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Intermediate 1


Intermediate 1
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Dear Student,

Welcome to the English Discoveries Student Workbook for Intermediate 1. Using this
workbook will help you practice your English.

Each unit of the workbook corresponds directly to a unit in the English Discoveries
Intermediate 1 course. After completing a unit within the course, you should
complete the corresponding activities in the workbook.

The units in this workbook integrate all four language skills: Listening, Reading,
Speaking, and Writing. The workbook units also provide a wide range of grammar and
vocabulary activities.

If you want to refer to the computer lesson texts while you are away from your
computer, you can find them in the workbook Appendix.

Special emphasis has been given throughout the workbook to speaking and writing
activities. You will see that you have many opportunities to express yourself in both
spoken and written English.

We hope you enjoy using this program,

The English Discoveries Team


Unit 1 7

Unit 2 13
Away From Home

Unit 3 19

Unit 4 25
Bad Weather

Unit 5 33
Arts And Entertainment

Unit 6 41
At Work

Unit 7 47
Sending A Package

Unit 8 53

Appendix 61
Lesson Texts
Intermediate 1 Unit 1

Unit 1

a. Do you remember who said what in the radio interview between the presenter, Duke, and
the football hero, Joe Norse? Complete the table below.


1. Welcome to “Local Athletes.”

2. How does it feel to be playing on the same field

as those great players?
3. Our school has always had a great history of producing
famous athletes.
4. Coach Washington says that a team that is motivated
is a team that wins.
5. I’m thinking mostly about passing my exams and getting
my diploma.

6. You’ve made an intelligent decision.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 1

b. Joe Norse’s football coach wrote a letter of recommendation to help Joe get into
college. Complete his letter, using the words below.

attends • championship • coach • college • intelligent • mastered • motivated

The College Acceptance Committee,

I am happy to recommend Joe Norse as a student at your (1) . At present he
Jefferson High, where he has helped his school football team win the city
for the last three years.
I have been Joe’s (4) for several years and in my opinion he has really
(5) the game of football. He is a very (6) player and an

(7) student. Yours truly,

Fraser Washington, Football Coach

c. A few weeks later, Duke interviewed Joe Norse’s coach.

Which of the questions below do you think he asked him?
1. How does it feel to be coaching Joe Norse?
2. What is your opinion of Jefferson High?
3. How are your studies going?
4. Did you coach Hank Perry and Dick Verall?
5. Do you think it’s important for a football team to be
6. Have you accepted any college offers?

d. Write the dialogue for a radio interview between Duke and Coach Washington. Use the
words and phrases from activities a. and b. to help you.
Duke: Welcome to “Local Athletes.” Today’s guest is Coach Fraser
Washington. Coach Washington:
Coach Washington:
Coach Washington:

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

College for Kids?
a. Do you remember the article, “College for Kids?” Mark whether the following statements
are true or false, according to what you read in the article.

Tru Fals
e e

1. Once, children learned to read and write in elementary school.

2. Nowadays, parents teach their children 1-2-3 and A-B-C before

they start school.

3. Today, many children must take entrance exams for kindergarten.

4. Today, some pre-school children are given homework


5. Once, children just played in kindergarten.

6. Nowadays, children know much more than they did in the past.

Cb.ol“lege for Kids?” discusses formal education for pre-school children. Mark whether the
statements below are for or against formal education for pre-school children.

F Against
1. Children today know more than children did years ago.
2. Children need to be children.
3. Children learn as they play.
4. Small children should be given homework assignments.
5. There should be entrance examinations for kindergarten.
6. Childhood programs should offer subjects that children do
well in naturally, like art and music.

7. Kindergartens should teach children the alphabet and

basic mathematics.

c. Do you agree with the statements above. Discuss with a partner.

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d. Harriet Nelson, the author of the article, “College for Kids?” received many letters
from the parents of pre-school children. Below are two of the letters she received.
Which letter do you agree with? Complete the following sentence:

I agree with letter because:


Dear Ms
believe my child has learned a lot at pre-school. He doesn’t
history or geography and study
he doesn’t do homework assigments.
he has learned how to play inHowever,
a group and how to talk to others.
He is
learning important skills for

B Dear Ms
I believe my son is ready to learn more. I think he will enjoy history
geography, if the teacher makes and
it interesting. I would also be happy
help my child with homework assignments. My child plays after
so I want him to learn formal subjects during school


e. Write your own letter to Harriet Nelson. Use the words and phrases from activities a, b, and
c. to help you.

f. Read and discuss your letter with a partner. Do you agree or disagree with your partner’s
Math Test
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Math Test”? Rewrite the dialogue by putting the words
below in the correct order.

yesterday? / do / did / test / on / math / How / you / that

ever / the / test / was / I’ve / That / hardest / taken.

yet. / has / I / Mr. Pascal / if / them / wonder / graded / Yeah.

sure / has. / he / I’m

so / can / How / sure? / you / be

morning / I / this / him / saw / and / all. / wasn’t / at / happy / he

b. Mark whether a teacher, or a student, or both might ask the following questions.

Teach Stude Both

er nt
1. What did you think of the math test?
2. Was the material very hard?
3. Can you explain the material again?.
4. Did you spend enough time preparing for the test?.
5. Does this mark count towards our final grade?
6. Would you like to take the test again?

c. Write a dialogue between Mr. Pascal and one of his students. Use the sentences
and phrases in activities a. and b. to help you.
Present Prefect: Statements Q And A
a. Complete the dialogue between two parents with the adverbs: since, yet, already, for, and
just. For some of the answers there is more than one correct choice.

Sue: Hi, Tim. I haven’t seen you (1) such a long time, not (2)

María’s birthday party. How are María and the kids?

Tim: They’re fine. Clara has (3) started high school. What about your twins?

Sue: Oh they’re great – they’ve (4) started kindergarten.

Tim: That’s nice, are they enjoying themselves?

Sue: Well, they only started last week. But they have (5) made lots of
friends. What does Clara think of high school?

Tim: Actually she hasn’t made many friends (6) and she’s finding the
homework assignments really difficult.

Sue: Oh dear, I’m sure it will get better and anyway, grades and diplomas aren’t everything.

Tim: That’s true.

b. Practice the dialogue from activity a. with a partner.

c. Here are some more questions that Duke asked, Joe Norse in his radio interview. Write
the answers that Joe might have given.

1. How long have you been a student at Jefferson High?

2. Have you visited any colleges yet?

3. Have you ever met Hank “The Tank”?

4. How long have you known Coach Washington?

5. Have you ever been interviewed on the radio before?

d. In class, read your answers to activity c. to a partner and then practice the dialogue.
Intermediate 1 Unit 2

Unit 2
Away From Home

How do you like it here?

a. Justin, from the video, introduces Yavor to Sara, a co-worker. Complete the conversation
with the words or phrases below.

opportunity • department • so far • transferred • finance • in training

Justin: Hi Sara, I want you to meet Yavor. Yavor is from Bulgaria. He just (1)
from the European office.

Sara: Welcome, Yavor. How’s it going?

Yavor: Really well (2) . But as I told Justin, I haven’t had a regular work
day yet. I’m still (3) .

Sara: Which (4) will you be in?

Yavor: I’ll be working in the (5) department.

Sara: That’s interesting. I’m also in the finance department. So if you’re working here, does
that mean there’s an (6) for me in the European office?

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Intermediate 1 Unit 2

tbc.hMathe responses to the questions and statements, based on the video conversation
between Justin and Yavor.

Question or Statement Response

a. What kind of work are you doing 1. It’s great. Everyone is so friendly.
2. Bulgaria.
b. What brought you to the States?
3. For now I’m still in training.
a. How do you like living here so far?
4. Oh, thanks.
b. So where are you from?
5. I asked for a transfer.
c. Let me help you with that.

c. Yavor goes out to lunch with Sara. Complete the dialogue below.

Sara: So, what’s it like moving to a different country?








d. In class, practice your dialogue with a partner.

Study Exchange
a. Pat Miller, the author of “Study Exchange,” interviewed the exchange student, Kim Bankes,
before she wrote her article. Match the questions she asked to Kim’s answers.


1. “Has your French improved?”

2. “How often do you speak to your parents?”
3. “Do you miss your family?”
4. “Have you made any friends?”
5. “What is your roommate’s name?”
6. “How long do you think you will stay in Paris?”

Kim’s Answers

a. “I don’t even feel like going home.”

b. “I haven’t been homesick even once.”
c. “I’ve made several new friends.”
d. “Her name’s Chantal.”
e. “I hardly have an accent.”
f. “My mother phones me once a week.”

b. Write three more questions to ask Kim.




c. With a partner, practice the interview between Pat and Kim. Use the questions
and answers from activities a. and b. to help you.

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d. Read the postcard that Kim’s mother sent her. Imagine you are Kim and write a reply.
Use the words and phrases from activity a. to help you.

Dear Kim,

I hope you are having a good time in Paris and aren’t

feeling homesick. I expect your French is really
improving. Have you made any nice friends? How is
your roommate? Do you feel like coming home yet?
We all miss you here. Kim Bankes

I’ll phone you next week. International School

Paris, France
Lots of love,

Dear Mum,

Mrs. Bankes
6 South Road
Love, Glasgow
Kim Scotland

e. Exchange postcards with your partner.

f. Design a poster advertising Craighouse School’s exchange program. Include the

following information.
• How long the program has been running
• How long the program lasts
• Where the students stay during the program
• How old the students have to be
• The effects of the program on the students’ French
Enjoying Your Stay
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Enjoying Your Stay”? Here are two alternative
dialogues. Separate the jumbled sentences to make two alternative dialogues.

Yes, I am. I love it here.

No, I’m not. Everything is so strange.
Why do things seem strange?
Where have you been?
People aren’t very friendly to me.
Do you have any more family in the United States?
I’m being friendly to you, aren’t I?
No. Only my cousins. But they’ve been very nice to me.
Yes, you are. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.
I have cousins in Florida. I went to visit them.

