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School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332. U.S.A.

Abstract - Measurements of the velocity and energy spectra were made in the distal region of modeled
stenoses in a rigid tube with both steady and pulsatile water flows. Reynolds numbers of 318-2540 and a
pulsatile flow frequency parameter of 15 were employed. The effects of the degree of stenosis, the stenosis
geometry and the presence or absence of the downstream confining wall on the development of Row
disturbances were investigated. Visualixation of the distal flow pat:ems in stenotic and free jets illustrated the
existence of complex fields which included vortex shedding, highly turbulent regions, and recirculation
zones. Significant flow disorder was created by a mild stenosis in pulsatile, but not in steady, flow.
Nondimensionalization employing the stenosis diameter and flow velocity in the throat of the constriction
correlates the vortex shedding frequency and energy spectra within a limited poststenotic region,

lNTRODUCTlOS than could be provided by animal experiments.

Measurements of velocity energy spectra (Kim and
The development of pathologic conditions associated Corcoran, 1974; Clark, 1976; Cassanova er ol., 1975a)
with certain forms of cardiovascular disease is often and sound power spectra (Yellin, 1966; Lees and
accompanied by the formation of turbulence as the Dewey, 1970; Fredberg, 1973; Tobin and Chang,
blood flows past obstructions protruding from vessel 1976) have been reported for a variety of stenosis
walls. The extent to which the flow is disturbed shapes and flow-conditions. At a distal position cor-
depends, among other factors, upon the flow con- responding to the point of maximum r.m.s. wall
ditions proximal to the obstruction, e.g. velocity and pressure, Fredberg (1973) was able to construct a
pulse wave shape, and the degree and geometry of the “universal” power spectrum for sufficiently high
constriction. When the blood passes through a partial Reynolds numbers. Tobin and Chang (1976) also de-
occlusion in larger vessels, separation may occur and monstrated that the spectra which were obtained at
the flow may transition into relatively intense turbul- the position of maximum r.m.s. wall pressure could be
ence distal to the stenosis. The velocity fluctuations related to the degree of stenosis and other flow
produced pressure variations which are propagated variables by similarity parameters which were different
through the vessel wall and surrounding tissues and from the relationship found by Fredberg (1973). While
can frequently be heard as sounds at the body surface. evidence of vortex shedding downstream of con-
In recent times there has been a multi-disciplinary strictions in pipe flow (a configuration very similar to
effort by researchers to understand the synergistic stenotic flow) was demonstrated earlier by Johansen
biochemical and fluid mechanical influences on the (1929), the more recent studies cited herein have not
development of such pathologic conditions. Alteration reported spectra which would indicate that vortex
of the vessel wall structure and the associated potential shedding was occurring.
for plaque formation and wall dilation have been The present investigation concentrates upon two
associated with abnormal flow environments; i.e. low aspects of the fluid dynamics of poststenotic flows; the
shear stress regions (Caro, 1973), disordered flow characterization of flow disorder over a transitional
patterns (Fry, 1973), and turbulent flow (Roach, 1972). Reynolds number range with emphasis upon mild and
In Co measurements of unstable and turbulent flows moderate degrees of occlusion, and the relationship of
in normal vessels (Nerem et al., 1972) and ofdisordered steady to pulsatile flow through such constrictions.
flows associated with artificial stenoses (Giddens et al., Studies of the influence of the distal watl on the
1976), have demonstrated that disturbances to the flow formation of flow disturbances are also presented.
field may be generated by deviation of the pulse rate, Experiments were conducted over physiologically re-
Reynolds number, or vessel wall contour from phy- levant Reynolds numbers, Reo, from 318 to 2540,
siologic conditions. In Ltirro modeling of stenotic flows based on tube diameter and mean velocity; and
has furnished an insight into the fluid dynamics of velocity measurements were made over extensive
stenotic flow under more closely controlled conditions spatial regions of the poststenotic fields, employing a
hot film anemometer. Attention was given to visualir-
* Receiwd 6 April 1977; in rerisedform 4 April 1978. ation of flow phenomena, i.e. separation, vortex shed-
t This research was supported by the National Heart and
Lung Institute, Grant Number HL 15519 and the National ding, .and turbulence, so as to provide a better
Science Foundation, Grant Number ENG 74-21986. interpretation of the measured data.
441 and D. P.

