Cognitive-Behavioral Conceptualization and Treatment of Anger

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Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 18 (2011) 212–221

Cognitive-Behavioral Conceptualization and Treatment of Anger

Jerry L. Deffenbacher, Colorado State University

Anger is conceptualized within a broad cognitive-behavioral (CBT) framework emphasizing triggering events; the person's pre-anger
state, including temporary conditions and more enduring cognitive and familial/cultural processes; primary and secondary appraisal
processes; the anger experience/response (cognitive, emotional, and physiological components); anger-related behavioral/expressive
components; and anger-related outcomes and consequences. Functional/adaptive and dysfunctional/maladaptive anger are briefly
discussed along with assessment strategies. Several change-oriented CBT interventions for clients who identify anger as a personal
problem and seek therapy for anger reduction are outlined. Many angry clients, however, are not at a change-oriented stage of readiness.
For such clients, strategies for increasing readiness and attending to the therapeutic alliance with angry clients are outlined. These
principles and strategies are then applied to the case study.

A Working Model of Anger decisions about whether anger is considered problem-

atic (Deffenbacher, 2003; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002,
Anger is a natural part of the human experience.
The human nervous system is hard-wired for the
experience of anger, and most emotion theorists
consider anger one of the basic human emotions.
Triggering Events
Temperament, neurological, hormonal, and other
physiological processes certainly contribute to the Although somewhat arbitrary and certainly not mutu-
experience and expression of anger. Nonetheless, ally exclusive, anger appears to be elicited by three classes
anger arises from the converging interaction of (a) of events. One source is specific, identifiable external events.
one or more triggering events, (b) the person's pre- Examples include frustrating or provocative events (e.g.,
anger state consisting of both momentary states and being stuck in traffic), behavior of others (e.g., critical,
enduring cognitive interpretative processes, and (c) disrespectful comments), objects (e.g., malfunctioning
appraisals of the trigger and coping resources (i.e., computer), and the person's own behaviors or character-
primary and secondary appraisal; Lazarus, 1991). istics (e.g., making a rude comment or missing an
Anger is an internal experience comprised of emo- important meeting). These events share several elements.
tional, physiological, and cognitive components that co- First, people clearly identify the source of anger, often
occur and rapidly interact with each other such that reporting a kind of cause-effect relationship (e.g., “her
they often blend into a singular experience of anger. comments made me mad”). Second, the degree of anger
Anger also elicits, motivates, and/or is associated with typically seems appropriate to the circumstances (i.e.,
behavioral responses to the situation. That is, anger is individuals see the level of anger as proportional and
an experiential state that is related to but conceptually appropriate to the situation).
separable from behavior associated with it, behavior
that may or may not be a focus of treatment in cases Some anger is triggered by a combination of external
of dysfunctional anger. Anger also leads to various events and anger-related memories and images. That is, a
outcomes for the individual, others around the situation not only triggers some anger but also a network
individual, social systems in which the person exists, of anger-related memories that intensify and add to the
and, potentially, the physical environment. Often, it is experience of anger. Often the sources of anger are not
the nature and extent of outcomes that influence easily identified by the person, and anger experienced
seems out of proportion or an overreaction to the
perceived trigger. Some of the strongest anger reactions
of this type are experienced by individuals suffering from
posttraumatic stress disorder. For example, victims of
1077-7229/10/212–221$1.00/0 sexual assault may react very angrily to innocent touch or
© 2010 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. encroachment on personal space. Other, less dramatic
Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Anger Treatment 213

but problematic examples are common. A man reacts communicate basic norms or messages about how and
with intense anger when his partner talks with other men, when anger is to be experienced, forms of acceptable and
because a prior partner had an affair, or a person unacceptable expression of anger, and appropriate/
becomes intensely angry in response to mild teasing, inappropriate targets for anger expression. Internalized
because of a history of being teased and put down as a familial/cultural rules regarding anger significantly influ-
youngster. To understand the nature and intensity of such ence how triggers are coded and how anger is experi-
anger, it is important to identify both the external trigger enced and expressed. It is, therefore, important to put
and the memories and images elicited by it. anger in its familial/cultural context. For example, as may
be the case with the client discussed later, if the person's
Other anger is triggered heavily by internal stimuli, both familial/cult ural background is accepting of intense
cognitive and emotional in nature. For example, a person angry, hostile, revengeful, and retaliatory thoughts and
becomes angry while ruminating or brooding about past imagery and aggressive responding, then these modes of
mistreatment, unfairness, or abuse (e.g., ruminating being are likely to seem normal and appropriate, no
about being overlooked for a promotion or being matter what others in the present context may think.
