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Innovative Recruitment Strategies for Efficient Managerial

Talent Management

An Undergraduate Thesis to the Faculty

of Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Santa Rosa Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

of Bachelor of Business Administration Major in
Human Resource Development Management

Adricula, Angelo Rey D.
Libradilla, Jerick John D.
Mandawe, Yves D.
Manzo, Maria Bea Allison C.
Santos, Carlo Dwane S.

Marion C. Laguerta, MEM, MAED

March 2018


This chapter includes the introduction of the topic, the background of the study

that emphasizes the history and the problem of the study, also this chapter includes the

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, the statement of the problem, the

hypothesis, significance of the study, the scope and delimitation which indicates the

boundaries of the study and the definition of terms use in this study.


Innovation in the recruitment process is the necessity of every organization

today; People nowadays are into technology and companies are venturing into new

ideas which can help the organization to lessen time and cost of recruitment but can

have quality recruits. Innovative recruitment strategies can also attract talents in each

candidate, looking for something new and fresh can help them to choose the company.

Many candidates always look forward into what will the company offer them and it will

first show how innovated the recruitment process can be. Talent management is known

to be the key asset of organizations. Companies nowadays started to invest for people

who have the talent that can help the organization to soar high in the field of their own

industry. Managerial talent management can be a basis of great leadership inside the

organization. It is said that everyone can be a leader or manager but not very one can

have the talent to be a great leader or manager. Employees come and go, especially the

ones with a great potential. There were several factors that the company is facing due to

the people who are talented, companies started to implicit war and they call it the war of


They started innovating new strategies in order to attract the talented people who they

think can be the asset of their success. The most common way to find these people is

attraction, what can a company or an organization offer to these people in order for them

to stay in your company. Talented people can be very difficult to find, most of them are

outside of the organization. Talent is not only seen outside the organization but also

inside the organization, these are the fastest way to find the talented ones because they

were on the premise of the organization.

Organizations believe that enhancing one’s talent is a great opportunity for their

career path. These things inspire the people and they started to motivate their talents as

well. Planning more strategies must be maintained at all cost, it can be really costly and

it must be well studied. Human resource personnel are ready for this kind of task. They

made sure that these talented people will route their way to their organization.

Companies who are well known to the industry have greater privilege because these

people put them at the top of their list already. Organizations are not only looking

forward for the present situation but also for the future of the company. The young talent

can be a future leader of the organization that is why part of their plan is the succession

planning. They were looking forward for these future leaders and they plan to give them

more knowledge in order to acquire the talent that the organization needs. Talent

management makes a person with talent handle he organization with these three

concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitude. A person with talent should acquire the right

attitude to be the right person to lead not just because of talent but also the talent to

motivate people. Companies conduct trainings and seminars in order to enhance theses


This also gives the candidate or the person to enhance their career path and foresee

their future in the company. Referral is one way of strategic recruitment because

referrals can be true and tested.

Talent management was introduced by McKinsey and Company in 1997. It was

later encrypted as a title of a book by Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and Beth

Axelrod however the correspondence between human resource development and

organizational effectiveness has been accustomed since the 1970’s. The craft of talent

management became increasingly formalized in the early 2000’s. While some authors

defined the field as including nearly everything connected with human resources, the

New Talent Management network (NTMN) characterized the boundaries of the field

through surveys of people in corporate talent management departments in 2009-2011.

Those surveys showed that activities inside talent management accommodate

succession planning, assessment, development and high potential management.

Practices such as performance management and recruiting were less frequently

included in the remit of corporate talent management practitioners. Compensation was

not a function associated with talent management.

Social recruitment and other profound ways of recruitment strategies to this date

the war for talents. This kind of innovative recruitment strategies help evolved the way

we communicate, unleashed us from the historic methods of recruitment, maximizing on

the new and efficient way rather than wasting your time on traditional way of recruiting

strategies and supplies most of the important values of saving in a chameleon economy

and job market. Managers and recruiters tend to avoid these immensely effective and

appealing recruitment strategies because it’s a gamble.


Yet everyone in the recruitment world can utilize this advantage, and that’s what

innovative recruitment strategies provide. (


There are truly some of the cleverest and innovative ways of recruitment

strategies that are presenting up on the war for talent. This study focuses on the findings

about how to establish the factors on innovative recruitment with an eye catching

advertisements, high salary pays, trip to another places, and any different types of

rewards. Strategies that can attract candidates that have a managerial talent that can be

one of the company’s most top asset to be on top of their industry. If a company

continues to excel then it can be a great factor for the candidates to join the company.

