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Drugs in Perspective

Glycerol: A Review of Its Pharmacology,

Pharmacokinetics, Adverse Reactions, and Clinical Use
Michael S. 6. Frank, M.D., Milap C. Nahata, Pharm.D., and Milo D. Hilty, M.D.

Glycerol is a potent osmotic dehydrating agent with additional effects on brain metabolism. In
doses of 0.25-2.0 g/kg glycerol decreases intracranial pressure in numerous disease states,
including Reye’s syndrome, stroke, encephalitis, meningitis, pseudotumor cerebri, central
nervous system tumor, and space occupying lesions. It is also effective in lowering intraocular
pressure in glaucoma and shrinking the brain during neurosurgical procedures.
Hyperosmolality with rebound cerebral overhydration is of concern, especially in patients with
altered blood brain barriers. They may be avoided if glycerol is administered on an intermittent
rather than a continuous basis. lntravascular hemolysis does not occur with oral use. When
administered intravenously, hemolysis can be minimized by using glycerol 10% in dextrose 5%
with normal saline at rates of 6 mg/kg/min or less. However, intravenous doses of 1-2 g/kg every
2 hr can be administered safely in severe cases of elevated ICP. In such patients, glycerol serum
concentration, serum osmolality and ICP monitoring are required to optimize glycerol therapy.
(Pharmacotherapy 1981;1:147-60)

OUTLINE Introduction
Introduction Glycerol (1,2,3-propanetrioI) is a potent os-
Biochemical Pharmacology motic dehydrating agent that is primarily used
Pharmacokinetics clinically in the treatment of elevated intracranial
Adverse Reactions pressure (ICP). It was first evaluated in animals
Clinical Use in the late 1800’s, but the use of glycerol in man
Reye’s Syndrome was not investigated until 1938.
Comment Glycerol is effective when administered orally
Stroke or intravenously. Oral administration may, how-
Comment ever, be accompanied by nausea and vomiting,
Pseudotumor Cerebri which can be avoided by i.v. use.’, * Intravenous
Comment glycerol may have a more rapid onset of action
Meningitis and Encephalitis than oral glycerol3 and may be more effective in
Comment controlling severe cases of elevated ICP.4’j
Central Nervous System Tumors, Space Despite considerable clinical use, glycerol is
O c c upy ing Lesions, and Neurosurgical not presently commercially manufactured for i.v.
Procedures administration. This is probably because of wide-
Comment spread use of mannitol, which is marketed as an
Central Nervous System Trauma i.v. preparation, and lack of physician familiarity
Comment with the drug. Glycerol, however, offers several
Central Nervous System Asphyxia potential advantages over mannitol. They in-
Comment clude oral administration, less diuresis and asso-
Hepatic Coma From the Department of Pediatrics at Columbus Children’s
Diabetes Mellitus Hospital and Ohio State University Colleges of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Columbus.
Comment Address reprint requests to Dr. Milap C. Nahata, College of
Preparation Pharmacy, Ohio State University, 500 West 12th Avenue,
Summary Columbus, OH 43210.

2, S E P T E M B E F ~ ~ C T1981

Glucose 4
GI yce raIde hyd e - 3 - phosphate -
GIyco Iys is
Pyr uvate

I Triase phosphate

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate

1 1 1
H-C - C -C-H
Glycerol kinase
Glycerol -3-
Glycerol - 3 - phosphate

phosphate Yw
I l l Free fatty acid

Figure 1. Biochemical pathway for glycerol metabolism.

ciated renal electrolyte loss, and perhaps less re- Approximately 80% of glycerol metabolism
bound cerebral overhydration.', ', 5 . 7 In addition occurs in the liver while 10-20% occurs in the
glycerol has a desirable pharmacologic effect on kidney; this distribution corresponds to the pri-
brain metabolism that is not shared by mannitol. mary locations of glycerol kinase.', ' 6 . l7Glycerol
This effect may enhance the clinical efficacy of is filtered and almost completely reabsorbed by
glycerol in stroke and Reye's syndrome pa- the renal tubules until a serum concentration of
t i e n t ~ . ~Because
,~,~ about 80% of glycerol is approximately 0.1 5 mg/ml is achieved.18 When
metabolized by the liver, it may be used with a this concentration is exceeded, glycerol appears
greater margin of safety than mannitol in pa- in the urine and causes an osmotic diuresis
tients with decreased renal function. Since glyc- roughly equivalent to the volume adrninistered.l8-''
erol is a normal intermediary metabolite it can Glycerol kinase has been found in small
serve as a source of calories, whereas mannitol amounts in intestinal mucosa and brown adipose
cannot be utilized as a metabolic substrate.' In addition, at least some utilization of
g l y ~ e r o l - ~in
~ Cvitro has been demonstrated in
Biochemical Pharmacology
nerve tissue, thyroid, lung, pancreas, mammary
Glycerol is a naturally occurring trivalent alco- gland, lymphatic tissue, white adipose tissue, leu-
hol that constitutes the structural core of the tri- kocytes, spermatozoa, granuloma tissue, and dia-
glyceride molecule in man. The normal endoge- ~ h r a g m . Although
'~ an area of controversy in the
nous fasting serum concentration is about .046 past, several studies have shown that glycerol
mg/ml.' It has a molecular weight of 92.09. Glyc- enters the brain and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
erol is incorporated into intermediate metabo- where it can contribute to the oxidative metabo-
lism via two major pathways (Figure 1). After lism of the brain.8,24-32
phosphorylation by glycerol kinase, approxi- The most potent pharmacologic effect of glyc-
mately 70-90% is oxidized by glycerol-3-phos- erol is dehydration. It rapidly lowers intraocular
phate dehydrogenase to dihydroxyacetone phos- pressure (IOP) and ICP within 10-30 min after an
phate, which then enters the Embden-Meyerhof oral or i.v. dose. The absolute increase in serum
pathway at the level of glyceraldehyde-3-phos- osmolality required to produce significant cere-
phate. The remaining 10-30% combines with free bral and intraocular dehydration is not entirely
fatty acids to form triglycerides.1°-15 Glycerol clear.
yields 4.32 calories/g when oxidized to carbon The glycerol literature up to the early 1970's
dioxide and water.' was superbly reviewed by Tourtellotte, et al.'
GLYCEROL Frank, Nahata, and Hilty 149