Dialogue 1

Woman: Well, Akiko, are you enjoying your stay in the U.S.?


Dialogue 2

Woman: Well Akiko, are you enjoying your stay in the U.S.?


b. Choose one of the dialogues and practice it with a partner. Take turns reading the
different parts.
Present Perfect: Progressive
a. Kim returns home from France at the end of the school year. She misses France a lot
and especially her roommate, Chantal. Complete Kim’s letter to Chantal with the correct
form present perfect of the verb in brackets.

Dear Chantal,
Well, here I am at home again in Scotland. I (1) (work hard
at school. My French has improved a lot but I’ve missed a lot of material in subjects
such as mathematics and science.

My mum and I (2) (argue) a lot - she really missed me when I was
in Paris but now that I’m home she wants me to study harder and go out less. She’s
also not very happy about all th long-distance phone calls I (3)
(make) to you in Paris!

What about you? What (4) (you/do)? Do you miss me?

I hope you (5) (practice) your English so you’ll be able to
speak to my friends when you come to visit this summer!

Your true friend,


b. Imagine you are Chantal. Answer Kim’s letter, using the Present Perfect Progressive to write
about what you have been doing at home and at school.

c. Exchange letters with a partner. Has your partner used the Present Perfect Progressive
Intermediate 1 Unit 3

Unit 3

a. Do you remember the radio call-in program from the compuer lesson? Which
celebrations are the people from the program talking about? Match the celebrations in B
to the sentences in A.

A 1. It has always been a tradition to celebrate it with a fair in the park.(c)

2. My whole family gathered for the event.(b)

3. I consider it an honor to be an American.(a)

4. We had a fireworks display and our annual bake sale. (d)

B a. Thanksgiving
b. A Birthday Party
c. Bank Holiday
d. Independence Day

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

b. Did you notice the way Doug, the radio host, answered his callers? Mark the sentences
below which he used to respond to the callers.

1. It’s been an honor for us to have you on our program.

2. This might sound unusual.
3. That sounds very English.
4. Hi Doug! This is Stella.
5. I can almost taste that apple pie.
6. Your favorite celebration really is unique.

c. Which of these sentences best describes how Doug answered his callers? In class,
discuss your answer with a partner.
a. He was very rude to his callers.
b. He was very friendly to his callers.
c. He wasn’t interested in his callers.

d. Continue the radio call-in between Doug and another caller who also wants to talk about
his/her favorite celebration. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and b. to help
Doug: Now we’re going to hear more about your favorite celebrations. Caller number
five, you’re on the air.
Caller: Hello, Doug. This is Cesar. My favorite celebration is Christmas . I think it’s great!
Doug:Indeed, Christmas gather us and our relatives
Caller:Sure thing. We can pray and enjoy with family. I have another favorite celebration
Doug: Which one?
Caller: Ok, it’s Valentine’s day. People use to give and receive presents.

e. Practice your call -in with a partner.

The First Thanksgiving
a. Kenji wrote to his German pen pal, Hans, about celebrating Thanksgiving with his
American friend, Andrew. Complete his letter with the words below.

Christmas(9) • dessert(4) • famous(7) • giant(8) • honor(1) • parade(6) • symbolizes(3)

Thanksgiving(10) • traditional(2) • turkey(5)

Today I went to my friend Andrew’s house for Thanksgiving
dinner. of the first
Thanksgiving is an American holiday immigrants
in (1) to eat a big meal with your family
to the U.S It onthe new food that
is (2)
Thanksgiving, and to eat food the
first Americans found here. At Andrew’s house we had turkey with sweet
that (3)
potatoes we ate pumpkin pie. I didn’t like
and corn bread, and for the
(4) very much but the pumpkin pie was
( delicious!
5 After dinner we watched the Thanksgiving on
) Day (6) department stores television.
in New
Every year one of the York
most (7) parade. At the end of the parade we saw Santa
holds a
(8) explained to me that Santa Claus comes atClaus. the end of the parade to
remind isn’t far
children and parents that
(9) was a lot of fun - now I’m looking forward to
( celebrating
1 my first American
0 Christmas.
b. Write about your favorite festival. Answer the following questions:

• My favorite festival: Christmas

• When is the festival?

• This festival is celebrated in December
• What does it celebrate?
• In this we celebrate the birth of Chris.
• How do you celebrate it?

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• People go to the mass and pray welcoming Jesus Christ. We commemorate his birth
• Do you eat special foods?
• Of course, we prepare a special dinner and gathered with family we eat it
• Do you wear special clothes?
• Many people buy new clothes. The idea is to wear fancy clothes for this day.

22 Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved

Sorry I’m Late
a. Jean was supposed to meet Phil at a restaurant for dinner, but she arrived late. Read
their conversation. Then write who is speaking – Phil or Jean.

JEAN : I’m sorry I didn’t get here on time.

PHIL : It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.
JEAN : But I promised that I would not be late today.
PHIL : Really, it’s no problem. I have been enjoying myself.
JEAN : Oh. What have you been doing?
PHIL : Just talking with Beth.

b. Write the phrases from activity a. which have a similar meaning to the phrases below.

1. I have been having a good time. I’VE BEEN DOING GREAT

2. It doesn’t matter. NO PROBLEM
3. That’s all right. IT’S OKAY
4. I arrived late. I COULDN’T GET EARLY

c. Look at this picture of a party. One of the guests has arrived late and is apologizing to
the host. Why do you think she was late? Choose one of the following reasons and write
a dialogue between the guest and the host. Use the words and phrases from activities a.
and b. to help you.

1. Her car broke down.

2. She had to wait for the babysitter.
3. She had to answer an urgent phone call.
Guest: I’m so sorry I arrived late
Host: It doesn’t matter. The party is jus starting. What have you been doing?
Guest: oh, my cas broke down. And I have to wait until a relative could go for it.
Host: Ok, welcome!
Passive Voice: With or Without Agent
a. The article below is about a very special parade. It is called the Lord Mayor’s Show and
it takes place in London. Read the article and underline the phrases that use the Passive


The Lord Mayor’s Show is a giant parade streets of London in a special carriage.
that is held every year in the city of This carriage is made of gold and was
London. Over 5,500 people attend the made for the mayor in 1751 by a local
parade and it is the biggest event of its artist. During the year, the carriage can
kind in the world. All the main roads are be seen in the Museum of London. The
closed for the procession, so if you want mayor is accompanied by lots of people
to get close to the parade, you have to dressed in special costumes. In the
arrive very early in the morning. evening, a fireworks display is held on a
The Lord Mayor’s Show has been boat on London’s River Thames and
celebrated by the people of London there is dancing and music in the streets.
since 1215. The mayor rides through the
b. Answer the following questions about the Lord Mayor’s Show. Use the passive voice
in your answers.

1. Where is the Lord Mayor’s Show held?

It’s held every year in the city of London

2. Why do you need to arrive early if you want to get close to the parade?
Because the road are closes because of the parade
3. When was the Lord Mayor’s Show first celebrated?
It was first celebrated in 2015
4. Where can the Lord Mayor’s carriage be seen during the year?
It can be seen in the museum of London
5. What is special about the firework display at the end of the show?
the fact that it’s held on the London River’s thames

c. List three ways the Lord Mayor’s Show is celebrated.

1. Fireworks are displayed

2. The major is taken in a special carriage

3. People wear special costumes

d. Underline the agent in the two sentences below.

1. The Lord Mayor’s Show has been celebrated by the people of London since 1215.

2. This carriage is made of gold and it was made for the mayor in 1751 by a local artist.

e. Write about a parade that you know about, took part in, or watched. Answer the following
Barranquilla carnivals
• Is the parade held every year?
• Yes, it’s held at the beginning of the year
• Are the main roads closed?
• Some of them, for example la 30 avenue.
• For how many years has the parade been held?
• IT has been held since 1918
• Is anything special made for the parade?
• People wear different and representative costumes that identify themselves as a “Caribbean culture”
Intermediate 1 Unit 4

Unit 4
Bad Weather

a. Do you understand all the weather words in the computer lesson? Match the words
below to the correct weather icon.

cloud • fog • frost • lightning • rain • sunshine • wind

1. 2. 3. 4.
______Fog___ ___Frost_____ ______Rain__ ____________
___ ____ ____

5. 6. 7.
__Wind______ __sunshine___ _____Lightning_______
____ _______
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Intermediate 1 Unit 4

b. Will Tide, the announcer, gave another radio weather report a few days later. Read his
report and underline the sentences which DO NOT belong.

G ood morning, listeners. The warm weather we have been

enjoying will come to an end tonight. Don’t worry; I have
a good recipe for thick soup. According to national weather reports, stormy
weather should reach our area by 6 o’ clock this evening. You should make sure
you bring a bathing suit. Temperatures will drop by this afternoon and will remain
below average during tomorrow and the following day. There’s a chance of strong
winds in high places. The weekend is expected to be particulary cold and frosty but
with little chance of rain. Albany Stores are offering umbrellas at really cheap

That’s all from weather room right now. Make sure you all keep warm and dry
over the next few days!

c. Complete the following weather report for your country. Use the words and phrases
from activities a. and b. to help you.

Good evening, listeners. The warm weather we have been enjoying will come to an end

tonight. Winter should reach our area by 7: 00 pm this evening

. Temperatures will get 2°C this week

. According to national weather reports, Some people

could get a cold . There is a chance of storms

. The weekend is expected to be

much colder than the last year

. That’s all from the weather room. So for now make sure

wear coats .

d. Exchange weather reports with a partner, and practice reading them aloud.
Weather Warning

a. Match the adjectives below to the different kinds of weather. Some of the adjectives can be
used more than once.

bright • low • warm • strong • above average • cloudy • cold • heavy • freezing

sunshine wind rain skies floods temperature

Bright strong cold bright low strong
Warm cold low above average strong heavy

Strong freezing cloudy strong warm

b. The following sentences are all advice from a warning for bad weather. Number the
advice in order of importance.

