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i iy mt Ves THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE \/ (ean execs: } a a hate ats aaa tines ee Tone A San Ah me, ot QVE os Bate bona ay q ean peo hy a NS tacoon Ficbovk lt Marve Uber ce be Sear CONTENTS AND ARTISTS ABOMINATION .. ALPHA FLIGHT ALPHA PRIMITIVES. AMERICAN EAGLE .. ‘ANACONDA. ‘ANDROMEDA ANGAR THE SCREAMER . Steve Lelaloha .. 13 ANGEL .. Kerry Gammill.. 14 ANNIHILUS. John Byme .... 18 ANT-MAN 18 ‘AQUARIAN 2 ARABIAN KNIGHT... Mike Haris. ‘ARAGORN ARCADE ARES ARKON .. ‘ARMADILLO ARNIM ZOLA. ASGARD ASGARDIANS .. Rich Buckler. ASP on Carl Potts ATLANTEANS Bob Buiansky . ATLANTIS Eliot R. Brown ATTILAN, Eliot R. Brown .. ATTUMA, Walt Simonson ‘AURORA AVALANCHE John Byrne ‘AVENGERS: AVENGERS COMPOU! 52 AVENGERS MANSION 55 AVENGERS QUINJET BALDER BARON MORDO BARON ZENO .. DELUXE EDITION THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE ‘Tho Marvel Universe is a dynamic, vital, constantly evolving entity. As soon as you try to catalog allo its features, phenomena, ‘and famous denizens, you discover that the moment you finish so much has changed ‘hile you worked on itthat you have to start over again from the top. Thus began this, tho Deluxe Elion of the OFFICIAL HAND: BOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. Back in the summor of 1982, wo sot the ‘comics world on its ear (but were caroful to ‘sot it back upright again) with the publica- tion of the frst Issue of our orginal series of fifteen HANDBOOKS. The brainchild. of ‘editor in chiet Jim Shooter, the OHOTMU ‘was ike nothing that had ever appeared in comics format belore, or any other format for that matter. As designed and developed. by yours truly, OHOTMU became the first altompt to catalog and specty the won- ‘drous. people, places, and things, In the ‘wori's’ mast popular comics universe, To toll the truth, neither | nor my associates knew what we were in for in the way of hard work. Each Issue we found new ways to make the material more comprehensive ‘and exhaustive, But ultimately, we found ‘our work most rewarding, as the popular and critical response bagan to be seen and hoard. The amount of mail we got every Igoue was phenomenal, particularly when you consider we never even had a letters age! fd hereby lke to thank each and every fone of you who wrote in during the fist ed!= tion — particularly those of you who were rmingtul ofthe fact that we wore new at tis, and a fow mistakes were bound to creep in." here and thera no matter how hard we worked. Thanks to ell your Input, wo've been able to put together a Deluxe Eaition of the OFFICIAL HANDBOOK that in every way surpasses the original Besides simply adding ail the new char- acters who have premiered and updating ail the information that has changed, we think we've made a number of overall im- pproveronts tothe basic look and content of the soties. Such as ... More space por ‘eniry. Since we have almost twice as many cowies oroue. em ‘pages as the original, we don't have to limit each entry toa single page. Thus well let a ‘character have as much space as he or she needs to give you a comprehensive des- Cription ... More pictures. The added page count aiso enables us to have bigger full figure illustrations and more shots of the character in action. In most cases, every singlo one of the character's powors are Visually dopictod ... More diagrams. We also have room for more of those technical llustrations that enable you to see how the hardware and paraphernalia used by our characters works. This time the diagrams Wille incorporated into the appropriate en- tries rather than ina separate book Standard txt size, One of the most valid Cailicisms. the original HANDBOOK ro- ‘coived was thatthe small type size necessl- tated by tying to cram in as much info as possible was very dificult to read. This time We have the room to standardize the type ‘ize, and not only that we're throwing in a better grade of paper and printed text only fon white backgrounds. Throw away your "magnifying glasses ... Greater clarity and trv unknown iotopa of uni fou nthe mine eabned te mutagenoaly ertance the ‘Stang and sons of te Sirangtow bothers. ‘ia who had contacted the ming company ‘quire urn witwnich he Ropes erty fis powers, ted wit ings wth Savage Une marten, ere Ks Roped 1 quire Viorrum’(sa8" Vbraniom, Append: | See | “Srongoow emerged fom the mine and was | | | hailed as a champion