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Classroom Presentation


Jeff Du
Independent Research 2019-2020
Immigration in Maryland

Turn to your right. Look at the two people to the right of you.

Now turn to your left. Look at the two people to the left of you.

Statistically, at least one of you comes from an immigrant household

Introduction and Overview

● Jeff Du, senior at River Hill High School

● First year in G/T Independent Research program

● Previously a G/T Intern Mentor Student

● Overview: Background, Research Process, Goals

Context for my Research

● Junior Year- Interned at Immigration Law Firm

● Researched the public charge law changes
○ Whether someone a financial burden to gov.
○ Public Assistance
○ Below a certain economic threshold
● Economic effects of this change?
○ Tax Revenue
○ Savings
○ Healthcare
○ American Industries
● On Net: Public Charge law detriment to American economy
This Year’s Research

● Local Level
● Economic Implications of Immigration on Maryland
● Multiple Factors to Consider (Holistic Analysis)
○ Spending Power
○ Tax Revenue
○ Education Spending
○ Public Assistance
● Pros and Cons of immigration in Maryland?
○ Cost-benefit analysis
○ Data-driven
The Research Process

● Think Tanks Research

○ CATO Institute
○ Center for Immigration Studies
○ Migration Policy Institute
● Site Visits
○ UMBC Library
● Class Assignments
○ Annotations & Critical Reads
○ Outlines
● Advisor
○ On the hunt
● Mrs. Sasser
○ Speaking
○ Research
○ Presenting
Why Does This All Matter?

● Status Quo: anti-immigration rhetoric

● Lots of misconception about immigration
● Anti-immigration public policy
○ Wall
○ Child Separation
○ Birthright Citizenship
● What I hope to accomplish
○ See the genuine impacts that immigrants contribute
■ Benefits and Costs
■ Local implications

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