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business everywhere.

Initially, certain your assumptions about how you do

industries led the pack in digital business.”
business adoption—most notably the
Some business leaders have played
technology sector, followed by media,
it safe with digital capabilities. In
finance, and professional services,
many organizations, even where
according to a 2015 McKinsey Global
the customer facing front-end of the
Institute (MGI) report. “Sectors closest
organization looks, feels, and functions
to technology and highly competitive
differently than in the past, the middle-
ones have tended to transform more
quickly, as they usually have more
and back-office people, data, and
processes remain largely untouched.
resident experience and skills in
using technology at the center of their
They are disconnected, residing in
silos, and operating as they always
business,” says Hinchcliffe. “Sectors
that have lagged have tended to
have. As a result, those companies have REINVENT THEIR
be highly regulated ones and ones
isolated in some way from digitization,
failed to become digital enterprises.
For some, simply putting a new
though it’s fair to say that all these digital front end on existing UP WITH THE RAPIDLY
industries are now in the process of
being disrupted.” Today, companies
processes, systems, and business
models is the simplest and least EVOLVING EXPECTATIONS
in manufacturing, energy, and other
heavy industries are investing heavily
painful way to digitize. They go after
the low-hanging fruit because they
in digitizing their physical assets and can. Those companies have yet to
business processes. Transportation feel an existential threat and may
and retail companies have jumped not feel compelled to make more
on the digital train. While the level of substantial changes.
digital maturity still varies even within
Meanwhile, those that have been
industries, “the market has caught up
shaken up by digital competitors
to where pioneers were a few years
may have had to respond too quickly,
ago,” says Westerman. “It’s now part
piecing together digital capabilities with
of the conversation in every senior
little thought to developing an overall
leadership team.”
strategy or digital transformation goals.
Business models that have been “What we see over and over again is
successful for decades are being that many companies are trying to
disrupted by digital alternatives, and react to what is happing around them
innovation will be responsible for a in the market, oftentimes under stress
greater share of revenues and growth as their traditional business is being
in the coming years. New business disrupted. As a consequence, they do
models only accounted for 1% to 5% not have the luxury to think about
of total revenues in 2015, but are digital transformation holistically—
expected to be responsible for 30% from processes and systems in the back
of total revenues by 2020, according to the interface with their clients as well
to the World Economic Forum Digital as smart products and digital business
Transformation Initiative 2017. While models,” says Peter Vogel, professor at
some companies are clearly riding this IMD Business School.
groundswell of opportunity to greater
In reality, few companies are immune
growth, others are at risk of being
to the digital forces that are reshaping
overtaken by it.
entire industries. Companies like
A lack of imagination may be to blame. Amazon, Google, and Facebook are
Corporate leaders rise through the optimized for continuous adaptability.
ranks with a keen understanding They know if they miss the next
of what is possible and what is not, economic, technology, or sociological
learning over time that it’s safer not shift, their performance could falter.
to pursue what’s never been done. Before long, that will be the situation
That’s no longer the case. “In the in most industries. Enterprises will
digital world, things that used to be need to constantly reinvent their
impossible are now possible,” says offerings to keep up with the rapidly
Westerman. “It’s time to rethink evolving expectations of the digital

