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House# 184/B (3rd Floor), Road# 21,

Mohakhali New DOHS, Dhaka-1206

Contact Number: 01771118807
Billing Information of Project

Company Billing Information (if different)

Business Name VisionTrade International Business Name VisionTrade International
Address House #11, Road #7, Address House #11, Road #7,
Town Gulshan - 1 City Gulshan - 1
City Dhaka St Dhaka
Zip code 1212 Zip code 1212
Primary Ph# 1711531213 Primary Ph# 1711531213
Contact Name Asif Hossain Contact Name Asif Hossain
Title Owner, Proprietor Title Owner, Proprietor
Email Email

Contract Start Date 4/1/2018 Base Program Yearly Rate

BDT 15,000.00
Custom Website Development Ongoing Monthly Services (Base Program)
x Custom Website Design and Development x Client Dashboard
x Keyword Research and Site Architecture x Real Time Lead Management Platform
x Content and Image Development x Content Management System (website content)
x Service Area Development (if applicable) x Survey Review Platform
x Site Optimization (Tags, Titles, Headers, Descriptions) BDT 60,000.00 x Website Hosting
x Internal and External Linking x Campaign tracking platform
x Mobile Website Development (Responsive) x Site Traffic platform
x Sitemap.xml x Work log Platform
x Custom Form Submission Development
Set Up Service Additional Service Fees
x All Creatives
x Survey Review System Cost Per Sale 0.0%
x Client Dashboard
x Website Hosting BDT 40,000.00
x Analytics/Webmaster tools
x User(s) within the platform and leads management

Additional Fees Qualified Lead Program

Discount 20% Cost Per Lead 0.0%
Additional Services Provided with Qualified Lead Program

Total Set Up Fee BDT 80,000.00 ***Total Yearly Rate BDT 15,000.00

www. visiontradeinternational .com

1. Authorization The above-named Client (hereinafter referred to as "Client") is engaging BD Advance Tech as an independent contractor for the specific purpose
of marketing, designing and hosting a World Wide Website to be created and published using the Central Station Marketing Content Management System
platform. The Client hereby authorizes BD Advance Tech to access Client’s URL at domain listed above, and host pages on the domain within the platform. BD
Advance Tech acknowledges that Client is the sole owner of all rights to the domain name listed above, which shall at all times be registered in the Client’s name.
Client shall be solely responsible for renewals of the domain name.
2. Development - This Website will be developed using the proprietary software Central Station Marketing Content Management System.
Compatibility - Designing a website to fully work in multiple browsers (and browser versions) can require considerable, extra effort. It could also involve creating multiple
versions of code/pages. BD Advance Tech CMS (content management system) represents and warrants the website we design will work in:
○ Microsoft® Internet Explorer versions 7 and up
○ Mozilla Firefox version 1.0 and up
○ Google Chrome
○ Apple OS
○ Safari
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - The content management system is built with SEO best practices in mind, and BD Advance Tech will provide assistance with SEO.
Due to the nature of the search engines, BD Advance Tech will not make any guarantee to page rankings within keywords or geographical areas.
While BD Advance Tech will make reasonable effort to design a fully-functional website, BD Advance Tech's warranty does not cover existing browsers as well as any new
browsers that do not adhere to the basic HTML 4+ practices such as CSS, and XHTM mark up validated by W3C.
For People with Disabilities - BD Advance Tech standard is to meet at least half of the currently recommended guidelines for website development. Without sacrificing
quality and design, we will try to ensure the content and functionality of the website are available to all visitors.
Image with ALT tags for the blind, color-blind and low-sighted visitors.
Site will contain full text for visitors to enlarge or shrink page for clear readability.

Bandwidth & Data Storage Space - BD Advance Tech is hosted in a cloud hosting environment with significant bandwidth and data storage capabilities.
Bandwidth and storage space scales up automatically as the demand for storage continues to grow.

