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Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

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Optical Fiber Technology

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Highly birefringent TOPAS based single mode photonic crystal fiber with T
ultra-low material loss for Terahertz applications
Bikash Kumar Paula,b,c, , Kawsar Ahmeda,b
Department of Information and Communication Technology, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh-1902, Tangail, Bangladesh
Group of Biophotomatiχ, Bangladesh
Department of Software Engineering (SWE), Daffodil International University (DIU), Sukrabad, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh


Keywords: In this article, a polarization maintaining single mode photonic crystal fiber (PCF) has been suggested for
Effective material loss Terahertz wave propagation. The proposed PCF is circular shape where five layers cladding vicinity encircles the
Birefringence two layers core region. The air holes of the core part are arranged in porous manner and elliptical shape. These
Power fraction types of air holes destroy the structural symmetry of the reported PCF and increase the level of birefringence.
Effective area
Optical properties of the proposed PCF are investigated by utilizing very popular pretending method that in-
Single mode PCF
Terahertz waveguides
troduces as full vectorial finite element method (FEM). Several guiding mechanisms such as effective material
loss (EML), birefringence, effective area, V-parameter, and power fraction are calculated by varying distinctive
geometrical parameters and effects. The proposed PCF reveals ultra-low EML of 0.053 cm−1 and ultra-high
birefringence of 1.34 × 10−02 at f = 1 THz. In addition, effective area and power fraction of the reported PCF
are 2.36 × 10−07 m2 and 52% at the same operating frequency.

1. Introduction attenuation loss of metallic slot tubes is higher from the metallic tubes.
Besides, the parallel-plate waveguides show zero dispersion and low-
Last few decades Terahertz (THz) radiation or wave based tech- loss properties that lead to use these waveguides in imaging and signal
nologies have a conveyed massive change in distinctive scientific areas processing applications [5]. But the ohmic and divergence loss are the
such as sensing, communications, imaging, defense-security, drug main limitation of these wave guides [3]. The bare metal wires are
testing, spectroscopy, bio-medical engineering and bio-sensing appli- minimized the ohmic loss but these wires are endured from radiation
cations that create the attention of researchers and pioneers. The THz loss [6]. These sub-wavelength fibers reveal comparatively low material
wave generation and detection techniques are also advanced with the loss from the other waveguides. Main drawback of the fiber is most of
change of period. The frequency range of THz wave is covered from 0.1 the optical fields go through external side of the core vicinity. For this
to 10 THz. This range is satisfied the gap between microwave band and reason, the sub-wavelength fibers are produced resolute coupling with
infrared rays [1,2]. It remains the challenge to design a flexible, con- the environment [7]. The porous polymer fibers are considered as best
cise, and low-loss THz waveguides because of huge absorption loss compare with the among reported wave guides. These fibers exhibit low
occurs in this frequency range. Most of the THz methods are depended loss and provide design flexibility from the other waveguides. Bi-
on free space for transmission of wave. But various kinds of losses in- refringence is another important characteristic of porous fibers that
cluding path loss and material loss have happened in the free space shows better performance in sensing and filtering applications [8]. This
propagation of THz radiation. The metallic waveguides, parallel-plate property can be enhanced by breaking symmetry of the fiber cladding
waveguides, bare metal wires, metallic slot waveguides, dielectric wa- and establish asymmetry to the fiber core [9]. The elliptical air holes
veguides, subwavelength fibers, and porous polymer fibers have re- are utilized to increase the birefringence. Various kinds of hosting
ported due to subdue these limitations of THz wave transmission [3,4]. materials including Teflon [10], poly tetrafluoro ethylene [11], and
The modal field is tightly confined at the metallic waveguides but it Topas [4] are mainly used due to increasing the guiding properties of
suffers from high material loss and dispersion characteristics. The THz wave based photonic crystal fiber (PCF). The cyclic-olefin

Corresponding author at: Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU),
Santosh, Tangail 1902, Bangladesh.
E-mail address: bikash.k.paul@ieee.org (B.K. Paul).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4414-2751.