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 3

market. By now everyone, even the says Hinchcliffe. “There is a complex
most conservative industries and set of human changes that have to
players, have realized that they need be carried out in concert with the
to transform—if they haven’t done so technology changes.”
yet—and everyone is talking about it.
It requires that leaders and
Yet, when it comes to driving digital
organizations revisit much of what got
transformation, many companies still
them to where they are today. “Digital
lack the necessary internal capabilities,
transformation dissolves distinctions
which is why having an experienced
that the majority of organizations
CDO is of critical importance for every
literally built themselves around,” says
organization. In fact, moving forward,
Schrage. “People having to oversee
the CDO will the most important leader
the transformation are the very people
in the company, alongside the CEO.”
who grew up with those distinctions.
says Vogel. They’re literally being asked to discard
While the overwhelming majority of the systems and structures that define
companies say they are engaged in their jobs.”
some form of digitization, just 16% Executives and managers who spent
indicated their companies are pursuing their careers focusing on safe choices,
a bold transformation strategy at reliable revenues, and improving
scale, according to a recent study products at the margins suddenly
by Van Zeebroeck and McKinsey & find themselves competing with
Company. FIGURE 3 At the same time, new competitors that have a growth
those researchers found that digital hacking mindset and make bold
competition is eating away at the choices. “Digital transformation
growth and market share of existing requires a significant departure from
companies in the past few years— the tightly-structured, planned, stodgy
eliminating more than half of annual approach to strategic investment in
revenue growth and a third of earnings most companies,” says Westerman.
growth at those companies that have “It’s much more emergent, allowing
failed to respond appropriately to the for failing fast and pivoting quickly as
new business environment. “The data you learn.”
is clear: simply optimizing what you
already do may keep you afloat,” says
Van Zeebroeck, “but it will not enable
you to lead the way and generate FIGURE 3
sustainable competitive advantage.”
Is your company engaged in digitization?
Overcoming Organizational
There’s no way around it: digital
transformation is hard. If it were
easy, as they say, everyone would
be doing it. It requires a new base of
technology, processes, metrics, and
incentives. But at the heart of it all is
people: both company leaders and
90% 16%
employees. Digital transformation
demands a significant shift in
thinking and behavior throughout the
organization. “The top obstacles [to
digital transformation] tend to involve
the challenges revolving around the SOME FORM A BOLD DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION
people who have to carry it out and OF DIGITIZATION STRATEGY AT SCALE
sustain the transformation process—
do they have the experience, skills,
mindset, and inclination to truly
rethink the business in digital terms?” SOURCE: MCKINSEY & COMPANY 2017

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 5

are investing more in their internal
BARRIERS TO FUTURE TRANSFORMATION teams to help them become more
What are your organization’s greatest obstacles to achieving digital transformation? knowledgeable, flexible, and adaptable.
“It’s no longer about performing the
Organizational restructuring challenges same job for 20 years,” says Kranz. “It’s
54% about shifting to a mindset of continual
learning, open communications, and
Resistance to change virtual teaming. You have to take your
52% workforce with you on this journey.
Digital transformation will not be
Lack of key digital skills
successful if you don’t have people who
embrace this transition with you.”
Challenge of shifting assets away from legacy In researching his book Leading
36% Digital: Turning Technology Into
Business Transformation, Westerman
Cost/complexity of new cyber threat management
found no examples of successful
digital transformation that occurred
Regulatory constraints in a bottom-up fashion. Instead,
22% the most successful companies had
leaders who laid out the framework
Sensitive nature of data/business for transformation and engaged the
21% rest of the organization in determining
how to get there. “It all comes down to
Lack of right technology
leadership,” says Jeffery. “That is the
biggest thing that’s missing in most
Consumer/political disquiet organizations—leaders that know how
8% to motivate people to move in the
right direction.”
Lack of necessary market relationships
Creating a Vision for the Future
Leaders that want to digitally transform
must be willing to look beyond simply
improving upon what they currently
do to consider what the business could
become. “Many leaders are thinking
And while there are a number of
naturally occurring hurdles on the road too small,” says Westerman. “They
to digital nirvana, including a dearth need to rethink the possibilities and
of key digital skills and the burden of ask themselves what constraints that
legacy systems and assets, the biggest they’ve lived with for decades may no
challenges are restructuring the longer be constraints.”
business—and getting people on It can be difficult for corporate leaders
board with the transformation. to move outside their comfort zones.
FIGURE 4 “Changing technology is hard,” Incredible amounts of time, money,
says Westerman, “but not as hard as and resources have been invested
changing the organization, changing in establishing an organization’s
its processes, and getting people to go status quo—one that has been (and
along with those changes.” often remains) profitable for many.
Change hurts. “There’s a psychological Specifically, business leaders may
resistance to changing the status quo,” balk at spending millions of dollars on
says Van Zeebroeck. “And that’s why new IT infrastructure and systems,
so many firms have a hard time with having already devoted millions
digital transformation.” It’s a human to what we now refer to as legacy
capital transformation as much as technology. “Companies have made
anything else, according to Kranz, significant investments that digital
requiring new ways of thinking and transformation effectively turns into
working. Digital transformation leaders ‘sunk costs,’” says Schrage.

