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21, 2016





Differentiation of Constriction
and Restriction
Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

Jeffrey B. Geske, MD, Nandan S. Anavekar, MD, Rick A. Nishimura, MD, Jae K. Oh, MD,
Bernard J. Gersh, MBCHB, DPHIL


Differentiation of constrictive pericarditis (CP) from restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is a complex and often challenging
process. Because CP is a potentially curable cause of heart failure and therapeutic options for RCM are limited, distinction
of these 2 conditions is critical. Although different in regard to etiology, prognosis, and treatment, CP and RCM share
a common clinical presentation of predominantly right-sided heart failure, in the absence of significant left ventricular
systolic dysfunction or valve disease, due to impaired ventricular diastolic filling. Fundamental to the diagnosis of
either condition is a clear understanding of the underlying hemodynamic principles and pathophysiology. We
present a contemporary review of the pathophysiology, hemodynamics, diagnostic assessment, and therapeutic
approach to patients presenting with CP and RCM. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;68:2329–47) © 2016 by the American College
of Cardiology Foundation.

D istinction of constrictive and restrictive

hemodynamics remains one of cardiovas-
cular medicine’s most complex challenges
(1–10). Both result in impaired ventricular filling


with clinical manifestations of predominantly right tification of pericardial disease dates back to Biblical
heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. times, with observation of clinical signs attributable
Constrictive pericarditis (CP) is a potentially revers- to CP harkening to the renaissance period, and mod-
ible cause of heart failure, whereas restrictive ern understanding arising during the 19th century
cardiomyopathy (RCM) has very limited therapeutic (11). CP is a pathological condition with encasement
options. Therefore, the ability to differentiate of the heart by a thickened, fibrous, and sometimes
between these conditions remains paramount to calcified pericardium, with secondary abnormalities
therapy. Herein, we present a review of hemody- in chamber filling. The etiologic mechanisms of peri-
namic differentiation of CP and RCM, as well as cardial pathology have evolved over the past century,
discussion of the underlying pathophysiology, diag- with an increasingly significant iatrogenic contribu-
nostic assessment, and therapeutic approaches to tion from post-surgical inflammation and radiation
both entities. therapy (12). There are major geographic influences

Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by
JACC Editor-in-Chief From the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Anavekar has reviewed literature for
Dr. Valentin Fuster. Frestedt Incorporated, related to wound vacuum and TEE probe covers. Dr. Gersh has served on the data safety monitoring boards
of Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Hospital, Boston Scientific, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, St. Jude Medical, Janssen Research &
Development, Baxter Healthcare, and the Cardiovascular Research Foundation; has been a consultant to Janssen Scientific Affairs
and Xenon Pharmaceuticals; and has been on the advisory board of Medtronic. All other authors have reported that they have no
relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

Manuscript received May 2, 2016; revised manuscript received August 4, 2016, accepted August 9, 2016.
2330 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

ABBREVIATIONS on etiology, with tuberculosis the most associated sequelae. Unfortunately, therapeutic
AND ACRONYMS frequent cause of pericardial diseases in approaches to RCM remain challenging. Despite
developing countries and in the world, often optimal heart failure care, definitive treatment is
3D = 3-dimensional
coupled with human immunodeficiency virus often limited to cardiac transplantation.
BNP = B-type natriuretic
coinfection (13). Of noninfectious etiologies, MIXED CONSTRICTION AND RESTRICTION. Consid-
most are idiopathic, whereas the remainder erable overlap of CP and RCM may be present,
CMR = cardiac magnetic
resonance stem from iatrogenic causes, connective tis- particularly in the setting of prior chest radiotherapy.
CP = constrictive pericarditis
sue diseases, neoplasms, or uremia. Fibrous Radiation indiscriminately affects both pericardial
thickening of the pericardium forms a rigid, and myocardial tissues, in addition to the valves and
CT = computed tomography
noncompliant encasement of the heart, coronary vessels. Mixed constriction/restriction can
e = early diastolic velocity
resulting in progressive impairment in car- also be seen post-operatively, including post-cardiac
EMB = endomyocardial biopsy
diovascular filling and low cardiac output transplantation. Although post-operative mecha-
FDG = 18-fluorodeoxyglucose
(14). Symptoms often arise insidiously in CP, nisms remain suboptimally defined, mixed features
LA = left atrium/atrial
culminating in progressive signs and symp- may arise as a combination of pericardial scarring and
LV = left ventricle/ventricular toms of predominantly right heart failure. procedure-mediated myocardial dysfunction (23).
NYHA = New York Heart Complete surgical removal of the pericar- There is a paucity of data to describe this mixed pic-
dium can result in excellent symptomatic ture, and therefore, the true prevalence remains un-
PET = positron emission
improvement. The prognosis is dependent known. Yamada et al. (23) reported that 12.7% of
upon the underlying etiology, with prior ra- patients referred for evaluation of CP or RCM were
RA = right atrium/atrial
diation therapy consistently associated with found to have overlapping features. In that same se-
RCM = restrictive
worse outcomes (12,15). For unclear reasons, ries, patients with mixed disease had significantly
there is male predominance of CP in most worse survival compared with those with isolated CP.
RV = right ventricle/ventricular
clinical series. Mixed constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics
pose a significant management dilemma, because the
clinical outcome of high-risk surgical interventions
primary disease of the myocardium. RCM is charac-
may be uncertain.
terized by increased myocardial stiffness, which
results in a rapid rise in ventricular filling pressures HEMODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF
reflected in both the systemic and pulmonary cir- RESTRICTION AND CONSTRICTION
culations. Despite marked abnormalities in diastolic
function, left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction is NORMAL CARDIAC HEMODYNAMICS. Understanding
typically preserved. Primary RCM is often idiopathic, normal hemodynamic findings is integral for recog-
although familial inheritance has been described, nition of derangements present in CP and RCM.
with desmin and troponin I mutations implicated Although frequently separated during discussions of
(16,17). Idiopathic RCM has been associated with cardiac function, diastole and systole are intricately
distal skeletal myopathy (18). Amyloidosis is the linked, with diastolic filling providing the preload
most common secondary cause of RCM (18). Radia- necessary for generation of stroke volume via the
tion heart disease and post-operative etiologies Frank-Starling mechanism. This intimate relationship
represent an increasing proportion of RCM in the is exemplified at the molecular level by the depen-
developed countries. Non-eosinophilic endomyo- dence of both cardiac contraction and relaxation on
cardial disease (endomyocardial fibrosis) is an calcium cycling (24). Diastolic filling is dependent
important cause of RCM in tropical countries of upon factors extrinsic to the cardiac chamber (the
South America (Brazil and Venezuela) and Africa loading conditions imposed upon the heart, pericar-
(Mozambique, Uganda, and others) (19–21). dial restraint, chest geometry) and intrinsic myocar-
Numerous other secondary etiologies of RCM have dial properties, such as viscoelastic forces,
been identified: eosinophilic endomyocardial dis- myocardial stiffness, and stress–strain relationships.
ease, storage diseases (e.g., hemochromatosis, Although ventricular diastole is a complex
glycogen storage diseases, Fabry disease), sarcoid- sequence of interrelated events, it can be divided into
osis, scleroderma, carcinoid, medication-induced 3 components: ventricular relaxation, passive filling,
(serotonin, ergotamines), and chemotherapy- and atrial contraction. Sarcomere inactivation and
induced (anthracyclines) (14,22). Shared among calcium cycling, the load on the LV, and nonunifor-
these disorders are altered chamber wall mechanical mity of ventricular relaxation influence global ven-
properties with reduced compliance, resulting in a tricular relaxation (25). Early rapid filling occurs due
rise in mean circulatory filling pressures and to a combination of ventricular relaxation, the driving
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NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