EXPERIMESTAL APPARATUS low pass filtering was employed to prevent abasing.

It is important to note that there are several inherent
A schematic of the flow system is shown in Fig. 1. limitations on hot film anemometer measurements.
The stenosis experiments were conducted in 2.54cm particularly for a flow as complex as that in a
I.D. x 0.3 18 cm thickwall, rigid acrylic tubing into poststenotic field. High turbulence intensities, large
which were inserted the constrictions. The sharp flow angularities, and regions of flow reversal severely
edged occlusions were thin brass orifice plates and compromise the accuracy of velocity studies with
the contoured occlusions were machined from clear these devices. We have refrained from performing any
acrylic with a cross-sectional shape generated by measurements in regions of suspected reverse flow due
intersecting circular arcs. Both constrictions were axi- to the obvious problem of probe interference. A more
symmetric. The diameter of the unoccluded tube is subtle problem is that posed by large fluctuations in
denoted by D while that of the constriction throat is velocity and by divergent mean velocity streamlines.
given by d; and the degree of occlusion is defined to be Although several investigators have shown that
the percent reduction in cross-sectional area created measurements with the conical probe are relatively
by the stenosis. insensitive to slight changes in flow alignment (e.g.
A smoothly converging inlet which was located Smith er al., 1967 and Clark, 1974), nonetheless large
immediately upstream of the occlusion for steady flow fluctuations in velocity and divergent mean velocity
assured laminar conditions proximal to the occlusion. streamlines found in poststenotic flows will contribute
The velocity profile entering the occlusion was flat to presenting a velocity vector to the sensor that is not
over 80% of the tube diameter. For the pulsatile study aligned properly with respect to the calibration me-
the occlusions were located 100 cm downstream of the thod which orients the probe parallel with the flow.
inlet so that measurements would be taken distal to the Thus, the measurements cannot be interpreted strictl)
first pulse length in the tube. The flow controls were as u-component velocity data.
arranged to provide either a steady flow or a flow upon It is well-known that the frequency response of hot
which was superimposed a sinusoidal pulse from the film probes is dependent upon the mean flow com-
piston pump. . ponent, location of the sensor, and probe geometry.
The velocity measurements were made with a Clark (1974) has shown the frequency response of two
commercially available anemometer, linearizer, and probe geometries (cylindrical and blunted conical) to
miniature conical hot film probe (TSI-1264W) which be reasonably flat for Strouhal numbers between 0.01
was frequently calibrated by using a slotted turntable and 0.03. (The appropriate Strouhal number is St
as described by Cassanova (1975). The probe position = 2n dl/u where f is the frequency in Hertz, I is the
was radially adjustable and could be mounted at length from the tip of the probe to the location of the
several axial locations distal to the stenosis. The sensor, and 0 is the mean flow velocity). The TSI
turbulent energy spectra were obtained by subjecting probe employed here has a sharper tip and smaller
the entire velocity signal to Fourier analysis using a cone angle than that employed by Clark, and the
Hewlett-Packard 5451A Fourier Analyzer. All spect- length I is approx. 0.1 mm. The combination of
ral data were corrected for analyzer bandwidth and frequencies and velocities reported here is such that the
probe is usually operating within this range of St.
2.54 cm ID x 0.318 LnlWall Further, we have made comparison of turbulence
Rigid Acrylic Tubing
energy spectra measured with a laser Doppler anem-
ometer at velocity similar to those employed in the
present study, and good spectral agreement is ob-
(b di tained for frequencies as high as 200 Hz, at which
ambiguity compromises the laser results. Future
Contyed Stenosis Sharp-kdgcd S~cnoris
measurements in poststenotic flows will employ the
I laser system in an effort to circumvent the restrictions
of hot films.


Several of the flow visualization studies are pre-

sented in this section. For these photographs, a fine
stream of dye was introduced into the flow near the
bottom wall of the converging inlet (see Fig. 1).