dumped by a former partner). Intense rumination Another aspect of culture involves conflict between norms
increases the strength of anger and depression and may of different groups (e.g., one group supports loud,
lead the person to feel out of control and increase the emotional verbal exchanges in close proximity to others,
probability of dysfunctional responding (Nolen-Hoek- whereas others consider such intense emotion and
sema, 2003). Anger also may be precipitated by other behavior as aggressive, insensitive, and impolite).
emotions such as feeling rejected, hurt, embarrassed, or
humiliated (e.g., becoming very angry when hurt by the
comments of another). To understand anger in these Anger is also related to enduring ways of thinking about
instances, it is important to identify emotions and/or the world (Deffenbacher & McKay, 2000; Kassinove &
cognitions preceding anger. Tafrate, 2002). Anger tends to be elicited by a trespass on
one's personal domain (Beck, 1976), violations of personal
values, codes of conduct, and rules for living (Dryden,
1990), a blameful attack on important self-schema or ego
Pre-Anger State identity (Lazarus, 1991), and/or frustration of important
goal-directed behavior. When such cognitive constructs
Anger is significantly influenced by momentary and
are flexible and based on personal preferences, then mild
enduring characteristics of the person at the time the to moderate levels of anger likely ensue when they are
triggering event is experienced. The person's immediate challenged, threatened, or frustrated. However, as these
emotional-physiological state can impact the probability, become more rigid and overly inclusive, then anger
intensity, and course of anger. If a person is in a positive becomes more intense and behavior potentially more
mood and feeling good physically, the threshold for anger aggressive. That is, intense, perhaps dysfunctional anger is
may be changed such that anger is not elicited at all or the more likely when personal desires become demands and
intensity is mild. However, if mood or physical state is commandments, when values and rules for living cease to
negative, then the probability and intensity of anger may be personal preferences and become rigid dogma
increase. That is, being angry increases the probability imposed on others, when expectations become absolute,
that a person will respond with further anger in inviolate standards, when identities and personal domains
subsequent, even unrelated events (i.e., prior anger have no resiliency, and when goal-directed behaviors
exacerbates or transfers to other situations; Zillman, become imperative rather than preferential.
1971). For example, a parent angered by a phone call
overreacts angrily to minor misbehavior of a child. This
effect does not appear to be limited to prior anger.
Considerable research (e.g., Berkowitz, 1990) shows that
many different types of physical (e.g., tired, cold, pain, Appraisal
sick, hung over) and emotional (e.g., hurt, sad, anxious, Anger triggers are appraised in terms of the situational
stressed) states increase the presence or salience of context and the person's pre-anger state, both momentary
aversive feelings and images and lower the threshold for and enduring elements (Deffenbacher & McKay, 2000;
anger responding. Assessing momentary states is impor- Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002). The nature of the appraisal
tant clinically, because dysfunctional anger may occur process breaks down into two classes of appraisal—
primarily when such states are present.
primary and secondary (Lazarus, 1991). Primary apprai-
sals are directed toward the trigger and its characteristics.
Other aspects of the pre-anger state are enduring Intense anger and potential mobilization of aggressive
interpretive filters for information processing. Some are behavior follow appraising the event as a violation of
the familial/cultural messages about anger and anger values and expectancies, a trespass on one's personal
expression (Thomas, 2006). Cultural and family groups domain, an assault on one's ego identity, and/or an
214 Deffenbacher

unwarranted interference with the pursuit of one's goals. though it may be a problem for others or social systems in
Put simply, the person makes the judgment that which the person exists.
something did or could happen that should not happen.
The probability and intensity of anger increase if events Anger
are also appraised in any of the following ways (Deffenba-
Events processed and appraised in these ways elicit
cher & McKay, 2000; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002, 2006). The
event is (a) intentional (i.e., someone did it on purpose vs. it cognitive, emotional, physiological, and behavioral reac-
was accidental or just in the natural course of things), (b) tions. These co-occur, often reciprocally influencing and
preventable or controllable (i.e., the event could have been reinforcing each other. Anger is viewed as the cognitive-
and therefore should have been controlled vs. it was emotional-physiological experience and is distinguishable
accidental or just a benign outcome of events), (c) from the behavioral response when angry (Deffenbacher &
unwarranted (i.e., unjust, unfair, and/or undeserved vs. McKay, 2000). Cognitively, clinical levels of anger often
fair, deserved, and/or happenstance), and (d) blamewor- involve thoughts and images with an exaggerated sense of
thy (i.e., someone or something is not only responsible and violation and being harmed, externalization of the source of
deserves pain, punishment, and suffering vs. an accurate anger, attributions of malevolence or intended harm from
appraisal of responsibility, but without the need for others, minimization of personal responsibility, overgener-
punishment). Triggers are more likely to elicit anger alization, inflammatory labeling, and thoughts/images of
when theyare attributed to an “enemy.” Anger intensifies as retaliation, retribution, denigration, and the like (Deffen-
people respond to the characteristics of the negative label bacher & McKay, 2000; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002, 2006).