of his tbe. Taking the ‘company, he set out in pursut. In the Savage Land, the American Eagle was met By Ka-Zat, the Thing, and Wat Wingfoot. The four of them ‘opposed and defeated Klaw and his hirelings. In ‘the course of the battle, Strongbow’s brother ‘Ward, who had allied himsett wit Klaw, was ki- led by one of the miners bullets. Amorican ‘average human belig 8996 at 20 feet, His senses of smel, taste, and hearing lare approximately three times as acule as those of & normal human being. Weapons: American Eagle carrot a crossbow [i ‘whioh tres specially designed bolis, Ho has oft to whioh a line of braked flborglass is con ected, enabling him 10 ewing trom averhoad ‘objacts or to climb ia length. He also has apeo- lly Burd bon dof stun an emponont ta distance ANACONDA anche “Blondie” Sitenski : Exesteelworker, nom ftee- lance eriminal Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record as yet Former aliases: None known Place of birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Marital status: Single ‘Known relatives: None Group affiliation: Serpent Squad Il, Ser- pent Society ‘Base of operations: Mobile First appearance: MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE 64 History: Blanche Sltznski was selected by executives in the Roxxon Oil Company 10 ‘be a special agent in covert operalions (see. Roxxon Of). At the Mutagonios Laboratory ‘of Roxon now-delunct subsidiary, the Brand Corporation, Sliznksi was bioon- ‘gineored to have various pormanent sor panting adaplations. Hor frst mission, as part of the new Serpent Squad, was to re- Tsleve the ancient power object called the Sorpont Crown for Roxxon president Hugh Jones. Following this mission, Anagonda ‘and two of hor follow Serpent Squad ‘cohorts lett Roxxon to beooma mereanaries {or hire. Recently, Anaconda was invited to join the Serpent Society by her formar ae- ‘soclato Sidewindar, Afier some persuasion, she accepted and has bean an active member ever sines (see Serpent Society) Holght: 6 2" ‘Weight: 220 tbe Eyes: Greon| Hale: Blonde ‘Unusual fentures: Anaoonda has soalos ‘on her face, neck, and chest, and small ns ‘on her cheeks. Strength level: Anaconda possesses ssupethuman strength enabling her 10 it {(pt08s) approximately 2 tons on land undor ‘optimal conditions. Using her strenath to constrict rather than lft, Anaconda has a ‘tip that cannot be broken by these whose Strength exceeds her own By factors up 10 30 (See Known superhuman powers). Known superhuman powers: Anaconda possesses the abilly to elongate her limbs, fentvine them around persons or objects, and constrict. The entire skeletal structure of her arms and legs has been replaced by aificial Adamantium alloy-based bones in the basic configuration of a snako's bodily skeleton, Hor arms, normally 24 inches from armpit fo writ, and her legs, normally 35 inches from hipbone to ankle, are able to ‘longale to about one and a hat times thor ‘normal longth. When she extends fer limbs in this fashion, the muscle tissue gorges with blood, swoling the limbs so that each Tooks ko’ a massive, poworful snako. These four constiting limbs are capable of exerting enough pressure to radicaly de- form & one inch-thick steel tube, Wo feet in diameter Ones Anaconda has fully en- ‘wined her serpentine limbs around a hhuman-sized foe, there are. few human beings able to get sufficient lavarage and possessing sufficient strength to break har ‘ri. ‘Anaconda has been surgically given ari- ficial gle to enable her 10 oxtract oxygen rom water in order to breath. She can now breathe while underwater indefintely, as. \well as breathe on land. As a by-product of the extensive blo-engineering done to her ‘body, Anaconda possesses superhuman. recuperative abilities. Her bocy can heal from any non-fatal wound many times fas ter than @ normal human being . Za ~~ Sa ANDROMEDA Marital statue: ‘Known relative: None known Group affiliation: Aly ofthe Detencers Base of operations: Current First 3 DEFENDERS hhermell Andrea MoPhee, Sho hao recently revealed to the Delenders thet she Is @ member of the Allantean ht: 160 foo. HE F : i i ll g : i "g i fs q i ‘Superhuman powere: Andromeda posseasoa ‘the conventional attibutes of the Homo mermanus species (800 Avanteans, Aventis): gle to enable her to ‘extract oxygen fom water, ‘superhumany_ strong Dhyslology 40 enable hero withstand the great water pressure that cocur beneath the ea, blood Circulation enebling her