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‫روز روز نہیں کیا جاتا‬ IELTS

More people go more places with IELTS

Reading tips
1. To improve your performance in the 2. Read every question carefully first
Reading test you need to practice before reading the passages. This will
reading a variety of English texts. This make it easier for you to find the
will help you develop the ability to answers. Underline possible answers
read quickly, as is required under test as you go.
3. If you are asked to label a diagram, 4. The Reading passages always contain
you will find the words you need in the information you need to answer the
the text. Be sure to copy them question. You won’t have to use your
carefully from the text with the correct own knowledge of a topic.
5. If you are copying words from a 6. Make sure you write down your
question or reading passage to use in answers for the Reading test on the
your answer, remember that your answer sheet – not the question paper.
spelling must be accurate. There will be no extra time to transfer
your answers after the Reading test.

CPE-LINGO, 6th Road Rawalpindi, Pakistan ieltswithyashal +92-317-9704572

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