3. Assignment of Website Marketing Project - BD Advance Tech reserves the right, and you hereby agree, to assign vendors to this Web Marketing Project (if
necessary) to insure that the terms of this agreement are met as well as on-time completion.

4. Delivery of Client Materials. Client will, at its expense, provide all materials necessary for BD Advance Tech and/or its vendors to provide the Services. Such materials
will be provided in accordance with BD Advance Tech's policies in effect from time to time, including, without limitation, policies regarding the manner of transmission to BD
Advance Tech and the delivery time prior to publication of the client's materials. Client acknowledges that client's delay in delivering materials to BD Advance Tech by any
applicable deadline may delay the launch date for the Services for which such materials are being provided. All expenses connected with the delivery to BD Advance Tech of
advertising material or other web page content of Client and any cost for return of such materials from BD Advance Tech will be paid by Client. BD Advance Tech may dispose
of any such materials delivered to it unless Client has made acceptable prepaid return arrangements. BD Advance Tech will not be responsible for any material that is not
properly displayed or that cannot be accessed or viewed because the material was not received by BD Advance Tech in the proper form, in a timely manner, or in an
acceptable technical quality for display within the applicable BD Advance Tech locations. BD Advance Tech will not be liable for typographical errors, incorrect insertions or
omissions in any Client materials displayed in connection with the Services.

5. License to Client Materials; Publicity. Client grants to BD Advance Tech a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense to its Service
Provider and/or such Service Provider’s Vendors) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute any all drawings, pictures, slogans,
text, audio, video, or other content furnished by or on behalf of Client under the applicable Order (collectively, “Client Materials”) in the media and via the distribution methods
expressly contemplated in the applicable Order. BD Advance Tech may modify or adapt the Advertiser Materials to the extent necessary to transmit, display or distribute it over
computer networks and in various media and/or make changes to Client Materials to the extent necessary to provide the Services and to conform and adapt the Client
Materials to any requirements or limitations of any networks, devices, services or media. Client acknowledges and agrees that BD Advance Tech may use Client’s results of
services in BD Advance Tech testimonials, videos and other advertisements that publicize BD Advance Tech services.

6. Copyrights and Trademarks - The Client unconditionally guarantees that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork
furnished to BD Advance Tech for inclusion in the Website are owned by the Client, or that the Client has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these
elements, and will hold harmless, protect, indemnify and defend BD Advance Tech and its subcontractors from any liability (including attorney's fees and court
costs), including any claim or suit, threatened or actual, arising from the use of such elements furnished by the Client. The Client also holds all copyrights and
trademarks of any/all content within the Web Marketing Project, whether created by Client, BD Advance Tech, or third parties. In the event that BD Advance Tech
or its vendors create content for the Web Marketing Project, BD Advance Tech shall, and hereby does, assign and transfer to Client all of its and its vendors rights
to such content (including copyright throughout the world and moral rights). Exceptions include all trademark and copyright material for BD Advance Tech,
Restoration Renegades or other proprietary content related to their brands.

7. Completion Date - BD Advance Tech and the Client must work together to complete the Website in a timely manner. BD Advance Tech agrees to work expeditiously to complete the
Website no later than 60 days after Client has submitted all necessary materials. If the Client does not supply BD Advance Tech with complete text and graphics content for the Website
within a reasonable time, the parties will negotiate a substitute timetable for completion in good faith.

8. Project Delivery - The final Website will be published on the BD Advance Tech CMS platform. The Client will have administrative access to manage all pages
(including photos and videos) within the site in this platform.
9. No Guarantees. Advertiser acknowledges that BD Advance Tech has not made and does not make any guarantees with respect to usage statistics, page ranking on
search engines, qualified leads or results that will be delivered with respect to the website and/or other marketing services. If BD Advance Tech provides Client with any
estimated usage or other statistics, it does so only as a courtesy to Client and will not be held liable for any claims relating to said statistics or marketing results.