They cited McCurdy, et aI22and stated that “it is infusion as long as glycerol has not accumulated
probable that the dosage of glycerol required to in the brain or CSF in high enough concentra-
produce ocular dehydration is the same as that tions to equalize or reverse the osmotic gradient.
for cerebral dehydration . . . approximately 10 In patients with intact blood brain barriers, the
mmole/L (0.9 mg/ml).” However, McCurdy, et al initial osmotic effect seems to be neutralized
did not make this statement, and their data after 4-43 hr of a constant rate infusion when
showed effective lowering of ICP within 10-20 steady state serum concentrations are achieved.33
min when glycerol serum concentrations were In patients with marked alterations in their blood
0.69 mg/ml. Guisado, et a W Z 9implied that in nor- brain barrier, the gradient is potentially reversed
mal dogs, serum concentrations of 2.7 mg/ml by this time.28,z9,33.43This “rebound” increase in
may be required to effectively shrink the brain ICP may be more related to the preferential pene-
and decrease ICP during a continuous infusion, tration of glycerol into CSF, rather than gray or
while R e i n g l a ~ sshowed
~~ a continuous decline white matter, with resultant alterations in CSF
of ICP in a CNS trauma patient during a 6 hr dynamics.28,29.33
infusion when serum glycerol concentrations Even if glycerol fails to enter the brain and CSF
never exceeded 0.35 mg/ml. Following oral in appreciable amounts to cause an influx of
doses of glycerol, Rottenberg et a133effectively water, brain osmolality will eventually rise simply
lowered ICP in eight subjects in approximately i n response t o a c h r o n i c a l l y hyperosmotic
20 min when the serum osmolality increased by serum. This is achieved by increasing intracellu-
approximately 7 mOsm/L. These reports and lar sodium and/or idiogenic osmos, probably
data on stroke patients discussed below suggest amino
that the effective lowering of ICP in man may Other pharmacologic effects that have been
initially be seen as soon as a serum glycerol con- observed in animals and have no clear clinical
centration of 0.45 mg/ml is obtained, and this relevance include increased i r r i t a b i l i t y of
may not be entirely due to the simultaneous in- muscles, relaxation of the gallbladder sphincter,
crease in serum osmolality of approximately 5 and increased force and amplitude of intestinal
mOsm/L. contraction^.^^ Glycerol has been employed satis-
Studies have shown that glycerol decreases factorily as a partial dietary substitute for carbo-
the sodium and water content of mammalian tis- hydrate over an extended period of time,46 be-
sues, especially of cerebral white matter.28,34 Its cause it is a substrate for gluconeogenesis. The
effective lowering of ICP has been demonstrated diuresis with glycerol is usually not accompa-
even in nephrectomized animals,35 suggesting nied by as prominent an electrolyte loss as seen
that it dehydrates the brain by an extrarenal with mannitol, whose elimination depends solely
mechanism.2 It has been shown that glycerol upon renal excretion.’, 5 , 22
enters the brain and CSF where it can be used as
a metabolic substrate and improves oxidative Pharmacokinetics
phosphorylation. Glycerol simultaneously in-
creases blood flow to ischemic areas, decreases Limited pharmacokinetic data are available on
serum free fatty acids, and increases synthesis of glycerol. When given orally to humans, it is well
glycerides in the brain.7,24-31 Glycerol’s effect on absorbed and peak serum concentrations occur
free fatty acids is particularly interesting in that at 60-90 min.33 McCurdy, et reported a
free fatty acids alone are capable of producing plasma concentration of about 1.45 mg/ml at 60-
coma, increased intracranial pressure, cerebral 90 min after a single 1-1.27 g/kg oral dose of
edema, and mitochondria1 swelling and dysfunc- glycerol. Senior, et a147 administered glycerol
tion in experimental animal^.^, 36-1~ Free fatty 0.25 g/kg (estimated from 120 mM/m2) i.v. over 4
acids or prostaglandins and related compounds minutes and found a peak plasma concentration
produced from the free fatty acids may be in- of 0.9 mg/ml. R e i n g l a s ~
~~ a plasma con-
volved in the pathogenesis of edema and mito- centration of 0.34 mg/ml at the termination of a 6
chondrial d y ~ f u n c t i o n .Free
~ ’ fatty acids are also hr constant rate infusion of 1.5 g/kg i.v. glycerol.
known to be markedly elevated in the early I n patients with Reye’s syndrome, we have
stages of Reye’s syndrome where enormous ele- observed a large variation in steady state glyc-
vations in ICP are seen.42The correction of these erol serum concentration^.^^ Glycerol infusions
metabolic parameters may thus aid in glycerol’s ranging from 0.38-0.88 g/kg/hr attained serum
effect on lowering ICP, but the main effect still is concentrations of 1.48-5.83 mg/ml. Snyder, et
derived from its cerebral osmotic dehydrating a149reported glycerol steady state serum concen-
action. trations of 0.8-7.0 mg/ml in 10 patients with nor-
In human subjects with relatively intact blood mal hepatic and renal function following con-
brain barriers, oral glycerol is generally effective stant i.v. infusion of 0.14.87 g/kg/hr.
in lowering ICP for 2-3 hr,33as opposed to the 6 Previous investigators have suggested that the
hr previously suggested by Tourtellotte, et a1.2 distribution of glycerol corresponds to the extra-
ICP declines continuously during a constant rate cellular space, which is 50-65O/0 of the body