On the other hand, the company is pleased to accept the candidate. Innovating new

ways to recruit a person with managerial talent can be a little difficult since they are hard

to find or they are already hired by another company. Since the war for talents has

begun piracy took place in each organization of companies. If companies provide

strategies that are innovated this will lessen the threat of losing talented people.

The role of human resources within the organization has change dramatically

over the years. HR departments focused purely on personnel functions such as hiring,

payroll, and benefits, changes in corporate culture was introduced in 1980’s and the

concept of strategic recruitment was recognized. The human resource by then on

became involve in overall business strategy through such as organizational

development, training, leading corporate communications, and developing total

compensation systems.

When the human resource starts to focus on strategic goals, the talent

management has been recently shifted. (


Theoretical Framework

Signaling Theory Celani and Singh (2011):

This theory states that the input of the multi-level perspective to signaling theory

in a recruitment context. This also further discuss the integration of signaling theory and

the social identify approach this may provide an enhance understanding in terms of the

associations between the organization’s recruitment activities and applicant attraction

outcomes. In this theory the innovation in recruitment is the main focus; it gives the

organization ideas on how the innovation will take place and what improvements may it

bring to the company as well. Each innovation in the recruitment process can bring the

out the attraction of candidates in the company.

Contingency theory (Dineen and Soltis 2011, Schuler and Tarique 2012)

This theory states that several context factors serve as important contingency

factor for recruiting employees in the organization. Authors Schuler and Tarique

proposed that strategic contingency theory is a viable concept for strategic recruitment

for candidates with talent. It is a systematic analysis for various recruitment components.

The main purpose of this theory is to explain the differences in organization through

various strategic environment characteristics.


Conceptual framework


1. What are the evaluations of 1. Identifying the

respondents 1. Efficient
the respondents in terms with?
2. Distribution of innovative

1.1 Attraction Survey

Strategies for
1.2 Strategies
3. Statistical talent
1.3 Effects treatment
3.1 Likert Scale
2. Is there a significant
3.2 Weighted
relationship between the
position of the respondent and  Arbitrary
the evaluation in the company’s 3.3 Pearson’s r
 Correlation
innovative ways for efficient
3.4 Chi-
managerial talent Square

 Degrees of

3. Is there a significant

difference in evaluation of the

manager and employees?




The input includes the ways on how the company can attract candidates with

managerial talent in terms of advertisement, Higher Salaries, trip to another places

online websites and word of mount system. The input also show what newly improved

strategies can a company offer in order to recruit candidates with managerial talent

management and its effect to the company.

The process of the study includes identifying the respondents, distribution of

survey questionnaires, gathering of data and procedure, statistical treatment, data

analysis and interpreting gathered from the survey questionnaires that are answered by

the respondents.

The study claimed that the result of the study for innovating recruitment

strategies for efficient managerial talent management is for companies to be efficient in

terms of recruiting candidates with managerial talent.


Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the Innovative recruitment strategy that

companies will use to help them find the managerial talent among the candidates that

can be efficient to the management distinctly, it answered the following questions:

1. What are the evaluations of the respondents in terms with?

1.1 Attraction

1.2 Strategies

1.3 Effects

2. Is there a significant relationship between the position of the respondent and the

evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient managerial talent


3. Is there a significant difference in evaluation of the manager and employees?


1. Ho‾ there is no significance in the online websites in attracting candidates

with managerial talent.

2. Ho¯ there is no significant relationship between the position and their


Scope and delimitation of the study

The study centers on determining the innovative recruitment strategies for

efficient managerial talent management. This deals with the necessary information of the

respondents. The researcher’s respondents are the employees and the people who are

part of the organization particularly the human resource personnel of the 2 multi-national

companies which is the subject of the researcher’s research.

The researcher’s study deals with different strategies the companies are doing in

order for them to recruit the talent personnel not only talent but a managerial talent that

can be a leader, an asset and can be the key for the company’s success they also

innovate more of new strategies to attract and to be the top of their industry because of

these talented people. This information will be a great lead for the researches to gather

sufficient, knowledgeable and reliable data. The study only includes respondents who

are related to the topic of the study.

The limitation of this study is that the researches will only conduct the estimated

number of 50 respondents in the companies and that includes the employees under

each manager, the manager and the human resource personnel.