Steady pow
Pump The influence of Reynolds number, stenosis shape
Fig. 1. Schematic of the flow system and geometry of the and stenosis severity is illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. In
stenoees. general, the sharp-edged constrictions produced a
Dis~dc~ dist4 IO ml?d:ied stenoses in steady .md puisa$c flou

r50% Sharp-Edged Stenosis

Recirculation Zone Vortex Ring Break-Up

50% Contoured Stenosis


Recirculation Zone Vortex Ring Break-Up At Wall

Fig. 2. Flow patterns for the SO”, stenoses in steady flow; ReD = 2530, Re, = 3590.

r75% Sharp-Edged Stenosis

Recirculation Zone Vortex Ring Coalescence

and Break-Up

r75% Contoured Stenosis

Recirculatidn Zone Instability Break-Up

Fig. 3. Flow patterns for the 757, stenoses in stead! flow; ReD = 635, Re, = 1270.
ReD=63.5 ReDI

Free Jet

Re,-,:635 ReDZ1270
Stenotic Flow [Confined Jet]
Fig. 4 Effect of tube wall confinement on flow disturbances for steady flow through 500., sharp-edged
stenoses at ReD = 635 and ReD = 1270.
Center line
cm fsec


Stenosis Disturbance

(C 1
4 I
Stenosis Disturbance

4. * I I
Stenosis Disturbonce
: .i

4 I
Stenosis Disturbance

Fig. 5. Development of flow disorder distal to the W, contoured stenosis in pulsatils Row with ReD, = 2540
and z = 15.
Disorder distal to modeled stenoses in steady and pulsarile flow 44:

distinct vena contracta while the contoured con- for a peak Reynolds number Ren, = 2540, based upon
strictions did not. For Ree = 2540 shown in Fig. 2, the the maximum velocity. Flow visualization for more
sharpedged constriction produced a vortex ring pat- severe conditions is given by Cassanova (1975). At
tern within one tube diameter downstream of the time (a) when the mean flow velocity is nearly zero. the
occlusion. This orderly flow structure quickly dis- flow close to the wall is reversing while the centerline
perses into a random disturbance downstream. The flow is still positive. However, with the slight stenosis
contoured occlusion, however. produced a more elo- in place, the extent of near-wall flow reversal im-
ngated recirculation zone and a vortex pattern near mediately downstream of the constriction was no-
the wall which breaks up at approx. 3 diameters ticeably increased over that without the occlusion in
downstream from the stenosis site. Another interesting place. This is somewhat surprising since this slight
comparison is shown in Fig. 3 for 75% occlusions at occlusion did not produce a measurable recirculation
Ree = 635. The sharp-edged occlusion produced a zone in steady flow up to Re, = 2540. The flow
pattern of comparatively small vortices which disin- disturbance can be seen forming at time (b); and it
tegrate before the stenotic jet expands to meet the wall. diffuses toward the centerline and is convected
However, the contoured occlusion produced a large downstream at subsequent times (c), (d) and (e). At
recirculation zone and a large scale flow instability times (d) and (e) the region immediately downstream
whose break up appears to occur upon interaction of the stenosis is completely relaminarized and no
with the tube wall at the reattachment location. recirculation zone can be seen.
A series of flow visualization experiments was also
conducted to determine the effects of wall interference STEADY FLOW ESERGY SPECTRA
on the formation of vortex rings and the degeneration
of these rings into more random fluctuations. In As indicated by the flow visualization studies, the
general, the presence of the tube retards the develop- velocity fields distal to constrictions may be a
ment of vortices at the lower Reynolds numbers. composite of’ laminar regions, unstable or disturbed
Howe\ er, at higher Reynolds numbers where the shear flow with large eddies, and highly turbulent zones with
is sufficiently large for the generation of a clearly a broad distribution ofeddy sizes. The measurement of
defined vortex instability, the ring contact with the the velocity at a point provides a sensitive description
wall initiates the degeneration of the rings into random of the nature of the flow ; and the energy spectrum of
patterns at a lower X/D location than in the free jet the velocity signal is a measure of the kinetic energy
case. This is illustrated in Fig. 4. The photograph for contained within a specified frequency bandwidth and
Ren = 635 shows the vortex ring formation in the free is, therefore, an indication of the nature of flow
jet issuing from the 50% sharp-edged stenosis. These instabilities which are present. For example, the fluc-
rings do not break up until approx. XjD = 3. The tuations produced by vortex shedding result in a
presence of the confining, distal wall reduces the spectrum which contains a concentration of energy
magnitude of the discrete vortex and causes a dissi- within a narrow frequency band, whereas the more
pation of this pattern at the wall with no discernible randomly distributed eddies in turbulent flows pro-
formation of a random phenomenon. The flow appears duce a broadband spectrum which exhibits a decay in
to relaminarize immediately. The free jet with Ren intensity with increasing frequency. The occurrence of
= 1270 shows a very distinct vortex ring system which different spectral shapes and velocity waveforms in
exists for about three tube diameters downstream poststenotic Rows and the effects of the distal wall on
before breaking up. The confined jet with Ren = 1270 the occlusion-induced jet are illustrated in the follow-
also shows a vortex ring structure. However, the ing sections. All spectral analyses in steady flow
relatively large eddies are destroyed by contact with utilized an analysis bandwidth of 1 Hz. Other methods
the wall at a position one tube diameter downstream of waveform analysis are discussed by Giddens et al.
from the constriction. (1976) and by Khalifa and Giddens (1978).