6 Closing the Gap: Beyond Digitization to Business Transformation

The problem with that kind of thinking alone owns digital transformation,
is that it frames digital transformation it’s doomed to fail,” says Mark
in the context of the cost or capabilities Jeffery, director of the Strategic IT
of IT systems alone rather than their Management Executive Program at
potential business benefits. “When you Northwestern University’s Kellogg
see firms that are struggling with digital School of Management. “The business
transformation, you generally find that has to help define the business case
they approached it from a technology and lead the transformation.”
perspective,” says Van Zeebroeck.
However, IT can—and must—be a
“They began by focusing on what
full partner in the effort. “Your best
technology they want to use. But that’s
business-facing tech people have
the wrong way to start.”
their finger on the pulse of technology
Digital re-creation must instead begin trends, and they can help think
with the exploration of what value through these changes in the context
might be created within a modern of the business,” says Westerman. “It’s
technology environment: what new critical to find IT people that can speak
problems the organization might solve, both the language of technology and
what new customer segments the the language of the business.”
company might the company reach, The right CIO can guide senior leaders
and what new markets or adjacent through the digital conversation and
sectors might be entered, what pricing help them uncover the transformational
and service models might be possible. business power of digitization. “Once
“It may sound like a cliché, but digital the rest of the business functions—and
transformation is a journey, not a most importantly, the CEO—see digital
destination,” says Schrage. “And it as a strategic issue, that’s the tipping
begins by deciding what are the most point to make things happen,” says Van
important ways you want to add value Zeebroeck.
or change your business.”
Those changes could be customer- The Burdens of Legacy
facing innovation, operational While technology should not take the
transformation, or some combination lead in transformation efforts, it is the
of the two. In any case, by making beating heart that enables exponential
desired business outcomes the guiding business change. The drive to digital
principle, companies open the door requires the integration of an array
to digital transformation on a much of technologies and approaches—
larger scale. including social, mobile, analytics,
internet of things (IoT), and artificial
Business-Led, IT-Driven intelligence systems, just to name a
“The number one mistake people few. A company that sees opportunity
make with digital transformation is in machine learning, internet-
implementing technology in isolation connected assets, or augmented
from business processes,” says Kranz.
“They get infatuated with the concept
of, for example, implementing
business analytics on the plant floor.
But you need to start with the business
goals you’re trying to accomplish and
at least a theory about the ROI.”
Digital transformation efforts may
begin with the CIO. But because
success requires significant
organizational and process disruption,
the effort must extend beyond—and
rise above—the IT organization. It
demands executive-level sponsorship
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 7
Companies that embrace newer, cloud-enabled architectures and a
services-based architecture find it easier, faster, and often cheaper
to test and deploy new products, services, and experiences.

The Platform for Innovation: is a best practice to standardize

Simplified, Modern, Secure infrastructure and systems and create
No matter whether the digital one version of data that is the truth,”
outcomes an organization is seeking are says Jeffery. “Organizations that do that
customer-facing or internal, the digital get phenomenal performance gains.”
shift requires a fundamentally different
Migrating from proprietary or highly
IT approach.
customized software to more open
The technology backbone must be systems that can communicate with
flexible, intelligent, connected, and each other, integrate with emerging
resilient enough to accommodate a tools, and enable increased collabora-
growing selection of new tools that tion and data sharing with customers,
will enable business to rethink long- partners, and suppliers is also critical,
standing processes, workflows, talent says Kranz. In addition, simplifica-
acquisition and retention, products, tion increases efficiency and reduces
and services. There is no end state to operational costs, freeing up resources
digital transformation—no finish line. to focus on transformation efforts.
It is a moving target and one cannot
2. Modernize
stand still as digital technology has
Companies that embrace newer, cloud-
transformed the world into a 24/7
enabled architectures and a services-
mindset. Take, for example, the
based architecture find it easier,
digital acceleration team at Nestlé,
faster, and often cheaper to test and
that observes Nestlé’s reputation and
deploy new products, services, and
visibility in social media and online
experiences. “Cloud computing is a
channels around the clock. In the
major driver in digital transformation,”
new world, you need to be able to
says Van Zeebroeck.
react immediately, or the web will
“eat you alive.” At the same time, Connectivity and standardization are
systems and technologies are renewing also key—both internally and with
themselves at an unprecedented pace, an ever-expanding ecosystem of
so businesses need to be savvy about digital partners. “The unit of digital
when to move to a new system or value is data, and so you want it to be
not. This requires new skills and time architecture agnostic,” says Schrage.
commitments. Thus the technology Companies that want to get the most
backbone must be conceived in a way value from digital efforts are “API-
that enables the company to keep fying” their systems and pursuing a
pace with the rate of technology and modular architectural approach.
business change, says Vogel.
3. Secure
Digital transformation requires that Finally, as companies pursue the most
companies overhaul their IT operations flexible and open IT approaches, they
in three ways: must also invest in the cybersecurity
to ensure the protection of the data
1. Simplify
flowing through their digital systems.
Companies that want to reap the
An enterprise’s digital operational
benefits of the latest digital capabilities
advantages can become critical
must first clean house, rationalizing
liabilities if mismanaged. “Security is
their portfolio of systems and breaking
probably the biggest obstacle, from a
down silos to increase agility. “It