Significance of the study

This study is very significant to the researchers by pertaining more knowledge on

how the companies

The Students will benefit from this research; it may serve as their guidelines and

source of knowledge in the future when they will find their future jobs to acknowledge

their talents and skills.

The Applicants/Respondents what company should they choose and what

strategies companies use in order for them to find the talent in each candidate.

The Fresh graduates they will also benefit from this study by the means of

finding a company that suits their respective talents.

The Managers they will benefit from this study by the showing their talent and

move their way to promotion that can be an asset to the company.

The Companies so they can have more information and strategies that can help

them to innovate more strategies for recruiting persons with managerial talent.

Definition of terms

Advertisement – One of the company’s strategies to attract candidates with managerial

talent by the means of Television, Radio, and Paper Advertisements.

Asset – Term used to define the candidate as a source of success.

Attraction – An act to recruit people with managerial talent by means of different


Dilemma – A problem that is a rising inside the organization.

Innovative Recruitment Strategies - Creating new ways to improve the recruitment

process of the organization that can help to recruit candidates with managerial talent.

Managerial Talent – It is an ability in which one is specialized to be a manager and to

lead the team.

Online Website – These are the mediums for the company to spread the information

that can be a lead to recruit people with talent.

Paradoxes – These are ways or beliefs that must be followed.

Private Sectors – These are companies who are not under the government


Public Sectors – Theses are companies who are under the government administration.

Talent Management – It is a process to manage talent in a better way.

Tension – The pressure of the organization.


War of Talents – Is a battle for companies to recruit these talented people.

Word of Mouth System – A system, which people who are inside in the organization,

experience the organization and the direct informant.

Work Force Planning – It is a plan inside the work place that creates strategies for the


Young Talent – These are young people who have the potential and ability.


This chapter includes the studies and literatures from both foreign and local; this

gives proofs and facts about the topic of the study

The concept of the talent management becomes one of the most important topics

today. It is the result of the dynamic, economic and social changes in the world. The

organizations begin to realize that talent is the root and the way to success of the

organizations. (Dana Egerova 2013) An organization (Deloitte 2010) can hardly

compete if they are lack of skilled workers and less investments for the human capital.

To have the right people, the right place and the right time can be really difficult for the

organization. In addition to this it is always known that the strength of an organization is

the talented people inside the company. The ability in dealing with talent and talent

management has been effectively and can be the greatest challenge that an

organization might face today.

Companies don’t discuss about their processes of succession planning, the

processes of performance evaluation, recruitment processes, motivation processes or

any other processes with the managers when it comes to talent management, which is in

relation to human resource management. The matters they were discussing in terms of

the issue of talent management were their belief that talented people are the one that

causes critical pre-conditions of any company performance and success. The process of

human resource management is not the way to distinguish the most efficient among the


The difference is consisting of the attitudes of the leaders all over the company,

one of the strong belief is that attitude contributes with the importance of talents and

subsequently, and other activities that contribute to the talent pool.

One of the aspects of primary importance has been given special attention during

the whole time of research-the attitude towards talent. If this attitude is not included the

process of staff recruitment will only be one activity.

The need for talent

In introduction for the need of talent management results the characteristic of the

existing work force, these things are currently in the process of transformation and liable

for significant change. The following discuss the changes (Sojka 2010).

1. Change in the workforce trends

Due to the alarming reality that significant demographic,

economic, social-political and technological changes global organizations

realize that the work force transforms either. As there was a transition of

change in terms of birthrate, in the age of retirement and the workers, the

workforce starts to reduce it volume and the skills starts to fluctuate.

2. Work force smaller in numbers and insufficiently skillful

One of the struggle and difficulty that every organization is facing

is finding the new person for the vacant job position. They need someone

who is potentially suited and qualified for the job. This changes the

necessity for both numbers and quantity of workers who are currently


They also look for the skills that required for the job also looking at

the last periods of demographic development the radical decrease of

graduates become evident and the result of this will increase more.

3. Global dimension of the work place

There is a fast disintegrating that surrounds the traditional

geographic borders surrounding the work force. Global labor markets are

created because of the reforms opening economic markets and

technological processes. There is no more limit in the abilities of the

workers to only one region or country. The doo of the world of different

organizations across the globe is widely open for all the workers with

extreme skills and talent.

Global labor talent market workers are redeployed to places there is a

more effective utilization the global labor market gives the opportunity for

those workers and professional who are isolated in the past.