Received 23 March 2019; Received in revised form 3 October 2019; Accepted 9 October 2019
Available online 04 November 2019
1068-5200/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B.K. Paul and K. Ahmed Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

copolymer (COC) Topas is recommended as the best among these 3. Result and discussion
background materials. Distinctive appealing properties are making its
unique from the other materials. These attributes are the constant re- For the periodic structure FEM based numerical analysis is highly
fractive index, low material loss, insensitivity to humidity, and low used. Here COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.2 is employed to carry out
dispersion [1]. It is noted that PCFs are used for different domain of the propagation characteristics of the proposed terahertz waveguide. In
applications such as gas, chemical temperature, pressure sensor the beginning of the simulation study, a circular body PML is applied
[12–14], nonlinear application [15–17]. here for boundary condition. Moreover, incorporated with finer mesh
From the earlier period, the researchers have suggested different analysis number of vertex elements, boundary elements, elements are
types of PCF due to minimize the material loss and maximize the bi- 636, 9196, 107,220 respectively with carrying minimum element
refringence attributes. Chen and Tam [18] proposed a super cell quality 0.6117 found. Finer analysis is subdivided the whole complex
structure for THz wave transmission that exhibited the birefringence of geometrical structure into triangular region then mapping to calculate
1 × 10−02 at the 1 THz operating frequency. They were not indicated more accurately. It is noted that the convergence error of 6.89 × 10−9
effective area and V-parameter of the proposed fiber. Li et al. [19] re- has been found at the operating wavelength of f = 1 THz. When light
ported a hexagonal PCF (H-PCF) where cladding vicinity arranged by propagating through the whole length of the fiber some loss are arises.
circular and elliptical air cavities. This structure revealed birefringence EML is one of the major losses which cause the operating signal energy
in the order of 10−03 in the range of 0.1–5 THz activation operating dissipation. EML of the proposed PCF can be numerated by Eq. (1)
frequency. But, the authors were not calculated effective absorption according to the article [22].
loss, effective area, power fraction, and mode characteristics of the 2
reported H-PCF. Islam et al. [20] suggested a diamond-core porous fiber αmo 1 ε ⎛ ∫A nαmat |E |dA ⎞ −1
α eff = = ⎜⎛ 0 ⎟⎞ ⎜ mat ⎟ cm
for polarization maintaining applications that exhibited the material αmat 2 ⎝ μ0 ⎠ ∫All Sz dA (1)
⎝ ⎠
loss and birefringence of 0.11 cm−1 and 8.45 × 10−03 at f = 1 THz.
The absorption loss of the PCF was higher and not preferable for where αmo and αmat are denoting loss of fundamental mode and loss
communications. Moreover, the V-parameter and power fraction char- causes from material absorption. Here ε0 and μ0 are the relative per-
acteristics not indicated in this article. In the year of 2016, Wu et al. [1] mittivity and permeability of vacuum respectively. The αmat is the bulk
proposed a micro structured PCF which revealed the birefringence of material absorption loss, n = 1.45 is the refractive index of the mate-
0.98 × 10−02 at the 4 THz pumping frequency. The material loss, ef- rial, electric field component is represented by E; poynting vector by z;
fective area, power fraction, and V-parameter didnot calculate for the component by Sz.
proposed PCF. Islam et al. [21] reported a PCF as well as obtained the In this work, EML has been investigated in several steps. For ana-
absorption loss and power fraction of 0.08 cm−1 and 38% respectively lyzing EML, first step is discussed with different porosity at the inner-
at the 1 THz operating frequency. The effective material loss (EML) of most core region of the proposed fiber. Here 55%, 60% and 65% core
the proposed PCF was also high. porosity has been enumerated for different core diameter for 1 THz
Now, in this paper, we have suggested a circular shape photonic activating frequency in Fig. 2. Core diameter is properly adapted
crystal fiber due to decaying these limitations of among the previously around the proposed fiber core diameter. Fig. 1 tells that red green and
reported articles [1,18–21]. The core and cladding territories of pro- blue curve are presenting 55%, 60% and 65% core porosity. The var-
posed PCF are formed by elliptical and circular air holes respectively. iation of core diameter from 404 µm to 424 µm produces different EML
The proposed PCF shows single mode characteristics in the entire level at 1 THz. EML level 0.052–0.065, 0.059–0.072 and 0.068–0.80 are
considered frequency range. In addition, the EML, power fraction, and acquired for 55%, 60% and 65% core porosity respectively. All porosity
effective area of the suggested PCF are 0.053 cm−1, 52%, and curves are gradually step up with the increment of operating wave-
2.36 × 10−07 m2 accordingly gain at the 1 THz pumping frequency. So, length. Such behavior occurs because higher core porosity allows high
the proposed PCF is massively efficient for sensing and communication optical power transmission through the fiber core. Now curve provides
by its excellent features. clear perception about EML and gained 0.052 cm−1 EML for 65% core
porosity and 404 µm core diameter. Now it can be clearly mentioned
that EML of the proposed PCF is comparatively lower than previously
2. Fiber design theory reported article [23].
Fiber core has been constituted with elliptical air hole. These air
The proposed PCF is consisted of five rings circular lattice formed in holes can be revolved based on their unique coordinated in associated
association with circular types of air hole. All air holes are utilized here with semi-major and semi-minor axis. Therehave no occur severe
by playing the role of dielectric medium. The fiveringsare constitutedby changes in case of EML for different orientation of core air hole angles
applying perfectly circular type’s air holes with identical diameter which are clearly presented in Fig. 3. On the basis of above
value. Moreover, an interesting arithmetic sequence has beenfound for
determine the number of air holes. The sequence is followed by
an = a1 + (n − 1) × r where n is the ring number and r = 8. Cladding
region air holes diameter is denoted by d1 = 244 µmand in the same
region center to center distance is commonly known as pitch. Here
outermost cladding region pitch is denoted by Ʌ = 320 µm. The dia-
meter of the proposed PCF is 1770 µm. The cladding region is com-
pletely bounded by the anisotropic circular perfectly matched layer (C-
PML) which absorbs unwanted incident electromagnetic radiation. The
innermost core segment is modeled with air holes. The 1st layer consists
of 6 and 2nd consists of 12 holes. The distance from one center to an-
other center is Ʌc with the value of Ʌc = 80 µm. The hosting material of
the proposed PCF is material cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), with a
commercial name of TOPAS®. TOPAS® is chosen here for high perfor-
mance in terahertz waveguide due to its bulk absorption material loss is
very low. For fiber modeling and numerical investigation commercially Fig. 1. Transverse cross-sectional end face two dimensional (2D) view of pro-
available software COMSOL Multiphyics® version 4.2 has been used. posed Circular PCF: (a) cladding region and (b) core region.