or group status in addition to situational characteristics Emotionally, anger is a feeling state varying from little or no
(e.g., someone is coded as a jerk, ass, or a member of a anger to mild feelings such as annoyance and irritation
hated group). Anger also increases when the person through moderate anger and frustration to severe anger,
overappraises the importance of the event and negative fury, and rage. Physiologically, anger can be a cool or cold
outcomes (i.e., awfulizes), codes events in highly polarized, experience, but generally involves sympathetic activation
negative ways (i.e., dichotomous thinking), attributes (e.g., elevated heart rate, hot sensations, tense muscles).
malevolent intent to the perceived source of anger (i.e.,
hostile attributional bias), and/or engages in images and
thoughts of revenge and punishment (Deffenbacher & Behavior When Angry
McKay, 2000; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002, 2006). What people do when they are angry depends greatly
on the situation, the intensity and nature of anger
experienced, their expressive repertoires, and reinforce-
Secondary appraisals are directed toward personal ment histories in the situation (Deffenbacher & McKay,
coping resources. When people have rich, flexible coping 2000; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2002; Spielberger, 1999).
repertoires, anger is likely mild to moderate and coping Especially when anger is mild to moderate, anger may
adaptive. However, there are at least three secondary lead to adaptive, constructive, positive, prosocial behavior.
appraisals that increase the probability of elevated anger Anger may be expressed in ways that effectively commu-
(Deffenbacher & McKay, 2000). First is the sense of being nicate feelings and problems, are a positive expression of
overwhelmed, overtaxed, and unable to cope (e.g., “I just self, and lead to positive coping and potential resolution
couldn't cope. I couldn't take it any more!”). Such of the situation (e.g., appropriate expression of feelings
appraisals often reflect an underappraisal of the person's and issues, problem solving, clarification and strengthen-
capacity to cope. The person feels overwhelmed and ing of relationships, assertive negotiation of changed
anger escalates. Second is the invocation of a narcissistic behaviors, appropriate limit setting, etc.). However, as
rule that the individual should not have to experience, anger increases in intensity and in the saliency of negative
deal with, or handle negative experiences (e.g., “Nobody cognitions, the odds of dysfunctional expression increase.
should have to take or put up with this crap”), what Aggression is one form of expressing anger and is
rational-emotive therapists call low frustration tolerance generally designed to express strong dissatisfaction and
(Dryden, 1990). Righteous anger viewed as appropriate displeasure, intended harm, and/or to threaten, intimi-
and attributable to others follows. Such anger is justified date, control, or seek revenge upon another person,
and externalized, because it is attributed to external object, or system. Many angry individuals do engage in
events that should not happen. A third anger-supporting physical or verbal assault on others and property. Others,
secondary appraisal is when the person (perhaps from when angry, may indirectly but aggressively express their
cultural/family norms or individual rules) codes anger, anger through subterfuge, sabotaging, starting rumors,
and potentially aggression, as appropriate responses to pouting, stalling, and disrupting the action of others.
the situation (e.g., a person sees intense anger and verbal Other anger-related behavior may be dysfunctional, but
assault as appropriate when disrespected). Such anger is not necessarily aggressive (e.g., inappropriate withdrawal,
experienced as ego-congruent and not a problem, even becoming intoxicated, driving recklessly, etc.). How the
Anger Treatment 215

person behaves when angry should be assessed as it too Novaco's (2003) Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory
may need to be a target of intervention. provides additional information. It provides self-reports
regarding classes of triggers for anger (e.g., unfair or
disrespectful treatment, frustration, annoying habits of
Functional and Dysfunctional Anger
others), anger-related cognitive involvement (e.g., rumi-
Not all anger is dysfunctional or problematic. To the nation), arousal experienced (e.g., intensity and duration
contrary, anger may be the result of an accurate appraisal of physiological arousal), anger-related behavior (e.g.,
of a threatening, aversive, disrespectful, or otherwise types of aggressive behavior), and self-regulation efforts
negative condition, be a mild to moderate experience, (e.g., calming down and cognitive restructuring activities).