4. Virtuality of the workforce

Co- workers were defined into a new meaning nowadays the meaning of

co-workers is someone you work with on the other side of the globe. It was

link by the means of technological communication. These employees

worldwide and from other industry were liberated from their time of work and

5. Diversity of workforce

When there are changes in birthrate, migration patterns and

cultural norms the work force will absorbed it to all ages, origins,

nationalities and lifestyles. The worker in the workforce group enters early

and stays longer. There is a growth of generations in the workforce group

rather than the previous years.

More teenagers are motivated to enter the workforce group

because of the growing consumer society that is connected with the

growing of price that is also needed for education. Not only the teenagers

are being motivated but also the older people who are interested because

of their expectations of a longer life, cultural changes and marketability of

their experiences and also they stay longer in their work.

6. Autonomy and self-containment

The employees have full authority of the direction and foundation

in terms of their working life. The authority they have comes from the

technological and economic forces that result to have a full space of their

authority at work and the labor market. These latest trends also give the

employees to decide how will the carryout their work. Professional

workers have created expert system that is available and cannot be a

subject to management and is not capable to give logical decisions in

other fields.

Innovative Recruitment strategies (Dora Wang 2017) in order to recruit

candidates with talent, these are more necessary than social media and digital

Strategies. These are the list of 10 innovative strategies you can add for recruiting these

talented people. (


1. Referral Incentives

Make a referral program in order for your existing employees to refer their

colleagues. The current employees know about the company culture, so they

can invite people who will fit in. The company can offer monetary incentives,

free lunch and some other perk.

2. Pay them to leave

Zappos has this policy that is an employee is not cultural fit for the job

they will pay so the employee will leave. This policy is also applicable with

their parent company amazon. This policy is to avoid polluting the culture

they strive so hard to build these employees who left the company will be

replaced by talented candidates.

3. Sponsor an open house

Invite people to the company for drinks, snacks and chat. Through this

strategy they can have an overview and a personal experience about the


4. Attend events that are not job fairs.

Visit sites such as or the local chamber of commerce to see

what events are happening near your area. This will help to be connected

with the professional who has the potential talent that the company needs.

The company can Host a hackathon or other kind of networking events.

5. Consider the past candidates

Consider the past candidates who apply for a wrong job position

but they have the talent and skills for the recent job position that the

company is looking for the present.

6. Sponsor school clubs and events.

Supporting student’s school clubs in local universities and colleges can

leave a mark to make the company their top priority after their graduation and

they will look for a job.

7. Focus on fit

Always be considerate about candidates that are fit for the job but still

needs to learn in order to boost their potential talents, training them, giving

them proper education and developing their professional career can help

them to enhance their talent and one day they can be one of the company’s

top asset.

8. Talk about culture

Culture of a company is important; talking about it can interest candidates

with talent to apply in the company. Leveraging interesting things about the

company’s work culture can make it stand apart.


9. Say hello with Joe.

In personal interview candidates usually feel nervous and they tend to

overthink their answers. Casual coffee meetings can allow the recruiter to see

them in a new light and this builds their personal connection together. The

recruiter can also gain valuable insights by observing the candidate whether

they are fit or not and to observe them in the new context.

10. Focus on perks that matter

Consider what is more important for candidates and employees instead of

offering freebies to them, it’s not every day the company can offer these

things strong mentorship programs or lots of opportunities for career growth

are better than freebies which are not necessary for talented candidate.

Nine Best Practice for Gen Y: (Ryan Estis 2013)

Generation Y or what we call the millennial generation, this growing generation

(70 million; born between 1977-2002) is coming of age and starts to show up in the work

place carrying their ideas and creativity that is something new for those employees

ahead of them in terms of employment experiences. They start to ask why they should

work for the organization. And what can the organization offer for them. Characteristics

such as self-assured, technically skilled and idealistic they enter the work place with high

expectations of employment and their opportunity to have a good impression during day

one. The pile of skilled talent is sinking due to the complications of multi-tasking

generations the reasons such as achievement orientations and natural impatience.


These nine best practices can be an effective strategy in order to acquire and

retain new talent that the organization needed. The key that will give

accomplishments and success for the company that can be a help in the future.