F I G U R E 1 RA Pressure Tracings in CP and RCM

Constrictive pericarditis Restrictive cardiomyopathy

100 mm Hg


50 mm Hg


* x y y

0 mm Hg

(Left) Left ventricular (LV) (blue) and right atrial pressure (RA) (orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in constrictive pericarditis (CP).
Prominent “x” and “y” descents are present with a square root sign (*). (Right) LV and RA pressure hemodynamic pressure tracings in restrictive
cardiomyopathy (RCM). A prominent “y” descent is present, but the “x” descent is blunted.

pressure across the mitral valve from elevated left significant inspiratory rise in pressures. Although
atrial (LA) pressure, pericardial restraint, and right- and left-sided diastolic pressures vary inde-
myocardial stiffness. Passive filling occurs as the pendent of one another during respiration, systolic
result of continued ventricular relaxation and effec- pressures parallel one another, falling with inspiration
tive operating chamber compliance, which is the sum and rising with expiration, mirroring intrathoracic
total of passive filling dependent upon pericardial pressures (27). During expiration, right-sided filling
restraint, ventricular interaction, and viscoelastic decreases relative to inspiration, whereas left-heart
forces of the myocardium (25). Atrial contraction filling remains relatively constant.
serves to “prime” the ventricle by actively distending
the chamber via atrial mechanical emptying. HEMODYNAMICS OF CONSTRICTION. The primary
The pericardial sac encompasses both ventricles, hemodynamic consequence of constriction is limita-
the right atrium (RA), and most of the LA, whereas the tion of the total volume of blood that can be accom-
pulmonary venous system and the majority of the su- modated by the heart during diastole across the
perior and inferior vena cavae are external to the respiratory cycle, with equalization of right- and left-
pericardium. Most of the superior and inferior vena sided cardiac filling pressures. Accentuated early
cavae are not intrathoracic, and thus are largely un- rapid ventricular filling occurs due to high atrial
affected by swings in intrathoracic pressure. During driving pressures and unimpeded ventricular relaxa-
inspiration, diaphragmatic descent results in a tion, followed by a sudden rapid rise in pressure from
decrease in intrathoracic pressure of 5 to 10 mm Hg, pericardial restraint. This accounts for the rapid “y”
which is fully transmitted to the cardiac chambers (26). descent on the atrial pressure waveform and “square
Given no change in systemic venous pressure, the drop root” sign on ventricular pressures. Reduced peri-
in intrathoracic pressure augments right heart filling. cardial compliance limits myocardial stretch during
The pulmonary veins are entirely intrathoracic; diastole. Although diastolic pressures are high, there
therefore, there is a uniform decrease in pressure is a paradoxically low stroke volume from low pre-
within the pulmonary veins and left-sided cardiac load. Preserved atrial relaxation, as well as an exag-
chambers. Thus, left-sided filling does not signifi- gerated ventricular longitudinal contraction, result in
cantly alter during respiration. In the presence of a an exaggerated “x” descent on atrial pressure tracings
normal pericardium and a compliant right ventricle (Figure 1).
(RV), chamber distention caused by increased flow is Rigid cardiac encasement has the additional effect
easily accommodated, and therefore does not result in of isolation of the cardiac chambers from swings in
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Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

F I G U R E 2 Simultaneous RV and LV Hemodynamic Assessment in CP and RCM

100 mm Hg


Constrictive pericarditis LV

50 mm Hg


100 mm Hg
Insp Exp

Restrictive cardiomyopathy LV

50 mm Hg


(Top) Left ventricular (LV) (blue) and right ventricular (RV) (orange) hemodynamic pressure tracings in constrictive pericarditis. End-diastolic
filling pressures are elevated and a “square root” sign is present on both pressure tracings (*). Enhanced ventricular interdependence is present,
demonstrated by visualization of the systolic area index; RV (gray) and LV (dark gray) areas under the curve are shown for both inspiration
(Insp) and expiration (Exp). During inspiration, there is an increase in the area of the RV pressure curve and decrease in the area of the LV
pressure curve. (Bottom) LV and RV pressure tracings in restrictive cardiomyopathy. Although end-diastolic filling pressures are elevated and
a square root sign (*) is present, there is no evidence of enhanced ventricular interdependence, with parallel changes in LV and RV pressure
curve areas.

intrathoracic pressure. With inspiration, there is a filling. This is accompanied by inspiratory interven-
reduction in intrathoracic pressures not fully trans- tricular septal motion towards the LV. Increased
mitted to the cardiac chambers. Because the pulmo- inferior vena cava flow during inspiration,
nary veins are intrathoracic, inspiratory reduction in augmented by increased transdiaphragmatic pres-
pulmonary capillary and venous pressures reduces sure, competes with flow from the superior vena cava
the flow between the pulmonary veins and left-sided into the high-pressure RA. The resultant increase in
cardiac chambers. In the setting of a noncompliant jugular venous pressure with inspiration is termed
pericardium with a relatively fixed intrapericardial Kussmaul’s sign (28). The converse is seen in expi-
volume, reduced LV filling allows increased RV ration. With expiration, there is a rise in intrathoracic
JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016 Geske et al. 2333
NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