and activate positive constructive behaviors. Such anger is This measure thus provides a more detailed picture of the
not likely experienced negatively and may lead to a sense of individual's experience in general, but does not provide a
self-efficacy and self-empowerment and potentially to measure of typical anger consequences or outcomes.
positive outcomes for self and others. Determining the
point at which anger becomes problematic or dysfunction- DiGiuseppe and Tafrate's (2004) Anger Disorders Scale
al is clearly a judgment call. However, as anger intensity, was designed to provide information that could be closely
frequency, and/or duration increase, so does the likeli- related to anger disorders. It provides measures of five
hood of anger costing the individual. As these happen, domains: (a) provocations domain taps a range of potential
people may feel out of control, negative about themselves, triggers for anger and ranges from fairly situation specific
guilty and ashamed, overwhelmed, and distressed. Habit- to more generalized; (b) arousal domain addresses the
ual anger elevation is also associated with a variety of health duration of anger episodes and the length of problem
problems. Anger can also elicit and motivate various anger; (c) cognitive domain assesses common anger-
damaging behaviors and negative consequences (e.g., involved cognitive processes such as rumination, impul-
injury to self or others during impulsive actions, damaged siveness, and suspiciousness; (d) motives domain assesses
relationships, legal consequences, property damage, diffi- common goals for angry behavior such as tension
culties at work, etc.; Dahlen & Martin, 2006). As frequency, reduction, coercion, and revenge; and (e) behavioral
intensity, and duration of anger increase, as forms of domain measures common ways anger is expressed.
expression become more aggressive or otherwise destruc-
tive, and as the consequences to self and others become Such self-report instruments provide a great deal of
more negative, anger is likely to be judged by the person information quickly and can be linked to norms so that a
and/or others as dysfunctional or disordered (Deffenba- person's standing on a dimension relative to his/her peers
cher, 2003; Kassinove & Tafrate, 2006). can be established. Such instruments can serve several
positive functions. They provide a general picture of the
person's anger experiences and a place from which to
interview to gather more specific information (e.g., “When
Understanding and Assessing Anger you were reporting your angry feelings on the question-
naire, were there some recent very angry episodes that
In order to develop and implement effective interven- came to mind?”). They provide good measures for outcome
tions, therapists and client s must develop a shared research where several individuals are being assessed and
understanding of the client's anger triggers, appraisals, information aggregated. They can also provide stimuli and
experiences, behavioral responses, and outcomes. At norms from which to engage the person in motivational
present, two general approaches for assessing and interviewing to increase awareness of one's issues and
understanding anger predominate. readiness (see later section). Understanding of readiness
There are several psychometrically sound, self-report for anger reduction interventions may also be supplemen-
instruments assessing anger-related constructs. Spielber- ted by employment of the brief Anger Treatment Readiness
ger's (1999) State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory to Change Questionnaire (Williamson et al., 2003).
(STAXI) is perhaps the best known. It provides brief,
reliable measures of state anger (i.e., current anger While providing many benefits, these nomothetic
feelings), trait anger (i.e., general propensity or tendency approaches have at least two drawbacks for CBT. First,
toward anger), and four measures of anger expression they are open to self-report biases (e.g., over- or
(i.e., anger-out, outward, generally aggressive expression; underreporting). This may particularly be a problem in
anger-in, suppression of anger reactions and harboring low-readiness individuals where denial, minimization,
grudges; anger-control-out, managing and reducing negative and externalization are high and in situations where a
behavior; and anger-control-in, ways the person reduces variety of other contingencies (e.g., sentencing or
angry feelings). The STAXI measures general response continued employment) may influence self-report be-
tendencies, but does not provide a sense of the triggers or yond an accurate self-assessment. Second, they do not
context of anger, the consequences or outcomes of anger provide a detailed picture of specific problem anger
expression, or the cognitive/imagery aspects of anger. episodes. Yet, it is an understanding of these events that
216 Deffenbacher

has the greatest direct relevance to designing a specific community volunteers, generally angry college students,
intervention plan. and angry drivers (e.g., Dahlen & Deffenbacher, 2000;
Understanding of specific episodes is perhaps best Deffenbacher,Richards,etal.,2007;Novaco,1975;
done through more intensive, idiographic methods Tafrate & Kassinove, 1998).
