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Liana Roy

Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is that all students should have a positive learning

environment where they develop into a classroom community alongside their peers. It is my

desire to create a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for all students. I want students to be

able to come to school and know that they are supported by myself and their peers. I pursued a

special education minor on top of my major so that I can be well versed in supporting all of my

students in the classroom. Students will be invited and encouraged each day to share their ideas

amongst peers and take risks together.

In my classroom, one would see a strong classroom community that focuses on

reinforcing positive behavior and building relationships. I want students to learn at school, but

it’s important to me that they grow as community members as well. Students will solve problems

and build personal regard for others. I will include a variety of teaching strategies to reach all

students in a way they learn best and incorporate student choice to let curiosity direct their

learning. I want students to have a voice in my classroom and make decisions for themselves and

their learning. In my classroom community, students will have jobs that will build on the

responsibility for their learning environment.

Education and learning strategies are constantly changing alongside our students so I

believe collaboration is a crucial aspect of teaching. I plan to work alongside my team members

and coworkers to ensure that students are receiving the support they need while continuously

improving my teacher toolkit. I strongly believe there is always room for growth and I plan to

show my students that I am a lifelong learner alongside them. My overarching goal as a teacher

is to leave each student with a positive impression of education, to know that I had their best

interests in mind and that I am someone they can always come to.

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