EfJecrs of geometry, mensurement position and pow

The behavior of pulsatile flow through constrictions parameters
is more complex than steady flow. Further, the velocity The proper Reynolds number and nondimensional
waveform encountered in a physiological situation is length scale for duplication of flow conditions in a free
relatively complicated in that it is composed of a jet or in a confined, stenotic jet in the near centerline
number of harmonics of the fundamental pulse rate region are, in most cases, based upon the constriction
and may have a reverse flow component during part of conditions, U,, and d. However, from the viewpoint of
the cycle. However, for the purpose of illustrating the studying degenerative vascular disease a more appro-
basic phenomena present in poststenotic flow a sim- priate parameterization is to hold the unoccluded flow
pler, approximately sinusoidal, waveform is employed. conditions, U and D, constant while the degree of
Of particular interest are flow disturbances created by occlusion is allowed to increase. Such a comparison of
mild stenoses. Figure 5 is taken from a series of movie the resulting energy spectra at ReD = 2540 is shown in
film frames of dye flow patterns which occurred during Fig. 6 for a fixed axial location, X/D = 2.125. Here U”
one pulse through a smoothly contoured 25% stenosis is the energy of the velocity fluctuations at a given

nearer the wall, r = 8 and 12 mm, yield broadband

spectra of higher overall intensity. This increase in the
75’4 Sharp-Edged
turbulence energy near the wall is indicative both of
----_(- . .
energy transfer from the more or less discrete vortex
-\ rings into a wider distribution of eddy sizes and of the
75% Contoured
conversion of mean kinetic energy into a random form.
This spectral representation is quite consistent with
observations from the flow visualization depicted in
Fig. 2(a).
As the flow progresses downstream the randomness
formed near the wall extends toward the centerline and
the turbulence intensity decreases. The peaks in the
energy spectra caused by vortices at X/D = 1.125 are
completely absent at X/D = 3.125 for this case of 50%
sharpedged constriction at I&Q,= 2540.
The influence of the wall on the initial formation of
vortex rings and break-up of these rings into turbul-
ence is less pronounced for greater degrees of occlusion
where the stenotic jet shear layer is farther removed
from the wall. As the wall interference effects are
5 IO 50 100 500
reduced, the vortex ring growth and its degeneration
Frequency, Hz by “natural” instabilities approaches the behavior of
the free jet case. The effects of the distal confining wall
Fig. 6. Steady flow centerline energy spectra for 50 and 75%
on the development of the stenotic flow disturbances
stenoses; Re, = 2540. X/D = 2.125.
are illustrated in Fig. 8 which shows the spectral results
frequency. As the degree of constriction increases from For the 50% sharp-edged occlusion at a Reynolds
50 to 75x, the magnitude of the fluctuations increases number of ReD = 1270. The confined jet produced a
noticeably and the spectrum changes from a peaked spectral peak which increases in intensity as the flow
shape caused by vortex shedding to a more dispersed progresses downstream. It can be seen that the energy
configuration suggestive of turbulent flow. The sharp contained in the free jet vortex ring system is much
edged occlusion produced significantly higher in- greater than that of the confined jet system. At this
tensities than did the contoured geometry. The 25% Reynolds number, the presence of the wall has served
occlusion did not yield any disturbances at this to suppress, but not eliminate, the growth of the rings.
position which were of measurably higher intensity At lower Reynolds numbers the downstream wall may
than the unoccluded flow. reduce the intensity of the vortex to the point that little
The effect of radial location on the spectra is shown energy is transferred into turbulence and the flow
in Fig. 7 for the 50% sharpedged stenosis at an axial quickly relaminarizes. Farther downstream at X/D
position of X/D = 1.125 and ReD = 2540. The near- :the two cases produce more randomly distri-
centerline positions, r = 0 and 4 mm, clearly exhibit a
vortex shedding spectral peak, while the positions 10' I
- Confined Jet
IO’, I ( I ,
--- ._ ---- Free Jet
50% Sharp- Edged