(Deffenbacher & McKay, 2000; Kassinove & Tafrate, Relaxation interventions have a different conceptual
2002; Tafrate & Kassinove, 2006). In these assessments, focus, targeting elevated emotional and physiological
clients recall specific incidents of anger, and the therapist arousal. These interventions train clients in the develop-
explores and clarifies the nature of the triggers ment and deployment of relaxation coping skills with
appraisals anger experience behavioral action which to lower emotional and physiological arousal and
anger outcomes with the client. Different formats (e.g., approach situations in calmer manner, thereby freeing
reviewing an anger log, a free recall of a recent anger other skills and competencies that are present when calm.
episode, a visualization of an anger episode, or role-play of Relaxation coping skills are practiced to lower anger
a problem event) might be employed to assist the client to arousal within sessions (e.g., to reduce anger elicited by
access the nature of the event and those “hot” cognitive, visualizing anger-arousing scenes or during an anger role-
emotional, and behavioral responses to it. The therapist play). Relaxation coping skills are then applied in vivo for
interviews the client carefully to identify the nature and anger control. Relaxation interventions have shown
themes of the episode. Reviewing several anger episodes significant effects with groups such as anger-involved
generally leads the client to become more aware of his/ medical patients, angry community volunteers, angry
her anger reactions, the therapist and client to develop a drivers, angry college students, and incarcerated indivi-
shared understanding of problem anger, and the duals (e.g., Deffenbacher, Richards, et al., 2007; Diaz,
therapist develops hypotheses about ef fective anger- 2000; Haaga et al., 1994; Novaco, 1975).
reduction strategies, which can be mapped onto the
client's anger and other characteristics, including readi- Behavioral interventions target habitual behavioral
ness for change-oriented interventions. expression patterns, identifying and strengthening posi-
tive skills for angering situations (e.g., skills in respectful,
noninterruptive listening, problem clarification and
resolution, assertive emotional expression, constructively
CBT Interventions for Anger Reduction giving positive and negative feedback, appropriate limit
setting, taking a time-out, conflict-management skills,
There is beginning empirical support for CBT inter-
aggression-incompatible behavior, etc.). These skills are
ventions for anger reduction (e.g., Deffenbacher, 2006;
rehearsed in anger-arousing circumstances within and
Del Vecchio & O'Leary, 2004; DiGiuseppe & Tafrate,
between sessions until the individual has a broad, flexible
2003). Theoretically, different CBT interventions target
repertoire of ways of handling previously angering
different aspects of the trigger appraisal anger
situations. Self-efficacy increases and emotional arousal
behavior expression outcome sequence. For example, and negative consequences decrease as the person has
although rarely sufficient in itself, many interventions more effective ways with which to handle provocative
involve self-awareness enhancement so clients become situations. Behavioral skill enhancement interventions
more aware of triggers, experience, expression, and have proven effective with generally angry college
consequences of anger. As clients become more aware, students, angry drivers, and angry, conflict-laden families
they can implement existing coping skills and initiate (e.g., Deffenbacher et al., 1996, 2007; Stern, 1999).
strategies developed in therapy.
Cognitive interventions target anger-engendering Interventions can be combined, as in Novaco's (1975)
thoughts and images, dysfunctional familial/cultural pioneering work on stress inoculation applied to anger.
assumptions, biased appraisal and information proces- Combined interventions target multiple aspects of
sing, and the like. Clients are assisted in identifying anger- dysfunctional anger, integrate them into a multifaceted
engendering cognitions and to replace them with treatment rationale, and develop, hone, rehearse, and
realistic, value-based, coping self-instruction. Cognitive transfer these anger management skills to real-life
restructuring and problem-solving int erventions thus anger-provoking situations. For example, cognitive-relax-
address the cognitive elements of anger and provide ation, cognitive-behavioral, and cognitive-relaxation-be-
assistance in developing anger-reducing self-dialogue and havioral combinations have successfully lowered anger
imagery and guiding one's self through provocative in angry community volunteers, generally angry college
situations in calmer, more task-focused ways. These students, angry drivers, individuals experiencing inter-
cognitive coping skills are rehearsed in therapy and mittent explosive disorder, caregivers of persons with
extended into real life via homework and other con- dementia, veterans suffering from PTSD, military
tracted experiences. Cognitive interventions have proven personnel with anger problems, young mothers at risk
effective with angry-involved medical patients, angry for child abuse, substance abusers, and angry offenders
Anger Treatment 217

(e.g., Chemtob et al., 1997; Coon et al., 2003; Dahlen & for inflammatory labeling and demanding, and time-out
Deffenbacher, 2000; Deffenbacher et al., 2002; McClos- skills for impulsive verbal aggression.