1. Relationship Recruiting- technology nowadays has improved so much

that it also improves the recruitment process. It is important that recruiting

is still a business for people, relying so much to technology can lead to a

clear sign to candidates that they cannot be valued when they enter the

workplace. What this millennia’s or generation is expecting is that the

organization can give them interface, contact, respect, consideration and

prompt response. The talented ones among them can have options they

need to feel valued in order to have them in your side.

2. Employment branding- the company should express the benefits and

unique opportunities that the candidate might have if they are recruited in

your company. Having quality recruitment process can be critical and

sufficiently supported. The employment brand demonstrates the

compelling employment value proposition and this gives the candidate to

select notion based on their skills and talent.

3. Candidate Experience- Make an initial interaction with the candidate and

give them points of what great experiences they might have inside your

company. Mediums such as quality websites, simple application

mechanism and immediate recruiter interface will give them a hint about

your company. Since technology is now improving everyday they might

find it really interesting.


4. Offer - Offers should be more compelling and competitive, the company

should not just offer compensations. The company should offer the value

of work life balance, benefit packages, Salaries that are fitted for them

and since generation Y or millennials are more into contributing

something for the company, the company should offer them profit sharing

plan and meaning part of equation.

5. Onboarding- New employees should feel that they are part of the team,

engagement and retention can be really difficult during 12 months. The

company should assure that there will be a program that extends beyond

the orientation and trainings that are relevant for their work, multiple touch

points and consistent communication.

6. Mentoring- Also mentoring is a good way for these talented employees

to boost their talent even more. Having someone that shares same

interest can lead to success. This helps them to avoid bridge gaps and

build their understanding inside the work place.

7. Feedback- In order to motivate them they should have a feedback about

their performance and a training manager can be a great help.

Appropriate level of performance review criteria and recognition can add

their motivation skills.

8. Flexibility - The Company should be flexible about the changes that are

happening around the world today. Adaptation is one of the key in order

to find success in the industry. Talent is mostly found at the generation Y

and in order to recruit them the company should be flexible about every

change in the world.


9. Career-pathing - Give them in sights of what their talent is all about and

how it will give them more opportunities that will lead to successful

career-path in the future. An employer that can demonstrate expeditious

career- pathing can have a great advantage and opportunity to maintain a

level talent among the group.

Strategy helps to determine priorities (Merlevede 2014)

The main focus of strategic human resource management is to connect

the actions of H.R department with the strategic objectives of the organization.

The center outcome of every H.R strategy is that organizational culture is

sufficiently clear, All H.R are intact together, the organizational structure should

fit with the goal of the organization and also with the budget that has been

allocated in order to realize the goal. Talent management should be connected

with a clear strategy before it is insisted in the organization. The result of this will

begin by determining what key functions add most of the value and are critical for

the success of the organization.

The notion of core competencies can be applied in the organization; core

competence will result from a specific set of skills or techniques in production that

gives additional value. They are the result of collective learning across the

corporation. The 4 important criteria are: the competence adds value; several

people and several competitors can do this. The difficulty to duplicate and

because of all this; others envy it. It is important to focus with these core

competencies, due to the reasons that they may be difficult in the long run or it

can lose its importance as the market changes.


If the organization had figured out the key competencies that the

company needs to ensure the stable flow of these competencies Dave Ulrich

summarizes it with 5 key words.

Buy- Bring the talent inside the organization

Build- develop the talent by the means of training and investment in learning

Borrow – bring consultants and professionals outside in order to help to develop

the new competencies.

Bounce- Get rid of employees who are ruining the development of the core


Bind- pays attention to the retention of the key talent.

7 Innovative Ways Recruiters Are Attracting Top Talent (Ryan Healy 2014)



These are innovative ways use by recruiters to attract and save time in recruiting

candidates with top talents, these innovated recruitment processes are more efficient

that traditional recruitment style. These strategies can lead for more opportunity to hire

more candidates that can help to the success of the company. These are the seven

innovated recruitment process today.

1. Open-ended job postings

Zappos and digital company such as Upworthy listed an open-ended job

but there is no title or job specification. This strategy shows to hire people not

their skills, taking away the job specification and title can show how passionate

the candidate is to the company and also to the mission.

2. Video interviews

Bunch of candidates will go to the company just for final interviews and

this strategy is the traditional way company’s do in their recruitment process.

Today the recruiter can save time and money by using today’s latest technology

such as the internet and through internet websites such use to have video

interviews. Savvy recruiters interview shortlist candidates on Skype, Google

hangouts or specific recruitment video software. By these video interviews, this

strategy can eliminate candidates who are not fit for the job easily without any

time waste, and after they are out the recruiter can invite the top people for

personal interview. These also can lessen the pressure of the candidates.