Advice for bad weather

a. Put away children’s bikes, garden chairs, portable barbeques, etc. (6)
b. People should park their cars on high ground. (5)
c. Check that you have blankets and warm clothes in case the heating fails. (2)
d. Make sure you haven’t left your Iaundry outside.(4)
e. Have flashlights and a portable radio ready in case of an electricity cut. (3)
f. Make sure children and animals are kept inside.(1)

c. Compare your answer from activity b. with a partner. Do you agree on the order of

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c. Write the sentences from activity b. under the appropriate pictures below.

1. People should park 2. Check that you have 3. Have flashlights and a portable radio
their cars on high blankets and warm ready in case of an electricity cut
ground clothes in case the
heating fails.

4. Make sure you haven’t left your Iaundry outside 5. Make sure children and
animals are kept inside.

6. Put away children’s bikes, garden chairs, portable barbeques, etc.

d. Write three more pieces of advice for people expecting bad weather.

1 . Turn off your electronical devices in case of storms

2 . avoid going out

3 . stay home
e. Share your advice from activity d. with a partner.
Big Storm
a. Do you remember the dialogue from the computer lesson? Put the dialogue in the
correct order.

well if it rains we can eat inside. (4)

Look. Lat those clouds! (1)

I Lust hope that it doesn’t. (6)

What if it rains before the food is ready? (5)

e. Me, too. But it sure looks like a big storm is coming. (3)

. Of h, dear. I hope it doesn’t rain. (2)

b. Complete the following dialogue with the sentences below.

Can you take the plates and other things into the house?
It’s starting to rain already • Looks like the storm is coming • We must be quick!

Man: Look at those clouds! (1) Looks like the storm is coming •
Woman: Yes, you’re right. We don’t have much time to get everything inside.
(2) We must be quick!
Man: I’ll take the food off the barbeque right away. (3) • Can you take the
plates and other things into the house?
Woman: Of course, I can. Oh, no. (4) It’s starting to rain already

c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

ct .caWnhyaou do if it suddenly begins to rain at the outdoor events shown in the pictures
below? Use the following phrases to write your suggestions.

If it rains, we can...

• stay here and get wet • eat at home

• go home and watch TV • put on raincoats
• hope it stops raining • look for a place to keep dry

1. A Family Picnic 2. An Outdoor Wedding

eat at home put on raincoats

• go home and watch TV look for a place to keep dry

3. A Soccer Match 4. A Day at the Beach

stay here and get wet hope it stops raining

d. Discuss your suggestions with a partner.

e. Practice one of the situations from activity c. with a partner.

Relative Clauses: With or Without Relative Pronouns
a. Complete the text below with the correct relative pronouns: which, who, where, and

The History of the Umbrella

Umbrellas were first used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and China,
(1) where they were designed to provide shade from the
sun. In fact, the word “umbrella” comes from the Latin root,
“umbra”, (2) which means “shadow.” It was the Chinese
(3) who were the first to waterproof their umbrellas
in order to use them as protection against the rain.

Umbrellas became popular in Europe in the sixteenth century,

(4) where they were used only by women. Umbrellas
began to be used by men (5) when the eighteenth-
century writer and traveler, James Hanway, started carrying
an umbrella in public in England.

You can still buy umbrellas from the world’s first umbrella shop,
“James Smith and Sons,” (6) which opened in 1830 in
London, England.
b. The following sentences are about the inventor of the raincoat, Charles
Mackintosh. Read the sentences and join them together, using relative clauses.

1. Charles Mackintosh was a chemist. He invented the waterproof raincoat.

Charles Mackintosh was a chemist, who invented the waterproof raincoat.

2. Mackintosh lived and worked in Glasgow, Scotland. The weather is often cold and rainy in

Mackintosh lived and worked in Glasgow, Scotland, where the weather is often cold and
rainy in Glasgow.

3. He created a substance similar to rubber. He spread the substance on clothes to make

them waterproof.

He created a substance similar to rubber, which he spread the substance on clothes to

make them waterproof.

4. Mackintosh made some improvements to his original design. The improvements made
the clothes more practical.

Mackintosh made some improvements to his original design which The improvements
made the clothes more practical.

5. Many people in England use raincoats. They call their raincoats “mackintoshes.”
Many people in England use raincoats,who call their raincoats “mackintoshes.
Intermediate 1 Unit 5

Unit 5
Arts And Entertainment

at .dWidhyaou learn from the radio interview between Lex Benedict and the rock
band in the computer lesson? Mark the correct column: True, false, or not in

True Fals
1. The name of the group that is being interviewed is “The
Institute of Music.”
2. The group plays jazz.

3. Barry Jameson teaches at State University.

4. All the members of the group are married.

5. The group’s new song is called “Don’t Test Me.”

6. The group’s first concert at State University was held a week
before the radio interview.
7. The group plans to give another concert at State University.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 5

b. Did you understand all the words in the radio intreview? Match the definitions in B to
the words in A.


1. a graduate a. a short rest

2. a hit b. a large building used for concerts
3. a lecture c. someone who has completed a university degree
4. the lead d. a long talk on a particular subject
5. a break e. something that is very successful or popular
6. an auditorium f. the main person in a band or group

c. Read the questions that Lex Benedict asked the rock group. Then match the
answers below to the correct questions.

1. Do you all teach at State University?
2. Who had the idea to start a rock group?
3. Will you be playing at other colleges?
4. Do you want to give another concert at State University?
5. Would you like to give up your present jobs to play in the rock group full time?

a. We’d love to give another concert at State University.
b. It was John’s idea. He’s crazy about rock music.
c. None of us are thinking of giving up our present jobs at the moment.
d. No, not all of us work at State University.
e. Oh, yes. We’ll be playing at lots of other places.

d. Write three more questions that Lex Benedict could ask the group. Exchange questions
with a partner and have him/her answer your questions.


e. With a partner, practice the end of the interview with the rock group.
The Garbage Man
a. Do you remember the reading about the artist, Harry Morgan?
Complete this newspaper review of his exhibition with the words

collection • exhibition • fan • materials • models • sculptures • works of art

Josh Hammond's Art Column


The Plaza Art Gallery is now showing a very interesting (1) of Harry Morgan's "garbage art".
Harry is known as the "champion of garbage art" because he creates (2) from the garbage he
collects. Over the years he has used a variety of (3) for his art.

He used to build (4) from bicycle parts and broken machines! His latest
work, which is being exhibited at the Plaza, includes (5) made only from wastepaper.
After seeing Harry Morgan's
(6) , I can definitely say

that I've become a (7) of his garbage art and I recommend anyone who has the chance to see it as
soon as possible!

The Harry Morgan Exhibition is on at the Plaza Art Gallery on 50th Avenue for the month of

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 35

b. Read the following ad for Harry Morgan’s exhibition and write down three new facts
that the ad tells you about the exhibition.

The Plaza Art Gallery

is pleased to present the latest collection of

Harry Morgan – the “Garbage Artist”

The exhibition will be held during the month of November, Monday to
Friday, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Come hear the artist talk about his work every Tuesday at 12 o’clock.

Entrance: Free

The Plaza Art Gallery is situated at:

41925 Fifteenth Avenue, Roxburgh


c. Tell your partner about an art exhibition you went to.

• What did you see?

• What did you think of it?
• Where and when did you see it?
• What did others think of it?
d. Read about three other artists who all work with garbage. Then write an ad for an
exhibition for one of them. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and b. to
help you. Include the following information:

• The name of the artist whose work is being exhibited

• Some interesting information about the artist
• The name and address of the art gallery holding the exhibition
• The dates and times of the exhibition
• The price of entrance to the exhibition

Three New Champions of “Garbage Art”

A. Some people may B. As a student, Timothy C. Peggy Atkins is an artist

wonder why Suzie Brown Smith began to realize the who makes use of a variety of
searches the city streets value of creating art from waste materials. That is to
and countryside for bicycle the things other people say, her sculptures are made
parts, broken throw away. His of a combination of waste
machines, and even old latest collection is made metal and paper including
from wastepaper, pieces of old newspaper,
is what she creates her
including empty cigarette wood and even glass. At 24,
works of art from. With
packs, matchboxes and she is a very young artist, but
these unusual materials,
wrapping paper. His work her latest work shows just
Brown has produced
teaches us to understand how much
models of incredible
that there is beauty even in talent she has.
Picasso Exhibit
a. Do you remember the dialogue in the computer lessons? In the dialogue below a girl is
inviting a boy to go out with her. Choose the best phrases to complete their dialogue.

Jean: Ben, are you free tomorrow? How about coming with me to the latest
exhibition at the Wheeler Gallery / “The Phantom of the Opera” at the Rose
Theater / the concert at the City Concert Hall?

Ben: Sorry, I can’t, Jean. I have an exam. / I have an appointment with the dentist. / I
promised to help a friend move to a new apartment.

Jean: Perhaps we could make it next week / tomorrow / this weekend

instead. Ben: I’d like to, but I’m very busy at the moment.

b. Practice the dialogue with a partner according to your choices.

c. Underline the phrases in the dialogue from activity a. that you can use to invite
or to refuse an invitation. Mark which of the following phrases can be used for
inviting or refusing an invitation.
Inviting Refusing

1. How about going to an art exhibition?

2. Perhaps we could make it another time.
3. Can you come to the ballet tomorrow?
4. Sorry. I can’t.
5. Are you free for a movie?
6. I’m afraid it’s not possible.
7. Would you like to see a play?
8. Oh, dear. I won’t be able to.

d. Your friend wants to invite you out, but you have to refuse the invitation. Use the
phrases from activities a. and c. to write a dialogue between you and your friend.

e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Passive Voice: Indirect Form
a. Read these sentences from the arts page of a newspaper. Match each sentence to the
appropriate picture.

1. Last week, the actress Mary Reed was presented

with a Golden Globe award for life-long achievement.

2. John Quill has been promised a one-man exhibition of his
sculptures at the New Arts Gallery.

3. A group of photography students has been given the opportunity

to show their work at the railway station in town.