to withstand freezing tempera ‘tures, and specially-developed vision which Is more hours before Ung. Andromeda can maintain a greater swimming Speed over that period, butts ite have yet {9 be determined. ‘Uke all Heme mermani except for the Sub-Mariner 'Namotia, Andromeda cannot breathe out of water She Ia capable of lasting approximately 10 ‘on the aurlace without artificial means for ine king oxygen before she begins to suffocate. How. ‘ever, in order 10 survive in the surface world, An- ‘dromeda used a gorum employed on past occasions by the Atiarteans Ki ‘Dorma, When imbibed by 18 Homo mermanus, it allows him or her to absorb oxy: {gen and expel carton doxida directly through the akin. fora period of approximately 12 hours. The serum alo ltrs hi or her akin pigmentation to that of an average Caucasian human for the samo amount of tie. ‘Other abilities: Andromeda is highly proficient in all ‘Asantean methods of armed and unarmed combat. Weaponry: Andromeda gly sien we use standard weaponry, but she most cen Uses. trident, which she can hur with great force, An ‘dromeda also posseses a warship of Atlantean man- \acture, which ean be used bath for fight and for u ersea travel, and which la stmed with various Ali fean wesponty. . 2 ei ANGAR THE SCREA\ tet ee See Rees Legal status: Unitod States citizen with @ noty Publicly known = Sue oat. First appearance: DAREDEVIL #100 (Origin: DAREDEVIL #101 History: David Anger, a radical social ao- tivet, voluftsered 10 ‘undergo an exper ‘ragon hoped to create more alles against the mad Titan ‘Thanos, her erstwhile part neg, Kerwin J, Broderick, employed Anger {8 1 special operative for his own ertminal ‘enterpriees. Angers frst assionment was, ‘and the Black Widow, ‘Angar's scream wil eflect anyone within the sound of his voles to some degree. The ANGEL Real Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington Ww ‘Occupation: Chaiman of the board and principal stockholder of Werthington indus- tres, acventurer ‘Mientity: Publicly known: ogel status: United Slates ction with no chminal record Former allesee: The Avenging Angel Place of birth: Canterport, Long land, New York Marital status: Single Known relatives; Warron K. (gcandlathor, deceased), Warren K, ue (lathor, docoasod), kKthryn (mother decoased), Burt (alias to Dazzler patemal une (208 Appar: Daz zr) Group aftitation: Former member of the X-Men, the Champions of Los Angeles, and theDefender, founding member of X-Factor Base of operations: Now York Ciy, al though he maintains residences in coveral athe el and an oateta in Now Mexico Fist appearance: X-MEN #1 Origin: SCMEN 54-56 History: Warren Worthington llwas tend ing_a private school In fis adslesconce when wings began to grow rom his shou! der blades. The wings reachod thelr fll adult siza within months, but Worthington Kept thom a secrtby strapping them tighy to hia bak and eongeating them under is Clothes. At rt he thought himset a eas However Worthington leamed thet ne colo Usa his ulnge to fy, and came to enjoy Ns new abay Then, one night there was & fre inns dormitory, and he resolved to use his fing power 1 rescue the people inside ‘To conceal his identity, Woringion wore a {ong blone wig anda long nights, 20 that fe looked tke an angel. The rescue was ‘Successful, and his identity remained a sec- ‘Tet. Shortly thereafter Worthington became 4 costumed erimetghter in New York Ciy ‘ner the name of fie Avenging Angel. He Was then contacted By the XeMen and bareed to jon them (se0 X-Men) ‘Shorty ator Professor Charles Xavier, the founder ofthe X-Men, recruted several new members forthe group, the Angel do- Ged t leave the X-Men (800 Professor X). Alter his parents’ deaths, Worthington inherited thei vest fortune, and he used Bar off 10 Yound a Los Angols-based o {Senizaflon of superhuman adventurers Salled the ‘Champions (eve Apperds: Ghampions of Los Angolos), Worthington iso publely reveuled thal ho was, the ‘Angel though he and Xavier managed 10 keep secret Werthington's connacton with Xavier's school, th eover ané home base forthe X-Mon. When the Champions fled 29 an organization, Worthington decided 10 ‘ovale is time from then on to hi bus nese cuties and fo his renewed tomence ‘wih his longtime cited Cersaca “Candy Southem. Worthington also broly rtumed to the X-Man, Recently the Ange oined the Defenders fang remaned wih them efter the. Besst ‘eorganized the grcup (see Beast, Appor the New Mexico Flocky