10. Web Site Maintenance. This agreement allows for development of the Website, together with website hosting and maintenance of the Website, for the lifetime
of your website hosted at BD Advance Tech within the agreed upon monthly invoice. The monthly fee does not include major template reconstruction, new
functionality or new scripts requested by Client that may require custom programming. Custom programming and additions outside of our services are available
and will be charged at an $85.00 per hour rate.

11. CMS Features - Website: BD Advance Tech will work with the client to develop a recommended site and navigation structure. Clients will have the ability to freely edit
their web pages within the confines of the Content Management System after the initial site development. Editing of content can occur through the WYSIWIG interface and/or
though the HTML editor. Once edits are made, clients have the ability to publish the changes to a staging environment where they can view what their changes will look like
before publishing to the live environment. Versioning: The Content Management System supports versioning so the client or BD Advance Tech can retrieve previous versions
of a page. Review System: The Content Management survey review system is built within the CMS platform and is a web based interface.

12. Ongoing Website Management - BD Advance Tech does provide ongoing "website management" services which may include but are not limited to new content updates
and images, revisions to current content and images, linking, coding, and other techniques to help increase traffic and conversions. These services are performed at the
discretion of BD Advance Tech and BD Advance Tech does not guarantee an increase in performance and/or ranking with these services due to the constant changing of
algorithms by search engines.
13. Paid Search Management (PPC) - BD Advance Tech does provide PPC management services which may include but are not limited to keyword campaign set up and
management, site extensions, ad forwarding, text ad creation, and budget management. BD Advane Tech does not and will not make any performance guarantees from the
paid search program.
14. Reservation of Rights. BD Advance Tech, in its sole discretion, may, at any time and for any reason, without notice, modify or remove or refuse to publish any Client
Materials from or on any platform over which the Services are distributed. Without limiting the foregoing, BD Advance Tech reserves the right to access, read, preserve, and
disclose any Client Materials or other information as BD Advance Tech reasonably believes is necessary to (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or
governmental request, (ii) enforce this Agreement, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical
issues, (iv) respond to user support requests, or (v) protect the rights, property or safety of BD Advance Tech, its users and the public.
15. Backup - BD Advance Tech's Content Management System has an automated daily backup system in place which backs up all data at 2 AM every day. Real-time backup
is available at The Client’s request. At any time, upon request of Client, BD Advance Tech shall deliver to Client a zip file containing all pages, content and HTML code of the
Web Marketing Project, without encryption or access-restriction software, for a charge equal to one (1) hour of time.
16. Electronic Commerce Laws - The Client agrees that the Client is solely responsible for complying with any laws, taxes, and tariffs of the United States applicable in any
way to the Website or any other services contemplated herein, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend BD Advance Tech and its subcontractors from any claim, suit,
penalty, tax, fine, penalty, or tariff arising from the Client's exercise of Internet electronic commerce and/or any failure to comply with any such laws, taxes, and tariffs.

17. Data Collection - The Client also authorizes BD Advance Tech to capture basic customer data in a secure environment such as name, address, email, phone number, IP
address, etc. Sensitive data such as Social Security Number, Credit Card Number or any other such data WILL NOT be collected. Data collected will be available in the BD
Advance Tech CMS back-end administration and/or in email as leads.

18. Legal Notice - Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this contract, neither BD Advance Tech nor any of its employees or agents warrants that the functions
contained in the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Website is with the Client, unless errors, interruptions of
software “bugs” are caused by or originate from BD Advance Tech or its proprietary content management system, in which case such errors or interruptions will be corrected
promptly at no additional charge to Client. In no event will BD Advance Tech be liable to the Client or any third party for any damages, including, but not limited to, service
interruptions caused by Acts of God or any other circumstances beyond BD Advance Tech’s reasonable control, any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential,
punitive, or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate this Web Marketing Project, failure of any service provider, of any telecommunications carrier,
of the Internet backbone, of any Internet servers, your or your site visitor's computer or Internet software, even if BD Advance Tech has been advised of the possibility of such
damages. Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BD Advance Tech for any adverse result resulting from the website and services to a 3rd party. In no event will BD
Advance Tech be liable to Client in excess of any fees paid on behalf of services rendered.