4. Pop star Mick Starlight, who is recovering in the hospital, was
sent cards and flowers by his friends.

5. Dancers Sarah Hill and Anthony Elliot were paid

$100,000 to appear in a special ballet performance in Paris last

d. e.
b. Read about Rowena Richard, an artist who sculpts in wood. Circle the correct form
of the verb to complete the text.

R owena Richard is an 80 year-old artist who works with wood. She (1) began/
was begun creating works of art at the age of 60. One day, she looked out of
her window and saw a log of wood which (2) left/had been left on the sidewalk.
She got the idea to make it into a sculpture. She (3) told/was told that her first
work showed exceptional talent so she decided to continue sculpting in wood.
One day she (4) offered/was offered an exhibition at her local museum.

The exhibition was a great success and since then she (5) has given/has been given
the opportunity to (6) exhibit/be exhibited her work all over the country.
Her work is now very famous and she (7) pays/is paid a lot of money for her

c. Write an interview with Rowena Richard based on the information given in activity a. Try
to use expressions such as:

• I was / have been given the chance …

• I was / have been asked to …
• I was / have been promised …
• I was / have been sent …

Interviewer: So, Rowena. How did you start creating works of art?
Rowena: Well, I was 60 years old and one day I


d. Practice your interview with a partner.

Intermediate 1 Unit 6

Unit 6
At Work

The Job Interview

a. Do you remember the interview from the computer lesson? Read the job ad that Karen
cut out from the newspaper and answer the questions that follow.

Ad agency requires
for new client in the food business.

The applicant should have at least 2 years’ experience in the advertising business,
including copywriting.
Experience working with clients is an advantage.

Applicants should send their resumes to Bob Johnson, Bingham Advertising, 1605 Thirty-ninth Avenue,
New York City, 39704

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 41

Intermediate 1 Unit 6

Which word is used in the ad for:

1. A person who writes the text in an ad?
2. A person or company that uses the services of another person or company?

3. Knowledge and skill gained by doing something?

4. A person applying for a job?
5. A summary of a person’s working history?

b. Complete the resume that Karen sent to Bob Johnson. Use the headings provided below.

Address • Computer Skills • Education • Email • Interests Languages • Name •

Phone Number • Work Experience


1. e: nKSaormmers
2. : 1897 East Fifty-first Street, Johnstown, NJ, 39086
3. : (690) 570 4929
4. e: nksa@r
5. : (1992-1996) Graduated Rockwell High School
(1998-2000) Graduated State College, Business Studies
(2003) Fordham College, Copywriting Courses
6. : (2002-2004) Kenyon-Barnett Advertising
Co. Junior Copywriter
Secretary, Marketing Dept. Receptionist
(2001) Garnett King Advertising
Temporary Secretary
(2000) Boundwell Advertising Agency
Temporary Secretary
7. :osoMfitcOr ffice, familiar with the Internet
8. : Conversational Spanish
9. :eaCtivre writing, theater, traveling

c. Write your own resume. Remember to include information about your education and
work experience, as well as personal details such as your address and contact
a. The company you read about in the computer lesson also has a new Human Resource
Officer. Read the notice that the company posted on its notice board, telling them about
the Human Resource Officer’s services. Complete the notice with the phrases below.

ask for a transfer to another department • moving to another office abroad

make an intelligent decision • need a change of job
think you qualify for a raise or promotion

Notice to all colleagues!

We have a new Human Resource Officer. Do you think you
(1) but want to remain in the
company? (2) Do you want to ?
Do you (3) ?
Does our International Department attract you?
Are you interested in (4) ?
Then make an appointment with our friendly new Human Resource
Officer. She can help you (5) about your future.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 43

b. Read three e-mails sent by employees of the company. Which ones were sent to
the accountant and which to the Human Resource Officer? Fill in the name in the
“To:” line.

To: From: George Barnet

I work in the Marketing Department but I think that my talents and experience can be put to better use
in a different department. I want to know if it’s possible to transfer to the Sales Department. Please let
me know when I can come and talk to you about this.

To: From: Harry Cooper

I work in the Shipping Department. In my work I have to know all the laws and regulations about
sending goods all over the world. I would like to transfer abroad for about a year or two, using my
present work experience. I would like to make an appointment to come and see you.

To: From: Sylvia Stone

I work in the Production Department. There have been a lot of new orders and I have been working a lot
of overtime recently. I am afraid I will have to pay a lot of what I have earned in income tax, so I would
like to know if I can save tax in any way. May I come and talk to you some time, perhaps during my lunch

c. Imagine you are either the company accountant or the Human Resource Officer.
Write a reply to one of the e-mails, suggesting a time to meet.

d. Read your reply to your partner.

French Tie
a. A couple in a woman’s clothing store are deciding whether or not to buy a shirt. Rewrite
their conversation by putting the words in the correct order.

Woman: this shirt / What / think / you / of / do

Man: too colorful / it / a little / Isn’t

Woman: so. / I / don’t / think / wear / like these / executives / A lot of / shirts

Man: made / it / is / What / of

Woman: cotton / One hundred percent / it / from Italy / comes / and


Man: OK. / buy / Let’s / it


b. Create your own dialogue from the choices given below.

- What do you think of this suit / shirt / hat / jacket?

- Isn’t the color a little bright / loud / dull?
- I don’t think so. A lot of fashionable / successful / business people are wearing colors
like these nowadays.
- What is it made of?
- One hundred percent silk / wool / cotton / linen and it comes from Paris /
Rome / London / New York.
- OK. Let’s buy it.

c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Present Perfect: Contrast With Other Tenses
a. Read Bob Johnson’s e-mail to a friend. Circle the correct form of the verb.

From: Bob Johnson To:Dick Anders

Subject:Time for a change

Dear Dick,

I’m going to be 35 next week and I think it’s time for a change. I (1) have had / had enough of my job. I
(2) have been doing / was doing the same thing for too long. It’s been almost seven years since I first (3)
have started / started work at Bingham
Advertising. I know I (4) have been promoted / was promoted last year and I (5) was given
/ have been given a lot of extra responsibility at that time, but I think I (6) have had / had
enough of the advertising business. It’s time to move on.
I (7) have made up / made up my mind to buy a jeep and travel. I (8) haven’t decided
/ didn’t decide on India or South America yet, but I know I’ll be happy doing that, at least for the time

b. Read Dick Ander’s reply. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

From:Dick Anders To:Bob Johnson

Subject: Time for a change

Dear Bob,

Are you sure you (1) . (want) to leave Bingham Advertising? After all, you (2) (work) there for a long time
and (3) (gain) a lot of experience. You (4) (put in) too many hours of overtime, just to give it all up now. I
remember how you (5) (use) to love the advertising business. You (6) (tell) me you would never give it
up. There’s just one thing. If you do go, think about taking me with you!
Let’s meet for a talk.

Intermediate 1 Unit 7

Unit 7
Sending A Package

a. Do you remember Deidre from the computer lesson? Later, she called her mother-in-law
back and left the following voice mail message. Read the message and complete it with
the phrases below.

I’ll leave this message • you had it specially wrapped • you haven’t heard from me parcel of
clothes you sent

Thanks for your call, Irene. I’m sorry (1) , but you know how the baby
keeps me busy. I guess you’re busy right now so (2) The
arrived safely and as (4) , the baby had great
fun opening it by himself. The clothes are beautiful and I’m going to try them on him right
now. I’ll catch you later. Bye.

b. When Deidre tried the clothes on her baby, she saw that they were too small for him.
What should she do? Discuss your answer with a partner.

Deidre should .

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Intermediate 1 Unit 7

c. Deidre received some more voice mail messages on her answering machine. When she
phoned the people back, she had to leave voice mail messages herself. Match Deidre’s
messages with the replies that she gave.

Deidre’s Messages

a. This is a message for Mrs. Deidre Thomas from the Little Bookworm Children’s Bookshop. The
baby books you ordered have arrived. Would you like us to bill you and send them on – or do
you prefer to come in to the shop and pick them up yourself?

b. Hi Deidre. This is Mrs. Rodriguez, your neighbor from upstairs. A parcel of baby clothes
arrived for you when you were out this morning. The delivery man asked me to sign for the
package. You can come up and collect it any time today, but not tomorrow because I’m going
out for the day.

c. Hello, Deidre? It’s your mom speaking. I’ve sent you a package containing some toys for the
baby and some clothes for you. Let me know when you get it and if you like the presents. You
can always send them back to the shop and change them if you don’t like anything. Talk to you

Deidre’s Replies
1. Hi, it’s Deidre from downstairs. Thanks so much for taking my parcel. I’ll come by later
today to take it from you – if that’s convenient.

2. This is Mrs. Thomas speaking. I’m glad the books I ordered have finally arrived. I’ll pop
into the shop sometime this week to get them, so don’t bother sending them on to me.

3. Mom, I haven’t received anything yet. When did you send the parcel? I hope it hasn’t got
lost in the mail. We’re in this evening, so try to give me a call so we can talk. Bye for now.

d. With a partner, practice a short phone conversation between Deidre and one of the
people from activity c.
Sending a Package
a. Did you understand the instructions for sending a package in the computer lesson? Here
are some post office instructions for preparing packages before you send them. Read
the instructions and then write the headings from the next page above the correct


If the object you are sending could be easily damaged, it should be
packed in a box. Choose a box with enough room for cushioning
material around the contents. If you are reusing an old box, make sure
that you cover all the previous labels and addresses with heavy black
pen or sticky labels. It is also a good idea to include a label inside the
box with the address where your parcel is to be sent.

Soft material should be placed all around the object to be sent. You can
use old newspaper, packing paper or bubble wrap. Close and shake
the box to see if you have enough cushioning. If you hear the object
moving, you need to add some more cushioning.

The box should be sealed with 2-inch-wide (5 cm) adhesive tape. You
should use special packing tape, which is stronger than regular tape. Don’t
use string because it can get caught in the machines that the post office
uses for processing the mail.