3. Online networking events

Attending career fairs and networking events may cost a lot of money but

attending this kind of event can be a valuable experience. Recruiters now days

turn to online networking events, they humbly brag about their company plus this

gives them a wide range of candidates. Being part of these online networking

events can give the recruiters access for more opportunity to put their

advertisements online and promotion from people who are known in the social

media. Spreading good words and sponsorships can lead for a quality hire.
4. Social media

They said that social media and recruiting is the perfect match, networks

such as twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are the best sites for potential

employees, job postings and development of relationship with the candidates.

Company employees can also recruit people on their own from these networks.

The company can also use job posting with online chatbots that can entertain the

candidates whenever they have questions about the job and the company.

5. Big data

Instead using a filing cabinet to find potential candidates, recruiters are

using specialized computer programs in order to analyze thousands of

applications and resumes, filtering each by skills and qualifications. It is easier

and it is more convenient.

6. Other effective digital tools

In addition, for the big data the recruiters can also use specialized

recruiting software for screening, evaluation and examinations of the candidates.

Popular tools such as Survey Monkey for assessing candidate’s specific subjects

and writing test, Google Hangout for the highlight of the job opening and engage

with potential candidates.

7. Unique company-specific policies

There were some companies who are really going out on a limb, engaging into new

paths and strategies in recruitment. They experiment what works better for the company.

One example of this is Zappos they don’t use job titles and they no longer use job

post for job openings Instead, they encourage wannabe employees to network with

recruiters using their own private social network.


Tech Company Such As Automatic required that all potential candidates

to audition with the company, during which they do actual work and they are paid

$25/hour, 40% of applicants make the final cut. Throughout the year’s technology

transformed the world of recruitment and it is still continuing.

The 5 Best Innovations in Recruitment of 2017 (Ji A MiN 2017)


LinkedIn’s Global recruiting trends report said that 56% of the recruiters are

reporting that their hiring volume will increase in 2017, but the truth is only 26% said that

the size of the recruitment teams will increase. This only means that companies are

looking for innovation in their recruitment process. Traditional recruitment cannot be that

effective during this time. Many of these innovations leverage some form of AI recruiting

software to streamline or automate parts of the recruiting workflow.   

These are the 5 best innovations in the recruitment process that can be big in 2017

1. Machine learning for automated résumé screening 28

The average of 75% of résumés assumed to be unqualified, that is why manual

screening résumés can take a lot of time as part of the recruitment process. With

the use of ATS in order to help automate the screenings of resume process can

be a huge deal for recruiters and talent acquisition professionals. The second

innovation in automated resume screening is the machine learning. Machine

learning is the type of program or algorithm rather which can have the ability to

teach itself by analyzing the data and continually increase its learning accuracy
of its solution. This is designed by the ATS, automate resume screening uses

this machine learning in order to analyze the job description and the existing data

base of the candidate in order to learn which will become successful and

unsuccessful. This applies the knowledge learned, the experience, the skills and

the qualifications that is needed. The machine also automatically screens the

grades and ranks of the strongest candidate. This machine learning automated

screening resume can be one of the best innovations in recruitment process. It

can also prove to dramatically decrease the time spent in screening resumes. It

can also ignore the unnecessary information in the resume and it also lessens

the unconscious bias during the recruitment process.

2. Algorithms for candidate rediscovery  

Algorithm is a process or a formula that puts data’s in a series of steps in order to

produce an output to solve a problem. Algorithm is the one that analyze for the

job description and it is the one that search for the existing resume database to

make sure that the candidate is the best match for the job required.

3. AI chatbots for candidate engagement

On the recent survey of career builder there were 58% of job seekers have negative

or bad impressions to the company if they did not hear any feedback from them after the

submission of their applications. Nowadays there is extreme competition in the talent

market and recruiters cannot let qualified talents go just because of the inferiority in the

candidate’s experience. Candidates today expect continuous and immediate reply or

feedback about their application from the company.


AL or artificial intelligence chatbots can help the candidates to have the experience

they expect by providing immediate interaction with them. Artificial Intelligence is a

machine who can mimic or copy human abilities like learning, problem solving, planning

and perception. AL chatbots can be programmed in order to interact or engage with the

candidates in real time by entertaining their questions about the job, the qualification

questions and they can also provide update and next process step suggestion.