B.K. Paul and K. Ahmed Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

Fig. 2. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of different core

diameter at 1 THz.
Fig. 4. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of eccentricity as a
core air hole rotation angle at 1 THz for 55%, 60%, and 65% core porosity

Fig. 3. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of different core air
hole rotation angle at 1 THz.
Fig. 5. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of operating fre-
quency for 55%, 60%, and 65% core porosity over 0.80 THz to 1.20 THz.
investigation at f = 1THz frequency, it can be conclude that for 65%
core porosity maximum light propagated through the core region which
ensures low level of loss. Eccentricity is another fundamental geometric All investigated results tell that EML for 65% porosity is best suited due
parameter for elliptical air hole. Eccentricity is the measurement of the to comparatively lower order of EML.
how nearly circular the ellipse. It is expressed by the following re- Other crucial parameter of the PCFs is power fraction. It defines the
lationship given by Eq. (2). total amount of flow over the THz waveguide. The amount of power
fraction can be estimated by the following Eq. (3)
e= 1− ∫X Sz dA
a2 (2) η′ =
∫All Sz dA (3)
where a represents semi major and b represents semi minor axis re-
spectively. EML is a function of eccentricity derived for the activation where X in the numerator defines the area of the region of interest, and
frequency f = 1THz has been plotted in Fig. 4. The eccentricity has the denominator defines is the total area. The background material
varied around the optimum parameters from 0.4 to 0.6. In this in- TOPAS® has a constant refractive index of 1.53 over boarder frequency
vestigated module, the results are resembled with Figs. 2 and 3. range spectrum reported in article [23]. Fig. 6 represents simulta-
Now a wider range of frequency spectrum has been applied to ob- neouslycore diameter variation and core porosity variation by keeping
serve the behaviors of the proposed PCF. For this task frequency range other geometrical fixed in frequency condition f = 1THz. Figure also
0.80–1.20 THz has been applied successfully. In Fig. 5 EML as a func- reportsthat on an average 47–53% power fraction have been occurred
tion of applied frequency has been plotted for three different core during the variation (405–425 µm) of core diameter. It clearly indicates
porosities. Here it clearlydemonstrates that higher core porosity offers that due to increasing core diameter less amount of power flow occurs.
more excellent power flower over the THz waveguide and diminishes During this investigation time modal parameter (V-parameter) has also
EML. Higher porosity reduces the degree of material employed in the been studied and plotted in Fig. 7 with the help of the following Eq. (4).
innermost core area. As a result an optical electromagnetic optical wave
2πrf 2 2
experienced with less interaction the PCF material TOPAS®. Here core V= ncore − ncladding ≤ 2.405
c (4)
porosities of 55%, 60% and 65% are shows the EMLof 0.052 cm−1,
0.059 cm−1 and 0.068 cm−1 at 1 THz pumping frequency respectively. where ncore, ncladdingare mapping the effecting refractive index of core