Write clearly on the front of the package the complete name and
address of the person to whom you are sending the package. On the
back you should write your own name and address, in case the
package gets lost. You should always try to include the correct postal

If you know how much your package weighs and you have the correct
number of stamps, it can be dropped into a post office collection box. If
your package contains something valuable, it should be sent registered
mail so that you have a record if your parcel doesn’t arrive. To send a
parcel registered mail, you must take it to the post office and fill out a
special form.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 49

a. Sealing the Package
b. Cushioning the Contents
c. Writing the Address
d. Using a Box
e. Bringing the Package to the Post Office

b. Match the words and phrases below with words and phrases in italics from the text
in activity a.

1. parcel
2. sticky
3. doesn’t arrive
4. advisable
5. complete
6. delivered
7. postage
8. wrapping paper

c. Match the different kinds of postal services to their definitions.

express mail • registered mail • regular airmail • surface mail

1. This is the slowest kind of delivery, but it is also the cheapest.

2. This is the most popular way to send mail.

3. If you want to send a package or a letter quickly, you should use this service.

4. If you are sending something important and want to be sure it won’t get lost, it is a
good idea to use this service.

d. Close your book and practice giving your partner instructions on preparing and sending a
Airmail to Tokyo
a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Airmail to Tokyo”? Use the choices in italics to complete
the dialogue between a post-office clerk and someone who is sending a package.

Customer: I’d like to send this package airmail / surface mail / special delivery to
Madrid / Bangalore / Sydney.
Clerk: Sure. Let’s see. It weighs 15 pounds / 10 pounds / 5 pounds. That’s $30 / $15 /
Customer: Sorry. How much did you say?
Clerk: $30 / $15 / $4.50, Ma’am / Sir.
Customer: How long will it take to get there?
Clerk: It’ll be there in about twenty / ten / two days.

b. Practice your dialogue with a partner. Take turns to be the customer and the clerk.

c. Mark which of the following sentences a post-office clerk would say and which a
customer would say.
Customer Clerk

1. How much does it cost to send this special delivery?

2. This package should be better wrapped.
3. Would you like to send this registered mail?
4. Will this parcel arrive by the weekend?
5. That will be six dollars, ninety-five cents.
6. I’d like some stamps and an extra-large envelope, please.
7. Shall I weigh that for you?

d. Write a dialogue between a customer and a post-office clerk. Use the words and
phrases from activities a. and c. to help you.
Passive Voice: Modals
a. Read the following instructions from the post office about reporting a lost package.
Underline the modals in the passive voice.

Reporting a Lost Package

If a package is lost or damaged you must report it immediately.
The post office should be informed in writing of the non-delivery of the package.
You will be notified as soon as the package is found.
If your package has been lost or damaged, you can apply for compensation.
Insurance claim forms can be obtained from the post office.
You must attach a letter or statement from the person who was supposed to receive the letter.
Evidence, such as a sales receipt, should also be provided, in order to prove the value of your
If your claim is properly completed, it will be paid within 30 days.

b. Match the end of the instructions in B to their beginning in A.

If you don’t wrap your parcel properly, it will have to be weighed at the post office.
If you don’t put the correct postal code, it could be damaged.
If you want your parcel to arrive quickly, it must be sent by registered mail.
If you have a heavy package, it should be sent express.
If you want to make sure that your package arrives,
your parcel might be sent to the wrong

c. Write four more instructions for sending a package. Use the information you have learned
from this unit. Include passive modals in your instructions.

d. Exchange instructions with a partner.

Intermediate 1 Unit 8

Unit 8

a. In the computer lesson, Mary left John a message about a road accident. Later on, John
phones Mary back and talks to her. Use the words below to complete their conversation.

accident • ambulance • bridge • broken • crossed • emergency room nowhere • rushed • scared •
side • speeding

John: Mary. Is that you? It’s John. How are you?

Mary: Oh, John. It’s good to hear from you. I think we were very lucky. As I told you in my
message, Mike and I were traveling over that (1) on Route 6 when
a big truck came (2) towards us. Imagine how we felt when it
(3) over on to our (4) of the road.
John: You must have been so (5) .
Mary: Oh, I was! There was (6) for us to go. We couldn’t do anything
to prevent the (7) . The truck just crashed into the side of our car. Someone
stopped at once and called an (8) and they (9) us to
the hospital.
John: Are you still in the (10) ? Can I come and take you home?
Mary: Oh, yes, please. That would be great. Mike’s being kept in the hospital with a (11)
leg, but I can’t wait to get home.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 53

Intermediate 1 Unit 8

b. Check your answers to activity a. with a partner and then practice the dialogue.

c. Below is a police report of Mary’s accident. Complete the report with the details from
activity a.

Case Number: 34675

Reporting Officer: Foster Jones

Road on which accident occurred:
Date and time: 5/1, 16:45
First Driver: Mike WiIkins
2587 Southern Drive, L.A.
Tel: 907 5830
Type of vehicle: private car
Witness: (2) Wilkins
2587 Southern Drive, L.A.
Tel: 907-5830
Second Driver: Tom Crouch
3436 Lakeland Way, L.A.
Tel: 907-6744
Type of vehicle: (3)
Injuries: (4)
Description of accident: (5)

d. Exchange reports with a partner. Do you agree with each other’s answers?
e. Imagine you are the police officer who interviewed Mary after the accident. Which of the
following questions do you think the police officer asked her in order to complete the
report? Add three more questions of your own.

1. What is your name and address?

2. Was anyone hurt?
3. Can I take you to the hospital?
4. Where did the accident take place?
5. Can you tell me how the accident happened?
6. Were you scared?


f. Write the conversation between Mary and the police officer.

Police officer:


Police officer:


Police officer:


Police officer:

g. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Copyright © 1990-2016 Edusoft Ltd. All rights reserved 55

Marge Has a Baby
a. Do you remember the story about Marge? Her baby was born in an ambulance on the
way to the hospital. Read the report of her experience as it was written in the local
newspaper. Complete the report with the names of the people involved.

Alex Winters (Marge’s husband) • Thomas Brown (the driver of the ambulance) Marge Winters
• Jonas Matthews (a medical student doing ambulance service)



“At least we had a car phone and

my husband could call an ambulance for
help”, added (2) .

“I knew that the baby was on its way," said

(3) , “so
I tried to get to the hospital as quickly as
possible. However , there wasn’t enough

“I have never delivered a baby before,"

admitted (4) ,
Yesterday, a very special delivery took
who was on ambulance duty, “but I’m very
place in an ambulance. Jonas Matthews, a
pleased that my first delivery was in an
medical student, doing ambulance service,
delivered his first baby. “My wife was due
to have her baby any time, but when we After the baby was born, the ambulance
went for a ride through the park, I wasn’t arrived at the hospital, where doctors
prepared for the fact that the car might run checked the mother and baby, who are doing
out of gas," said well.
b. After taking Marge to the hospital, the ambulance was called to the scene of a road
accident. Match the sentences in the ambulance report to the pictures below.

Ambulance Report:
1. On arriving at the scene of the
accident at 7:55 a.m., we saw that
both a motorcycle and a car were
involved. B
2. The first thing we did was to
check the two drivers.
3. We put the motorcyclist into
the ambulance and got ready
to take him to the emergency C
4. Before we drove to the hospital,
we called for a second ambulance
to take the driver of the car to
the emergency room. D E

5. We arrived at the emergency

room at 8:25 a.m.

c. Write a short newspaper report of the accident as shown in activity b. Give your
report a headline and include quotations from the people involved.

Yesterday there was a serious accident on .
“ ,” said Fred Smith, the ambulance driver who
was called to the accident.
The accident happened because
.“ ,” said Jim
Cook, the motorcyclist who was injured. Both drivers were taken to
“ ,” said the doctor who treated them.

d. Exchange your report with a partner. Read your report to the class.
I Have to Go
a. Read what some people say about different obligations. Match what each person says
to the appropriate picture below. Then write what the other person in the picture says in

1. “I’m supposed to be on duty at the police station in an hour.”

2. “You’re supposed to signal when you turn left.”
3. “Where’s the ambulance? It’s supposed to be here by now.”
4. “Slow down! You’re not supposed to go over the speed limit!”
5. “I thought you were supposed to fill up with gas on the way home from work.”



b. Compare your answers with a partner.

Clauses: Noun and Adverbial Clauses
a. Put the word in the following sentences in the correct order.

1. how / accident / the / me / can / tell / happened / you /

2. driving / who / see / you / did / was / car / the / other /
3. do / any / why / you / speeding / have / was / idea / he /
4. you / morning / remember / your / house / when / left / you / do / this /
5. corner / know / the / signaled / turned / he / before / you / do / if / he /
6. wonder / whether / services / the / informed / been / have / emergency / I /

b. Complete the sentences with the words below and match them to the sentences
from activity a.

because • if • that • when • who • how

1. I have no idea the accident happened.

2. I think the accident happened the truck moved to the other

side of the road.

3. I don’t know anyone has called an ambulance, but I know that

the police are on their way.

4. I expect he was in a hurry to get home.

5. I didn’t see was driving the car. It all happened so fast.

6. I don’t really remember I left home this morning.

c. Complete the sentences.

1. I was driving over the new bridge when .

2. As soon as I saw the motorcycle coming towards me, I .

3. I waited at the scene of the accident until .

4. While the police officer was taking notes, I .

5. The driver was traveling over the speed limit because .

6. The police officer called an ambulance so that .

7. The paramedic decided to take the driver to the hospital although .

8. I’ll only buy you a bicycle if .

d. Imagine you are a witness at the scene of the car accident shown in the picture below.
Write a dialogue between yourself and the police officer who is called to the scene. Use
the words and phrases from activities a., b. and c. to help you.