4. Natural language processing for job descriptions

Language barriers in the job description of the candidate’s application can make a

huge difference in the talent. The example using too masculine-type of words can lead to

dissuade women from applying. Software that uses natural language processing can

analyze your job descriptions to identify potentially biased language and suggest

alternatives to attract a more diverse candidate pool. Natural language processing is a

computer program’s ability to understand spoken or written human speech.

CareerBuilder found that a bad job posting is the third most important reason why job

seekers have a negative perception of a company. Improving your job descriptions is

low-hanging fruit for not only attracting a stronger talent pool, but also a more diverse


5. Partner marketplaces for end-to-end recruitment management

Instead of single vendor HRM systems, recruiting departments have embraced

the best-of-breed integration model. This has given rise to ATS partner marketplaces of

complementary recruiting tools that integrate easily for end-to-end recruitment

management. Partner integrations are one of the best innovations in recruitment

because they allow you to pick the best-of-breed solutions. This means recruiting teams

are able to be nimbler, innovative, and cost-effective about solving their specific

recruiting needs.

How these innovations will affect recruiters in 2017 and beyond

It’s an exciting time right now Innovations in technology such as AI are poised to

transform nearly all aspects of our lives. Recruiting won’t be exempt. As technology

continues to reduce the administrative burden of recruiting, experts predict the recruiter

role will transform into a talent advisory function.

As talent advisors, recruiters will need to create strategic partnerships with hiring

managers and executives. To get buy-in, recruiters will be expected to be subject matter

experts on the best talent acquisition tech solutions on the market to reduce KPIs such

as cost per hire. They will be expected to measure the ROI of their recruiting efforts such

as quality of hire and link it to business outcomes such as increased revenue.

VR for job testing and previewing

Virtual reality (VR) is a realistic form of simulation in the three dimensional

environment that is controlled by movements of your body. Retailers can use VR

technology to create more realistic job tests to assess a candidate’s skills and

personality. In this form of recruitment process, applicants can apply in the comforts of

their own home. They have the leverage of not leaving their house and wait for too long.

Candidates can use VR to experience a more realistic preview of what a day on the job

would look like.

This could include creating a virtual version of them that would interact with

virtual colleagues and customers to get a better sense of the company culture. VR fits

the mobile nature of retail recruiting because it can do require you to sit in front of a

computer to use it.

The main focus (Ricky de Vera 2014) of the organization is to make sure

continues performance of the talent pool or its employee workforce. This requires

continuous awareness by these 4 elements selection, training and development,

performance and talent retention. If the dynamics of each phase, the hiring process can

become a waste of time, effort and the company can have a hard time replacing

employees who are leaving. Professional HR practitioners realize that conventional

recruitment practices cannot provide quality of applicants that they require. Below are

some innovative strategies for better-quality recruitment.

1. Consider previous applicants (Active File). The interviewer can have an idea

about this candidate since the already have actual face to face interview and it

can lessen time.

2. Participate in events instead of job fairs. The quality of an applicant can’t be

measured by this kind of events such as job fairs. The applicants are interviewed

quickly that the interviewer cannot asses the applicant properly unlike in an event

professionals are there.

3. Visit unlikely places. Venturing into new places can lead for more opportunities

for quality hire.

4. Use non-traditional intervention. Innovating new ideas rather than going

traditional can lead for more quality hire because we are now in a generation that

everything in new and the recruitment should adopt as well.

5. Use social networking. Facebook, LinkedIn, and even YouTube are useful

recruitment tools. Since everybody is in to social media nowadays and everyone

can see the advertisement of the company some talented candidates consider

venturing online hire too.

Planning Matters

The center of human resource management (slyvia-karen2015) is the workforce

planning. Workforce planning is mold by the organizational strategy and ensures the

right amount of people with skills that is right or fit for the right position in the right place

and time, in order to deliver short and long term organizational objectives.

Practice makes perfect

Because advancements of this technologies and H.R technologies the practice in

global workforce planning advance too. In recent years’ multi-national corporations are

the ones specifically dependent in the workforce plan, it is for full visibility of their

workforce around the world. This information is use for supply and demand analysis,

talent mobility programs, leadership pipeline and success planning.

