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3-1 Discussion: Wellness in History

In what ways does looking through the history lens enhance your understanding of wellness?
Looking through the lens of history is essential to understand wellness. We have to be able to
look at our past to see how far we have come in this area. You can look at the various trials and
attempts to understand wellness throughout the years and see how much we have progressed in
this area of expertise. History incorporates many facets in the field of wellness – that being
scientifical, varying peoples who attempted to understand it better, and the ones trying to make
the world better today in this regard. It would be best if you had a firm grasp on the past to be
able to proceed in the future.
Consider a current event in the news that has a historical counterpart? How does looking
through the history lens influence how you perceive both the current and historical events?
The article I chose for this section was concerning meditation by Martha Loustaunau. She
discusses meditation being thousands of years old and how it was used then and now. I believe
that looking through history; meditation principles have been used for ones’ overall well-being
and to reduce stress. Modern principles are using this today in the workplace for their employees.
The author says that “it has been practiced and studied in the workplace as a means of boosting
worker productivity” (Loustaunau, 2019). I can see this in my own workplace with initiatives
with yoga and meditation practices to help employees throughout the day. The link is https://eds-
How does analyzing the relationship between history, culture, and wellness have an influence
on your discipline of study or chosen profession?
My area of study is history. Understanding the relationship between history, culture, and
wellness is essential to the overall comprehension of my discipline of study. I have to be able to
review the events of the past with a neutral and non-biased point of view to correctly see the
reemergence of that event today or how that event has changed. Culturally, it is also essential to
understand the changing of people and their viewpoints overtime. Seeing my field through the
aspect of wellness is to see it through the overall well-being of nations and peoples and how
society and structure have changed throughout the years and what is currently being done to
make it better.
Loustaunau, M. O., PhD. (2019). Meditation. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Retrieved

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