weight, but the method of their calculation was nuria, renal damage, hyperglycemia, and hyper-
not ~ l e a r . lGlycerol
~ , ~ ~ is known to rapidly enter osmolality. Single 8-15 g/kg doses in animals
red blood cells,’ and it is felt that intravascular produced restlessness and diminished activity
glycerol probably equilibrates with the tissue followed by an increasing pulse rate, vomiting,
water within minutes during a continuous infu- occasional biting movements, cyanosis, tremor,
sion at a constant The degree of protein diuresis, some loss in equilibrium, severe clonic
binding of glycerol has not to our knowledge convulsions, and even death.45However, in man
been investigated. this sequence has never been observed; a child
As previously mentioned, renal tubular reab- ingested 300 g and went into coma but ultimately
sorption of the filtered glycerol load is practically recovered ~ o m p l e t e l y .One
~ ~ fatality has been
complete at serum levels less than 0.15 mg/ml.18 reported in the German literature, but the dose
During continuous infusions of large doses, up and mode of administration were not known.45
to 55% of the administered dose may appear Rare fatal reports in the literature seem to have
unchanged in the urine.lg followed irreversible renal damage, but the
The elimination half life of glycerol in man is causal relationship to glycerol outlined below is
about 30-45 r n i n . ’ ~In~ ~our Reye’s syndrome difficult to establish.
patients, total body clearance of glycerol has Tourtellotte, et at2 extensively reviewed the
ranged from 1.94-5.1 r n l / k g / r n i r ~ .This
~ ~ com- early literature on intravascular hemolysis due to
pares well with the mean clearance of 2.17 glycerol and concluded that glycerol adminis-
ml/kg/min reported by Snyder, et a149 in 10 tered, even in small amounts intraperitoneally or
patients with normal liver function. Since glyc- subcutaneously, consistently produced hemoglo-
erol is largely metabolized by the liver, and liver binuria, while hemolysis from i.v. administration
function is profoundly disturbed in Reye’s syn- depended upon the tonicity of the glycerol-
d r o m e patients, g l y c e r o l clearance may be saline solution. Glycerol was known to rapidly
higher in other disease states where liver func- enter the cells and cause fluid influx, swelling
tion is normal. Snyder, et a149reported a patient and hemolysis,2 but this was prevented in vitro if
with head trauma and normal liver function as at least 0.45% saline was used with concentra-
having almost twice the clearance of glycerol as tions of glycerol up to as high as 50%. Deich-
a patient with Reye’s syndrome. However, they man4’ and Cameron, et also produced hemoglo-
observed a comparable variation in clearance in binuria in rats with 50% glycerol i.v., while no
adults without significant liver dysfunction. hemolysis was seen with 20% glycerol i.v. at a
I n all human studies, glycerol clearances were dose of 4 g/kg. Zilversmit, et all8 used 10% glyc-
substantially lower than normal liver blood flow, erol in normal saline and reported no hemolysis
1.5 L/min, suggesting that glycerol may not in doses of up to 4-8 g/day. Their review found
undergo a significant first-pass effect. This is no reports of hemoglobinuria when glycerol was
consistent with the findings (based on conver- administered orally in doses of 9 g/kg/day for
sion of animal data to man) that similar oral and one year in dogs or 2.2 g/kg/day for 50 days in
intravenous glycerol doses would be required to college
produce the same effect on cerebral edema.’, 23 The adverse effects of i.v. glycerol’, 3. 5 , 6, 13, 24, 30,
Based on limited data in Reye’s syndrome, it 32. 35, 43. 47, 48, 51+1 are summarized in Table 1. The
appears that glycerol clearance is constant over cited studies have concentrated on the impor-
a dose range of 0.38-0.88 g/kg/hr. This is in con- tance of rate of i.v. administration, but because
flict with the saturable process reported in dogs of variation in glycerol-saline concentration, the
at a glycerol dose of 0.32 g/kg/hr.23 relationship between rate of administration and
A two- to-threefold intersubject variation in the degree and significance of hemolysis re-
total body clearance of glycerol explains, in part, mains to be delineated. It would appear, how-
?he need for the large range of doses required to ever, that hemolysis can be greatly minimized if
control ICP in Reye’s syndrome. Further studies glycerol 5-10% is administered in dextrose 5%
are indicated in Reye’s syndrome and other dis- with normal saline at a rate equal to or less than 6
eases to develop specific dosing guidelines. mg/kg/min, but rates as high as 33 mg/kg/min
Until such data are available, serum concentra- have been administered safely for several days.
tions of glycerol may be monitored in patients A l t h o u g h hemolysis and h e m o g l o b i n u r i a
with serious illness to maximize therapeutic bene- caused by i.v. glycerol can produce renal dam-
fit and minimize dose-related hemolysis and age, subcutaneous glycerol has also been associ-
renal toxicity. In institutions where a glycerol ated with renal damage in rats. This toxicity,
assay is not available, close monitoring of serum apparently not attributable to myoglobin, can be
osmolality is a reasonable alternative. prevented by excision of the infiltrated tissue in
less than two minutes, suggesting that some
Adverse Reactions
renal toxin may be p r ~ d u c e d . ~ O T h
e has not
Notable adverse reactions of glycerol in man been isolated, however. Renal biopsy studies by
i n c l u d e intravascular hemolysis, hemoglobi- Oken, et aI6’ and Hobbs, et aP3 suggested that a
GLYCEROL Frank, Nahata, and Hilty 151

Table 1. Adverse Reactions to Intravenous Glycerol

/ Glycerol/
Disease / Dextrose/
OO Adverse Reactions
(Number of O/O Sodium Dose, interval, Rate (Number of
Authors Patients) Chloride duration (mg/kg/min) Patients)
Cantore, et all Neurosu rg icala(258) 30/10/0.9 0.8--1 g/kg over 4.2b Frequent hemoglo-
4 hr for 1 dose binuria
Meyer, et ,I3 Stroke (17) 1o/-/0.9 0.8 g/kg over 8-1 0.6 None
75-100 min
for 1 dose
Mickell. et at5 Reye’s (12) 10/5/0.25 0.5 g/kg over 5.6-1 6 Gross hemolysis (3)
CNS Trauma (12) 30 min, then Hemoglobinuria (25)
Asphyxia (5) 0.5 g/kg over t Osmolality (1)
Encephalitis (4) 90 min, repeated
Meningitis (1) every 2 hr for un-
CNS Tumor (4) specified days
Cook. et ,I6 Reye’s (25) 10/5/-‘ 0.5 g/kg over 5.6-1 6 Hypernatremia (2)
30 min, then 0.5 g/kg Serum osmolality
over 90 min re- as high as 358
peated every 2 hr mOsm/L
for unspecified days
Wolf, et all3 Newborn (21) 2/-/0.9 0.1 g/kg over 20 None
5 min for 1 dose
Sloviter, et aIz4 Various malig- 5/-/0.9 1.2-2 g/kg over 3.1- 1 None
nancies (12) 3.5-6 hr for 1 dose
Meyer, et aI3O Stroke (9) lo/-/0.9 1.2 g/kg over .83 None
24 hr for 4 days
Reinglass3’ CNS Trauma (1) lo/-/0.45 1.5 g/kg over 4.1 None
6 hr for 1 dose
Bovet. et a135 CNS Tumor (12) 30/6/ 0.8-1 g/kg 1.6!jb Minimal hemolysis
CNS Abscess (1) if i.v. rate < 70
CNS Trauma (2) drops/min.e
Guisado, et a143 CNS Tumor (1) 1o/-/0.9 1.3g/kg over 2.6-12.6 I osmolality and
8 hr for 24 hr “rebound”
then 2.6 g/kg
over 8 hr
Senior, et aI4’ Controls (21) lo/-/0.9 0.25 g/kg 62.5 None
over 4 minf
Nahata, et aI4* Reye’s (9) 10/5/0.45 0.75-1.75 g/kg 4-29 Hemolysis (1)
every 2 hr for t Creatinine (1)
1-4 days
Fawer, et aI5’ Stroke (26) 10/5/0.9 25 g every 12 hr None
over 2 hr for
6 days
Frithz, et aF2 Stroke (50) 10/5/0.25 50 g over 6 hr 2b None
every day for 6 days
Gilsanz, et a153 Stroke (30) 1o/-/0.9 50 g over 24 hr 0.5b Hernoglobinuria
for 6 days and death from
renal failure (1)
bitis (3)
Hagnevik, et a154 CNS Tumor (3) 20/-/0.9 1 g/kg over 15-60 17-67 Hemolysis (3)
min for 1 dose 1 renal function
Kerzner, et als5 Reye’s (19) 10/5/0.454.9 1-2 g/kg every 3.3-8.3 I osmolality (4)
2 hr for 4-1 0 days

