total volume.

The following methods of sorting CDRs are available for the duration-based charging:

l Sorting based on the Event Time field

1. Collect all the CDRs that are generated during an online event of a user.
Collect the CDRs according to MSID and Acct-Multi-Session-ID.
2. Find the first and last CDRs that are generated during this online event of the user
among the collected CDRs.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 71

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) 4 Interconnection Guide

Find the first CDR on the conditions that the value of AcctType is 1 and the value of
BeginingSession is 1. Find the last CDR on the conditions that the value of
AcctType is 2 and the value of Session Continue is 0.
3. Calculate the total duration of the user during this online event.
The difference between the value of Event Time in the last CDR and the value of
Event Time in the first CDR is the total duration of this online event of the user.
l Sorting based on the AcctSessionTime field
1. Collect the first accounting start CDR that is generated during an online event of a
Collect the CDR whose AcctType is 1 and Beginning Session is 1 according to
MSID. In addition, record the value of the Acct-Multi-Session-ID field in the CDR.
2. Collect all the accounting stop CDRs that are generated during this online event of
the user.
Collect the CDR whose AcctType is 2 according to MSID and Acct-Multi-Session-
If the value of Session Continue in an accounting stop CDR is 0, it indicates that this
CDR is the last accounting stop CDR that is generated during the offline event of the
3. Calculate the total duration of the user during this online event.
Add the values of the AcctSessionTime fields in the collected accounting stop CDRs
together to obtain the total duration of this online event of the user.


In the case of multiple service flows, the service flows need to be identified and combined according to
the value of FLOW_ID.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 72

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

A Parameter Description

This topic describes the parameters related to bills in the AAA.

Parameter Name Value Description

Path of the configuration file: /export/home/iscc1/config/accindepprocess.cfg.

Whether the ShowHourMinut Default value: 0 l 0: indicates that the name

name of a basic e of a CDMA bill file does
fee bill file not contain the hour and
contains the hour minute information.
and minute l 1: indicates that the name
information of a CDMA bill file
contains the hour and
minute information.

Time when a deductCDMABa Default value: 4 4: indicates that the basic fee
basic fee bill is seFee.hour Value range: 0 to 8 is deducted at 4:00 a.m. and
generated a corresponding basic fee
bill is generated.

Maximum size limit Default value: 10000 10000: indicates that a new
of a basic fee bill Unit: byte bill is generated when the
file size of a bill file reaches
10,000 bytes.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 73

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

Parameter Name Value Description

Maximum serial maxSerialNo Default value: l 0: indicates that the serial

number of a basic 99999999 number starts from
fee bill 00000001 every other
l 100000-99999999:
indicates that the serial
number starts from
00000001 again only
when the serial number
reaches the maximum
value. In this way, the
serial number is circular.

Path of the configuration file: /export/home/iscc2/config/SCPCFG.INI

Number of SCF numOfSCDFRu Default value: 1 This parameter indicates the

processes ning Value range: 1 to 32 number of SCF processes
that are running currently.
Set this parameter according
to the actual situation.

Whether the ShowHourMinut Default value: 0 l 0: indicates that the name

name of a bill file e of a CDMA bill file does
contains the hour not contain the hour and
and minute minute information.
information l 1: indicates that the name
of a CDMA bill file
contains the hour and
minute information.

Maximum size MaxFileSize Default value: 2048 2048: indicates that a new
of a bill file Unit: KB bill is generated when the
size of a bill file reaches
2048 KB.

