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TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA [ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS. For MYERS, FLORIDA 39901 Tee assis Fao 01 MICHAEL T. MCHUGH SCTE WUSKER MEMORANDUM. Al Judges in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit ‘Amira Fox, Ste Attomey Kathleen A. Smith, Publie Defender lta Neymotin, Regional Counsel CCletk of Curt of Lee, Collier, Charlot, Hendry, and Glades Counties Sheriffs of Lee, Collie, Charote, Henry, and Glades Counties County Managers of Lee, Colle, Charlotte, Hendry, and Glades Counties Scott Wilsker, Trial Court Administrator FROM: —Michaol T,Metlugh, Chit Judge, Twentieth Judicial Cucuit yy yA DATE: ——April3,2020 RE: COVID-19 Violation of DOH Quarantine or Isolation Order ~ Hold No Bond Pending First Appearance In response tothe outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Govemor of Floris has declared that a tate of emergency exists and the Surgeon General and Stale Health Oficer has declared that 8 public health emergency exists (On April 1, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Ordor 20-91, a “Safer At Home” directive, ‘ordering tha al persons in Flria sal limit their movements and personal interactions ousie oftheir hhome to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities, Under Florida Statute §381.00315, the State Health Officer i responsible for declaring public health cmergencics, trang public health advinorcy and asering ination ar guamemtines. Avy perenne ‘lates any rule adopted under Florida Statute § 381.00315, any isolation oe quarantine, of any requirement adopted bythe Department of Health pursuant toa declared public health emergency commits @ misdemeanor ofthe second degre, “The Flora Supreme Court as held that “tJ grant release on bei to persons oated and detained on a ‘quarantine order because they have a contagious disease which makes them dangerous to others, ar tothe public in general, would render quarantine ls and regulations nugatory and of no avai.” Varholyv. Sweat, 13 So, 24 267 (Fl, 193), In accordance wth the directives of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida to take all efforts to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and in compliance with the gol of implementing policies to mitigate the impact of COVED-19, while tll maintaining judicial workflow as feasible, as Chief Judge ofthe ‘Twentath Judicial iret, horeby direc tha Any person arrested for violating any rule ado 315, any isolation ‘oF quarantine, oF any requirement adopted by the DOH. shall be held in eustody with 4 NO BOND HOLD pending First Appearance, “The person arrested shall not be given “Notice to Appeat” by Law Enforcement in Hu of being taken into custody, and shal nr be released pursuant to any local Bond Schedule. The person arested must beheld appear before the First Appearance Judge. [AC Prst Appearance, the presing judge may’ sesept testimony from the State Health Offic or Department ‘of Health, and may make a determination as to whether the setting of bond or bail is appropriats Local Administrative Order 2.39 along with his directive shall bein effect until further notice or unt “superseded by further order of thie Court or the Florida Supreme Cot.

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