Table 1. Adverse Reactions to Intravenous Glycerol (continued)

/ Glycerol/
Disease YO Dextrose/ Adverse Reactions
(Number of / Sodium
OO Dose, interval, Rate (Number of
Authors Patients) Chloride duration (mg/kg/min) Patients)

Krausz, et a156 Stroke (1) 1o/-/0.9 50 g over 20 min 35.7b Renocerebral

for 1 dose oxalosis
Larsson, et aI5’ Stroke (12) 10/5/- 50 g over 6 hr 2.0b None
for 6 days
Phadke, et a158 Meningitis (11) lo/-/0.9 35 g over 2 hr 4.16b None
Stroke (12) for 1 dose
Hypertension (8)
SOL (4)9
Record, et a159 Hepatic coma (5) lo/-/- 50 g over 24 hr 0.5b None
Control (1) for 1 dose 4.6-7b Slight hernolysis
6.5 g bolus
then 13 g over
40 min
Virno60 Glaucoma (16) 30/20% So- 0.6 g/kg over 30-40 None
dium ascor- 15-20 min
bate for 1 dose
WelchG1 Stroke (500) 1o/-/0.9 50 g over 6 hr 2b Hemolysis only if
every day for rate t to 7-14 mg/
7-10 days kg/min
alntravenous glycerol used in only a limited, unspecified number of these patients.
bEstirnated rate using 70 kg as average weight when not specified by author.
CPotassium phosphate (2 mg/100 cm) added to solution.
dBest results with this solution - 6% Dextran used instead of Dextrose.
eMl/min not specified.
fEstirnated from 120 rnrnoles/m* dose.
%pace occupying lesion.

decreasing renal tubular flow rate was the precip- than 340 mOsm/L over the several days required
itating event, and that renal damage could be pre- to treat severe cases of elevated ICP. Glycerol is
vented by increasing glomerular flow rates with then tapered over the same period of time to
the i.v. administration of mannitol or sodium avoid rebound cerebral overhydration. In our 30
ascorbate. Krauz, et a156reported one case of pro- patients with Reye’s syndrome receiving i.v.
posed renocerebral oxalosis following i.v. 10% glycerol 1-2 g/kg according to the regimen of
glycerol in a patient with a massive stroke. The Mickell et al,5 an increase in serum osmolality
patient died within 5 hr of admission and had (350-400 mOsm/L) was observed in all patients.
multiple complicating factors, making this report This necessitates careful monitoring of serum
difficult to interpret. osmolality in all patients receiving the drug for
Other important toxicities include hyperglyce- prolonged periods of time, especially in those
mia and hyperosmolarity. Since glycerol is incor- with a marked breakdown of the blood brain bar-
porated into the Embden-Meyerhof pathway, rier. Whether or not protracted elevation in
serum glucose concentration is increased.l5.47 serum osmolality alone may result in long-term
This has rarely been a clinical problem, except in neurologic problems remains to be elucidated.
patients with diabetes.l0.64 Transient hepatomeg- However, the short term benefits of glycerol in
aly due to glycogen storage may occur, but this controlling ICP and decreasing mortality have
is reversible after cessation of administration. been impressive, especially in patients with
Glycerol substantially increases serum osmo- Reye’s
lality and when used continuously it may cause a
Clinical Use
profound hyperosmotic state, especially in the
diabetic ~ a t i e n t .At
~ the
, ~ ~present time some cen- Oral and intravenous glycerol have been used
ters are using glycerol on a continuous basis and in a number of clinical situations, including: ele-
achieving sustained serum osmolalities greater p h a n t i as i s,G5g I a u c o m a, 6 0 , 66-73 pseud ot u m o r
GLYCEROL frank, Nahata, and Hilty 153