key et al., 2008). Combined interventions may also seek
to take advantage of naturally occurring associations
among elements of anger experience and expression. CBT, Readiness, and the Therapeutic Relationship
One example is the relationship between cognitions and
These CBT interventions are based on the client
behaviors. Although there is a general positive associa-
identifying anger as a personal problem and being
tion between angry/hostile cognitions and forms of
committed to anger reduction (i.e., action- or change-
anger expression, some types of cognitions are more
oriented interventions). However, many angry individuals
highly correlated with specific forms of anger expres-
externalize the sources of their anger and do not accept,
sion. For example, with regard to anger while driving,
much less own, their anger as a personal problem. For
highly negative, pejorative labeling type thoughts are
example, the person may have rigid familial/cultural or
more highly associated with verbally aggressive anger
personal rules that dramatically escalate the sense of
expression (e.g., yelling at another driver), and revenge-
violation and trespass and lead to very intense anger. Yet,
ful/retaliatory thinking is more highly associated with
anger experienced seems appropriate to this perceived
use of the vehicle to express anger (e.g., cutting another
reality. Experience may have led to hostile attributional
driver off; Deffenbacher, Kemper, & Richards, 2007).
bias wherein others are suspected of malevolent motives
This suggests that cognitive and behavioral links should
and doing negative things on purpose, another attribu-
be identified, altered, and rehearsed together in
tion which increases anger. Angry individuals often
cognitive-behavioral interventions. Altered cognitive
engage external attributions of cause (i.e., their anger
processes can guide, moderate, prompt, and reinforce
and behavioral reactions are attributed to things outside
new adaptive behavior, much as old dysfunctional
themselves and therefore justified). They often deny
cognitive-behavioral sequences functioned.
anger is a problem or at least minimize its importance.
Angry individuals also often engage in marked blaming in
In summary, there are several promising singular or which others are seen as responsible agents and which
increases anger and mobilizes revenge and punishment.
combined CBT interventions for anger reduction. Meta-
They may also code others with various negative labels
analyses and outcome reviews (e.g., Deffenbacher, 2006;
that de-individuate them, escalate anger, and may justify
Del Vecchio & O'Leary, 2004; DiGuiseppe & Tafrate,
aggression. Often overlooked are sources of reinforce-
2003) provide several intervention-relevant conclusions.
ment that strengthen and maintain both anger and
First, angry individuals receiving CBT fare better than
dysfunctional behavior. For example, anger and associat-
untreated individuals. CBT interventions, like those
ed behavior may be culturally and/or personally sanc-
reviewed above, hold promise for anger reduction.
tioned and reinforced when they occur. They may be self-
Second, treatment effect sizes are generally moderate to
reinforced (e.g., a sense of power, control, and not being
large, suggesting meaningful change as well. Third,
taken advantage of) when angry and striking back. They
treatment effects are maintained over short- and long-
may be reinforced externally by others (e.g., coworkers
term follow-up, suggesting sustained treatment effects.
supporting anger and aggression toward a supervisor).
Even with sustained effects generally, therapists should
Situation anger-related behavior patterns may be
consider maintenance enhancement interventions (e.g.,
strengthened by negative (e.g., anger is an aversive state,
booster sessions, sustained homework assignments, brief
and behaviors that reduce anger are strengthened by its
follow-up phone or personal contact), which would focus
reduction or behavior may terminate negative condi-
on continued efforts, because some clients tend to drift
tions) or positive (e.g., coercion of another to do what
back toward earlier patterns while others tend to make
one wants) reinforcement. In summary, these cognitive
gains on their own. Fourth, different interventions appear
and reinforcement processes tend to elevate and justify
equally effective. There is no gold standard for CBT-based
anger, externalize the source of anger, decrease the
anger reduction. To some, this might suggest a common
person's sense of personal contribution and responsibil-
intervention or a kind of one-size-fits-all conclusion.
ity, strengthen situation anger behavior outcome
Others (e.g., Deffenbacher, 2006; Tafrate & Kassinove,
linkages and, on occasion, support aggressive or other
2006) suggest a different use of the empirical literature.
dysfunctional responses.