(and therefore pulmonary venous) pressures. This of CP. Robust early ventricular filling accompanying
augments flow into the left heart. Increased left heart the “y” descent with sudden deceleration results in
filling within a fixed total intrapericardial volume an early diastolic, high-pitched pericardial knock,
pushes the interventricular septum towards the right, although this is an insensitive sign.
reducing RV filling, and creating expiratory diastolic As with CP, RCM results in predominant findings of
flow reversals transmitted back to the inferior vena systemic venous congestion. Compared with CP,
cava and hepatic veins. This respirophasic hemody- concomitant pulmonary venous congestion is more
namic augmentation is an important and specific common in RCM, presenting as dyspnea. Kussmaul’s
feature of constrictive physiology. Increased ven- sign may be present in RCM and is therefore a
tricular interdependence directly translates to an nonspecific finding (32,33). A prominent “y” descent
alteration in ventricular systolic pressures. Although is seen on the jugular venous contour, accompanied
these pressures rise and fall in parallel with respira- by an S3, given rapid early filling of a stiffened
tion in normal physiology, systolic pressures become ventricle. Unlike CP, a pronounced “x” descent is not
discordant in CP, a marker that is both sensitive and seen (Figure 1).
specific (Figure 2) (29). Loss of pericardial compliance
amplifies the effect of adjacent cardiac chambers, ELECTROCARDIOGRAM AND LABORATORY TESTING.

with resultant equalization of intracardiac diastolic Electrocardiographic findings are overall nonspecific
pressures. for differentiating CP and RCM, although differences
in P-wave morphology, QRS voltage, and presence of
conduction abnormalities may be present, depen-
plex interplay of pulmonary and systemic pressures
dent upon the underlying substrate. In CP, pericar-
associated with CP, RCM is the result of abnormalities
dial inflammation and fibrosis can extend to the
intrinsic to the myocardium, which are unchanged
atrial wall, resulting in an intra-atrial conduction
during respiration. As with CP, there is early rapid
delay and a wide, notched, low-amplitude P-wave
filling of the ventricles in early diastole, due to high
(34). Conversely, RCM is characterized by severe
atrial pressures, followed by limitation in filling from
biatrial enlargement, which translates to electrocar-
the stiff myocardium. This results in a prominent “y”
diographic findings of wide, increased amplitude P
descent on the atrial pressure curves, as well as the
waves (34). Atrial fibrillation is a complication of
“square root” sign on ventricular pressure curves
both CP and RCM, and likely represents electro-
(30,31). The stiff, noncompliant ventricles are unable
physiological sequelae of atrial enlargement and
to easily accept additional increments in volume
perhaps inflammation. Discordance between QRS
during atrial contraction, and thus the contribution
voltage and wall thickness should trigger clinical
from atrial contraction is often minimal. Unlike CP,
concern for cardiac amyloidosis. Ventricular con-
the “x” descent is frequently blunted, given poor
duction abnormalities (bundle branch block) are
atrial relaxation and a limited descent of the annulus
present in 20% to 30% of RCM, likely reflecting the
towards the apex (Figure 1). Increased venous flow
influence of infiltrative pathologies, but are uncom-
with inspiration is unable to be accommodated by a
mon in CP (34).
noncompliant RV; hence, there are diastolic flow re-
In the setting of effusive CP, cytokine assessment
versals in the hepatic vein with inspiration. Unlike
can be additive in determining the underlying cause,
CP, there is no discordance of intracavitary and
with serum interleukin-10 levels significantly higher
intrathoracic pressures (Figure 2).
in patients with underlying tuberculosis (35). Tar-
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION geted laboratory testing to assess for various sec-
ondary causes of RCM should be performed on an
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. Equalization of intracar- individualized basis. It is reasonable to assess for
diac pressures in CP results in predominantly sys- monoclonal paraproteinemia and paraproteinuria to
temic venous congestion, manifested as edema, evaluate for amyloidosis, although this test alone is
hepatomegaly, and ascites. As previously noted, not sufficient to confirm amyloidosis (36). Additional
elevated jugular venous pressures that increase with testing, including evaluation for connective tissue
inspiration (Kussmaul’s sign) are usually present. diseases or infiltrative diseases, should be guided by
Recognition of the characteristic jugular venous clinical history and imaging assessment.
contour with prominent “x” and “y” descents is a B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a polypeptide
critical portion of the physical examination (Figure 1). neurohormone released by the myocardium in
It should be noted that the “x” descent is lost in pa- response to stretch. Although both CP and RCM result
tients with atrial fibrillation, even in the presence in elevated filling pressures, patients with RCM
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Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

F I G U R E 3 M-Mode of the Interventricular Septum in CP

M-mode of the ventricular septum demonstrates respirophasic septal shift (downward translation of the septum with inspiration, upward
translation with expiration) and septal shudder (circle, with enlarged view in upper right corner) in a patient with constrictive pericarditis (CP).