cerebri,’, 2,74-78 CNS trauma,’, 5 , 32s 79 CNS tumors he gives a dose of 0.25-1 g/kg i.v. during acute
and space o c c u p y i n g lesion s,’, 5 . 33, 3 5 . 4 3 , 5 8 , 8o elevations of ICP greater than 30 mm Hg that are
hypertensive e n ~ e p h a l o p a t h y stroke,’, ,~~ 3 , 8 , 30. unresponsive to bag ventilation. He also recom-
51, 53. 57, 58. 61,81 e n ~ e p h a l i t i sbacterial,
,~~ aseptic and mends maintaining serum osmolarity at less than
tuberculous 58, 76.82 diabetes melli- 340 mOsm/L and preferably at less than 320
tus,,, 5 , lo, 64 brain a ~ p h y x i a ,hepatic ~ coma,59 mOsm/L.
Reye’s s y n d r ~ m e , ~55, ~and . ~ ,during neurosurgi- In mild to moderate intracranial hypertension
cal procedures.’, 5 , 35, 57 Throughout this review, i.v. boluses of 0.5-1 .O g/kg over 30 rnin every 2-4
specific reference to measurements of ICP (1 hr are satisfactory. In more severely ill patients
mm CSF = 1 mm H,O = 0.075 mm Hg) will be ICP can be maintained at less than 15 mm Hg
made; normal values are less than 200 mm CSF with 1-2 g/kg every 2 hr by constant infusion;
or H,O and less than 15 mm Hg. half of the dose should be given over 30 min and
the second half over the next 90 min. Every 2 hr
Reye’s syndrome infusions of doses as high as 2.0 g/kg have been
Mickell, et a15 studied 12 patients with Reye’s given safely at our institution without significant
syndrome in a series of 42 patients with in- toxicity. The optimal dosage schedule for each
creased ICP of various etiologies. They adminis- patient must be individualized, and ICP monitor-
tered 10% glycerol in dextrose 5% with sodium ing is essential for proper management.
chloride 0.25% in i.v. doses up to 1 g/kg every 2 Theoretically, bolus dosage is preferable to
hr. For most children with moderate to severe constant infusion because it will minimize glyc-
intracranial hypertension, best results were ob- erol’s penetration into the brain, limit the degree
tained with an every 2 hr infusion of 1 g/kg, giv- of rebound cerebral edema, and prevent exces-
ing the first 0.5 g/kg over 30 rnin and the second sive or prolonged elevation of serum osmolarity.
0.5 g/kg over the next 90 min. The precise ther- Combined intensive supportive care and glyc-
apy in the 12 Reye’s patients was not specified, erol osmotherapy has improved survival of pa-
and effectiveness was not subjected to statistical tients with Reye’s syndrome at our institution.
analysis. The relative value of mannitol versus glycerol for
Shaywitz, et a14used oral glycerol in 2 patients osmotherapy in Reye’s syndrome is not clear and
should be critically evaluated. The most impor-
in 1 g/kg doses every 2-3 hr by nasogastric (NG)
tube and observed a lowering of ICP in 3 0 4 0 tant factors in successful management of pa-
min. However, the lowering lasted only a short tients with Reye’s syndrome include aggressive
time and thus was felt to be relatively ineffective. supportive care with intracranial pressure moni-
Cook, et aI6 administered 10% glycerol in dex- toring and constant attendance of experienced
trose 5% with potassium phosphate 0.002% in medical staff.
doses of 1 g/kg every 2 hr in 25 patients with
Reye’s syndrome; the first half was given over 30 Stroke
rnin and the next half over 90 min. Specific data
on each patient were not supplied, but it was sug- Glycerol was first used by Cantore, et all i n 12
gested that glycerol was more effective than man- patients with stroke among 258 neurosurgical
nitol in controlling ICP. patients. Although no specific data were pre-
sented for the stroke patients, oral doses of 1.5
Kerzner, et a155reported a series of 19 Reye’s
g/kg followed by 0.5-0.7 g/kg every 3 hr de-
syndrome patients who were given intravenous
creased ICP within 3 0 4 0 min, and the effect
glycerol in low (0.2-0.5 g/kg/hr) or high (greater
lasted 2-3 hr.
than 0.5 g/kg/hr) doses. He showed a better ther-
Meyer, et aVOtreated 36 patients within 72 hr of
apeutic outcome in the high dose group.
onset of symptoms with either 10% glycerol in
We have successfully treated an additional 30
dextrose 5% with normal saline or 50% oral glyc-
Reye’s syndrome patients at Children’s Hospital,
erol solution in orange or lemon juice. Glycerol
Columbus, with intravenous glycerol 1-2 g/kg
doses were 1.2 g/kg/day given by i.v. continuous
given according to the schedule proposed by
infusion over 24 hr, or 1.5 g/kg/day given in 6
Mickell, et al.5 Eleven patients were in stage 1-11
oral doses. Survival rate was 8l%, and neuro-
coma and 19 in stage Ill or deeper coma. The
l o g i c improvement a n d a decrease i n ICP
latter group had continuous ICP monitoring dur-
occurred during and at the end of 4 days of treat-
ing therapy.
ment with no significant toxicity. Further studies
by Meyers, et a13,8,31 involved a series of 17, 22,
and 54 stroke patients, including 12 with diabe-
Intravenous glycerol effectively lowers ICP in tes. They observed redistribution of blood flow to
patients with Reye’s syndrome, while oral glyc- ischemic areas, improvement of mitochondria1
erol has a limited role in this condition. MickelP oxidative phosphorylation, and clinical and elec-
recommends 10% glycerol in isotonic saline troencephalographic improvement.
given over 30 rnin as an alternative to mannitol; Frithz, et a152showed neurologic improvement

and no toxicity in 50 patients given 50 g of glyc- Buckell, et a174treated 2 patients with 50% glyc-
erol in a 10% solution in dextrose 5% with sodium erol in lemon juice in doses of 75 g sipped slowly
chloride 0.2% over 6 hr each day for 6 days. In 30 over 20 rnin 1,2, or 3 times a day as needed. In a
patients treated with 10% glycerol in normal control patient who was given a dose of 0.66 g/kg
saline in doses of 50 g over 24 hr for 6 days, they observed a rise in serum osmolality of about
Gilsanz, et showed better neurologic out- 25 mOsm/L, which peaked at about 100 min.
come compared to a dexamethasone-treated They also noted a transient increase in urine flow
group. One patient died with hemoglobinuria from 1.5 to 4 ml/min over an hour, but this re-
and renal failure. Phadke, et als8reported on 12 turned to baseline by about 3 hr in the control
stroke patients among 35 patients treated with patient. In the 2 pseudotumor patients, ICP de-
10% glycerol in normal saline at a dose of 35 g creased within 10 min with an absolute fall from
over 2 hr for one dose. They noted a mean reduc- 350 mm CSF to 90 mm CSF in 115 rnin in one
tion in ICP of 41.8 mm CSF after one hr and 23.6 patient and 330 mm CSF to 150 m m CSF in 60
mm CSF in 24 hr but provided no other specific min in the other patient.
data. A b s ~ l o n treated
'~ one patient with 1 g/kg orally
Larsson, et aF7 demonstrated no difference in three times a day for 18 weeks and noticed a
mortality or neurologic outcome in a double- decrease in papilledema, which, however, in-
blind series of 27 stroke patients treated within 6 creased when glycerol was stopped for 3 days.
hr of onset of symptoms. They were given either Newkirk' treated one patient with 0.5 g/kg
5% dextrose or 10% glycerol in dextrose 5% at a orally every 6 hr for 15 days with complete resolu-
rate of 500 ml over 6 hr daily for 6 days. Another tion of symptoms. The initial ICP drop with the
controlled study by Fawer, et aIs1evaluated 26 of first dose was 240 mm CSF to 120 mm CSF over 1
51 stroke patients treated with 10% glycerol in hr. A second patient received 1.5 g/kg orally with
dextrose 5% with normal saline in doses of 25 g a decrease in ICP from 400 mm CSF to 150 mm
over 2 hr every 12 hr for 6 days. They reported no CSF within 15 rnin and to 100 mm CSF by 1 hr.
decrease in mortality and a statistically signifi- However, glycerol had to be discontinued be-
cant but transient improvement in global perform- cause of nausea and vomiting.
ance and motor sensory functions in patients Mathew, et a177treated 2 patients with glycerol
with moderate disability. 0.5 g/kg orally 3 times a day for 6 months. I n one
case, the initial ICP was 380 mm CSF, which sub-
Comment sequently declined to 240 mm CSF after removal
of CSF during lumbar puncture. After 6 months
The report of the Joint Committee for Stroke of glycerol therapy the pressure was 230 mm
Resources Study Group on Brain Edema in CSF. Headaches were absent after 2 weeks, and
Stroke81 concluded that I'.. . the clinical hemo- papilledema resolved after 18 weeks of treat-
dynamic and metabolic results, taken together ment. The second case showed an initial ICP of
suggest that glycerol has a beneficial metabolic 375 mm CSF, which was lowered to 260 mm CSF
as well as hyperosmolar effect on ischemic brain, after removal of CSF during lumbar puncture.
improving oxidative metabolism and lipid synthe- After 4% months of glycerol 0.5 g/kg 3 times
sis . . . In patients with brain edema, glycerol daily, ICP was 290 mm CSF. Headache resolved
reduces ICP as well as dehydrates normal brain by 3 months, and no toxicity was observed. Jef-
tissue by its hyperosmolar action, and of all avail- ferson, et a178treated 7 patients with oral glycerol
able hyperosmolar agents, shows the least equi- 1-1.5 g/kg/day and noted improvement of the
librium concentration in the brain with little or no blind spot in as little as 6 weeks in one patient.
rebound rise in intracranial pressure . . ." The
report suggests that glycerol be administered
orally in doses of 1.5 g/kg/day, divided into 6
parts or given i.v. in a dose of 1.2 g/kg/day in 5% Oral glycerol, 0.25-1.0 g/kg given 3-6 times
dextrose with normal saline. If given i.v., the dose daily, seems effective in lowering ICP associated
should not exceed 500 ml over a 4 hr interval to with pseudotumor cerebri. It has been shown to
avoid hemolysis. These recommended daily effectively decrease headaches and papilledema
doses may be conservative, and this could ex- and to improve the blind spot. Because of the
plain the lack of significant improvement in the need to use the agent for prolonged periods of
more recent controlled clinical trials. time, the oral route is preferable to i.v. administra-
tion. At the doses tested, toxicity other than
Pseudot u mor Cere bri some nausea has not been reported, even when
the drug was used continuously for up to 6
Cantore, et all included two patients with pseu-
dotumor in their 258 neurosurgical patients. He
administered 50% glycerol orally in an initial
Meningitis and Encephalitis
dose of 1.5 g/kg followed by 0 . 5 4 . 7 g/kg every 3
hr and noted a decrease in ICP within 30-60 min. Newkirk, et a17Streated a 19-year-old patient
GLYCEROL Frank, Nahata, and Hilty 155