Police officer:


Police officer:


Police officer:


e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

Lesson Texts
Intermediate 1 Appendix

Unit 1

eDluckoem: eWto “Local Athletes." Today’s guest is Joe Norse, a secondary school student
who has helped his football team win the city championship for the last three years.
I myself have seen Joe play, and let me tell you, he has really mastered the game of
football. Joe, your school, Jefferson High, has been attended by some of the greatest
football players ever. Hank “The Tank” Perry and Dick Verall both graduated from
Jefferson. How does it feel to be playing on the same field as those great players?
Joe: Well, Duke, it motivates me, for sure. Our school has always had a great history of
producing famous athletes.
Duke: Your coach, Fraser Washington, always says: “A team that is motivated is a team that
wins." Do you agree?
Joe: Yes, I do. It’s a fact that even a team with lots of great players can lose if there is no
motivation to win.
Duke: Joe, I understand you’ve already been invited to visit several colleges that are interested
in you. Have you accepted any offers yet?
Joe: No, not yet, Duke. Right now I’m thinking mostly about passing my exams and
getting my diploma.
Duke: Well, you’ve made an intelligent decision. Good luck, Joe.
Joe: Thanks, Duke.

College For Kids?

By Henry Nelson

Pre-school education is changing. Once, elementary school was the place to learn 1-2-3
and A-B-C. But today, highly motivated parents have begun teaching these basics to their
children before they start school. Kindergarten has now become a mini-college, where

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history, and even mathematics are taught. Small children are even given homework assignments.

Professor David Shift, who is the Director of Early Childhood Education at the University of
Highville, says, “We must simply accept the fact that children today know more than
children did years ago."

Eleanor Idle, of the New School Institute, doesn’t agree. “Children need to be children. They
learn as they play. They don’t need formal education this early. It just isn’t normal. Soon they’ll
be given entrance exams for kindergarten. Very young children shouldn’t spend their time
worrying about grades and diplomas!"

Dr. Idle believes that if there is already so much competition in kindergarten, there is no limit
to how much there will be in high school. “We don’t need to make it any harder on students
than it already is,” she says. “After all, there were still many college graduates when playing was
all children did in kindergarten."

Many people who agree with Idle say that early childhood programs should offer subjects
that children enjoy and do well in naturally, like art, music, science, and gym. After all, learning
should be child’s play.

Math Test
- How did you do on that math test yesterday?
- That was the hardest test I’ve ever taken.
- Yeah. I wonder if Mr. Pascal has graded them yet.
- I’m sure he has.
- How can you be so sure?
- I saw him this morning, and he wasn’t happy at all.

Present Perfect: Statements Q and A

- Here we are at the Indy 500 with Mike Rhodes. Mike, have you ever driven in an Indy race?
- No, I haven’t. But I’ve been a race driver in Europe for ten years.
- Well, good luck to you!
Education 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

work that one person (usually

Mel, did you finish your
assignment, n. a teacher) gives another
history assignment?
person to do

You get a degree after you

finish studying a required I want to go to university to
degree, n.
amount get a degree.
at a college, university,
or professional course.
a piece of paper that
shows that someone has Let’s hang my college
diploma, n.
received a qualification, diploma on the wall.
usually from a school or
I was in Glen Park
elementary a school for young children,
Elementary School from first
school, n. usually from grades one to
through sixth grade.

a test you take to get into You must pass an entrance

entrance exam, n.
a school or university exam to get into this school.

learning that happens in a

My formal education ended
formal education, traditional, structured school
n. with high school.

the mark you get on a test or If you don’t study, you won’t
grade, n.
in a course get a good grade.

a person who has I’m a high school graduate,

graduate, n. completed his or her high and will be starting college
school or college in September.

homework, n. work a teacher gives Timmy, you can play after

learners to do at home you finish your English
Word Definition Example Sentence

Next year when you

school for children the year
kindergarten, n. are five years old,
before they start first grade
you’ll start

school for very young My youngest child is

preschool, n.
children, before kindergarten in preschool.

an ability or skill that What qualifications do you

qualification, n.
enables someone to do need to get into this school?
Unit 2
Away From Home

How do you like it here?

Justin: Let me help you with that.
Yavor: Oh thanks.
Justin: So where are you from?
Yavor: I’m from Bulgaria.
Justin: Ahh. What brought you to the States?
Yavor: I was working in the European office. I had been there five years, so I asked for
a transfer and here I am.
Justin: Sounds like a great opportunity. What kind of work are you doing here?
Yavor: For now I’m still in training. But in a couple of weeks I’ll be joining the finance
Justin: How do you like living here so far?
Yavor: It’s great. Everyone is so friendly. People call each other by their first names.
Where I come from things are much more formal.
Justin: That’s interesting. I never thought of it like that.
Coworker: Hey Justin! How’s it going?
Justin: Great!
Yavor: See what I mean.

Study Exchange
by Pat Miller

Craighouse School in Glasgow has been sending children overseas to France on an exchange
program since 1971. The students’ French improves a lot, and when they come back they
usually no longer need a French tutor to help them outside of school. The children who take part
in the exchange program have to be over the age of thirteen.
Mrs. Bankes, whose daughter is participating in this year’s exchange group, says, “I think it’s a
wonderful opportunity for Kim. Although she has only been away for a month, I have already
started to miss her. I’ve been making long-distance calls to Paris about once a week since she

Anyone who has seen Kim in Paris knows that she hasn’t been missing anyone. Kim is very
happy with the program. She says that her French has really improved, and hearing her French
accent, it was easy to believe her.

“I haven’t been homesick even once,” Kim says. “I have made several new friends and I have a
great roommate, Chantal, who I will keep in touch with when I leave. I don’t even feel like going
home at all.”

The exchange program also helps these young people meet again after the program has
ended, and friends like Chantal and Kim will probably meet at Kim’s home in Scotland next
year. Of course, that’s if Kim hasn’t already decided to stay in France and become a French

Parents who are interested in sending their children abroad on this program should contact the
Craighouse School in Pollock, Glasgow.

Enjoying Your Stay

- Well, Akiko, are you enjoying your stay in the U.S.?
- Oh, yes. Very much.
- How long have you been here?
- Only about two weeks, but I’ve already seen a lot.
- Have you started school yet?
- Not yet. School starts tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it.

Present Perfect: Progressive

- Who’s that man? He has been standing there for an hour!
- I don’t know. I’ve been watching him, too. I think he’s strange.
Study Abroad

Word Definition Example Sentence

a way of saying words

that is usually the same I can’t understand him
accent, n.
among because of his accent.
people from the same place
or region of the world
someone who travels to
another country to study
exchange at a school or university I’d like to live in another
student, n. (and sometimes switches country as an exchange
places with a student student.
from that country)

feeling sad because you are Does being away from

homesick, adj.
far from your home your family make you
between countries, relating
Mr. Jacobs manages a
international, adj. to many countries around
large international
the world

to keep a connection by Please keep in touch when

keep in touch, exp.
phone, email, or by you are traveling.
to feel that you want to be I like living at the university,
miss, v.
with someone or something but I miss my home.

a chance to do something
This job is a great
opportunity, n. positive that you can't
career opportunity.
always do

on the other side of a sea I like traveling overseas to

overseas, adv.
or ocean new places.

someone you share an

roommate, n. I live with two roommates.
apartment or room with
Word Definition Example Sentence

a program where two

A study exchange program is
study learners from different
a good way to study a
exchange countries trade places and
language and visit another
program, n. study in each other’s
What will we learn on this
study program, n. a set of classes
study program?

I asked for a transfer to

a move from one place to
transfer, n. the central office,
because it’s closer to
where I live.
Unit 3

Host: Welcome, listeners, to today’s “Call-in Line.” I’m your host, Doug, and on today’s
show I’d like to hear about your favorite celebration. Good morning, caller number
one. You’re on the air.
Stella: Hi, Doug! This is Stella. My favorite celebration has always been Independence
Day. Last year we had a fireworks display and our annual bake sale. I baked old-
fashioned apple pie.
Host: I can almost taste that apple pie. Thank you, Stella. Now we go to Gertrude, who’s
been waiting on the line.
Gertrude: Hello. This might sound unusual, but in England, where I was born, there is a Bank
Holiday festival. It has always been a tradition to celebrate it with a fair in a park.
There is usually a parade as well.
Host: That sounds very English, Gertrude. Now, are there any men out there celebrating
Mike: Hi, Doug. My name is Mike, and my favorite celebration is Thanksgiving. I am a
descendant of one of the first Englishmen who came to America. I was born here,
and I consider it an honor to be an American.
Host: Well, it’s been an honor for us to have you on our program, Mike! And now, our last
caller is...
Penelope: Penelope. My favorite celebration was my 97th birthday. My whole family
gathered for the event.
Host: Penelope, your favorite celebration really is unique. Well, that’s all we have time
for today. Have a spectacular day, listeners, and let’s keep talking to each other.

The First Thanksgiving

Andrew and Kenji were sitting outside Kenji's house with nothing to do. Suddenly Andrew stood
up. "Let's go inside and watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV," he said.
"What's Thanksgiving Day?" asked Kenji.
"You don't know what Thanksgiving Day is!" Andrew asked, surprised. "It's a holiday that
Americans celebrate in honor of everything that this country offered to our ancestors. When the
pilgrims first came to America 400 years ago, they worked hard building houses, planting, and
fishing. They were helped by the American Indians, who taught them how to grow all kinds of
new vegetables, such as corn and yams, or sweet potatoes. By harvest time, there was lots of
food to eat and the future looked full of opportunity. Our ancestors made a feast to show their
appreciation. So now, every year we celebrate Thanksgiving Day."
"What do you do on Thanksgiving?" asked Kenji.
"Well, it's traditional to eat a big meal together. We eat food that symbolizes the new food our
ancestors ate. At our house we usually eat turkey with sweet potatoes and corn bread. And we
have pumpkin pie for dessert." said Andrew.
"I've never had sweet potatoes or pumpkin pie. They sound interesting," Kenji said. "But what's
the parade you want to see?"
"Oh, it's an annual event. Every Thanksgiving, a giant parade is organized by one of the most
famous department stores in New York," Andrew explained. "There are big balloons, called
'floats,' in the shape of famous cartoon characters. At the end of the parade, children can even
see Santa Claus, who's visiting from the North Pole. Santa Claus is invited to remind children
and parents that Christmas is not far away. Well, now that I've told you all about Thanksgiving,
do you want to come to my house for dinner and watch the parade?" asked Andrew.
"Sure," said Kenji. " I'd love to."