Maximum serial MaxFileSerialN Default value: 0 l 0: indicates that the serial

number of a bill o number starts from
file 00000001 every other
l 100000-99999999:
indicates that the serial
number starts from
00000001 again only
when the serial number
reaches the maximum
value. In this way, the
serial number is circular.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 74

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

Parameter Name Value Description

Format of a serial IsUniqueSerialN Default value: 1 l 1: indicates that all bill

number of a bill o files have unique serial
file numbers.
l Others: indicate that the
bill files of different SCF
processes are numbered

Path of the configuration file: /export/home/billproc/config/base.conf

Collection path recordPathOSS Default value: / This parameter indicates the

of bills export/home/ path from which the bills are
billproc/oss/bill collected by the collection

Maximum serial MaxFileSerialN Default value: l 0: indicates that the serial

number of a bill o 99999999 number starts from
file 00000001 every other
l 100000-99999999:
indicates that the serial
number starts from
00000001 again only
when the serial number
reaches the maximum
value. In this way, the
serial number is circular.

Time spent in mergeWaitTime Default value: 3600 -

waiting for bill Unit: second

Storage duration daysFileStore Default value: 30 -

of a bill Unit: day

Whether the cdma_oss Default value: no -

CDMA usage-
based fee bills
are saved to the
collection path

Whether the cmf_oss Default value: no -

CDMA basic fee
bills are saved to
the collection

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 75

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

Parameter Name Value Description

Whether CDMA cproxy_oss Default value: no -

are saved to the
collection path

Whether CDMA cvpdn_oss Default value: no -

saved to the
collection path

Whether CDMA cdmacdr_oss Default value: no -

CDRs are saved
to the collection

Interval for retrieveInterval Default value: 300 -

saving bills to the Unit: second
collection path

Storage duration daysOssFileStor Default value: 30 -

of bills collected e Unit: day
by the collection

Whether CDMA cdmaneedload Default value: No -

bills need to be
saved in the

Whether CDMA cdmamergerecor Default value: Yes -

bills need to be d

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 76

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

Parameter Name Value Description

Whether to start IfNeedBillmerge Default value: no l no: The daemon process

the billmerge does not start the
process billmerge process. After
CDRs are obtained from
the SCP, the CDR merge
function is processed by
the billget process.
l yes: The daemon process
starts the billmerge
process. The billget
process obtains CDRs
from the SCP, splits
CDRs based on the file
name, and stores the split
CDRs in the path
specified by
RecordMergePath. The
billmerge process
obtains files from this
path to merge CDRs. The
merged CDRs are stored
under /export/home/
for the billproc process to

Path for storing RecordMergePat Default value: / -

the interim h export/home/
CDRs that need billproc/record/
merging merge

Interval for daemontimeout The minimum value Interval for the daemon
checking is twice the cycle of process to check whether the
whether the obtaining CDRs plus billget process is hung.
billget process is 60 seconds. The value
hung of this configuration
item can be extended
if the equipment
performance is low.

Path of the configuration file: /export/home/billproc/billcvt/config/cdmacvt.conf

Whether to Distinguish- Default value: no -

distinguish CDMAOCSBill
between local
account bill and
OCS account bill

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 77

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) A Parameter Description

Parameter Name Value Description

Whether to convert_ Default value: no -

convert CDMA cdma_ocsoff
bill file to

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 78

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) B Format Conversion

B Format Conversion

This topic describes how to use the billcvt for format conversion.

B.1 Overview of the billcvt

This section describes the billcvt tool and its basic functions.

B.2 Directories of the billcvt

This section describes the directories related to the billcvt tool.

B.3 Configurations of the billcvt

This section describes how to configure the billcvt by using an instance.

B.4 Configuring billcvt During the Reserved Character Conversion

When the system supports the function of restoring and replacing reserved characters, separators
required by Billing may be different and therefore the cdmadst.conf file of billcvt needs to be
configured.This section takes bill as an example to illustrate the operations.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 79

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) B Format Conversion

B.1 Overview of the billcvt

This section describes the billcvt tool and its basic functions.
The billcvt is a tool to convert the format of bills or CDRs of the AAA. The billcvt converts the
format of bills or CDRs that are exported to the OSS. Through the configurations in the
configuration file, the billcvt can covert the formats of bills or CDRs of several services
according to specified requirements.
The billcvt is a part of the Billproc. Like the processes such as billproc, billget and billput, the
billcvt process is also monitored by the daemon process. When the billcvt process stops
abnormally, the daemon process starts a new billcvt process immediately.