with viral meningoencephalitis with 0.5 g/kg of 68 of whom had central nervous system (CNS)
oral glycerol every 6 hr for 3 weeks, starting on tumors or space occupying lesions (SOL). They
day 25 of the illness. ICP was reduced from 400 administered 3 0 5 0 % oral solutions in doses of
mm CSF to 300 mm CSF within 15 min after the 0.5-2.0 g/kg, generally beginning with 1 g/kg fol-
first dose. Five hours later, the CSF pressure was lowed by 0.5 g/kg every 3 hr; results with this
up to 330 mm CSF; it then fell to 240 mm CSF dosage were termed “good.” In 12 patients they
within 15 min of another oral dose. The patient administered 30% glycerol in 6% dextran with
was treated for 3 weeks and his last CSF pres- normal saline in doses of 0.8-1 .O g/kg at rates of
sure was 186 mm CSF 16 hr after the last dose. 10 drops/min or less (mg/kg/min not specified);
Progressive neurologic recovery was noted, and results were “good to modest.” Cantore, et all
no complications of therapy were observed. treated 62 patients with SOL before surgery with
Mickell, et a15 treated 2 patients with encephali- various doses of oral glycerol. Stuporous pa-
tis and 2 with postinfectious encephalopathy tients received 0.5 g/kg every 3-4 hr and experi-
with their dosing method as described before. enced marked neurologic improvement within
The specific complication of hemoglobinuria 30-60 min. Glycerol 1.5-2.0 g/kg was given by
found in 25 of their 41 patients was not stated in nasogastric tube to 75 patients during intra-
these four cases. A normal recovery was seen in cranial surgery, and evidence of significant re-
3 patients, and an expressive aphasia was noted duction in brain volume was found within 40-60
in the fourth. min. The brain gradually retracted, thus facilitat-
Phadke, et a15*treated 8 patients with tubercu- ing operative procedures. Oral glycerol was also
lous meningitis and 2 with pyogenic meningitis effective in treating 84 postoperative patients
with a single i.v. 35 g dose of glycerol given as a with signs of cerebral edema as well as 25 pa-
10% solution in normal saline over 2 hr. They tients with post-irradiation cerebral edema.
reported a mean reduction in ICP of 53.7 mm Guisado, et a143alerted the medical community
CSF and 31.25 mm CSF after 1 hr and 24 hr to the potential of rebound increase in ICP after
respectively in patients with tuberculous meningi- continuous infusion of glycerol. In a patient with
tis and 60 mm CSF and 20 mm CSF in patients gliobastoma multiforme, they administered 10%
with pyogenic infection. Maximum reduction of glycerol in normal saline at an initial rate of 2.6
ICP was seen in the tuberculous group (100 mm mg/kg/min, which maintained an increase in
CSF in one patient), and all of these patients had serum osmolality of 15 mOsm/L and a glycerol
marked improvement of neurologic status. They serum concentration of 0.48 mg/ml. During the 8
reported no significant toxicity with glycerol. hour infusion ICP decreased from 400 mm H,O
Herson, et a182 reported the use of glycerol 1.5 to 200 mm H,O. However, after 24 hr of infusion
g/kg every 4 hr by nasogastric tube in 3 patients the ICP continued to rise, despite increases in
with bacterial meningitis. All patients survived the rate of infusion. The patient eventually died,
without major complications despite poor prog- and the authors concluded that a marked break-
nostic signs on admission. down in the blood brain barrier was responsible
for the severe “rebound” complication.
Comment Mickell, et a15 did not mention the specific
doses of glycerol used in 2 of the 4 patients with
Oral and i.v. glycerol have been effective in rap- CNS tumors. KuglerB0looked at ICP in 2 patients
idly lowering elevated ICP associated with menin- with aqueductal stenosis following 1 g/kg dose
gitis and meningoencephalitis. Because of the from oral glycerol. He documented a decline in
breakdown in the blood brain barrier associated ICP of 200 mm H,O to 70 mm H,O within 30 min,
with these diseases, glycerol probably should be which persisted for 2 hr and then rose back to
used on an intermittent basis to avoid apprecia- pretreatment levels by 6 hr.
ble accumulation in the brain. From the above Phadke, et a158treated 4 patients with SOL with
studies a dose of 0.5-1 .O g/kg given every 4-6 hr 10% glycerol in normal saline with one dose of 35
seems reasonable. Initially, glycerol can be used g given i.v. over 120 min. ICP reductions at 1 and
i.v. over 30-60 min and then orally if prolonged 24 hr of 40 mm CSF and 32.5 mm CSF were
therapy is required. Careful monitoring of ICP noted, and no complications were observed.
may help avoid a rebound increase in ICP, espe- Rottenberg, et treated 6 patients with
cially if the dose is given more frequently than meningeal carcinoma and 2 with acute lympho-
every 4 hr. cytic leukemia with oral doses of 0.5-1.5 g/kg.
They showed a prompt decrease in ICP within 30
Central Nervous System Tumors, Space min in 7 of 8 patients; this lasted 150-250 min and
Occupying Lesions, and Neurosurgical was associated with an average increase in
Procedures serum osmolarity of 10 mOsm/L. By 4 5 hr there
was no significant difference between CSF and
Bovet, et a135described the first large scale clin- plasma osmolality. Three days of oral glycerol
ical use of glycerol in 112 neurosurgical patients, given every 6 hr did not diminish the ICP lower-
2, S E P T E M B E ~ ~ C T1981