Lr=4mm :
10-5, frequency, Hz
5 IO 50 100
Frequency. Hz
Fig. 8. Centerline energy spectra produced by confined
Fig. 7. Radial variation of steady flow energy spectra for 50% stenotic jets and by free jets for a 500/, sharp-edged con-
sharpedged stenosis; Re, = 2540, X/D = 1.125. striction at ReD = 1270, Re, = 1796.
Disorder distal to modeled stenoses in steady and puisarile flow 449

buted energy spectra with the free jet having a slightly contoured occlusion. Likewise, the correlations of the
higher overall magnitude. free jet spectral peaks also yield a Strouhal number of
about 0.6 and indicate an even higher transfer of
il;ondimensional correlorions energy into the vortex structure. Similar correlations
The purposes of correlating the energy spectra are : can be demonstrated for the 759{ occlusions and for
(1) to determine the applicability of nondimensional lower Reynolds number flows. As the constriction
parameters to scaling of the distal flow field. (2) to Reynolds number, Re,, decreases the differences in the
compare the relative intensities of the velocity Ruc- nondimensional intensities of the spectra produced by
tuations produced by diRerent stenosis geometries, the geometries are more pronounced (Cassanova.
and (3) to relate the Strouhal number of the vortex 1975).
shedding frequency to the data cited in the literature. The correlations of the steady flow energy spectra in
Since the data presented in the references are often the near-distal region imply that the mechanisms
correlated with a Strouhal number based on con- controlling the formation of instabilities and turbul-
ditions at the jet orifice or pipe exit, it is appropriate ence are dominated by the constriction conditions, i.e.
that the present results be nondimensionalized in a Re, and constriction geometrical shape, in a manner
similar manner. The energy and frequency are thus which is similar to a free jet. Farther downstream
nondimensionalized by the mean velocity at the where the interaction of the jet with the wall has
constriction minimum area, Lie, and the constriction destroyed the “memory” of the flow, a similarity
diameter, d. relationship between occlusion sizes would not be
Figure 9 gives the Strouhal number comparisons for expected since the observed characteristics would no
the 507; occlusions at Re, = 2540, Re, = 3592. In the longer possess a unique dependence on the con-
near distal field (X/D = 0.5) of the sharp occlusion, the striction conditions. The correlations which have been
Strouhal number of the spectral peak is about 1.0 and developed by Fredberg (1973) and Tobin and Chang
decreases to a value of cu. 0.5-0.6 at the more distal (1976) for the reattachment region apply only for
positions (X/D = 1.125 and 2.125) prior to the ap- severe constrictions and relatively high stenosis
pearance of the broadband spectrum at X/D = 3.125. Reynolds numbers where the distribution of the energy
The intensity of the spectral peak also reaches a amongst the eddy sizes should approach a character-
maximum when fd/U, is approx. 0.6. The contoured istically turbulent energy cascade.
occlusion data show the spectral peak occurring at a
Strouhal number of cu. OS-O.6 at all positions shown. PULSATILE FLOW WAVEFORMS ASD
The dominant value of nearly 0.6 for both geometries ESERGY SPECTRA
agrees with the correlations published in the literature
for confined and free jets (Johansen, 1929 ; Beavers and The steady flow experiments which were presented
Wilson, 1970). The sharp-edged occlusion yields more in the previous sections demonstrated the occurrence
intense spectral peaks, as compared to the total kinetic of complex flow disorder in the region distal to a
energy available at the occlusion, Vi, than did the stenosis. However, the direct carryover of these results
to a more physiologically realistic situation, namely
x/D Geometrv pulsatile flow, must be considered cautiously. The
- 0.5 Sharp-Edged
3, following data illustrate some of the salient features of

