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business valuation By ALAN LEE & A.


Misunderstood and misused


Enterprise value and equity value calculation

BITDA is earnings before in-

terest (I), taxes (T), depreciation and
amortization (DA). It has many uses,
including as a basis for determining
business value and as a measure of
ability to fund debt. It is, however,
often abused and misunderstood.
Normalized EBITOA a $10,000,000

EBITDA and business enterprise Appropriate multiple b 6X

value — the basics: Capitalized discretionary cash flow aXb = c $60,000,000
Enterprise value (EV) is the value of busi- Plus: benefit of existing tax losses or shelter d $3,000,000
ness before deduction of interest-bear-
Enterprise value c+d=e $63,000,000
ing debt. It is the fundamental build-
ing block in determining shareholder or Less: interest-bearing debt f ($20,000,000)
partner values, relative values, transac- Less: capital leases 9 <S5.000,000)
tion pricing and in assessing ability to En bloc value of 100% of the
e- f - g $38,000,000
fund principal and interest debt relat-
ed payments.
A common approach to determine EV
is by taking its normalized EBITDA and applying a mul- Normalized EBITDA is a good starting point in the de-
tiple to it. The multiple can be market-based — be it de- termination of EV because, ignoring the impact of growth
rived from comparable mergers and acquisitions transac- and the requirement to make annual capital equipment
tions in the industry or from trading multiples of compa- expenditures (CAPEX), it is good proxy for the free pre-
rable public companies. The multiple can also be built up tax cash flow generated by the business' operations.
based on company-specific risk factors, comparable re- After applying an appropriate multiple the resulting EV is:
turns for comparable risk, industry and economic condi- • A simplistic but easily computed, convenient estimate of
tions. In the end, all these factors need to be considered in EV — not equity value — subject to the implicit and ex-
building an appropriate multiple. plicit limitations in both the normalized EBITDA and the
Normalized EBITDA means the average annual EBIT- multiple applied.
DA projected to be earned in the near term (one to three • A basis for studying the value of the business and a basis
years, sometimes up tofiveyears) using reasonable assump- for comparing otherwise similar businesses without the im-
tions and effectively ignoring unforeseeable fundamental pact of: unique capital (debt, leases and preference share)
changes to the business and extraordinary effects. structures; unique income tax effects; historical annual
Eor a simple example of EV and the related value of CAPEX and future CAPEX that may create capacity and
100% of the issued and outstanding shares of the corpora- income growth not reflected in the normalized EBITDA.
tion, please see table above. For purposes of debt service analysis, normalized EBIT-

CUmagazine I Junuary/February 2005 39

DA provides a measure of the ability of the malized EBITDA or the multiple? Users is a very quick way to get one's initial bear-
business ability to pay interest and, to a should be careful not to double-count ings ^ use the resulting EV or debt ser-
lesser extent, principal — interest because growth by incorporating it into both the vice analysis as only a starting point or a
it is paid out before taxes and perhaps, in normalized EBITDA and the multiple. sanity check. Use it in combination with
short-term worst-case scenarios, before • Are synergies that will be realized by the other valuation techniques (discounted
maintenance CAFEX. However, to assess buyer of the business included in the nor- cash How and net-income-based tech-
ability to service debt before the DA is a malized EBITDA or the multiple? niques) to ensure more necessary perspec-
slippery slope in our view. • IS the normalized FBITDA in nominal tives are brought to bear. It should not be
or inflation adjusted dollars? the only basis of analysis.
EBITDA derivatives • A buck is not a buck. What is the rel- More sophisticated techniques are
Industry-specific derivations of EBITDA ative quality of the cash flow implied in beyond the scope of this article, as is an
include EBITDAX for oil & gas or mining the normalized EBITDA or the multiple? analysis of appropriate multiples to apply
industries (where X represents explo- Wliere is the normalized EBITDA on the to normalized EBITDA. Rememher that
ration costs) and EBITDAR for industries spectrum of realization risk? Pias it been once capital structure is introduced, com-
where a significant portion of the capital adjusted for the probability of realization? parability dramatically diminishes. The
assets are rented, leased or fmanced, such • Wben comparing the projected normal- following summary observations put nor-
as the airline industry (where R represents ized EBllDA to historical EBITDA, have malized EBIIDA analysis in perspective:
rent/lease payments). EBITDAR some-
times means EBITDA before restructuring
For companies that have significant
CAPEX requirements, it is often appro-
priate to utilize EBITDA less CAPEX as
a more accurate proxy ofits pre-tax dis-
cretionary free cash flow. CAPEX in these
cases is that which is required to main-
tain its operations, as opposed to build-
ing capacity. Similar comments apply to
industries where a significant portion of non-rcciirring items been consistently • discounted cash flow techniques will pro-
the capital assets are rented or leased — a dealt with? vide tbe most comprehensive overview,
more accurate proxy of its pre-tax discre- • Is the multiple truly comparable? Has including those addressed by net-income-
tionary fi-ee cash flow is EBITDAR less it been engineered to be consistent with based methods atid will specifically ac-
CAPEX and less lease/rental payments tbe assumptions underlying the normal- count for timing of cash flows, CAPEX,
required to maintain its operations. In the ized EBITDA calculation? The two arc in- working capital needs and time value of
telecom and cable industries, EBITDA separably interdependent and can only be money. It is best used when assessing debt
can be greatly reduced or eliminated by assessed in relation to each other. They can service and impact of leverage on equity-
CAPEX requirements in the early years of exacerbate or moderate the weaknesses of holders;
buiiding a system, but this is not the sta- EBITDA-based analysis. • net-income-based methods will specif-
ble state — one needs to look beyond the
So what cash flow effects are not in- ically account for net income attribut-
build out period to find EBITDA less
cluded in normalized EBITDA? Normal- able to equityholders. Depreciation, which
CAPEX that reflect the sustainable long
ized EBITDA does not reflect, by defin- is deducted in determining net income,
term pre-tax discretionary free cash flow.
ition, the following: is often a rough proxy for maintenance
• working capital needed to support the CAPEX — though often it is an under-
EBITDA is illusory growth implicit in the normalized EBIT- estimate.
Tbe EV above determined is only as good DA or the multiple;
as the inputs — the normalized EBITDA • maintenance CAPEX needed to sup- Should it stay?
and the matching multiple. The old adage port the normalized EBITDA at a steady EBITDA is here to stay. Like fine wine, it
of "garbage in, garbage out" remains true. level and growth CAPEX to support in- is too seductive to be banished and its
Hence, understanding the inputs is the come growth implicit in the normalized formulation and ingredients will deter-
only way to make use of the product. EBITDA or the multiple; mine the quality. However, business vaiue
In the determination of EV, the mul- • income taxes; based on EBITDA alone will give you in-
tiple applied to the normalized EBITDA • timing of realization — as normalized digestion, as will a liquid dinner •—• no
must complement the normalized EBIT- EBITDA is an average, actual pattern of matter how fine the wine.
DA — because often, what is not reflected "when the cash comes" may be very dif-
in the one can be accounted for in the oth- ferent than the implicitly even assumption Alan Lee, CA, is an associate and A. Scott
er — albeit subjectively. To best match the built into the EV model. Davidson, CA'IFA, CBV, is a partner at Cole
normalized EBITDA to an appropriate How can one best ameliorate the & Partners in Toronto
multiple, it is essential to understand the above inherent limitations in the EV or
impact ofthe following questions: debt-service analysis based on normal- Technical editor: Stephen Cole, FCBV, FCA,
• What growth has been built into the nor- ized EBITDA? The best answer is that it partner, Cole & Partners

40 CZ.magazine I January/February 2005

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