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Google Classroom Code: ffc7c2

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Begin Altered Intro Questions Work on ​Vocab Check In Zoom If you have
States of on Altered and Questions @ 1pm Netflix watch:
Psychology Unit States Due on this page The Mind
Intro Questions Dreams
on Altered

Complete ​Quiz

If you have Drugs and the Check In Zoom on Google
Netflix watch: Brain @ 1pm Classroom

The Mind Webquest Vocab and
Explained Questions Due
Psychedelics (This Page)
  Fill out the
Holiday   Drug Chart Get started on
You Be the
Clinician ​project

1) Describe the symptoms of insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, nightmares, night terrors,
and sleep walking.
2) What is the difference between REM and NREM sleep?

3) Why is it so important the person being hypnotized trust their hypnotist?

4) When does drug use become abuse?

5) Why do people abuse drugs?

6) Do people use psychoactive drugs to increase or decrease their level of awareness?

7. How many hours of sleep per night do you usually get? How many SHOULD you be getting? What
are potential negative effects of sleep deprivation?

8. Pick two of the sleep theories you think are most valid (are most likely true). Describe the two and
explain why you chose each.

9. Pick one sleep disorder that you, a family member, or a friend has, and describe it. How does this
sleep disorder affect their life? (If you don’t know anyone with a sleep disorder, pick one at random to
describe and hypothesize at how it would affect their life.)

10. What are two uses for hypnosis that have proven to be effective? What is one criticism regarding
hypnosis? What are your personal thoughts on it?
11. How often do you engage in daydreaming? What are the two most common themes of
daydreaming? Does your daydreaming tend to match up with one of these themes?

12. Think of your most memorable dream that you can remember. Using three (3) of the dream
theories, describe each theory and then apply it to analyzing your dream as best you can.

14. What are the three main categories of psychoactive drugs? What are the main characteristics of
each category? Cite at least one specific drug that falls under each category.

15. There are two schools of thought when it comes to drug education. Some believe that we should
not teach about drugs at all because students will be more likely to try them once they learn what they
are. Others believe we should teach about drugs and focus on the negative effects since students will
probably already know what they are. Evaluate which side you believe is better. Be sure to explain your

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