develop massive biatrial enlargement. In keeping ventricular septal shifting is usually the first echo-
with this, BNP tends to be higher in patients with cardiographic clue to the diagnosis of CP because it is
RCM (>600 pg/ml) compared with CP (>200 pg/ml) present in almost all patients with CP. Beyond the
(37,38). However, significant overlap is present, respirophasic motion, a septal “bounce,” also referred
limiting the clinical utility of BNP in differentiating to as a “shudder” or “diastolic checking,” may be
the 2 conditions (39). The difference in BNP between present with each beat in patients with CP, trans-
patients with RCM and CP is lessened in the setting of lating to a septal notch on M-mode imaging (Figure 3).
renal insufficiency (37,40). The mechanism of this “bounce” is a combination
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. 2-dimensional echocardiography. of differential timing of filling and pericardial
Echocardiography is the initial imaging test of choice constraint, leading to rapid cessation of filling (44).
in patients with signs and symptoms of constriction Systemic venous congestion is present in both RCM
or restriction. Increased pericardial thickness can and CP. A plethoric inferior vena cava and engorged
be recognized on transthoracic echocardiography, hepatic veins are expected in both conditions.
although interpretation is often challenging (41). Absence of a dilated inferior vena cava in a patient
Pericardial thickness >3 mm on transesophageal without recent diuresis should call into question the
echocardiography is both sensitive and specific for diagnosis of hemodynamically significant CP or RCM.
the detection of a thickened pericardium (42). Cavity size and ventricular wall thickness tend to
Adherence of the visceral and parietal pericardium be normal in primary (idiopathic) RCM (18). Severe
can result in tethering, a finding often appreciated atrial enlargement is often present (Figure 4).
on the RV free wall from the subcostal or apical Although hemodynamics are similar in primary and
4-chamber views (43). Identification of a calcified secondary (infiltrative) forms of RCM, ventricular
pericardium with ventricular contour distortion is wall thickness is commonly increased in infiltrative
infrequent, but strongly suggests CP (43). Pericardial diseases (22). Unfortunately, many infiltrative car-
calcification is much better appreciated via chest diomyopathies can have a similar appearance on
x-ray or computed tomography (CT). Presence of a 2-dimensional echocardiography (45). Further
pericardial effusion may signify the presence of assessment via serologic evaluation, strain, tissue
effusive–constrictive physiology. characterization at cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)
Assessment of ventricular septal motion on both imaging, or endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) may be
M-mode and 2-dimensional echocardiography can needed to clarify further.
provide insight into ventricular interdependence D o p p l e r e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y . Detailed Doppler he-
with inspiratory leftward motion of the septum and modynamic evaluation is central to the diagnosis of
expiratory rightward shift (Figure 3). Respirophasic both CP and RCM (46), and may be sufficient to
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NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

F I G U R E 4 Echocardiographic Findings in RCM

(Upper left) Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows a restrictive pattern, with early diastolic mitral inflow Doppler velocity (E) greater than late velocity (A) and
short deceleration time. (Upper right) Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows increased inspiratory forward velocities (arrow), inspiratory diastolic flow reversals
(arrowhead), and minimal expiratory diastolic flow reversals (rounded arrow). (Lower left) Lateral mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates markedly reduced early
diastolic velocity (e0 ). (Lower right) Apical 4-chamber 2-dimensional echocardiography reveals severe biatrial enlargement. RCM ¼ restrictive cardiomyopathy.

confirm CP without hemodynamic catheterization in hepatic vein forward velocities with large expiratory
in many patients. Mitral (and tricuspid) Doppler diastolic reversals. The presence of atrial fibrillation
inflow patterns in both CP and RCM are early diastolic results in variable cardiac cycle length and accom-
velocity (E-wave) predominant with a short deceler- panying alteration of mitral inflow velocities.
ation time, reflecting the predominance of early rapid Although this makes evaluation for CP via mitral
ventricular filling. A critical difference is the presence inflow Doppler challenging, hepatic vein flow re-
of respiratory flow variation in CP (Figure 5), which is versals and annular tissue Doppler assessment
absent in RCM (Figure 4) (3,4,6,47,48). Reportedly, remain reliable metrics for assessment of CP (43).
mitral inflow in CP demonstrates a respiratory varia- Mitral and tricuspid inflow patterns in patients
tion of $25%, with increased velocities during expi- with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can
ration (49). The initial observation of mitral inflow mimic CP because of increased changes in intratho-
respiratory variation in CP was on the basis of 7 pa- racic pressure. Superior vena cava Doppler assess-
tients (49), and subsequent larger studies have shown ment is warranted in all patients with significant
the absence of respiratory variation in one-third of respiratory disease undergoing evaluation for CP.
patients with CP (50,51). Therefore, the lack of respi- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease results in a
ratory variation should not exclude the diagnosis of marked increase in superior vena cava systolic
CP. Doppler respirophasic variation is similarly seen forward flow velocity with inspiration, whereas pa-
in the pulmonary veins, with peak diastolic flow tients with CP do not demonstrate such respiratory
>18% variation suggestive of CP (6). Tricuspid inflow variation (52).
Doppler demonstrates the reverse finding, namely a Of all echocardiographic parameters, perhaps the
>40% increase in tricuspid velocity in the first beat most useful to distinguish CP and RCM is mitral
after inspiration in CP. Hepatic vein Doppler interro- annular tissue Doppler assessment. The early dia-
gation in CP shows decreased expiratory diastolic stolic velocity of the mitral annulus (e 0 ) sampled via
2336 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

F I G U R E 5 Doppler Findings in CP

(Upper left) Pulsed-wave Doppler of the mitral inflow shows >25% expiratory increase in velocities (arrows). (Upper right) Hepatic vein pulsed-wave Doppler shows
decreased expiratory forward velocities and large expiratory diastolic flow reversals (arrowhead). (Lower left) Medial mitral annulus tissue Doppler demonstrates
elevated early diastolic velocities (e0 ), despite increased filling pressures (annulus paradoxus). (Lower right) Lateral mitral annulus e0 is decreased relative to the medial
annulus (annulus reversus) due to lateral tethering. CP ¼ constrictive pericarditis.

tissue Doppler reflects the status of LV myocardial mitral inflow E-wave and the mitral annular e 0 ve-
relaxation, with good inverse correlation with the locity is routinely used in patients with myocardial
time constant of relaxation, tau (53). Under normal diseases for diastolic function assessment, because it
conditions, the medial e 0 velocity is lower than the provides better estimates of LV filling pressures than
lateral e 0 velocity, given the relative anatomic teth- other methods, such as pulmonary vein assessment
ering of the ventricular septum, which is influenced (55,56).
by relaxation of both ventricles (54). The ratio of the As myocardial stiffening occurs and relaxation be-
comes delayed, e 0 velocities become reduced, a hall-
mark of RCM (57) (Figure 4). In CP, the mechanism of
T A B L E 1 Echocardiographic Characteristics of Surgically Confirmed CP
increased filling pressures is not at the level of the
Criterion Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV myocardium or due to reduced myocardial relaxation.
1. Ventricular septal shift 93 69 92 74 Lateral cardiac motion is limited, due to pericardial
2. Change in mitral E velocity >14.6% 84 73 92 55
constriction; hence, ventricular filling depends upon
3. Medial e0 velocity >9 cm/s 83 81 94 57
longitudinal cardiac motion. Consequently, mitral
4. Medial e0 /lateral e0 $0.91 75 85 95 50
5. Hepatic vein diastolic reversal velocity/ 76 88 96 49
annular tissue Doppler e 0 velocities are normal or
forward velocity in expiration $0.79 paradoxically increased despite increased filling
1 and 3 80 92 97 56 pressures, termed “annulus paradoxus” (58). In CP,
1 with 3 or 5 87 91 97 65 tethering of the LV free wall can result in reversal of
1 with 3 and 5 64 97 99 42
the relationship between medial and lateral mitral
Values are %. Reprinted with permission from Welch et al. (43).
annular tissue Doppler velocities, such that the
CP ¼ constrictive pericarditis; E ¼ early diastolic mitral inflow Doppler velocity; e0 ¼ early medial e 0 is higher (typically >7 cm/s) than lateral e 0 , a
diastolic mitral annular tissue Doppler velocity; NPV ¼ negative predictive value; PPV ¼ positive
predictive value.
phenomenon referred to as “annulus reversus”
(Figure 5) (59).
JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016 Geske et al. 2337
NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