ing effect of a single oral dose of 1 g/kg but when patient, similar patients might best be treated
given to one patient on an every 4 hr schedule with such a semicontinuous infusion dose for an
basis, a reverse osmotic gradient was produced, anticipated antiedema effect lasting 15-24 hr
which resulted in rebound cerebral overhydra- before requiring another 6 hr infusion. The only
tion. problem with his data is that an increase of 20
mOsm/L in serum osmolality cannot be ac-
Comment counted for by the serum glycerol concentration
Oral and intravenous glycerol have been used
successfully in the treatment of ICP associated Comment
with CNS tumor, SOL and neurosurgical proce-
dures. One time pre-op doses of 1.5-2.0 g/kg Glycerol has been used effectively in the treat-
through a nasogastric tube 30 min prior to inci- ment of cerebral edema secondary to CNS
sion of the dura produces significant reduction trauma. Immediate control can be obtained with
in brain volume, which lasts several hours. total oral doses as small as 2 5 5 0 g, while oral
Recent data indicate that i.v. doses of 1 g/kg over doses of 0.25-0.5 g/kg every 4-6 hr can be used
30 min provide similar results. For more pro- for prolonged therapy. Initial i.v. doses of 0.5-1 .O
longed control of elevated ICP 1 g/kg doses can g/kg over 30 min can be equally successful in
be given every 6 hr orally or i.v. over 30-60 min early acute care. Intravenous doses of 1 g/kg
for the first several days. If required more fre- every 2 hr via constant infusion with varying
quently than every 6 hr, glycerol may penetrate rates can be effective in more severe cases, while
the CSF to reverse the osmotic gradient and one daily 6 hr infusion of 1.5 g/kg may be all that
result in rebound overhydration of the brain. This is required in patients with markedly intact blood
is of special concern in patients with marked brain barriers.
alterations of the blood brain barrier.
Central Nervous System Asphyxia
Central Nervous System Trauma Mickell, et a15 studied four drowning patients
Bovet, et aP5 used oral glycerol 1 g/kg preoper- and one with a foreign body aspiration. At glyc-
atively in 10 of 12 patients with CNS trauma. Nine erol doses discussed previously, three experi-
had “good or modest” neurologic improvement. enced hyperglycemia, two hypernatremia, and
Two patients received a postoperative i.v. dose of one hyperosmolality greater than 340 mOsm/L.
0.8-1 .O g/kg of glycerol as a 30% solution in 6% Eventually, three patients died, one remained in
dextran with normal saline, which resulted in coma, and another experienced impaired con-
“poor to modest” benefits. Cantore, et all treated sciousness.
25 CNS trauma patients for several days using
daily oral doses of glycerol 1.0-2.0 g/kg after Comment
intracranial hematomas had been excluded by Limited data suggest the need to individualize
diagnostic studies. He did not report specific neu- glycerol therapy, especially in those patients
rologic improvement in these cases. with marked breakdown of the blood brain bar-
In 3 patients with “severe brain injury” Troup, rier. Vigorous control of ICP may be needed for
et a179 showed a significant lowering of ICP prolonged periods of time. With continued use of
within 1 hr after 2 5 5 0 g of oral glycerol. One glycerol, more of the drug accumulates in the
patient had a marked rebound increase in ICP, brain, and more is required to recreate an
which was probably related to an accumulation osmotic gradient. This sets up a vicious cycle
of blood from an intracerebral hematoma. In 12 with potential complications of hyperglycemia,
CNS trauma patients with extremely elevated hypernatremia, or hyperosmolarity. Those pa-
ICP, Mickell, et a15 used i.v. glycerol successfully tients who are presently being treated with other
in doses described previously. modalities, including hypothermia and barbitu-
Reingla~s3~ reported the results of a 6 hr contin- rate coma, will likely benefit from osmotherapy
uous infusion of 10% glycerol in half normal as long as it is not overused. The optimal dosing
saline at a dose of 1.5 g/kg in a patient who had schedule is unclear, but as mentioned in the sec-
CNS trauma and was stabilized on a ventilator.
t i o n o n Reye’s syndrome, intermittent (as
Serum glycerol concentrations gradually in-
needed) administration may be preferable to
creased to 0.35 mg/ml, with a resultant increase
avoid complications.
in serum osmolality of 20 mOsm/L. ICP dropped
continuously from 260 mm H,O to 100 mm H,O
over the 6 hr and remained below preinfusion
levels for an additional 6 hr. There was no toxic- Since the 1960’s numerous reports of glycerol
ity or marked diuresis, nor was any neurologic efficacy i n glaucoma have been published.
improvement noted. He suggested that because Trevor-Roper72 suggested that oral doses of 1.5
of the markedly intact blood brain barrier in this g/kg can “promptly soften normal eyes and those
GLYCEROL Frank, Nahata, and Hilty 157

