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1. Introduction

The definition of health according to WHO is a state of well-being, perfect

from physical, mental, and social conditions that are not limited to being free from
disease and weakness. Health is a human right and one of the elements to achieve
prosperity in accordance with one of the ideals of the Indonesian nation and to
support public health with the highest degree of health (Setiawan, 2016). Physical
health is a state of an organ that can function properly without feeling pain or
complaints and it does not look objectively sick. All organs of the body can work
normally (Nurcahyo, 2008). Mental health (mental / spiritual) is defined as a
condition that allows each individual to understand his potential which includes
three components, namely, mind, emotional, and spiritual. Healthy thinking is
reflected in the way of thinking or thinking. Emotional health is reflected in the way
a person expresses his expression, such as sad, happy, sad and others. Healthy
spirituality is reflected in a person expressing gratitude, praise, trust, and so on
towards God Almighty in the form of performing worship according to the
teachings that he adheres to.

Social health is defined by the realization of the interaction of each

individual with each other without distinguishing differences in ethnicity, race, or
skin color, so as to create a sense of tolerance and unity. Economic health is
understood by the appearance of someone (an adult) who is productive, meaning he
has income or work for someone who is not yet an adult (students / students) or for
those who are elderly, then these limits do not apply. For the group, there is a social
economy in existence, the intention is for example the ability to excel for students
and to socialize well and be useful for others for those who are elderly or retired
(Hidayati, 2012).
2. Content
In my opinion, being healthy is not only about physical (physical), but
healthy also means to mention spiritual. Healthy in the physical sense means there is
no abnormality that occurs in our body, the purpose of the disorder here is that our
body is not experiencing something that can make the body feel sick, whether there
is damage or miscommunication from the inner body. Healthy in the physical sense
can also be felt by the evidence that we can carry out daily activities normally. If a
person is not physically fit or has an illness, sometimes his body will become weak
and unable to do activities properly. While spiritually healthy is something that can
be caused by external factors, for example, about mental health and social welfare.
In my opinion mental health is something that must always be considered, because if
a person's mental health is not good it will affect the person's personality and
behavior. According to Howard et al (2010) Various problems that occur in
adolescents are influenced by various dimensions of life in themselves, both
biological, cognitive, moral and psychological dimensions as well as the influence
of the surrounding environment. Now the thing that stands out in adolescents is
from a health perspective. Mental health can be influenced by an event that has been
experienced by someone. Of the two types of health presented can be influenced by
a social welfare.
People who often neglect their health assume that their bodies are still fit and
do not prioritize health. When the body is in a very healthy condition, maybe
someone will feel very free to carry out any activity, even for various activities that
require a lot of energy. Even if the body is forced to continue working, then the
body will experience fatigue. In my opinion, if our body is healthy then we can do
all activities very freely, of course, it is balanced by regular eating patterns and
adequate rest. If my body is healthy, then I can do activities well, can go anywhere,
can eat anything delicious. The point is being healthy is something we must be
thankful for. If my body is not healthy, then all activities will be disrupted, my job
as a student will be neglected, the food will not taste good, and will have to take
medication according to schedule.
The way to get used to a healthy life is to make a reminder so that we know
when we should exercise, when we need to rest, maintain a regular diet, limit
activities so we don't over-work so our bodies don't get tired. After making a
reminder, we will always be accustomed to and sensitive to applying healthy living
behaviors. My way to tell about healthy lifestyles to those around me is to practice
and show firsthand the healthy habits or lifestyles that I do and by telling firsthand
how to get used to living a healthy lifestyle to those around me. The younger
generation can make a direct contribution to promoting a healthy lifestyle through
habits that are applied in everyday life. As a young generation, they must have a
healthy body and positive mind in order to be able to carry out their activities well.
No need to care about something people show or something people say to you, so
that it does not become something that can interfere with mental health. The young
generation can also provide socialization to the public about how to live a healthy

3. Conclusion

Healthy is a condition that is free from all types of diseases, both physical,
mental and social. Physical health is the presence of organs that can function
properly. Mental health is a condition that allows each individual to understand their
potential which includes three components, namely, mind, emotional, and spiritual.
Social health is defined by the realization of the interaction of each individual with
each other. Economic health is understood by the appearance of a productive (adult)
person. The younger generation can make a direct contribution to promoting a
healthy lifestyle through habits that are applied in everyday life. As a young
generation, they must have a healthy body and positive mind in order to be able to
carry out their activities well.

4. List of references

Hidayati, U. (2012). Sehat. Online: Diakses pada 27
Maret 2020, pukul 16:39 WIB
Howard, T.L., Marcell, A.V., Plowden, K., Watson, C. (2010). Exploring Women’s
Perceptions About Th eir Role in Supporting Partners’ and Sons’
Reproductive Health Care. Americans Journal of Mens’s Health. 4(4): 297-

Nurcahyo, H. (2008). Ilmu Kesehatan: Untuk Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan SMK Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen
Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

Setiawan, H. A. (2016). Sehat. Online:

%201.pdf Diakses pada 27 Maret 2020, pukul 16:32 WIB

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