10 Closing the Gap: Beyond Digitization to Business Transformation

ESTABLISH GOVERNANCE If digital transformation doesn’t
Digital transformation is a multi- fundamentally disrupt your firm’s
year effort, requiring ownership and “traditional” KPI’s, Schrage asserts,
management of effort for the long you’re doing it wrong. Firms must
haul, says Westerman. The digital change them or complement them
transformation leadership should be with more appropriate metrics.
responsible for harnessing innovation They should also review bonus and
DIGITAL efforts and reining in those things
headed in the wrong direction. “The
compensation structures to make sure
they are helping, not hampering, the
TRANSFORMATION IS goal is not to increase bureaucracy but
to foster the right level of sharing and
change efforts.

A MULTI-YEAR EFFORT, coordination,” Westerman says. Good

REQUIRING THAT governance will foster the sharing of
successful approaches across business
There’s little doubt that digital
transformation is on the agenda
SOMEONE OWN AND units and geographies and sustain
across industries. While digital leaders
are already reaping the benefits of
their efforts, there is still time for the

THE LONG HAUL, SAYS Annual or even quarterly cadences

can thwart digital transformation.
remaining majority of companies
to take advantage of emerging best

WESTERMAN. Agile development methods,

design thinking approaches, and
practices in digital transformation. “But
you’d better get going,” says Kranz.
“Leading companies are creating new
other iterative practices often go
value propositions and implementing
hand in hand with these efforts. “If
new business models. The next two to
you’re halfway through your digital
three years will be a critical time and
transformation journey, and you
those companies that fail to transform
interoperable platforms that enable don’t have a DevOps shop,” says
will start falling behind.”
greater connectivity among systems, Schrage, “you don’t have digital
people, and partners. “It’s less about transformation.”
building a specific IT systems road
map than a portfolio of technology INVEST IN DIGITAL TALENT
options,” says Schrage. A simplified “Companies need new digital and
and modernized IT architecture will managerial skills to survive in this new
be able to accommodate new tools, world,” says Van Zeebroeck, “and that’s
processes, and approaches as they where many companies hit the wall.”
become available. Without such That requires recruiting the skills
foundational capabilities, companies necessary to turn digital opportunities
will be hamstrung in their efforts to into business benefits—no small task
enable digital services. as every company on earth is looking
for this talent. It also necessitates
DESIGN FOR SECURITY a new managerial mindset—one
Increased connectivity requires that encourages and rewards
companies to invest funds, skills, experimentation and can stomach
and capabilities to protect the the frequent failures required of
lifeblood of digital transformation: transformational efforts. “We talk
data. While the cloud computing a lot about technology with digital
options that companies can take transformation,” says Kranz, “but it’s
advantage of are likely more secure actually about people. You have to take
than legacy on-premises systems, your workforce with you.”
the increased use of APIs and data
sharing can create vulnerabilities. RETHINK METRICS AND INCENTIVES
Companies seeking digital Even companies that make significant
transformation must enlist their CSOs progress with digital transformation
in building a comprehensive security can run into trouble when it comes to
architecture, says Kranz. A security- how they measure and reward success.
by-design approach ensures that new Organizations that continue to use
infrastructure and software choices traditional KPIs face difficulties in
are built with cyber risks in mind. digital transformation, says Schrage.

12 Closing the Gap: Beyond Digitization to Business Transformation

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