B.K. Paul and K. Ahmed Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

Fig. 6. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of operating fre- Fig. 8. Power fraction is a function of operating frequency over 0.80–1.20 THz
quency for 55%, 60%, and 65% core porosity over 0.80–1.20 THz. regime for optimum design structure.

Fig. 7. Normalized effective material loss (EML) a function of operating fre- Fig. 9. V parameter is a function of operating frequency over 0.80–1.20 THz
quency for 55%, 60%, and 65% core porosity over 0.80–1.20 THz. regime for optimum design structure.

and cladding region respectively. The r is the radios of core region, f is fiber can be calculated by the following Eq. (5).
the operated frequency and c is the light velocity in free space. During
this overall investigation study V parameter is ranging from 1.95 to x
Birefringence = neff − neffy (5)
2.38. It can mention that if V is under 2.405 then it persist in single
mode region. Besides this, intermodal dispersion can be elevated for x
where neff and neffy are effective refractive index for x and y polarization
single mode propagation. So our proposed fiber is strongly favorable in respectively. The traditional polarization-maintaining fibers like Bow-
this condition. tie or PANDA fibers [24] have a modal birefringence up to 5 × 10−4 by
Wide range of frequency has been applied to check the power using mechanical stress to core, and they have been applied to over-
fraction. The power fraction is a function of operating THz frequency is come this type of random polarization limitation [25]. It has been ex-
plotted in Fig. 8. The investigation study has done over 0.08–1.20 THz pressed that due to the intrinsically high index contrast, the PCFs can
range. In applied frequency spectrum, the power fraction remains un- retain larger birefringence than the traditional PM fibers. Currently,
changed. More than 50% power fraction is produced here for optimum published PCFs are called PM PCFs and have been fabricated as well as
PCF structure. As a result 400 GHz flat band power fraction derived have yielded a birefringence as 3.9 × 10−3 at the wavelength of
which is very necessary for broadband transmission by minimizing 1.55 μm [26].This result is improved by our proposed structure that
EML. At the same time V parameter inspection has been carried out exhibits the birefringence orders of 1.34 × 10−2 which is depicted in
which is very important for practical applications. Expanding Eq. (4) Fig. 10. From this figure, it can be seen that frequency dependent bi-
the V parameter has been diagrammed in Fig. 9. The V parameter is refringence increases according to the increment of frequency up to
sharply upraises and making positive slope over 1.4–2.6 for 1 THz and slightly decreases up to rest of the frequencies and vice versa.
0.08–1.2 THz respectively. PCF remains in single mode region up to For the finite number of air holes in cladding region, the light can
1.14 THz region. After 1.14 THz the fiber experienced with multimode propagate among the air hole that is called the confinement loss (CL) or
behaviors. Now it clearly expresses that single mode or long haul leakage loss. To calculate the confinement loss, an efficient boundary
communication is possible from the PCF by facilitating 340 GHz condition is required, that introduces no reflection at boundary.
bandwidth. Circular PMLs are the most effective absorption boundary condition for
It is known that the refractive indices of two orthogonal polarization this type of purpose [27]. The leakage loss is computed with the ima-
directions are different in a birefringent fiber. The birefringence of a ginary portion of the effective index according to the Eq. (6).