More specifically, these authors suggest that therapists
should carefully identify the characteristics of an indivi-
dual's experience and anger expression, and map, in a
kind of menu-driven way, empirically supported interven-
tions onto the client's experience. For example, relaxa- When these processes are strong, anger (and associat-
tion interventions might be employed for heightened ed behavior) is not likely to be seen as a personal
emotional/physiological arousal, cognitive restructuring problem. Rather, is is viewed as a justified, reasonable
response attributed to external causes. Personal anger
management or reduction is not a goal. From the angry
218 Deffenbacher

person's perspective, other people and situations should tive and to tell their story, and as therapists listen carefully
change, not them. Change-oriented CBT interventions and communicate nonjudgmentally their understanding,
are at best irrelevant and more likely viewed as wrong, therapy is likely meeting at least one client goal (i.e., to be
insulting, and misguided (i.e., person feels blamed, understood and not blamed or criticized). This relation-
misunderstood, and attacked, and is being told he/she ship also provides the basis for moving toward more
is wrong). Such angry individuals may be brought to contemplative readiness tasks, shifting generally to the
therapy by others (e.g., spouses, employers) or come to consequences of anger and how anger is achieving the
get others off their back and mitigate the consequences of client's goals. The general task is for the client to answer,
their anger. However, their goals and interpretations of in a very personal way, the question, “Is anger getting me
events are not consistent with change-oriented interven- what I want?” For example, therapists might pose this
tions. Therapists would do well to attend carefully to these question and then explore many examples of the benefits
processes and two other issues—the therapeutic alliance and costs of anger. Angry individuals often report
and readiness for change. immediate benefits of anger (e.g., stood up for self,
expressed self, was not taken advantage of) and some
Such angry individuals generally are at a precontem- short-term negative outcomes (e.g., felt out of control,
plative stage of change (Prochaska, Norcross, & DiCle- stupid, or guilty, made others not like him/her, made
mente, 1995). Anger may be either externalized or others counterattack or withdraw). Both kinds of con-
identity- or role-congruent (i.e., anger is part of personal sequences are important to acknowledge and clarify,
identity or consistent with role, such as parent or authority because short-term positive consequences are often very
figure). Either way, anger is not viewed as a personal powerful. Clients can be asked to describe long-term or
problem. Research on transtheoretical models of change distal positive and negative consequences. Many clients
suggests that interventions should be adapted to this stage can identify long-term negative consequences (e.g., lost
of readiness (e.g., motivational interviewing; Miller & relationships, work problems, health difficulties, legal
Rollnick, 1991), if clients are to be moved to where problems), but cannot identify long-term positive bene-
change-oriented interventions become relevant. fits. With repetition of examples, a 2 (positive vs.
negative) × 2 (short- vs. long-term) anger consequences
This recommendation is consistent with focusing on matrix can be introduced. Clients may see that they are
the therapeutic alliance, which consists of a quality achieving some short-term positive goals at the expense of
relationship marked by high empathy and rapport, short- and long-term negatives. In an open-ended way,
agreement on therapeutic goals, and agreement on therapists can then ask clients how they could achieve
therapeutic means. Angry clients may make rapport short-term benefits without paying the short- and long-
difficult. They tend to be angry, abrasive, intimidating, term prices.
accusatory, and discounting of the therapist. They may
hold values and interpretations that therapists find
negative, if not abhorrent (e.g., attitudes toward women
of some angry men). Nonetheless, it is important that Interpersonal consequences might be explored by
therapists listen carefully, empathetically, and respectful- asking clients how they think others feel when treated in
ly, clarifying the person's sense of anger and how it comes the ways they typically respond. They might ask others
to be. It is strongly suggested that the therapist attempt to how they feel when they (clients) are angry or keep a log
identify the angry person's sense of hurt and being the or diary of other's reactions to their anger. The angry
victim of unreasonable conditions. Using open-ended person's impact on others might be explored through an
inquiries, empathic emotional and content summaries, adaptation of a Gestalt two-chair technique. In one chair,
and attempts to clarify underlying emotional themes will clients feel and express their anger as they typically do.
enhance the probability that the client feels listened to Then, clients move to the other chair and experience how
and understood. Therapists do not need to agree with the they feel and want to respond when being the object of
angry person's perspective, any more than they would their anger expression from the other chair. Debriefing of
with a suicidal person's sense of hopelessness and wish to such activities focuses on the consequences to others who
die. However, they should communicate a clear sense of receive their anger and on whether this is the kind of
the angry person's feeling of pain, hurt, and rejection, impact they want.
being the aggrieved party, being one abused and
mistreated, and being misunderstood and misinterpreted. Understanding anger consequences might be facilitat-
Doing so is necessary to build trust and relationship from ed by extra-therapy self-monitoring wherein the person
which to explore issues further and address readiness. tracks examples of anger and anger expression and the
positive and negative consequences. Discussion of self-
monitoring would add to answering whether/how anger
Client and therapist may not yet fully agree on the and its expression are achieving the client's goals.
