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MARCH - 2020

Student 1: Marlys Aragon

1. Give each person a name.





2. Description of each of them (personality, appearance, clothing)

Smith: He's a good adventurer, sociable, funny, nice, smart and very funny. He is

dark and tall leather, young, thin and very handsome, wears a pink shirt, a grey T-

shirt and black trousers and dark lenses.

Maileth: she is a friendly, independent, sociable and generous girl, stands out for

being very responsible and punctual with her commitments, is blonde, medium-

sized, fine hair, smooth and short and very white skin, dressed in white. T-shirt with

green, blue jeans and brown glasses with white.

Gustavo: He is a little shy, careful, serene, he is very intelligent, reserved, smiling,

hard-working and very sensitive. He is blond with short hair and always has a

closed beard that makes him look very interesting. She likes to dress comfortably,

so this bermuda dress with a T-shirt and brown glasses is always there.

Valentina: She is nice, impulsive, restless, funny, sociable, very funny, wide and

quite open. She is brunette, pretty, with long hair, tall and quite thin. He wears

black trousers, a patterned top and brown glasses. t

3. Where is the place of the hat?

They are in the Kalahari Desert in Africa, it is a secluded place, clear, sunny, quiet

and quite dry, has a variety of very interesting animals, there are lions, wildebeest,

giraffes and elephants among others.

4. What can you do there?

There I can change the routine of the city, where I may touch a lion, maybe I can

get on an elephant.

5. What are you doing? (progressive present)

Smith, Maileth, Gustavo and Valentina are changing their environment, they are

walking, they take advantage of the sun to take a photo, breathe fresh air, observe

animals and are very happy.

6. What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday they packed suitcases, yesterday packed non-perishable food,

yesterday they took the travel luggage to the car, yesterday they filled with fuel and

checked the brakes of the car.

7. What do you plan to do tomorrow?

Tomorrow they will visit a nearby village, tomorrow they will eat a snake hoe and

drink goat's milk, tomorrow they will be in a healing ritual with the members of the

village and tomorrow night they will return home.

Student 2: Elisa Mojica

1. Give each person in the picture a name.





2. Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothing ...)

 Thomas: he is a happy and very sociable person, he has an altruistic personality,

he is a

good friend and cares about them, he does his best to help them and make them

Her dress is very formal, she wears black pants, a gray shirt, a red jacket and dark
Daniela: she is a calm person with few friends, the most mature of the group, she
gives good

advice and he is the one who tends to take care of the well-being of his friends, he
likes to say

things at home and they never hide the truth, he is kind and tender.

She has blonde hair, wears a tight white sweater and blue jeans.

Cristian: he is a reserved person; he's a little introverted but when he interacts

he's someone

fun, he is few words, a good friend, an educated, humble and generous person, he
likes to help


He wears a gray sweater and brown pants.

 Gabriela: she is a young woman without filters, she is very honest, she knows

separates fun from responsibility, takes time for everything, is very organized,

Sentimental, empathetic and very friendly.

She has dark skin and dark hair; she is wearing a gray top and black pants.

3. Where is it? (Place, city ...)

In the image we can see that they are parked on a road near the mountains, you
can see an open field and a sunny day.

4. What can you do there?

In this place you can camp, run, jump freely, enjoy the breeze and the sun, fly
kites, practice paragliding, spend a sunset, see the sky full of stars and
contemplate the beauty of nature.

5. What are they doing? (Present progressive)

 They are parked in the car, smiling at the camera to take a selfie and send the
photo to their family in other cities, while enjoying the breeze and the sun.

6. What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday they planned to make the trip, drove all the way enjoying the scenery
they left behind, arrived early in the mountains and pitched a tent where they
stayed for the night, set fire, told stories, and then slept.

7. What do you plan to do tomorrow?

For tomorrow they plan to climb the mountains, go paragliding, fish in the river and
at night make a great bonfire with music and stories before bed.

Student 3: Monica Jimenez

1. Give each person in the picture a name.





2. Describe each of them (personality, appearance, clothing ...)

Daniel: He is a happy, fun, spontaneous and exploratory young man.

Its characteristics are dark, tall, thin and very attractive skin.

He has a red shirt, black pants and dark glasses.

 Sara: She is an intelligent, analytical, thoughtful and mature girl in her context with
age ... she is white, with blonde hair ... She has a tight white sweater with blue
sleeves and blue jeans.

Marcos: His personality frames a more prudent, organized, methodical, kind and
good friend emotional state ... he is dressed in a gray sweater and brown pants.

 Valentina: She is a young woman passionate about adventures in the company of

her friends, outgoing, with good character, high self-esteem and self-confidence.

She is brunette and brunette, in a gray top style blouse and black pants.

3. Where is it? (Place, city ...)

The image shows a landscape with rocky mountains, a sunny day, quiet,
isolated ... On the road on the way from Pueblo Bello, Cesar to the foothills of the
Sierra Nevada de Santamarta.
4. What can you do there?

This site can exactly connect people with nature and enjoy the cultural diversity of
indigenous tribes. It is a beautiful, cultural and agricultural place where hunting of
animals is prohibited to raise awareness.

5. What are they doing? (Present progressive)

They are parked in the car, smiling at the camera to take a selfie and send the
photo to their family in other cities, while enjoying the breeze, the sun and the
culture of the people they visit.

6. What did you do yesterday?

They coordinated the trip, investigated the access routes, Beliefs of the place,
taking precautions for displacement as the main part. Until they managed to
explore and get closer to the site, enjoying nature.

7. What do you plan to do tomorrow?

They plan to explore the site, make food, have fun, and socialize with the people
who meet there about their culture and customs.

Study 4: Keryi Lorena Contreras

1. Give each person in the picture a name.





2. Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothing ...).