Sorry I’m Late

- Oh, I’m sorry I’m late.
- Oh, that’s all right.
- But I promised to be on time today.
- Really. It doesn’t matter. I’ve been having a good time.
- Oh? What have you been doing?
- Just talking with Mark.

Passive Voice: With or Without Agent

- That was a terrible storm last night, wasn’t it?
- Yes. This tree was hit by lightning, but fortunately my house wasn’t damaged.

Word Definition Example Sentence

We have an annual celebration

annual, adj. happening once every year
every January.

to do special things for Do you celebrate this holiday

celebrate, v.
an event or a holiday in Canada?

a Christian holiday that

Christmas, n. celebrates the birth of Will it snow this Christmas?
Jesus Christ

something important that

I’m planning an event at
event, n. happens for a period of time,
our school.
a sports competition

an outdoor event where

I’m taking the children to the
fair, n. many people gather to play
games, compete, and go on
colorful explosions in the sky
fireworks display, Look at the fireworks display
used for entertainment at
n. up in the sky!
special events

My friends gathered together

gather, v. to come together, to meet
to celebrate my birthday.

showing respect for This prize is given in honor

in honor of, exp.
someone or something of Matthew Phillips.

an event where many

Let’s go to State Street to
parade, n. people walk or ride down
watch the parade.
a street to celebrate

to be a symbol -
The Statue of Liberty, in
symbolize, v. something that reminds
New York City, symbolizes
us of something else
Word Definition Example Sentence

a holiday celebrated in Thanksgiving is a North

Thanksgiving, n.
the United States and American holiday.
activity that is done the It is a tradition in our family to
tradition, n.
same way for many years serve duck for Christmas.
Unit 4
Bad Weather

Announcer: And here’s Will Tide with the weather report.
Will: Good morning, listeners. Wrap yourselves up warmly today, because the weather
will continue to be cold and frosty with a chance of fog in low areas. According
to national weather reports, the storm which was expected later today is traveling
at fifty miles an hour, and should reach this area around midnight tonight. Strong
winds and heavy rains are expected, along with thunder and lightning. There is a
chance of flooding, and light ships have been warned of the danger. Temperatures
will be below average for this time of year, with an expected low of forty degrees

Tomorrow will be cool and dry, with cloudy skies and normal temperatures.
Tomorrow evening temperatures will continue to go up, and bright sunshine and
above - average temperatures are expected for the weekend.
Well, I’m sure we’ll all be glad to have a break from the rain.

That’s all from the weather room. So for now, stay warm and keep dry.

Weather Warning
This is a warning from the National Weather Department. Although we have been having
a lot of warm sunshine recently, the weather is going to change very soon. According to
our weather reporter, a fall in temperature to below five degrees Fahrenheit is expected by
tomorrow morning. There will be freezing winds of up to sixty miles an hour as well as
heavy rains, which may cause flooding in the city and terrible damage. People should stay
home and look after themselves. Please make sure that your children and animals are kept
Big Storm
- Look at those clouds!
- Oh, dear. I hope it doesn’t rain.
- Me, too. But it sure looks like a big storm is coming.
- Well, if it rains we can eat inside.
- What if it starts before the food is ready?
- Let’s just hope that it doesn’t.

Relative Clauses: Object Clauses

- Is this the kind of telephone that you wanted?
- No. The one which I was thinking of has a higher-quality camera.

Relative Clauses: Subject Clauses

- This is the bike that we found. Is it the one that you lost?
- Yes, it’s my bike. Where did you find it? Did you arrest the person who stole it?
- No, I’m sorry. We weren’t able to. People who steal bikes are very hard to catch.

Relative Clauses: With or Without Relative Pronouns

- There’s the new programmer they hired.
- The one in red? She’s the one they chose?
- Yes, why?
- They wanted someone who had a lot of experience. She looks so young!

Word Definition Example Sentence

bright sunshine, strong rays that come from I need sunglasses in this bright
exp. the sun and give a lot of light sunshine.

cloudy skies, exp. skies that are filled with Cloudy skies usually means rain.
a large amount of water
that covers the ground and Families left their
flooding, n.
enters houses and homes because of the
buildings, usually from flooding.
heavy rain
clouds that are very
fog, n. close to the ground and I can’t see anything in this fog.
that make it difficult to

freezing winds, The weatherman said there

very strong and cold winds
exp. would be freezing winds
You better dress warmly,
covered with a thin layer of
frosty, adj. because it is cold and
ice, because it is so cold
frosty outside!

The heavy rains caused

heavy rains, exp. strong rain

a flash of light in the sky It rained last night, but there

lightning, n.
during an electrical storm was no thunder and
very bad weather, with
I'm staying inside
storm, n. either heavy rain or snow
because of the storm.
and usually with strong
The strong winds knocked
strong winds, n. very fast currents of air
the tree down.
Word Definition Example Sentence

a short, loud sound in the There was very loud thunder

thunder, n.
sky during an electrical in our area during the storm.
Make sure to listen to the
information about the
weather report, so we'll
weather report, n. weather, often reported
know if it's supposed to
as part of the news
snow tomorrow.
Unit 5
Arts And Entertainment

DJ: Hello, listeners. This is Lex Benedict on WNOW. I hope you’re enjoying yourselves
this evening. We have some guests with us tonight that all you college students
out there should be interested in. They are the members of a hot new rock band
called “The Institute of Music," and they are all graduates of State University. Their
first concert was held last week at the University’s science auditorium, where they
were a great hit with the students. They say that attendance at the concert was
higher than at most lectures. Now, let’s hear the musicians introduce themselves.
Professor: OK. I’ll start... I’m Professor Barry Jameson, and I’m the lead singer of the band.
DJ: It’s very unusual to find a geography professor who is also in a rock band. Can you
tell us when you started being interested in music?
Professor: Well, I was given a guitar by my wife when I was accepted as a professor here at
State University. I’ve been playing ever since.
DJ: OK. Let’s take a break while we listen to your new song, “Examination Blues”... and
here it is...

The Garbage Man

by Philip Dubmor

Have you ever thought about the cigarette packs and food wrappers that people in your city throw
away? Harry Morgan has; he collects them. Have you heard of recycling? Well, Harry doesn’t just
recycle; he creates works of art from the things he collects.

Ever since Harry was a child, he has been interested in making models out of unusual things.
Over the years, he has used a variety of materials. “The good thing about garbage,” Harry’s been
heard to say, “is that there’s always plenty of it." Some of his earlier works were made from bicycle
parts, broken machines, and even old farm equipment. They have been made from every piece
of garbage that Harry could get his hands on. Harry’s latest collection, which is being exhibited
at the Plaza Art Gallery, is even more unusual. He has made sculptures which are built from
wastepaper only. One of these, which is called “Harmony,” is made of empty cigarette packs
and matchboxes. Another work, called “Love in the Morning,” has been made out of breakfast
cereal boxes and pieces of old newspaper.

This is hardly what one would call art. Or is it? Why not come and judge for yourself? Visit the
Plaza Art Gallery and explore the world of Harry’s art. Harry is quickly becoming the “Champion
of Garbage Art," and soon many people may find themselves joining the Harry Morgan fan club.

Picasso Exhibit
- Jenny, have you been to the Picasso exhibit at the Tate yet?
- No, I haven’t, but I’d like to see it.
- Well, how about going with me tomorrow?
- Sorry. I can’t. Tomorrow is my father’s birthday, and we’ve been planning a party for him for

Passive Voice: Indirect Form

- Pamela! How’s the new job?
- Oh, I was offered the job, but I decided not to take it - not enough money for all that work.
Entertainment 3

Word Definition Example Sentence

Attendance at the baseball

number of people at a certain
attendance, n. game was very low
place, such as an event
because of the bad
a group of people who Your favorite band is having
band, n.
make music together a concert on Saturday.

a group of similar things

I have a collection of very
collection, n. that are put together, such
old books.
as a collection of paintings

to make something that did She creates art from pieces of

create, v.
not exist before metal.

an object or group of
objects that are part of a
public show, which people Did you see the new
exhibit, n.
can go and look at (also Picasso exhibit?
used as a verb,
meaning “to put something
on display”)
an event where objects The art exhibition opened on
exhibition, n.
are displayed to the June 14th.
a group of people who like
Let’s start a fan club for the
fan club, n. someone or something,
new band.
often an actor, singer, or
something, such as a song,
That song is on the radio all
hit, n. movie, or play, that is very
the time; it’s a real hit.

the main, or head, singer in a Sheila is the lead singer in a

lead singer, n.
band rock band.
Word Definition Example Sentence

How many members are in

member, n. a person who is part of a
group your club?

a solid object someone

The artist made the
sculpture, n. makes as a piece of artwork,
sculpture out of clay and
often out of clay, metal, or
work done by an artist,
such as paintings, The museum has
work of art, exp.
drawings, and many beautiful works
sculptures, also called of art.
Unit 6
At Work

The Job Interview

Bob: Hi Karen, Bob Johnson.
Kare Nice to meet you.
Bob: Have a seat. So Karen, I’ve read over your application, and I see that you have
experience in advertising. Is that right?
Kare Yes, it is. Actually, I’ve worked for three ad agencies since I graduated from college.
Bob: And what positions did you have?
Kare The first two were temporary intern positions both for about six months each.
Bob: And then you went to Kenyon Barnett?
Kare Yes. For the past three years I’ve been working as a junior copywriter at Kenyon
n: Barnett.
Bob: So, tell me about your work there.
Kare I’ve gradually taken on more responsibility over the years. I now work directly with
n: the
art director on different campaigns and I take part in planning meetings and reviews.
Bob: Can you tell me about a specific ad campaign you worked on?
Kare Our most successful campaign was for The Candy Factory.
Bob: The Candy Factory? I’ve seen those ads on TV.
Kare I was responsible for all the copy that appeared in the television, radio, and print ads.
Bob: You did a great job.
Kare Thank you. We worked really hard on it.
Bob: So, Karen. Do you have any questions for me?
Kare When do I start?
Colleagues! Have you been working overtime a lot lately? Are you confused about
the new work contracts you are required to sign? Do you think you qualify for a raise
or promotion? Our firm’s bright new accountant can help you. If you keep track of
your working hours and expenses, she can help you save income tax, too! Make an
appointment to see her this week. She will look over the figures you bring her and
spend time talking with you. Remember: your future is safe with us!