B.2 Directories of the billcvt

This section describes the directories related to the billcvt tool.
All the files related to the billcvt are stored in the $HOME/billcvt directory:
l The files in the $HOME/billcvt/bin directory are the main body of the billcvt.
l The files in the $HOME/billcvt/config directory are configuration files.
l The files in the $HOME/billcvt/log directory are log files.

Here, $HOME is the HOME directory of the billproc user.

B.3 Configurations of the billcvt

This section describes how to configure the billcvt by using an instance.

Introduction to Configuration Files

In the $HOME/billcvt/config directory, default configuration files are as follows:
billcvt.ini cdmacvt.conf generaldst.conf wcdmasrc.conf
cdmacdrcvt.conf cdmadst.conf generalsrc.conf wimaxcvt.conf
cdmacdrdst.conf cdmasrc.conf wcdmacvt.conf wimaxdst.conf
cdmacdrsrc.conf generalcvt.conf wcdmadst.conf wimaxsrc.conf

l The billcvt.ini file is the initialization configuration file of the billcvt. The file provides the
parameters for starting the billcvt.
l The xxxxcvt.conf file specifies the path to and file name format of bill files or CDR files.
l The xxxxsrc.conf file specifies separators and fields of bill source files or CDR source files.
l The xxxxdst.conf file specifies separators, and rules for selecting and processing fields of
bill destination files or CDR destination files.
The record_field column in the xxxxsrc.conf file matches with the labal column in the
xxxxdst.conf file to determine the field to be selected.
In the billcvt.ini file, configure the reference to xxxxcvt.conf, xxxxsrc.conf, and

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 80

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) B Format Conversion

Configuration Instance
According to requirements of the OSS, CDRs of local prepaid subscribers are customized as

Convert the separator | to *.

To customize CDRs of local prepaid subscribers, do as follows:

1. Log in to the host where the rg_isms resource group is located as user billproc.
2. Configure the wcdmasrc.conf file.
a. Check the separator definition in the cdmasrc.conf file and ensure that the separator
is the same as the separator in the original CDR generated by the system.
field_seperator = [\|]

b. In the cdmasrc.conf file, define each field name of original CDRs.

3. Configure the cdmadst.conf file.
Define delimiter rules in the cdmadst.conf file.
field_seperator = [\*]

4. Configure the cdmacvt.conf file.

a. Check the cdmacvt.conf file and ensure that the directory where the initial CDR is
located is oss/bill.
src_cdr_dir = oss/bill

b. Check the cdmacvt.conf file and ensure that the regular expression of the name of the
original CDR is 'CDMACDR_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+.*txt'.
src_cdr_name = 'CDMACDR_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+.*txt'

c. Check the cdmacvt.conf file and ensure that the directory where the converted CDR
is located is oss/record.
dst_cdr_dir = oss/record

d. In the cdmacvt.conf file, define the regular expression of the converted CDR file
dst_cdr_name_middle = 'm/CDMACDR_([0-9]+)_[0-9]+_[0-9][0-9][0-9]([0-9]

5. Configure the billcvt.ini file.

#The maximum number of service billcvt can supports. Thus set SERVICE_NUM to
#The CDMA CDR needs to be converted. Thus, set OPEN_FLAG to yes and specify the
configuration file of the conversion rule.
#If the bills and CDRs need not to be converted, set OPEN_FLAG to no
#The configurations of CDMA.

6. Restart the Billproc.

a. Access the /opt/HWitellin/ismswork/bin directory.
If the two-node cluster management software is SUN Cluster3.0, the directory is /opt/

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 81

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) B Format Conversion

If the two-node cluster management software is VCS, the directory is /opt/HWitellin/

b. Set BILLFLAG to false in the spy.config file.
c. Restart the Billproc.
d. Set BILLFLAG to true in the spy.config file.