----- LIZ5
II the flow disturbances created by a pulsating mean
- -
- 2.125 8,
3.125 flow. In these studies the proximal flow had an
.. .. I.5 Contoured
---2.125 II approximately sinusoidal waveform with a pulse rate
-+-3.125 II
f, = 0.2 Hz, and a peak Reynolds number of 2540
based on the tube diameter and the cross-sectional
averaged, peak velocity as determined from the mea-

1 \\--
10-3 -- - ,r '\
? \
sured peak flow rate. While this waveform appro-
,q;,. 1, ximately duplicates a physiologically normal fre-
s.____*" \'s, '\ quency parameter (z = RJ’(21rf,!v) = 15) with the
-$ * >
,I'\ ? ,: \
relatively large tubing size that was used in the
x \ '.,':, \ experiments, the pulse rate is considerably lower than
,65 ---*b
normal. Therefore, the acceleration and deceleration
rates of the pulse were also lower than would be
normally encountered in the human cardiovascular
system. The entire velocity waveform was sampled by
\ I\ ‘\
10-7 '
, I the Fourier analyzer to obtain the energy spectra with
0.05 0.1 0:s I_, 5 IO
a frequency bandwidth resolution of 0.2 Hz. Since the
UO conical hot film probe cannot be utilized successfully in
Fig. 9. Strouhal number and nondimensional spectral energy periodically reversing Aows, all data reported herein
measured on the centerline distal to the 50% stenosis at Re,, were obtained in regions where there was forward
= 2540, Re, = 3592. mean flow over the probe during the entire cycle, as

1 X/0=2.125


25 25

I / L_ ,

OO Time, set 5 Time, set

Fig. 10. Axial variation of the centerline velocity waveforms Fig. 11. Radial variation of the velocity waveforms at X/B
distal to the 75% contoured stenosis with pulsatile flow; z = 1.125 distal to the 50% sharp-edged stenosis with pulsatile
= 15, Rer,, = 2540. flow ; z = 15,Rer,, = 2540.

determined by flow visualization. A later paper will occlusion geometries and the formation of flow distur-
consider the temporal development of the spectra. bances near the wall.
Figure 10 shows the centerline waveform at several The occurrence of measurable flow disorder distal to
axial positions distal to the 75% contoured occlusion. stenoses in pulsatile flow is further illustrated in Fig. 12
The development of flow disturbances during the which gives the energy spectra obtained distal to the
higher velocity portion of the pulse is evident. The sharp-edged occlusions. The intensity of the spectra for
intensity of the disturbance increases and the mean the case with no stenosis decreases rapidly with
velocity decreases as the measurement point moves
downstream to X/D = 3.125. The disturbances di-
ssipate during the low velocity portion of the pulse at
all locations. Disordered flow created at the stenosis
does not reach the farthest downstream position, X/D
= 6.125, until the mean velocity nears the maximum.
The typical radial variation of the waveform and the
occurrence of a large vortex ring in the initial phase of
the pulse can be seen in Fig. 11 which gives data
obtained with the 50% sharp-edged occlusion at X/D
= 1.125. The large, low frequency fluctuation which
occurs during the acceleration phase at r = 8 and
12 mm is caused by the starting vortex swirling into the
region near the wall. This would be a recirculation
zone in the steady case. The intensity and frequency of
the velocity fluctuations in the high shear region at r
= 8 and 12 mm increase as the mean velocity increases
and then dissipate before the beginning of the next
The relatively slight degree of occlusion, i.e. 25x, did
not produce any measurable centerline flow disorder
in the steady flow experiments. However, when pul- Frequency, Hz
satile flow was introduced, the flow visualization
Fig. 12. Centerline energy spectra at X/D = 2.125 distal to
showed an increase in flow reversal during the low the sharpedged stenoses in pulsatile flow; LT= 15, ReD,,
velocity phase in the near distal region of both 25% = 2540.
Disorder distal to modeled stenoses in steady and pulsatiie flow .ljl

