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Churros récipe
Churros are typical Spanish pastries. These sweet pastries are usually dipped in melted
chocolate and many people usually have them for a Sunday lunch. Churros are simple to
make and once fried keep well for a few days although they are always better when
freshly made.).
Ingredients for four people
- Water ¾ litre
- Flour ½ Kilo
- Baking powder 1 sachet/packet
- Sugar four tablespoonfuls
- Salt teaspoonful
- Oil ½ litre
1. Mix the flour with the baking powder and put through  a sieve
2. Once sieved, put into the shape of a volcano.
3. On another side put the water and the salt into a saucepan and heat up.
4. When the water and salt is warm pour a little bit of this into the middle of the volcano of
flour and, with very clean hands, work for about 10 minutes until the  pastry
is  thick  and sticky. If it becomes too thick, add a little more water to thin it out a little without
it turning into a liquid.
5. When the pastry has a fine texture with no lumps, put it into a pastry bag with a
stretched tip.
6. Separately, put the oil into a wide  frying pan and heat.
7. When the oil is boiling start putting the  pastry, carefully, into a spiral shape from the centre
of the frying pan.
8. When the pastry is golden,  turn it over  and fry for a few more seconds.
9. fterwards, remove the oil  and leave to drain on some paper or on a tray
10. With the help of  scissors cut into  pieces and finally dust with sugar.

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