We favor a multifaceted approach to echocardio- pathologically thickened pericardium (>4 mm) is

graphic evaluation of CP, utilizing the Mayo Clinic highly suggestive of CP, lack of this finding should
criteria such as interventricular septal motion, mitral not be used in isolation to exclude the diagnosis,
inflow velocity pattern, mitral annulus e 0 velocity, because pericardial thickness is normal in 20% of
and hepatic vein diastolic flow reversals with expi- patients with CP (74). In addition to defining peri-
ration (43) (Table 1). cardial anatomy, gated cardiac CT provides excellent
assessment of pericardial effusion size, cardiac
Newer echocardiographic t e c h n i q u e s . Novel
chamber size, deformation of the cardiac contour,
echocardiographic techniques of speckle-tracking
and pertinent noncardiac findings, such as hepatic
strain and 3-dimensional (3D) echocardiography
congestion, dilation of the inferior vena cava, and
have supplemented the collective understanding of
pulmonary vascular congestion. Reduced lateral
both CP and RCM (60). Three-dimensional echocar-
mitral annular early diastolic tissue Doppler veloc-
diographic imaging can provide additive information,
ities correlate well with pericardial thickness on CT in
specifically in regard to pericardial visualization (61),
patients with CP (75). Beyond anatomic definition,
pericardial effusion assessment (62), and pericardial
respirophasic septal motion in CP is well seen on the
tethering (62,63). In RCM, such as amyloidosis, 3D
gated acquisition (76).
echocardiography allows for determination of tem-
poral and regional characterization of LV dyssyn-
chrony (64,65). Myocardial deformation (LV strain)
excellent assessment of the pericardium and cardiac
may be useful in the future, because preliminary
chambers independent of chest geometry, and
data have shown that patients with CP have mark-
has emerged as a powerful diagnostic study in the
edly abnormal circumferential deformation, torsion,
evaluation of pericardial and myocardial diseases
and untwisting velocity, but relative sparing of
(77,78). Both CP and RCM present with significant
longitudinal mechanics, whereas RCM is associated
biatrial enlargement. The relative atrial ratio (ratio
with abnormal longitudinal mechanics, most pro-
of LA volume to RA volume) is greater in patients
nounced at the base, with relative sparing of LV
with CP than RCM when assessed via CMR, with a
rotation (66). Characteristic strain “fingerprints”
ratio of 1.32 providing the highest specificity and
have been identified for various infiltrative car-
sensitivity (79). Beyond cardiac anatomy, CP has
diomyopathies, such as relative apical longitudinal
been associated with increased liver stiffness, as
strain preservation in patients with cardiac amyloid-
evaluated via magnetic resonance elastography,
osis (67,68). Because the use of 3D strain continues to
likely secondary to chronic hepatic congestion or
expand, further patterns and mechanistic insights
fibrosis (80).
may emerge (69). At this juncture, these techniques,
CMR has excellent accuracy (93%) for detection of
although promising, remain investigational, and
pericardial thickening >4 mm (77). Fast spin-echo T2-
require further validation in larger studies before be-
weighted sequences, especially with fat saturation,
ing incorporated into a routine diagnostic imaging
and short-tau inversion-recovery sequences are use-
ful to visualize pericardial edema and inflammation
CHEST X-RAY AND CARDIAC CT. Chest radiography (81). CMR affords insight into the presence and extent
may demonstrate calcification of the pericardium, of pericardial inflammation via delayed gadolinium
best assessed on the lateral view, but this finding is enhancement, as well as defining the size and loca-
only seen in approximately one-quarter of patients tion of pericardial effusion in effusive CP (Figure 8)
with CP (Figure 6) (70,71). Because calcification is a (82). Interpretation of post-contrast pericardial
result of chronic inflammation, it is not typically enhancement abnormalities can be challenging in
present in patients with subacute pericarditis, which isolation, as delayed enhancement may represent a
may include effusive CP (34). Findings of pulmonary spectrum of pathologies from inflammation to
venous congestion, pleural effusions, or massive fibrosis. Combination of post-contrast data with
biatrial enlargement are more suggestive of RCM (18). edema-sensitive sequences provides further imaging
Chest CT has largely replaced chest x-ray as the insight into the presence of active inflammation. The
radiographic modality of choice for characterizing presence of abnormal pericardial delayed enhance-
pericardial anatomy, given its excellent spatial reso- ment in the setting of pericardial constriction may
lution and 3D assessment of anatomy (Figure 7) (72). identify those patients who may benefit from a
Notably, pericardial calcification not recognized on trial of aggressive anti-inflammatory therapy (83).
chest x-ray is frequently identified on CT (71). Normal Improvement in late gadolinium enhancement par-
pericardial thickness by CT is <2 mm (73). Although a allels inflammatory markers in reversible CP treated
2338 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

F I G U R E 6 Chest Radiograph in CP

(Left) Anterior-posterior chest radiograph demonstrates pericardial calcification (arrowheads) along the right atrial border and inferior margin
of the heart. (Right) Lateral radiograph demonstrates extensive anterior pericardial calcification. CP ¼ constrictive pericarditis.