B.4 Configuring billcvt During the Reserved Character

When the system supports the function of restoring and replacing reserved characters, separators
required by Billing may be different and therefore the cdmadst.conf file of billcvt needs to be
configured.This section takes bill as an example to illustrate the operations.

Introduction to Configuration Files

The cdmadst.conf file defines separators for target bill or CDR files and rules for selecting and
processing fields. It is stored in $HOME/billcvt/billcvt/config.

Configuration Instance
The username parameter in bills contain reserved characters including verticals (|), target bill
or CDR separators, carriage return (CR) characters, line feed (LF) characters, and %. The target
bills separators are configured based on the Billing requirement.
The following takes the bill field username as an example to illustrate the operations.

To configure the separators, do as follows:

l If the separator required by Billing is not | but other characters (for example, field_seperator
= [\t]) and username in the original bills may contain | and \t, modify the cdmadst.conf
file as follows:
1. Log in to the host where the iSMSwork resource group is located as user billproc.
2. Access the directory where cdmadst.conf locates.
cd billcvt/config

3. Open the cdmadst.conf file.

vi cdmadst.conf

Modify the configuration file as follows:

record_field {
[UserName] [rep] [UserName!!!s/%7C/\|/g!!!s/\t/%09/g] [ignore] []

The information in bold is modified. The preceding information indicates that %7C is changed
back to | and \t is replaced by %09. Wherein, 0x09 is the ASCII code of \t. Regular expressions
are separated by !!!. If Billing requires separators except |, convert 09 to the corresponding
ASCII code.

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 82

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) B Format Conversion

l If the separator required by Billing is not | but other characters (for example, field_seperator
= [\t]) and username in the original bills may contain only |, modify the cdmadst.conf file
as follows:
[UserName] [rep] [UserName!!!s/%7C/\|/g] [ignore] [] []

l If the separator required by Billing is not | but other characters (for example, field_seperator
= [\t]) and username in the original bills may contain only \t, modify the cdmadst.conf
file as follows:
[UserName] [rep] [UserName!!!s/\t/%09/g] [ignore] [] []

l If the separator required by Billing is | and username in the original bills may contain | and
\t, replace \t by %09.
[UserName] [rep] [UserName!!!s/\t/%09/g] [ignore] [] []

l If the separator required by Billing is | and username in the original bills may contain only
|, do not modify the generaldst.conf file.
l If the separator required by Billing is | and username in the original bills may contain only
\t, replace \t by %09.
[UserName] [rep] [UserName!!!s/\t/%09/g] [ignore] [] []


Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 83

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) C Acronyms and Abbreviations

C Acronyms and Abbreviations

AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

BS Base Station

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CDR Call Detail Record

CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

CUI Charge User Identity

DB Database

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

GUI Graphic User Interface

HA Home Agent

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 84

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) C Acronyms and Abbreviations

HLR Home Location Register

ID Identity

IKE Internet Key Exchange

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity

IP Intelligent Peripherals

IPsec IP Security

ISCC Integrated Service Control Center

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

ISP Internet Service Provider

LAC Link Access Control

MAC Medium Access Control

MIP Mobile Internet Protocol

MML Man Machine Language

MS Mobile Station

MSID Mobile Station ID

NAI Network Access Identifier

ODBC Open Database Connectivity

PAP Password Authentication Protocol

PC Personal Computer

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 85

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) C Acronyms and Abbreviations

PCF Packet Control Function

ASN-GW Packet Data Serving Node

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol

QoS Quality of Service

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service

SCE Service Creation Environment

SIB Service Independent Block

SIP Simple Internet Protocol

SMAP Service Management Access Point

SMP Service Management Point

SMS Service Management System

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

SP Service Provider

SQL Structured Query Language

SSP Service Switching Point

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

UDP User Datagram Protocol

WIN Wireless Intelligent Network

WMAS Web Management Access System

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 86

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Bill Interface Developer Guide(CDMA AAA) C Acronyms and Abbreviations

WWW World Wide Web

Issue 15 (2014-06-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 87

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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