B.K. Paul and K. Ahmed Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

Fig. 10. V parameter is a function of operating frequency over 0.80–1.20 THz

regime for optimum design structure. Fig. 12. Effective mode area is a function of operating frequency over
0.80–1.20 THz regime for optimum design structure.

dB f
Confinement Loss (CL) ⎡ ⎤ = 8.686 × 2π Im (neff ) enhancement of frequencies up to 1 THz and reduces rest of the fre-
⎣m⎦ c (6)
quencies, and the value of effective mode area is about 2.1 × 10−7 m2
where f is the operating frequency and Im is the imaginary part of the at 1 THz frequency which is higher than [29]. Effective mode area due
effective refractive index. Fig. 11 describes the relationship between the to fiber’s global diameters variation does not vary and its shape
leakage/confinement loss and frequency for x-polarized mode detailed abruptly. From above discussions, it can be clearly expressed that our
around 1.2 THz frequencies. From this figure, it is also noticed that the proposed PCF will be effective for transmission systems. Table 1 re-
confinement loss linearly alleviates with the increment of frequency presents the comparisons among proposed PCF and prior PCFs. It is
that is effectible for long haul communication systems [23]. Increasing nicely exhibited that our proposed PCF shows excellent performance
frequency forms a relatively high index difference between core region than recent designed PCFs. Besides, the effective material loss (EML) of
and cladding region. In addition, light is tightly absorbed in the core the proposed fiber is comparatively very low about 0.053 cm−1 at1 THz
region and for this reason, CL decreases. It is also found that the x- activation frequencies compare to Ref. [20,22–23]. Due to low loss
polarization effective mode offers smaller CLcompare to that of the y- exhibition of proposed fiber makes it suitable in THz radiation propa-
polarization mode. The confinement loss at 1 THz frequency is about gation.
1.9 × 10−2 (dB/m). Now, from the experimental and technical point of view, fabrication
At longer wavelength, the mode power weakly confines in the core is the most important task and challenging also. The proposed P-HPCF
region, as a result the guiding waves spread largely. So in this step fabrication process may be easy to fabricate using Sol-gel technique
effective area of the fiber are determined by using Eq. (7). [30] because it can fabricate any shapes and sizes of air holes. Its design
flexibility makes it unique compare to others fabrication technique. So
[∫ I (r ) rdr ]2
Aeff = our proposed P-PCF can be successfully fabricated applying the most
[∫ I 2 (r ) dr ]2 (7) well-known technique called Sol-gel technique.
where I (r ) = |Et is representing the electric field intensity. In this si-
tuation, the propagating modes retain larger effective mode area [28]. 4. Conclusions
Fig. 12 represents effective mode area as a function of frequency. The
effective mode area of the fiber decreases according to the A circular shape PCF has been proposed and numerically in-
vestigated in this paper. The reported PCF is designed for THz wave
transmission. Two different sizes and shapes air cavities are used to
design this PCF structure. Various geometrical parameters including
diameters of circular air holes; major and minor axis of the elliptical air
holes has fluctuated to examine the optical properties of the suggested
PCF. The core porosity and eccentricity effects are also considered to
calculate the guiding parameters. The reported PCF shows ultra-high
birefringence in the order of 1.34 × 10−02 and ultra-low absorption
loss of 0.053 cm−1 at the 1 THz activation frequency. The V-parameter

Table 1
Comparison among several fundamental properties of the proposed THz wa-
veguide with the existing standard PCF structures.
References f (THz) Birefringence EML (cm−1)

Ref. [18] 1 1 × 10−02 –

Ref. [20] 1 8.45 × 10−03 0.110
Ref. [1] 4 0.98 × 10−02 –
Ref. [23] 1 – 0.085
Ref. [30] 1 – 0.076
Ref. [22] 1 – 0.066
Fig. 11. Confinement loss is a function of operating frequency over
Proposed PCF 1 1.34 × 10−2 0.053
0.80–1.20 THz regime for optimum design structure.

B.K. Paul and K. Ahmed Optical Fiber Technology 53 (2019) 102031

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