19. Limited Exclusivity Agreement - BD Advance Tech will provide its services "exclusively" to qualified clients within a specific market and service area. BD Advance Tech
does reserve the right to modify this agreement at anytime and will provide a 30 day written notification to affected clients.
20. Payment Terms. The fees for the Services are set forth in the Order. Fees must be paid at the end of each month and in an amount equal to the Total Monthly Rate
(including qualified lead charges where applicable). Fees will be charged to the credit card or Pay Pal account unless Client has made other arrangements with BD Advance
Tech (provided that BD Advance Tech will be under no obligation to accept any form of payment other than credit card payments). Client is responsible for ensuring that its
credit card information is up to date at all times. By executing this Agreement, Client hereby authorizes BD Advance Tech to charge Client’s credit card for all applicable
Services within (5) business days after BD Advance Tech initial receipt of the Order, and every month thereafter. Claims for errors in billing must be made by Client within
thirty (30) days after the due date for each applicable payment or such claims will be forfeited. Unpaid amounts will accrue interest at the rate one and one half percent (1.5%)
per month, or the highest amount permitted by law, whichever is less, until such amounts are paid. In addition, Client shall reimburse BD Advance Tech on demand for all
reasonable costs and expenses incurred by BD Advance Tech in collecting any unpaid amounts (including, but not limited to, all fees and disbursements of counsel) and/or any
collection agency of BD Advance Tech.

21. Miscellaneous. Client acknowledges and agrees that the terms set forth in this agreement are for the benefit of BD Advance Tech and its Vendors are intended third-party
beneficiaries under this Agreement and may enforce those provisions directly against Client or through BD Advance Tech. The parties are independent contractors. Nothing in
this Agreement shall be construed to create a joint venture, partnership, or an agency relationship between the parties. Client may not assign or transfer this Agreement without
the prior written consent of BD Advance Tech. This Agreement is governed by Texas (USA) law, and any actions, claim or proceeding hereunder shall be commenced
exclusively in the courts of the State of Texas located in the Judicial District of Dallas, or in the United States District Court for the District of Texas. This Agreement constitutes
the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. It supersedes all prior proposals, understandings and all other agreements,
oral and written, between the parties relating to this subject matter. The waiver or failure of either party to exercise any right provided for herein will not be deemed a waiver of
any further right hereunder. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be deemed
restated, in accordance with applicable law, to reflect as nearly as possible the original intentions of the parties, and the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and

22. Termination. BD Advance Tech may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement or suspend the Services in the event Client fails to pay any amount owed hereunder
when due and fails to cure such non-payment within thirty (30) days following the due date. Without limiting the foregoing, BD Advance Tech may terminate this Agreement at
any time, with or without cause, upon ten (10) days after written notice to Client. This Agreement will automatically terminate, without notice (i) upon the institution by or against
Client of insolvency, receivership, or bankruptcy proceedings or any other proceedings for the settlement of Client's debts; (ii) upon Client making an assignment for the benefit
of creditors; or (iii) upon Client’s dissolution. Client may terminate this Agreement by providing BD Advance Tech a 30 day written notice. Client’s obligation to make payments
hereunder shall terminate, and Client shall be responsible for all charges up to termination date and for removing all website content from BD Advance Tech's Content
Management System hosting environment to new hosting environment. BD Advance Tech will cooperate with the content recovery of the website at no additional charge to

23.Schedule of Payment
The payment schedule will be as follows:
a) 50% of the payment will be done (before starting Phase 1) on the day of signing of the work order contract.
b) 30% of the payment will be done (before starting Phase 3).
c) The final 20% payment will be done (after completing Phase 4).

ACCEPTANCE By signing below, you agree to adhere to BD Advance Tech’s standard terms and conditions.

Business Name VisionTrade International BD Advance Tech

Name Asif Hossain Name Shahrier Akbar
Title Owner, Proprietor Title Managing director
Signature Signature
Date Date

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