French Tie
- What do you think of this tie?
- Hmm. Isn’t it a little too bright?
- I don’t think so. A lot of executives wear ties like these.
- What is it made of?
- One hundred percent silk. And it comes from France.
- OK. Let’s buy it.

Present Perfect: Contrast With Other Tenses

- Hey, weren’t you here yesterday?
- Oh yes, I’ve already seen this movie twice this month. I saw it last week and I saw it again
yesterday. I love it. I always see my favorite movies four or five times.
- I guess you do, ma’am.
Work 3
Word Definition Example Sentence

a company that tries to

We need to hire an
advertisi get people to buy things
advertising agency to think
ng by creating commercials
of ways to sell our cars.
agency, on television, radio, and in
n. print

a written request to be
application, n. accepted to something, I filled out a job application.
usually a job or school

a customer, someone
I have a meeting with a client
client, n. who pays for a service
at two o’clock.
from a company or
a legal agreement signed by We just signed a contract to
contract, n.
at least two people or buy the house.
what a person has learned
Jen has experience
experience, n. to do from doing things in
working with advertising
the past

Julia is an expert in the field

field, n. area in which someone works
of child psychology.

money a person pays

to the government I make more money now,
income tax, n.
that is a so I pay more income tax.
percentage of what he or
she earns at a job
when people get
In the planning meeting, we
planning together to decide on
discussed what each of our
meeting, what to do or how they
tasks will be for the next
exp. will do something in the
a job given to a worker
Rita’s a good worker and
promotion, n. that is at a higher level
deserves a promotion.
than the one he or she
has been doing
Word Definition Example Sentence

a rise in the amount of

raise, n. money someone is I asked for a raise in my salary.
receiving to do his or her
job, an increase in pay

a list of someone’s work William is preparing his

resume, n.
and educational resume so he can look for a
experience job.
a job offered for a specific
temporary We can offer you a
length of time, such as
position, exp. temporary position for the
three months
Unit 7
Sending A Package

Hello, Deirdre? Aren’t you home yet? This is your mother-in-law, calling from California. I
haven't heard from you in weeks. I’ve been doing some shopping and have sent you a
parcel that contains new clothes for the baby. I’ve sent it special delivery, so you should
receive it by Friday. The parcel is specially wrapped, so let the baby open it by himself.
Let’s speak to one another soon. Give a kiss to the baby for me. Bye.

Simple Steps to Sending a Package

The first step in sending a parcel is to find a box, a large envelope, or some strong paper in
which your parcel may be wrapped. Make sure that it is wrapped properly, or the post office will
not accept it.

Next, decide which kind of delivery is best, according to how urgently the package is needed.
Surface mail, which sends parcels by land and sea, is the cheapest, but also the slowest.
Regular airmail is faster, but may not be good for heavy packages. If you want your parcel to be
delivered by the next weekday, it should be sent express.

If you have a scale and stamps at home, you can simply call the post office or go online to find
out how much postage is needed. Then, if your parcel isn’t too big, all you have to do is place
your parcel in the nearest mailbox and with luck, it will be delivered on time. If, however, you
choose the express service or surface mail, you will have to take your package to the post
office, where it will be weighed and you will be told how much postage needs to be paid.
Airmail to Tokyo
- I’d like to send this package airmail to Tokyo.
- Sure. Let’s see. It weighs 14 pounds. That’s $40.
- Sorry. How much did you say?
- Forty dollars, ma’am.
- How long will it take to get there?
- It’ll be there in about ten days.

Passive Voice: Modals

- The application should be filled out in pen and must be signed. You will be called if Mr.
Buildmore wants to interview you. Next...
Postal Services

Word Definition Example Sentence

letters or packages that I'm sending the package

airmail, n.
are delivered by by airmail.
a container, usually Put the books in a box, wrap
box, n.
square or rectangular it, and mail it.

a flat container, made of Will these papers fit in

envelope, n.
paper, that holds letters an envelope?

quickly, used to describe a

mail service that sends Send the letter express so it
express, adv.
things quickly (also used as will get there faster.
an adjective, as in “express
a box or other container
Patrick is mailing a package
package, n. with something inside, that
to his son at camp.
is given or mailed to
someone, parcel
a box or other container with
How much does it cost to
parcel, n. something inside, that is
mail this parcel?
given or mailed to someone,
a place to buy stamps and A letter arrived from the
post office, n.
send or receive mail post office.

the total amount it costs How much postage will I

postage, n.
to send something in the need to mail this parcel?
a way of sending a letter
This arrived for you by special
special delivery, or package more quickly
n. by using a messenger

a small paper with a

Put the stamps on the
stamps, n. sticky back that you put
envelope and mail the letter.
on an envelope to pay for
Word Definition Example Sentence

regular mail sent by land Surface mail is less

surface mail, n.
or sea, not airmail expensive than airmail.

covered in paper, or The parcel is wrapped

wrapped, v.
another material and ready to go.
Unit 8

John, where are you? It’s Mary. I’ve been trying to call you all evening. Listen, John.
There’s been an accident. We were crossing that bridge on Route 6 when this big truck
came speeding towards us. It crossed over onto the wrong side of the road, and there was
nowhere for us to go. It was awful! I’ve never been so scared in my life. An ambulance was
called and we were rushed to the emergency room at Parker General Hospital. I’m OK, but
Mike’s being kept in the hospital. Nothing serious; he’s just hurt his leg. We’ve been waiting
to find out whether it’s broken. Please call me as soon as you get in. Bye.

Marge Has a Baby

“Alex, you’ve been waiting in the house with me for three days already. I can take care of
myself. If there’s an emergency, I’ll call you at work." Marge tried to calm her husband, who was
very worried about leaving her alone when she was so close to having their baby. “I’d rather go
somewhere nice today, perhaps for a walk in the park. It hasn’t been that cold outside. Don’t
worry," she said, as she was putting on her coat.

“Isn’t that dangerous, Marge?” asked Alex, still worried. But his wife was already going out the
door. “Why don’t I take you for a nice drive through the park? I know a very pretty route," Alex
said. Marge agreed, and they set out.

However, on the way to the park, Marge felt a pain in her stomach. “You’ve been very quiet
these past few minutes, dear. Is everything all right?”

Marge looked at Alex, her face white. “Quick! We must get to the hospital. The baby is coming.
Forget about asking for directions. I know the way. No! Take the road on the left.You didn’t
signal left!” she shouted at him.

“I hope that we get there in time," Alex said. “We must rush."

“You’ve just gone over the speed limit!” shouted Marge.

“And you’re having a baby!” Alex shouted back.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

Marge turned to Alex. “Why have you stopped?” she said. “Go on!”

“I can’t. We don’t have any more gas. I’ll have to call an ambulance from the cell phone.
You know, I knew a woman who had a baby in an ambulance.” “Really?” laughed Marge, in
between pains.

Soon, an ambulance came speeding towards them. The driver helped Marge into the
ambulance, and they rushed to the hospital. But Marge couldn't wait. The baby was born on
the way.

I Have to Go
- Oh, no! It’s three o’clock. I have to go.
- What? Why so early?
- I’m supposed to baby sit for my brother at four o’clock.
- Can’t you stay until at least four?
- No, really. I can’t. I’m supposed to be home at 3:30.
- Well, OK. See you later.

Clauses: Noun Clauses

- Do you know who that boy is?
- No, but he’s really cute. I wonder if he has a date.
- I’m sure he’s not alone.

Clauses: Adverbial Clauses

- Do you want to go in and look at that sweater?
- No, I can’t buy anything until I get paid.
- Why don’t you use your credit card?

Clauses: Review
- Do you know what time Karl is coming?
- Not exactly, but I know that he’s going to be late. He’s only coming after he finishes
his homework.
- Oh. Then he’s going to be very late.
Road Accidents

Word Definition Example Sentence

something sudden, usually

There was a traffic
accident, n. bad, that is unplanned, such
accident outside my
as cars hitting each other

a special car with a siren

Quick! Can someone
ambulance, n. that takes people to
please call an ambulance?
hospitals quickly

when the bone in the leg is in Paul fell, and now he

broken leg, exp.
two or more pieces has a broken leg.

likely to cause harm or It’s dangerous to ride a

dangerous, adj.
some kind of injury bike in the middle of the
a part of a hospital that
emergency The ambulance came and
deals with people who
room, took Susie to the emergency
need immediate medical
n. room.
to injure or damage in Did you hurt your head
hurt, v.
some way when you fell?

over the faster than is allowed on You should never go over

speed limit, a particular road the speed limit.

Please go to the gas

run out of gas, exp. to use up all the gas in the
car station before you run
out of gas.

to hurry, do I rushed home so I wouldn’t be

rush, v.
something quickly late for dinner.

something that could be

Dan was in a serious car
serious, adj. dangerous and/or make
accident, but luckily, he’s
you worry
Word Definition Example Sentence

to use lights to show that

Signal before you turn left or
signal, v. you will turn left or right
while driving

the side of the street (or He was so tired; he almost

wrong side of the
lane) where cars are drove on the wrong side of
road, exp.
coming from the opposite the road.

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