with anti-inflammatory agents (83). Currently, cine-imaging characteristics may help to identify
follow-up recommendations to assess improvement infiltrative cardiomyopathies resulting in RCM (85).
of these imaging findings with medical therapy are For example, in cardiac amyloidosis, global or sub-
based upon anecdotal experience. endocardial delayed myocardial enhancement is
Myocardial delayed enhancement, indicative of frequently present, with a characteristic inability to
myocardial inflammation or fibrosis, is classically adequately null the myocardium (86). Furthermore,
absent in CP. In myopericarditis, there is extension of delayed gadolinium enhancement provides incre-
pericardial delayed enhancement to the myocardium, mental prognostic information over serum bio-
which has been associated with worse outcomes markers in immunoglobulin light-chain cardiac
compared with patients without myocardial involve- amyloidosis (87).
ment (84). Myocardial delayed enhancement is seen CMR avoids the radiation exposure associated with
in nearly one-third of cases of RCM (79). Patterns cardiac CT. This allows real-time, free-breathing im-
of myocardial delayed enhancement and other age acquisition with CMR, facilitating respirophasic

F I G U R E 7 Pericardial Assessment on CT

(Left) Anatomic location and extent of pericardial calcification (arrowheads) demonstrated on axial noncontrast computed tomography (CT) in
a patient with constrictive pericarditis. (Right) Thickened pericardium (>4 mm) in a patient with constrictive pericarditis, with deformation of
the cardiac contour in the absence of pericardial calcification.
JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016 Geske et al. 2339
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F I G U R E 8 CMR Imaging Delayed Gadolinium Enhancement of the Pericardium

(Left) Axial delayed enhancement images demonstrate pericardial enhancement (arrowheads) in the setting of fibrotic constrictive pericarditis. (Right) Delayed
enhancement of the visceral (arrowheads) and parietal pericardium (arrows) in a patient with effusive constrictive pericarditis and circumferential pericardial effusion.
CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance.

assessment of ventricular septal motion and ventric- evaluation. CMR and echocardiographic tissue
ular coupling (Online Video 1). Ventricular septal tracking-derived left ventricular mechanics provide
excursion, defined as the maximal difference in comparable diagnostic information for differentiating
expiratory and inspiratory position of the ventricular CP from RCM (94).
septum, normalized to biventricular diameter, has
been found to discriminate between CP and RCM, NUCLEAR IMAGING. Positron emission tomography
with a cutoff value of 11.8% (88). Similarly, in patients (PET) utilizing 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) provides
with CP, the ratio of biventricular end-diastolic area unique insight into in vivo metabolism, with
at end-inspiration to biventricular end-diastolic area increased uptake useful for identification of inflam-
at end-expiration remains close to 1 (1.03  0.03), mation or neoplasm. Recognition of normal, physio-
whereas the ratio was greater in patients without logical patterns of myocardial and pericardial FDG
pericardial constraint and ventricular interdepen- uptake is an important first step in isolating patho-
dence (1.28  0.10) (89). physiology (95). PET imaging provides novel meta-
Tagged cine CMR is a noncontrast technique for bolic information not obtained via anatomic imaging,
myocardial labeling and regional displacement such as CMR or CT; however, these data are not
assessment, analogous to echocardiographic mea- exclusive to the modality, and can be coupled with
sures of strain. Cine CMR has been used to assess CP, anatomic imaging for further cardiac and pericardial
as it may allow better recognition of tissue tethering, tissue characterization (81,96). In combination with
or “lack of slippage” (90,91). Adherence of the cardiac CT, FDG-PET has been utilized to assess
visceral and parietal pericardium can result in pericardial inflammation in various infectious and
persistent concordance of tagged signals between the inflammatory causes of pericarditis (96–100), and
tissue planes throughout both systole and diastole. may be helpful in differentiating between different
Tagging and cine CMR have been used to further etiologies (101).
understand myocardial mechanics in cardiomyopa- Technetium (Tc)-pyrophosphate scintigraphy
thies, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (92,93), has emerged as a clinical tool for differentiating both
and such techniques may also benefit RCM familial and wild-type transthyretin-type cardiac
2340 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

amyloidosis from other forms (102–104). Patients However, these criteria have been shown to have
with familial transthyretin-type cardiac amyloidosis poor sensitivity and specificity in differentiating be-
have significantly higher quantitative and semi- tween CP and RCM (Figure 9). In addition, any disease
quantitative cardiac visual scores than patients with in which there is an overload of the RV can result in
light-chain cardiac amyloidosis (103). The role of similar pressure abnormalities, such as severe
Tc-pyrophosphate scintigraphy or FDG-PET in tricuspid regurgitation or RV infarction.
other forms of RCM remains largely unknown. Respirophasic variation in pressures is the most
helpful hemodynamic catheterization finding in
HEMODYNAMIC CATHETERIZATION. Hemodynamic differentiating between CP and RCM. Careful hemo-
catheterization has served as the gold standard for dynamic assessment at catheterization allows for
the diagnosis of CP and RCM. In both diseases, cath- exquisitely detailed assessment of dissociation of
eterization demonstrates early rapid diastolic filling, intrathoracic and intracavitary pressures, as well as
with elevation and equalization of end-diastolic determination of enhanced ventricular interdepen-
pressures. In some patients who have undergone dence. Dissociation of intrathoracic and intracardiac
aggressive diuresis, filling pressures can be low to pressures can be analyzed utilizing simultaneous LV
normal, but these patients will have a low cardiac and pulmonary artery wedge pressure tracings. In CP,
output due to the abnormal diastolic pressure volume there is a decrease in the initial wedge-LV pressure
relationships. Thus, for either CP or RCM to be pre- gradient during the first beat of inspiration, which is
sent, there needs to be elevation of diastolic pres- not present in RCM (48). Initial investigations of
sures, a low cardiac output, or both. In patients who respirophasic ventricular interdependence in CP
have low-to-normal filling pressures, a fluid challenge focused on comparison of RV and LV peak systolic
is required. pressures as a surrogate of stroke volume (47). Sub-
Differentiation of CP from RCM is a diagnostic sequent investigations have found that area under
challenge in patients who have early rapid ventric- the systolic pressure curves is a better determinant of
ular filling with elevation and near equalization beat-to-beat stroke volume (29). Use of the systolic
of diastolic pressures. In the past, several crite- area index (defined as the ratio of the RV area to LV
ria have helped to differentiate between CP and area in inspiration vs. expiration) yields a much more
RCM (1,105). specific and sensitive measure than use of systolic
pressures (cutoff >1.1, 97% sensitive, 100% specific)
 Elevations of left-sided filling pressures are better (Figure 2) (29). In CP, respirophasic swings in stroke
tolerated in CP than right-sided elevations, ac- volume occur because of the fixed pericardial volume,
counting for the predominance of right-sided fail- with enhanced ventricular interdependence. Recog-
ure symptoms and less pulmonary hypertension in nition of this finding and dissociation of intracardiac
CP (pulmonary arterial systolic pressure <55 mm Hg) and intrathoracic pressures remains paramount to
(29). Although the presence of pulmonary hyper- identification of CP.
tension favors restrictive RCM, one-third of patients
with surgically proven CP have pulmonary hyper- ENDOMYOCARDIAL BIOPSY. The role of EMB in
tension (106). differentiating CP from RCM is poorly defined. EMB
 After brisk early filling, ventricular pressure rises has the potential to diagnose forms of RCM with tar-
rapidly as the pericardial constraining volume is geted therapies available (cardiac sarcoidosis,
reached, resulting in a “square root” or “dip and amyloidosis, and Fabry disease). In some cases, EMB
plateau” sign. Although this can be seen in both can aid in prognostication, such as differentiation of
CP and RCM, a LV rapid filling wave with a height subtypes of amyloidosis (108). EMB may be reason-
>7 mm Hg favors CP (29). able in patients with suspected RCM of uncertain
 Kussmaul’s sign, quantified as <5 mm Hg decrease etiology. A recent series by Bennett et al. (109) noted
in inspiratory RA pressure, is often present in both that EMB was diagnostic in 29% of 281 patients with
CP and RCM (29). heart failure associated with unexplained RCM. A
 Disproportionate abnormalities of diastolic consensus document from the Association for Euro-
dysfunction result in a ratio of RV end-diastolic pean Cardiovascular Pathology and the Society for
pressure to systolic pressure >1:3 in CP (107). Cardiovascular Pathology provides further diagnostic
 Equalization of diastolic filling pressures in CP guidance, dependent upon suspected underlying pa-
(#5 mm Hg difference in LV and RV end-diastolic thology (110). Although not proven, a completely
pressure) results from fixed pericardial volume negative biopsy may favor constriction, particularly
and increased ventricular interdependence (47). in radiation heart disease.
JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016 Geske et al. 2341
NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