increasing frequency from the fundamental pulse rate tween the near field, which contains sharp vortex
of 0.2 Hz. This type of spectral curve indicates that the shedding frequencies, and the remainder of the flow is
flow was approximately laminar in nature with very certainly impossible. Once the vortex patterns have
little energy in higher frequency fluctuations. The 25% disintegrated, however, and prior to reaching the far
occlusion produces a noticeable increase in the spect- field where the fluid will have lost its recollection of
ral energy at higher frequencies. As the degree of flow passing through the constriction, one might expect an
constriction is increased to 75%. the energy distributed intermediate region of turbulence similarity. This has
to higher frequencies likewise increases. A broadband been demonstrated by Giddens er al. (1976). Clark
spectral distribution, characteristic of turbulence, be- (1976), and Khalifa and Giddens (1978). The present
gins at an intensity considerably below the 0.2 Hz peak spectral data correlate well by using the dimensionless
and no distinct harmonic peaks can be seen. Similar variables
trends are reported for the contoured occlusions by
Cassanova (1975). These results are in contrast to the
in cil;o results (Giddens er al., 1976) which indicated
significant energy in the first few harmonics. This Here, Li,, is the (calculated) peak cross-sectional
characteristic of the in cico data is due to the complex average velocity in the throat of the constriction,f is
velocity waveform present in the animals. the frequency in cyclessec, and F is an energy density
The energy spectra shown in Fig. 13 show evidence function defined by
of vortex shedding in pulsatile flow through a 50%
sharpedged stenosis at an axial location XjD = 0.5. E(w)
F(w) = u’?’ (1)
Similar data are available for the contoured occlusion
(Cassanova et al., 1975b). The centerline (r = 0) spec- where E(w) is the energy (velocity-squared) content
tra show peaks which indicate that discrete vortex per unit frequency and u” is the mean square velocity
shedding is occurring over a significant portion of the fluctuation, related to E(w) by
flow pulse. The frequency of the vortex shedding for
the 50%; occlusion agrees reasonably well with the
steady flow frequency which was obtained at the same
Reynolds number corresponding to the peak Reynolds
We postulate that the peak velocity, cop, should be
number of the pulsatile flow (Fig. 7). The spectrum
effective for scaling the spectral curves sines it is the
which was measured at r = 8 mm (Fig. 13) in pulsatile
fiow exhibits harmonics of the fundamental vortex
shedding frequency. I

a. Khalifa and
Nondimensional correlations Giddens (1978)
The spectral results clearly indicate the complex
b. Clark (1976)
nature of the poststenotic flow field. Similarity be-

I I ’ I

’ ‘\
Stenosis Location t
50% X/D = 2.125 \ “\
- --__75% .’ ”
-50% X/D = 3.125
- -c - 75% ” 11

-*-*--a-75% X/D= 6.125

1 10 100
, I I
0.5 I 5 10 50 !OO
Frequency, Hz

Fig. 13. Energy spectra measured at X/D = 0.5 distal to the Fig. 14. Nondimensionalized energy spectra for several cases
XI:/, sharp-edged stenosis showing a comparison with the of pulsatile flow and a comparison with other published
vortex shedding from steady flow data. work.

