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Before the Spanish occupation, this place was just a thick forest and brush mostly
inhabited by semi-civilized roaming hunters and gatherers. Some archaeologists also
believe that a small group of Chinese traders occupied this place for some time due to
unearthed kitchen wares in a presumed small Chinese cemetery in a certain hill in
Barangay Sawang.

In the middle of the 13th century, the coming of the ten Bornean datus in the
Philippines headed by Datu Puti had played a big role in shaping the history of this
municipality. Upon arriving at the coasts of Batangas, they established the first Malayan
colony in Luzon. They traveled south to Rosario along the Rosario-Lobo River until they
reached the rainbow-shaped �Wawa of Lobo�. Because of the panoramic view and
fertility of the land, they decided to establish a permanent settlement in this area. They
developed the irrigation system of the running tiny streams to cultivate this area and
improve its agriculture.

The etymology of the name Lobo is an anecdote that has been passed from generation
to generation. Some time during the middle of the Spanish occupation, a group of
settlers residing in this place saw a balloon hovering as they were deciding on what
name to call the place. It was because of this absurd but amazing incident that they
unanimously agreed to use the name �LOBO� or balloon as the name of the area.
And on September 27, 1871, the municipality had adopted the name and was officially


Each and every seven day stretch of September, the rural and laid-back region of
Lobo commends its yearly Anihan Festival. The celebration means to feature the
abundant collect of this another farming town of Batangas. In the meantime, this is
Lobo neighborhood people's method for expressing gratitude toward the Almighty
God. One of the features of Anihan celebration is a road parade and move rivalry.

As a rule, members during the festival clad in ensembles propelled by their nearby
deliver, for example, sugar apple atis, tamarind, rice, buli textures, seashells, corn
portions and dried tree husk, among others. The Anihan Festival street dance rivalry
was taken an interest by understudies from 20 grade schools everywhere throughout
the district. Like most Philippine celebrations, the street dance rivalry features the
occasion and enabled local people to grandstand their abilities and inventiveness.
 Atis (sugar apple) – The town’s main export product.

 Tamarind Wine – Wine made of fermented tamarind juice.

 Pinais na Dulong – Tiny fish “Dulong” wrapped in Banana leaves then steamed.
 Sinaing na Tulingan – “Tulingan” slowly boiled in palayok with dried Camias until
most of the water boiled up, remaining broth then became “patis” (fish sauce).

 Ookan – Rice Flour with egg and sugar, deep fried.


Say no to fast food for the meantime and eat guilt-free recipes offered by the town of Lobo. Rich in
Sampaloc (Tamarind) trees, the town is recognized as a primary producer of delicacies made of tamarind
such as sweet tamarind (minatamis na sampaloc) and tamarind candy which is popularly known as
“champoy”. You can hoard boxes of such as pasalubong. Aside from that, Lobo also takes pride in being
the Atis (sugar apple) Capital of the Philippines. Pinais (poached dulong fish wrapped in banana leaves),
Bulanglang (different vegetables boiled in rice water), Ginataang Tulingan (tulingan fish cooked in
coconut milk), and anything that is “sinaing” (braised) are also some of the must-taste delicacies of Lobo
and Batangas in general. munch on their locally made pastries such as Kababayan (Filipino version of
muffin), Paborita Biscuit, Buchi-Buchi (sweet potato balls that resemble kwek-kwek), and Ookan (deep
fried rice flour mixed with egg and sugar).

Tourist destinations

Gerthel Beach Resort

is a very welcoming piece of paradise known for its white, sandy coast.
Found in the town of Lobo, the one-kilometer stretch of white sand beach has
a gradually sloping ocean floor of up to about two hundred meters.  The beach
itself is surrounded a lush forest that adds to the idyllic charm of the area.

Malabrigo light house

is one of the 24 lighthouses erected in the Philippines during the course of the Spanish Colonial period.
The century old lighthouse can be spotted at the top of a cliff in the town of Lobo, Batangas

The Ulopong Falls is located in Barangay Sawang. This is known for its cold spring water which
continuously flows all year around. During the summer months, the place is bustling with activity when
vacationers from Manila and nearby provinces and nearby barangays visit the place to take a dip in the
cool water of falls.


Submarine Garden is located at Lobo, Batangas. The garden consists of living corals near the shore of
one of the beaches of Lobo. It can be clearly seen during the early mornings when the water is clear and
the tide is low. It has been acknowledged to be a fish sanctuary.


The “Tulay na Busog” is located in Barangay Nagtoctoc. This is known as “Biak na Bato” and has a giant
foot print on the mountain behind the river. It is well known for its cold water which continues flowing
all over the year. It is good for barkada’s/family outing or picnic.

The Pasalubong Center and Cafe in the town of Lobo is more than just a hub for pasalubong. It is an IG
worthy spot and a great place to eat in Lobo. The wooden interior, the wooden swing, and the 180
degree view of the town center is creatively appealing to guests of Lobo. It is very cozy and homey as
you enjoy watching the daily grind of locals. The design is enough to spark your creativity for that IG
worthy shot.

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