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Remember you must use the correct TO BE and pronouns.
Examples :
1. A: Mike, our neighbour has bought a new house.
B: oh really? What is it like?
A: It’s very big and spacey. It’s got a garden and a swimming pool.
2. A:I went to a seminar about parenting yesterday.
B: Oh. What was it like?
A: boring and not much information shared.
3. A: We visited Japan last year. We loved it there.
B: That’s amazing. And what were the people like?
A: Absolutely friendly and helpful. They showed and delivered us to the hotel when we got lost.
4. A: Darien has finished reading two novels this week.
B: nice. _______________________?
5. A: We watched a war movie yesterday.
B: __________________________?
6. A: We ate some Mexican food in that restaurant.
B: _____________________________?
7. A: My sister has 3 cats from the shelter.
B: ___________________________________?
8. A: I like Borys family.
B: oh yeah? ________________________?
9. A:Mindy’s mom made me some spaghetti and pizza yesterday.
B: ________________________?
10. A:Look this picture! This is the hotel where we stayed when we were in Bangkok.
B: _______________________?
11. A.Everyone in the class likes Mr.Darren, He is our new teacher,mom.
B: ________________________?
12. A: When I go to Oscar’s house, his little sister always plays with us too.
B: lovely! ______________________________?
A: she’s very sweet and funny. She can’t stop talking. Also she’s cute and tiny.
13. A: Do you know, Ethan, my best friend at school, dad?He’s coming to our house this weekend.
B: No, _________________________?
14. A: Rebecca took me to the National Museum last weekend.
B: Cool! ______________________________?
15. A: We visited Matthew’s grandparents in the countryside last Sunday.
B: _________________________________?
B. Choose the correct answer. You can use Font Color (red) to mark the correct answer.
1. Jim are you all right?you ____________you’ve seen a ghost.
a. are like b. like c. look like
2. What do _________ doing after work?
a. you like b. you look like c. are you like
3. I think William really _____ his brother. They’re not twins but I can’t tell them apart.
a. is like b. looks like c. likes
4. We’re going to Greece tomorrow but I have no idea what the weather ______.
a. looks like b. likes c. is like
5. Natasha is a really good dancer just _____ her sister, Nicole.
a. looks like b. like c. is like
6. I’d love to know what our new teacher______. I hope he is nice and friendly.
a. looks like b. is like c. likes
7. Sylvia’s baby _____ her.
a. likes b. looks just like c. is just like
8. Unfortunately, most young people ____ junk food.
a. are like b. look like c. like
9. You’ve been to Brazil? What______?
a. does it like b. did it like c. was it like
10. I hope Matt _____ sushi?
a. looks like b. is like c. likes
C. Personality Adjectives
Complete the sentences with the adjectives from the box (From Student’s book unit 13)
Kind hard-working polite honest organized cheerful relaxed
1. A __________________ person is usually happy and smiles a lot.
2. An ____________________ person tells you what he/she really thinks.
3. A ________________ person doesn’t worry about things.
4. A ___________________ person works a lot.
5. An ____________________ person is tidy and keeps things in order.
6. A ____________________ person helps people and thinks about their feelings.
7. A ________________________ person is easy to talk to and makes friends easily.
8. A __________________________ person always says please and thank you.

D. Write the meaning in ENGLISH and then in INDONESIAN. You may use a dictionary (recommended:
Cambridge/Oxford ONLINE Dictionary for English definition).
1. Adventurous : willing to try new or difficult things (suka berpetualang)
2. Adorable :
3. Affectionate :
4. Aggressive :
5. Assertive :
6. Boastful :
7. Brave :
8. Bungling :
9. Charming :
10. Confident :
11. Decorous :
12. Delightful :
13. Elated :
14. Faithful :
15. Frank :
16. Generous :
17. Hermetic :
18. Immaculate :
19. Independent :
20. Lively :
21. Noble :
22. Prudent :
23. Resilient :
24. Vulnerable :
25. Witty :
E. Now, make a sentence using the adjective above. There are 25 adjectives so you make 25 sentences according
Tiap kalimat terdiri dari 5 atau lebih kata.
1. Adventurous : My cousin and I had an adventurous weekend by exploring the forest.
2. Adorable :
3. Affectionate :
4. Aggressive :
5. Assertive :
6. Boastful :
7. Brave :
8. Bungling :
9. Charming :
10. Confident :
11. Decorous :
12. Delightful :
13. Elated :
14. Faithful :
15. Frank :
16. Generous :
17. Hermetic :
18. Immaculate :
19. Independent :
20. Lively :
21. Noble :
22. Prudent :
23. Resilient :
24. Vulnerable :
25. Witty :

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