Mountains 2s thelr base of operations. When the Defenders. ‘disbanded, the Angel helped found X-Fac~ tor (690 X-Factor) Eyes: Blue Hair: Biona’ ‘Strength level: The Angol possesses the ‘normal human streneth of a men of his age, hnalght. and bull, who engages in intensive regular exercise. His wings can create enough Wit enable him t2 cerry alot at Jeast 200 pounds In addition 12 his own weight Known superhuman powers: The Angel is @ mutant who ean fy by means of his rnalural wings which span sixteen feat from ‘wingtip {9 wingtip. Puly feathered like Birds, the wings have a very flexible ‘skalelal structure, enabling him to press thom (othe back of his torso and legs wih only tha sighiast bulge visible under his ‘Tha Angel's entire anatomy is naturally ‘adapted to fying, His bones are holiow like fa bird's, making him weigh fer loss than is ‘usual fora man of his height and build, His ody fs vinuelly devoid of fat, and posses- 9e8 greater proporionste muscle mass than an ersinary human does, His ayes aro specially adapted f9 ba able to withstand high speed winds which would hurt tho average human eye: He possesses a ‘9pecial membrana in his respiratory system ‘enabling him to extract oxygen fom the air ‘at high veloctias or high alitudes. ‘The Angel fles by flapping hie wings, a= a bitd doos, His normal crulaing speed layerages around 70 miles per hour, though hhe is capable of diving swoops thet reach ‘up fo 189 miles par Nout Ha oan fly at 160, miles per hour without the help of tall wine {ot upto half an hour at atime before thing 40 an appreciable degree, “Though tie generally fies bonesth the height of the clouds (8,500-feet), he can reach a height of 10,000 feet with ke ceffort. With severe strain he can attain the Fighest recorded altitude of a bird in tight (Aifican goose at 29,000 feet above sea eve), but he ean only remain that high for several minuios “The Ango! car fly non-stop under his own pawer for a maxmum of approximately {wolve hours. Contrary to some reports, he t make a kransatlanile fight solely on (ar During his one attemptio do ANNIHILUS Real Namo: Anrifitus ‘Conqueror, dasiroyer 6 ite Legal status: Citizen of Arthres, planet in Sector 17 A of the Negative Zone (as charted by Reed Richards) lace of Birth: Planet of Arthros, Negative Marital status: Single, pemans inapplicable Group affiliation: Sometime pariner of SBastaar Base of operation: Sector 17 A of the ‘Negative Zone First appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR AN: NUAL #6 ‘Origin: FANTASTIC FOUR #140 History: Untold years ago, voyagers trom the world Tyanna in the Negative Zone, an ‘extradimensional universe made of ant ‘matter, set forth to seed the barren worlds of the Zone wit living organisms that they hhad bioengineered in the form of spores (see Appendix: Other Dimensions). One of the Tyannan ships crashed upon the barren volcanic planet Arthros, and the dying \oyagers released all oftheir Ife spores as. their inal act. ‘One of the spores grew inio an insectoid being who possessed great inteligence through mutation. This boing, who would ‘become known as Annihilus, discovered the Tyannan starship and found within it @ ‘knowiodge transference helmet, Annihilus ‘used the helmot to learn the history and the ‘accumulated knowledge of the Tyannans. Using that knowiedge, Anvihilue increased hi strength and inteligonco and croatod the Cosmic Control Rod from the cannis tors that held the Ile spores and: tho ‘of the starship. The Cosmic Control Rod not only enabled Annihilus to ‘wield great power, but also extended his fe span indefinitely as long as he possessed it Annihilus used his newly acquired power ‘to become the master ofthe othor fe forms Dring worlds in the Negative Zone. ‘Anninllus was driven by an insane obses- sion with averting his own death at any ost. In order to prevent his death, An- threat to his existence. in racont years An- niius formed a partnership with Blastaar (gee Blastaan), another powerful boing of Tealzation of his fast approaching death, ‘Anninius made an attack upon Earth, home of his longtime adversaries, the Fan- ‘ast Four, which ended in Annihius’s own ‘apparent destruction. Whether or not An- hiilus was truly destroyed, nowever, re- mains to be seen, evel: Annihilus possesses super- human’ strengih, and can (press) ap- proximately 60 tons, Earth gravity, under ‘optimal conditions.

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