Another strategy involves soliciting and clarifying exam-
goals and means of therapy. As clients are invited
ples in which the person encounters provocative
repeatedly to give examples of anger from their perspec-
Anger Treatment 219

situations but does not respond angrily. These provide right not to comply with others, but insist others must
potential positive skills and resources and contrasts with comply with their mandates. Further exploration clarifies
negative outcomes. Whatever the methodology that others too are free to choose, even wrongheadedly
employed, increasing the client's awareness of his/her and self-defeatingly. If the alliance is strong, therapists
anger, the consequences of that anger, and exploring may ask pointed questions such as, “And who appointed
how/whether this is reaching the client's goals is often you God?” This is followed by a discussion of the notion
necessary to decrease the externalization of anger and to that God gets to list commandments, but people only get
increase motivation to address anger. to want and prefer. Clients can then use the godlike
This emphasis on a quality relationship, rapport, and “shoulds” and “oughts” as cues to shift to statements of
nonjudgmental exploration of consequences is likely preference and lower the demands that instigate intense
congruent with some of the client goals (i.e., feeling anger.
understood). There still may not be agreement on the Behavioral experiments may be employed to assess the
means of therapy. Angry clients often want the therapist validity of certain thoughts. For example, clients who
to make the others stop mistreating them and treat them think that others will take advantage of them if they show
the way they “should” be treated. However, this is rarely weakness might agree to admit to doing something wrong
possible. The strength of the therapeutic alliance is used each day for a week and observe what others do.
to explore and test the notion that others should change Alternatively, every day they could initiate an unprompted
and the cognitive assumptions underlying it. It is positive comment (which might be a sign of vulnerability
suggested that therapists stay open-ended and explor- or weakness) and see what happens.
ative. For example, therapists might ask clients if
therapists have the power and control to make others Interventions such as these have several goals. They
change. Repeated explorations usually suggest not and assist clients in identifying their personal desires. They
may lead to a version of the elegant vs. the practical also help clients accept that undesirable events often
solution (i.e., the elegant solution is that others change vs. happen and may prevent them from achieving what they
the practical solution is what the person can do when want. Finally, they assist clients in accepting that they may
others do not change). Such explorations often raise have little control over negative events, but can exercise
protests that situations are “unfair,”“not right,”“unjust,” great control over how they feel about and react to such
events. These therapeutic activities are consistent with a
contemplative phase of change (i.e., considering that
and “not as they should be.” The therapist may agree with maybe I have a problem). If successful, clients may
the client, but these themes should be explored in an conclude that anger is not getting them what they want
open-ended manner. Therapists supportively acknowl- and become ready for action-oriented interventions
edge events are not as clients wish, but inquire as to why through which they can better achieve what they want,
they should be. Resistance is likely. The goal is not to even when the world is not always helping out. However,
convince clients they are wrong, but to validate their not attending to the therapeutic alliance and readiness in
wants, explore the limits of their thinking, soften their ways such as those described often leads to serious
demands, and help them accept that undesirable things breaches in the therapeutic relationship, resistance, and
sometimes happen to them. perhaps premature termination.
Open-ended inquiries are also used to explore other
relevant issues. For example, a series of “And then what
would happen?” questions might be used to explore Application to the Case Study
implied catastrophes. This can be followed by inquiry into The client, Mr. P (Santanello, 2011), is not a good
how bad ultimate consequences would be and how the candidate for change-oriented CBT interventions. In
person would cope with them. Often, the actual reality is prior therapy, he failed at a relaxation intervention and
not nearly as bad as the anticipated or implied one, and did not see the relevance of that intervention. He does not
the person's coping is much better than thought. conceptualize anger as a personal problem or seek help
Inquiries like “Where is the evidence for that” or “Help for it. Motivation for therapy appears low and not self-
me understand how that follows” may be used to explore directed; he is in therapy primarily to reduce pressure
possible overgeneralized, negative conclusions that often from others. However, it would be important to clarify
fuel anger. why he is coming for therapy now, because there may be
some positive themes to develop from those reasons.
Paradoxes, such as the paradox of control, can be
explored. For example, clients are asked if they always do Other cognitive characteristics also make him a poor
what others want. The answer is usually an incredulous candidate. He does not trust others and has a hostile
“no.” The therapist asks why not. Clients explain they do attributional bias in which others are perceived as out to
not want to do what others want and are free to choose. harm him, for which anger and defensive aggression are
The paradox is then clarified, namely, clients reserve the reasonable responses. He appears to have familial/
220 Anger
Treatment 221

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