congested from glaucoma and keep them soft for acceptance as an alternate carbohydrate source
about 5 hours.” Consul, et aP8 found oral doses in diabetic diets.
of 1.O-1.5 g/kg effective in lowering intraocular D’Alena, et alz administered 2 g/kg orally to a
tension in 15 normal subjects and 32 cases of diabetic who subsequently developed ketoacido-
acute, chronic wide-angle, and aphakic glau- sis which resolved within 24 hr after stopping
coma. Pressure reduction was noticeable within glycerol and starting insulin. Sears64treated one
30 rnin and decreased to normal values within patient with diabetes and elevated ICP from
1-2 hr. McCurdy, et aIz2studied 8 normal sub- bilateral carotid occlusion. The patient received
jects and showed a decline in ICP within 10-30 50 g orally every 6 hr and developed severe non-
min after one oral dose of 1.O-1.27 g/kg glycerol. ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia and eventu-
This was associated with a rise in serum osmolal- ally died.
ity of 19.1 mOsm/L and an average rise in plasma
glycerol concentration of 1.45 mg/ml at 60-90 Comment
min. Virno, et aI6O administered 30% glycerol and
Glycerol is a reduced sugar capable of being
20% sodium ascorbate to 16 glaucoma patients
partially metabolized without insulin. However,
in doses of 0.6 g/kg glycerol and 0.28 g/kg
as Searse4 points out, “its continuous gluconeo-
sodium ascorbate. The maximum effect oc-
genic effect may constitute a sufficient diabeto-
curred between 30 and 90 rnin and persisted for
genic stress to exhaust pancreatic beta cell insu-
about 6 hr.
lin especially in the maturity onset diabetic. In
Comment time, t h e gluconeogenic a n d antiketogenic
effects of glycerol teamed with its moderate
Because of the efficacy of P-blocker topical osmodiuretic effect may set the stage for the non-
eye drops in long term control of glaucoma, glyc- ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia state in the
erol is used primarily for acute control prior to maturity onset diabetic.” Substitution of glycerol
surgical intervention. It can be administered in in diabetic diets seems impractical, and its use in
oral doses of 1.O-1.5 g/kg and should be availa- diabetics with cerebral edema seems potentially
ble in the ophthalmologist’s It has also hazardous.
been useful in producing ocular dehydration
prior to cataract surgery.
Hepatic Coma At Columbus Children’s Hospital, i.v. glycerol
is prepared by adding 100 g of glycerol and 45.45
Prompted by a 31% mortality from cerebral
g of anhydrous dextrose to 1 liter of water to
edema seen in 92 cases of death from fulminant
yield a 10% glucerol/5% dextrose solution. Based
hepatic failure, Record, et aP9 treated 5 patients
on the clinical situation sodium chloride is then
in severe hepatic coma with 50 g of glycerol as a
added t o make a final solution of 10% glycerol in
10% i.v. solution over 24 hr. They found no
dextrose 5% with sodium chloride 0.45-0.9%.
improvement in the level of consciousness. In 2
Oral solutions of 50% glycerol are prepared by
normal subjects given the same dose, plasma
mixing with orange or lemon juice to lessen the
osmolality did not change while increased doses
very sweet taste and decrease nausea and
produced intravascular hemolysis. No conclu-
sions can be drawn from the limited clinical expe-
rience other than to say that glycerol may have
potential use. It should be administered cau- Summary
tiously, because its metabolism may be impaired Glycerol is a potent osmotic dehydrating
by severe liver injury. agent. It lowers intraocular and intracranial pres-
sure within 10-30 rnin of an oral or intravenous
Diabetes Mellitus
The metabolic effects of glycerol on diabetic Glycerol peak serum concentrations corre-
patients was first explored by Freund.l0He admin- spond to a simultaneous increase in serum
istered 25-50 g orally 4 times daily in place of osmolality. The absolute increase in serum
isocaloric amounts of dextrose during partial osmolality required to lower ICP is unclear, as
insulin withdrawal in 4 ketosis-prone diabetics. some of its effect may be via alterations in brain
Ketone bodies in blood and alveolar air de- metabolism and blood flow.
creased to normal values. He also found an aver- In patients with relatively intact blood brain bar-
age of 85 g/day decrease in glycosuria in these riers, a single 1 g/kg dose of glycerol adminis-
patients and in an additional 3 who had failed to tered orally over 20 rnin or i.v. over 30+0 rnin is
develop ketosis during partial insulin withdrawal. generally effective in lowering ICP for 2-4 hr.
This suggested that glycerol is metabolized ICP declines continuously during a constant
through carbohydrate pathways without req u i r- rate i.v. infusion as long as the glycerol concen-
ing insulin. Glycerol, however, has not gained tration in the brain or CSF is not high enough to

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Case Report

Malignant Liver Tumor lung scan showed pulmonary emboli in both

lungs, and anticoagulation was begun.
Associated With The day before her death, the patient devel-
Oral Contraceptive Use oped abdominal pain in the area of the mass.
Anticoagulation was discontinued because of
concern about bleeding into the tumor. The pa-
tient developed a right hemiparesis and had a
definite, continuing decrease in mental status.
Following a left carotid angiogram, the patient
had a cardiac arrest and was unable to be
Malignant liver tumors in women using oral resuscitated.
contraceptives have been rarely reported.’+ Here Autopsy revealed cholangiocarcinoma of the
we report an additional case. liver with intrahepatic metastases and metastases
A 38-year-old white female was admitted to to peripancreatic lymph nodes.
hospital at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Jane B. Porter, M.S.
Sound with probable superficial thrombophle- Hershel Jick, M.D.
bitis of the lower legs of approximately two Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program
months’ duration and also a firm mass in the epi- Boston University Medical Center
gastrium. In the week prior to admission she had 400 Totten Pond Road
nightly fever with some sweating and chills. Waltham, MA 02154
The patient had used oral contraceptives for J. Thomas Ylvisaker, M.D.
Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound
ten years, but had discontinued them approxi-
Seattle, WA 981 12
mately one month prior to admission. Her past 1. Neuberger J, Portmann B, Nunnerley HB, et al. Oral-con-
medical history was unremarkable. She was a traceptive-associated liver turnours: occurrence of rnalig-
nonsmoker and an occasional drinker. There nancy and difficulties in diagnosis. Lancet. 1980;1:273+.
was no family history of liver disease, cancer, or 2. Emerson QB, Nachtnebel KL, Penkava RR, et al. Oral-con-
other abnormalities. traceptive-associated liver turnours (letter). Lancet. 1980;
On admission an ultrasound indicated that the 3. Christopherson WM, Mays ET, Barrows G. Hepatocellular
abdominal mass was solid and an abdominal aor- carcinoma in young women on oral contraceptives (let-
togram showed this to be an avascular mass, ter). Lancet. 1978;2:38+.
most likely in the liver. This was consistent with 4. Klatskin G. Hepatic turnours: possible relationship to use
of oral contraceptives. Gastroenterology. 1977;73:38644.
an avascular hematoma, but not with a benign 5. Davis M, Portmann 8, Searle M , et al. Histological evi-
adenoma of the liver. A right venogram showed dence of carcinoma in a hepatic turnour associated with
venous obstruction at the level of the iliac vein. A oral contraceptives. Br Med J. 1975;4:496-8.

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