F I G U R E 9 Invasive Hemodynamic Assessments to Differentiate CP and RCM

30 1.0

20 0.8


-10 0.0
100 mm Hg


50 mm Hg

= 0.38 RV
= 4 mm Hg

0 mm Hg

There have been a number of criteria proposed comparing left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) pressures at the time of cardiac
catheterization in order to differentiate constrictive pericarditis (CP) from restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). These include: 1) the difference of
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP); and 2) the ratio of RVEDP to right ven-
tricular end-systolic pressure (RVESP). Although there is a statistical difference when comparing the means of these criteria in a number of
patients, the degree of overlap makes application to an individual case difficult. Adapted with permission from Talreja et al. (29).

SUMMATIVE APPROACH TO DIAGNOSIS A subset of the patients with relatively recent onset
(<3 months) of CP can be managed with nonsteroidal
Diagnosis of CP and RCM requires a multifaceted anti-inflammatory agents or steroids if there is
approach, as outlined herein in detail. Understanding ongoing marked pericardial inflammation, as evi-
the multimodality imaging features of both entities is denced by elevated inflammatory biomarkers and
a crucial step (Figure 10). An organized approach to intense delayed enhancement on CMR (84). In sub-
recognition of historical, examination, imaging, and acute CP, such as effusive CP, spontaneous resolution
hemodynamic findings of both CP and RCM should or resolution with anti-inflammatory agents has been
guide evaluation (Central Illustration). demonstrated (83,111,112). In one series, effusive CP
was present in 17% of cases, and it may be reasonable
CLINICAL IMPACT OF to observe or treat with anti-inflammatory agents for
DIAGNOSIS/TREATMENT a period of 3 months, dependent upon the clinical
scenario (112). Anti-inflammatory agents may be
Although clinical and diagnostic features of CP and nonspecific or specifically targeted, such as antitu-
RCM often overlap, management differs significantly. bercular therapies. Treatment of tubercular pericar-
CP represents a reversible cause of heart failure, with ditis remains a challenge, with neither prednisolone
pericardiectomy potentially curative, whereas nor Mycobacterium indicus pranii immunotherapy
frequently, RCM has few treatment options. Recog- demonstrating a significant effect on a composite
nition of the primary underlying disease process is endpoint of death, cardiac tamponade requiring
critical, given these therapeutic differences. pericardiocentesis, or progression to CP (113).
Diuresis is the mainstay of pharmacotherapy in CP, Further consideration of strategies such as
and may be sufficient to control mild symptoms. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy and
2342 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

F I G U R E 1 0 Multimodality Approach to Differentiating CP and RCM

Advanced cardiovascular imaging


Medial e’ Medial e’ to Transmitral Septal Hepatic

velocity lateral e’ ratio inflow shift veins

Decreased Increased
Increased forward velocity + forward velocity +
Increased Decreased Increased Decreased respiratory Normal increased increased
variation expiratory diastolic inspiratory diastolic
reversals reversals

Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors

Constriction Restriction Constriction Restriction Constriction Restriction Constriction Restriction

Cardiac CT Cardiac MRI

Abnormal Abnormal
Increase Cardiac Increased Pericardial Increased Severe Abnormal
Severe biatrial Septal myocardial myocardial
pericardial contour pericardial inflammation/ respirophasic biatrial wall
enlargement bounce delayed nulling
thickness deformation thickness fibrosis septal shift enlargement thickness
enhancement amyloidosis

Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors Favors
Constriction Constriction Restriction Constriction Constriction Constriction Constriction Restriction Restriction Restriction Restriction

Imaging features of echocardiography, cardiac CT, and CMR to distinguish constriction and restriction (Online Video 1). Abbreviations as in Figures 1, 7, and 8.

