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( Czarina F. Donato )

I am Kaefer Ellis of Charleston, South Carolina, currently working at Federal

Bureau of Investigation as a Special Agent. December 19 as we began the first part
of the plan to save the princess of Britain ,Princess Aliynna. The King needed the
help of FBI and assign us to do the search and rescue, our superior send us to North
Africa, the demesne place dovish creep activity. Hovercraft we speed through the
road and lightning flashed in the sky. Willow, Pax, Ripley, and Harper were
peacefully sleeping. I stayed to the side of Pax and think of what possibly we are
going to. I tried to calm myself and start resting.

The other hovercraft behind savouring the trip while 25 perrson appeared
and ambushed us. We immediately woke up and run to the agents at back and saw
their shed blood in the ground. They aim to fire but legion of opponent did not stop
unless their dead. Together with my co- agent we run. The route seemed stretched
forever since we have see yet a dead end. Adrenaline was tingling down in our
spine. Willow said “we should move fast we need to hide”. As we continue running
Harper stop and to our surprise he is now covered with blood on the left of his arm.
We stop and tie his left arm to prevent the shedding. Willow carry him on the
endless road we saw group of people and ask for their help.

That group of people take us to their tribe far away to their hovercraft which
ambushed by unknown nomads. The tribe give us a warming welcomed. They
approached Harper and help him with his wounded left arm. Pax, Ripley, and Willow
followed Harper and I remind them that “ We should not trust them. Always pay
attention we don’t know them. Always remember that. Go ahead I will checkout this
creepy tribe”. While I was busy wandering Berber place I went to one of the tent
and visit Harper. When I arrived I saw my friends and Harper discussing about some
things. Harper left arm still swollen and we decided to stay for a couple of weeks
before we continue our unleashed mission. The Berbers told us their history and
the Berbers have occupied North Africa, specifically the Maghreb, since the
beginning of recorded history and until the Islamic conquests of the 8th century CE
constituted the dominant ethnic group in the Saharan region. Modern Berber
speakers and cultural practitioners are a minority in North Africa, though Berber
groups are considered the descendants of pre-Arab inhabitants of the region. In
most classical texts they are referred to as Libyans. A widely-distributed and diverse
ethnic group, the ancient Berbers spoke a subset of the Afro-Asiatic languages,
linguistically related to that of the Egyptians, Kushites, Arabs, Syrians, Levantine
tribes, and Somalis. Known to themselves as Amazigh, the Berbers take their more
common name from the Latin barbarus (barbarian), a Roman effort to distinguish
the less-developed tribal societies of much of Europe and Africa from their
own Hellenic-derived civilization. Libya is a Greek word derived from a regional title,
and the term came to be used interchangeably with the concept of Africa. With that
we finally understand each other even if in just simple gesture.

We spent weeks their and little by little we are starting to adapt their
environment. Staying their live a memorable experience but everytime we will bid
goodbye to them it always turn that its our place to live strange it may sound yet it
continually happened. One night when everyone’s sleeping me and Harper
investigate the mysterious things happening to our group. When we sneak out we
saw group of Berber going to the back of the tribe facing North Coast of their place.
We follow them and saw a very huge Elexiss flower that bear fruit everyday once
that flower get a very fresh blood from a Total highness. Harper and I look at each
other and then we realize something on what we saw awhile We wait them to finish
the ritual. By that time , Harper and I walking slowly towards the Elexiss. I was still
close enough to see, but barely. They both decided to go.

When the three woke up, it was gray and misty. This didn’t help lighten their
mood considering the fact on what they see last They didn’t really talk at all while
gathering their stuff from the ground and tree. Ripley asked “ Harper and Kaeper
you seemed so quiet. What is happening?.Did you two? l

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