His personality is an outgoing feeling

Their appearance is one of happiness and enthusiasm, where they decide to be


Her clothes are sporty and comfortable.

3. Where is that place? (Place, city ...)

That place is in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains

4. What can be done there?

In that place you can carry good luggage to rest, carry hammocks, carry mechatos,
bring fruit, etc.

5. What are they doing? (present progressive)

They are meditating on the mountain

They are smiling together

They are imagining funny things

6. What did you do yesterday?

Yesterday they dedicated themselves to having a relaxed day, preparing for that
fun moment of rest.

7. What do you plan to do tomorrow?

Tomorrow you will have a walk through that place to learn more about the
environment and thus make the most of it and enjoy it to the fullest.

Full picture about the film

Creer de nuevo 
Director  Edgar Sánchez R.                                    

Producers  LEVI Films

Who is the protagonist ? Ricardo y Laura 

Who is (are) the antagonist (s)? Clarita, Ricardo's mother-in-law
chronological time of the film  June 26, 2017 present progressive

plot Starting:
Where Laura feels very worried, alone, bored,
heartbroken, abandoned because she has problems
with Ricardo because they cannot have children,
and Laura wants to adopt.
Desiring to have him, she decides to adopt a child,
but the young man wants to have his own son, the
young man loses faith in God and stops believing,
his wife turns away from him and her mother-in-
law too, anguished and depressed loses everything
and began to complain of what God says.

Ricardo and Laura enter into an emotional state of
reflection, which has been their life as a couple,
she takes the car and leaves for Ricardo, but she
cannot make it, because she has a very serious
traffic accident ... she is being held in a clinic
where he dies and there they give the news to
Ricardo .. lamenting everything he lost all hope, he
lost the opportunity to express how much he loved
her, that he needed so much .. I end with this
reflection in a city garden where some day they
shared ..
* Love can do everything, supports everything and
never ceases to be * Ricardo ...

Trailer link
What did you Keryi Lorena Contreras
learn about S1 I learned that the most important thing in life is
giving value to our family, not letting gossip and
Movie? bad intentions hurt us and hurt our hearts, and
when we want to forgive it is too late and death
surprises us.
Elisa Margarita Mojica
S2 wow what a great movie !, but I felt very sad
when I saw the end, she did not play it down! The
marriage of friends is the most sacred thing that
God has created, value your partners,
God bless you.

Marlys Aragon
S3 I learned that it is very important to
communicate everything in the relationship and
when I say everything I mean what things made
you feel good and what not or what you like and
what not, how you feel emotionally, how are the
feelings and this So Therefore, we will always
have clarity to make the best decisions safely.
Communication also makes it easier for couples to
identify which acts or behaviors are negatively
affecting the relationship, allowing necessary
adjustments to be made. Another thing I learned is
the importance of taking care of our actions, words
and actions, being aware of each one of them,
because if it is not likely that, instead of adding
positive things to our partner, we subtract and that
is harmful, it can be boring or make the other
person want to walk away. I also learned that it is
never too late to start again from scratch, that all
the problems, vicissitudes and negative
circumstances leave us a lot of learning and teach
us to be stronger, that all difficult moments have a
process that must be lived and felt.
Monica Jimenez Silva.
S4 An important and interesting point of reference
is assertive communication in pairs, allowing a
balanced emotional state to be maintained, so that
in moments of conflict both can recognize
weaknesses ... And know how to face them
properly without going to extremes to regret ... the
lack of forgiveness destroys ... create divisions.

How did the movie make you feel?  

Keryi Lorena Contreras
S1 The film emerged as something important and
necessary that the human being needs.
It made me feel somewhat nostalgic, since it is
very emotional, where it makes you reflect and
give value and importance to the people around us.
Elisa Margarita Mojica
S2 Beautiful movie that I loved. God speaks to us
in many ways and sometimes allows things like
that so that we can get closer to them. Every day I
need more of you Lord, I love you.
Marlys Aragon
S3 I felt sad and nostalgic, it is a movie that started
with unhappiness and problems, and ends with an
ending for me, not pleasant, when she died, a
family disintegrated, some dreams and longings
that they had as a couple ended.
Monica Jiménez Silva
S4 It has very sad scenes that move ... but our
future is uncertain .. we depend on God .. Only he
knows what purpose he has, for us .. we must
always live in harmony and peace with our
neighbor because we do not know when we will
leave ..

How does the film refer to  

Academic program are you studying? Keryi Lorena Contreras
S1 Refers to a great value, since as psychologists
we must understand and know how to handle this
great value, like love. Learning to love
unconditionally and to be able to help others is
something that should characterize us.
Elisa Margarita Mojica
S2 It is important that in situations couples go
through high and low incomes, but from
psychology they are taught to respect each other,
to love each other, to trust themselves and
especially in the union as couples.
Marlys Aragon
S3 Our purpose as psychologists is to guarantee
the emotional and mental stability of those who
need it and to avoid that these emotional
maladjustments have irreparable and serious
consequences, as in the case of Laura, it can be
clearly seen that this couple required professional
help to redirect their relationship, emotions, love
and communication, to strengthen the necessary
ties, through adjustment strategies that allow them
to recover what has been lost and return to
Monica Jimenez Silva.
S4 I consider that as psychologists we must
channel many situations in context to the marital
relationship, since many determining factors arise
such as intolerance, disrespect, the lack of
consideration for each other, the lack of mutual
love ... that interferes in the partner and does not
allow them to balance their emotions, so that
everything flows differently ..
That Laura had an accident in her vehicle, which
resulted in fractures in the lower parts, it took her a
Another ending to the film could be ... month in the clinic, she spent a year in therapy,
and finally they adopted the boy, the three went on
vacation, took up their lives and were happy

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