intrapericardial fibrinolytic agents for preventing Complete pericardiectomy refers to wide excision
tuberculous CP has been proposed (114). of the pericardium anteriorly between the 2 phrenic
The gold standard for treatment of CP remains nerves, and from the great arteries superiorly to the
complete pericardiectomy (12,15,115). Peri- diaphragm inferiorly, posterior to the left phrenic
cardiectomy results in significant improvement in nerve (which remains on a pedicle) to the left pul-
New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class monary veins, including the pericardium on the dia-
and filling pressures (12,115,116). Timing of surgery is phragmatic and posterior surfaces of the ventricles,
tailored to the patient; however, earlier surgical with constricting layers of epicardium also removed
intervention may prevent ventricular dysfunction, (12,120). During surgery, the previously strangled
thereby avoiding myocardial atrophy and post- heart can be seen to “jump” out of the constraining
operative ventricular dilation (117). Numerous oper- pericardium. Complete surgical excision of the peri-
ative approaches have been described (118), with cardium may be technically challenging, because
some favoring median sternotomy for exposure, inflammation can result in dense adherence of tissue
whereas others prefer left anterolateral thoracotomy layers; therefore, it is not uncommon for areas of the
to avoid sternal infection (115,119). Data from large pericardium to remain, especially in the vicinity of
series would suggest no clear benefit associated with the epicardial coronary vessels. This may result in
specific surgical approaches (15). Despite this, there is persistence of abnormal hemodynamics, albeit with
significant evidence for the benefit of complete peri- milder clinical manifestations and improved patient
cardiectomy over partial pericardiectomy or pericar- tolerance. Further data are warranted comparing
dial window, namely lower perioperative mortality, concomitant surgical coronary artery bypass grafting
less post-operative low-output syndrome, shorter during a long, technically challenging cardiac surgery
hospitalization stays, and improved long-term sur- versus percutaneous revascularization. The method
vival (15). of revascularization is a decision that necessitates
JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016 Geske et al. 2343
NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47 Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N CP and RCM: Approach to Diagnosis

Constrictive Restrictive
pericarditis cardiomyopathy

Cardiac Genetic
procedures disease

Patient history Connective tissue
Connective tissue
disease Infection
(eosinophilic disease)
(TB) Amyloidosis

y x y x
Jugular venous
pressure (JVP)
Kussmaul’s sign Kussmaul’s sign


thickness Wall thickness

Pericardial Biatrial
Advanced cardiac Cardiac MRI Pericardial Systolic and diastolic
imaging dysfunction
Imaging correlates of Pulmonary
Cardiac CT
ventricular interdependence hypertension
Pericardial Tissue characterization

Discordant respirophasic Concordant respirophasic

ventricular pressure ventricular pressure
changes changes

Geske, J.B. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;68(21):2329–47.

Differentiation of constriction and restriction requires a multifaceted approach inclusive of history, physical examination, laboratory testing, and multimodality imaging.
Even with this toolset, hemodynamic catheterization remains necessary to provide definitive hemodynamic assessment for a subset of patients. CP ¼ constrictive
pericarditis; CT ¼ computed tomography; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; JVP ¼ jugular venous pressure; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; RCM ¼ restrictive
cardiomyopathy; TB ¼ tuberculosis.

cardiovascular surgery expertise and individualized with advanced NYHA symptom class, underlying ra-
patient decision-making. Although pericardiectomy diation heart disease (with the best outcome seen
is largely referred to as “curative” (even herein), when the etiology is idiopathic), advanced age,
outcomes in patients post-pericardiectomy are worse female sex, impaired renal function, pericardial
2344 Geske et al. JACC VOL. 68, NO. 21, 2016

Constriction vs. Restriction: Complex Cardiovascular Hemodynamics NOVEMBER 29, 2016:2329–47

calcification, LV systolic dysfunction, and pulmonary FUTURE DIRECTIONS

hypertension (12,15,121–123). Perioperative mortality
is generally <5%, excluding patients with prior radi- Further exploration of underlying inflammatory pro-
ation therapy, whose perioperative mortality may cesses and myopericardial tissue mechanics may
exceed 20% (15,118,123). provide insight as to why certain patient cohorts have
Unfortunately, treatment options remain limited in a predilection for developing CP following an in-
RCM. Diuretic agents may alleviate symptoms in flammatory insult, whereas others spontaneously
those with milder clinical phenotype. Infiltrative eti- resolve. Although the study of CP has been extensive,
ologies may have disease-specific therapies targeted there is a distinct paucity of data on the natural his-
at the underlying disease, although in many cases, tory and pathophysiology of primary RCM. Given the
cardiac dysfunction persists, despite therapies. Pedi- markedly poor prognosis and lack of treatment op-
atric studies of primary RCM demonstrate relentless tions apart from transplantation, there is potential for
progression to death or transplantation (124,125). development of a host of novel therapeutics in RCM,
Ammash et al. (126) found a 5-year survival of 64% spanning pharmacological therapies, biologic agents,
(expected 85%) in a predominantly adult population and mechanical interventions.
(mean age 64 years). Men >70 years of age with Despite the multifaceted, evolving approach to
higher NYHA functional class and LA dimension differentiating between CP and RCM, diagnosis often
>60 mm demonstrated the worst prognosis. Prior remains a clinical dilemma, with recognition an
series have suggested that patients with primary RCM exigent need, given the life-altering impact of timely
present earlier, but survive longer after presentation surgery in CP. Our understanding of the role of cardiac
than those with amyloidosis (127); however, interval CT and CMR in CP continues to evolve (46); however,
advances in therapy for cardiac amyloidosis may alter validated refinement in diagnostic schemata, akin to
these results. In symptomatic patients who are the Mayo Clinic echocardiographic criteria (43), are
transplant candidates, transplant evaluation is war- warranted on a multimodality level. In cases of mixed
ranted. Post-cardiac transplantation outcomes are constrictive and restrictive hemodynamics, tools to
comparable to those of non-RCM patients, although assess the relative contribution of each component are
subgroup analysis suggests increased mortality for lacking, and even complex invasive hemodynamic
RCM secondary to radiation or amyloidosis (128). In catheterization in expert hands can yield un-
patients who are not transplant candidates, palliative certainties. The ability to discern the relative contri-
measures should be pursued. bution of each hemodynamic insult has potential to
Management of mixed constriction/restriction re- guide therapeutic decision-making and temper oper-
mains a challenging undertaking. Should hemody- ative expectations. Although decades of study have
namic evaluation reveal a substantial component of provided a glimpse into the underpinnings of CP and
constrictive physiology in a patient unresponsive to RCM, there remains much to discover.
diuretic therapy, pericardiectomy may be considered,
with tempered expectations. Consistent data REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr.
demonstrating worse outcomes in patients with Jeffrey B. Geske, Department of Cardiovascular Dis-
radiation-induced CP may indeed reflect subclinical eases, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester,
overlap in CP and RCM. Minnesota 55905. E-mail:


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