high velocity region of the pulse wave which generates ration of the vortex into a random distribution of
the most intense turbulence under the conditions smaller eddies occurs at about the same location.
studied here. This tends to dominate the spectral However, for milder stenoses where the wall is closer to
measurements made over the entire pulse. Figure 14 the shear layer, the proximity of the boundary clearly
displays the results of applying these similarity para- modifies the development of flow instabilities. At low
meters to the present measurements at several axial Reynolds numbers, the wall retards the development
stations and for various degrees of occlusion. Also of vortices, whereas, at high Reynolds numbers it
shown on the figure are results taken from the in vioo reduces the energy which is transfened to the vortex
data of Khalifa and Giddens (1978) and the in cicro ring structure and increases the rate at which the
data of Clark (1976). Line (a) represents a curve faired energy is transferred into a random distribution of
through the spectral results for the disturbance ve- eddy sizes, thus promoting a broadband spectral
locity, u’, measured during an interval near peak distribution.
systolic velocity and for degrees of occlusion ranging
from 20 to 887: in the canine aorta (Khalifa and Steady v’s pulsatile pow
Giddens, Fig. 6b). Line (b) represents a curve faired For steady flow the visualization studies and
through the in citro steady flow results of Clark (Fig. 7a measurements indicate that, if the stenosis is smoothly
of that reference), which covered a wide range of contoured, a degree of occlusion of co. 50% is required
Reynolds numbers and employed an 89% stenosis for to cause substantial flow disturbances at the Reynolds
this particular set of data. Clark’s results are slightly numbers studied. However, for a pulsatile flow, distur-
higher than the present study, perhaps because he bances were created with a mild 2Y(: stenosis during
excluded velocity fluctuations below 22.4 Hz from the the deceleration phase of a cycle. Thus, the effect of
integral, equation (2), used to calculate u”. However, pulsatility was to destabilize the flow, and this was
the general shapes of all the spectra are quite similar; clearly evident in the energy spectra results.
and considering the extensive ranges of stenosis size,
Reynolds number, axial location, and the fact that data Similarity parameters
were taken both in vitro and in uivo, the correlation of
Due to the extremely complex nature of the flow
the varied results is quite remarkable.
field, any correlation of energy spectra will of necessity
be valid only over a limited range of conditions and in
limited regions of space. If the Reynolds numbers are
relatively large, if the degree of occlusion is sufficient, if
The present study has illustrated the highly complex
measurements are avoided in zones of recirculation
nature of poststenotic flow fields, even for the sim-
and taken the vicinity of reattachment. then the energy
plified in vitro models employed. Despite the com-
spectra maybe characteristically turbulent and can be
plexity, however, certain definite trends have emerged
correlated by similarity parameters. When these re-
which contribute to an understanding of flow through
strictions are not imposed, then correlation is virtually
subtotal vascular stenoses.
impossible in the transitional Reynolds number re-
Stenosis geometry gime which was covered by the study.
The results indicate that the more abrupt, sharp-
Implications to stenotic disease
edged stenoses created a much greater flow distur-
bance at a given Reynolds number than the smoothly Although thecompliant nature of the vessel wall was
contoured configuration. As expected, all data exhi- not modeled, the present results illustrate certain
bited the trend that the greater the degree of blockage, trends which can realistically be expected to occur in
the greater the disorder created in the distal field. This the poststenotic field of a subtotal vascular stenosis.
is in agreement with the results reported by Kim and The experiments confirm previous in ciro observations
Corcoran (1974) who used stenoses with a rectangular that substantial flow disorder may occur for mild
cross-section and with a multicornered geometry. stenoses, and they allow visualization of the instability
Their results, however, did not indicate the presence of mechanism active in pulsatile flow which creates the
vortex shedding immediately distal to the stenosis. A disorder. The limitations of employing spectral cor-
multicornered configuration, as used by Kim and relations to estimate the degree of stenosis have been
Corcoran (1974). or irregularly shaped stenosis geo- outlined, and it would appear very unlikely that such
metry, which may be encountered in pathological correlations will be of value in estimating the size of
conditions, might tend to disperse an orderly structure localized atherosclerotic plaques at an early stage of
in the flow disturbance. development. On the other hand, the data suggest that
detection of flow disorder per se could be a potentially
Distal wall interactions useful indicator of the existence of mild stenoses,
In regions very near the plane of constriction of the provided of course, that this detection could be
severe stenosis (75%) the stenotic jet behaves similarly achieved noninvasively and that the trends exhibited
to a free jet. Vortex shedding occurs at the same for axisymmetric stenoses are present in flow fields
frequency and intensity for both cases and the disinteg- associated with constrictions in the vicinity of vessel
Disorder distal to modeled stenoses in steady and pulsatiie flow 453

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