Synthesis of reviewed literature and studies to the present study

The relevance of this study to the researcher’s topic is the strategies and ways

on how companies can find people with managerial talent that can be used for

companies purpose to recruit people with these skills. The literatures and studies that

are written in this chapter are well studied by the authors by their knowledge and

experience. The authors are CEOs, Professors and businessmen; they emphasize the

information that we need for the researcher’s study. Some companies use these

strategies to maintain people with talent and to recruit them. This will help the

researcher’s study to emphasize strategies that are effective and mostly use by leading

companies, also the authors knowledge can help for more innovation of strategies in the


The main focus (Merlevede 2014) of strategic human resource management is

to connect the actions of H.R department with the strategic objectives of the

organization. The center outcome of every H.R strategy is that the organizational culture

is sufficiently clear, all H.R are intact together, and the organizational structure should fit

with the goal of the organization and also with the budget that has been allocated in

order to realize the goal. It’s an exciting (JI A MIN 2017) time right now innovations in

the technology such as AI are poisoned to transform nearly all aspects of our lives.

Recruiting won’t be exempt, as technology continues to reduce the administrative

burden of recruiting. Experts predict the recruiter role will be transform into a talent

advisory function.


This chapter indicates the methods and materials used in the study to calculate

the number of respondents and to answer the questions in the statement of the problem.

Methods of research

The researchers will use descriptive design to describe the recruitment strategies

of the companies. This will be studied in order to identify the innovative recruitment

strategies for efficient managerial talent management with the aid of questionnaires as

the primary instrument to gather data. The purpose of using this approach is to obtain

quantified data in a formal objective and structured way. This method will be used

because it fits to the problem. In the line with this, it is used to examine the cause and

effect relationship.

Population, sample size and sampling technique

The respondents will be select through a quota sampling; the researchers will

use this sampling technique by gathering 54 respondents from two multinational

companies chosen by the researchers. The representative individuals chosen out of a

specific subgroup. This will show the breakdown of the sample respondents that

researchers will derive from the total population of companies.

The researchers will also count the number of employees under each manager in

the department as to compute the total number of respondents involve in the study.

Description of the respondents

The respondents for this study are employees, a manager and the human

resource personnel on Wyeth Philippines and Panorama that will permit us to conduct

the survey. The actual numbers of respondents are fifty (50). These respondents are

chosen because they are the ones who have the knowledge to answer the problems that

the study is describing. They will answer the questions that are in the survey

questionnaire that are needed in the study

Research Instrument

The researchers made a questionnaire that will be the primary source of data for

the study. It is designed to obtain data’s and information in relation to innovative

recruitment strategies of companies by giving different scales of the respondent’s

opportunity to evaluate the given situation.

The questionnaire was developing by reading the data about innovative

recruitment strategies from articles, books and other reference materials about

innovative recruitment and Contingency theory in order make clear relevance in our

study. The questionnaire contains twenty-five (24) questions that would be answered by

fifty-four respondents (54) that include the managers, the employees and the human

resource personnel.

Data - gathering procedure

The data in this study will be collected by using the survey questionnaire. The

questionnaires were formed by the researchers with the aid of different data’s gathered

by the researchers regarding the innovative recruitment strategies of companies in their

recruitment or recruitment process. The questionnaire will be assessed through a five

ranking scales that will measure the respondent’s agreement to the statements in the

questionnaire. This was ranged through (1) needs improvement (2) fair (3) good (4) Very

good and (5) Excellent. After the verification of the questionnaire it will be distributed to

the respondents of the Wyeth Philippines and Wuerth Philippines Inc. and will be

answered through their understandings accordingly.

The questionnaires will be given to companies who will approve the letter that the

researchers will give for the purpose of assessing their innovative recruitment strategies.

The data’s that will be gathered will be the subject for the computation and tabulation

with the aid several knowledgeable people and their own background studying statistics.

Statistical treatment of data

The following are the treatments use for the study

1. Likert Scale this will interpret items that are in the questionnaire. It will serve as

the verbal analysis to the weighted mean of innovative recruitment strategies of

companies to find the candidates with managerial talent.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Needs improvement

5 4 3 2 1
2. Weighted Mean will be used for the computation of the mean and gives different

observations an equal weight according to the unequal relative incompetence. It

will also be used to identify the most effective strategies to recruit candidates with

managerial talent.

x=∑ fxi

Where: X= the weighted mean

f= frequency

xi = the scores of the data

n = the number of samples

 Arbitrary Scale

Arbitrary Scale Scale Value Received Rating

5 4.5 - 5 Excellent
4 3.51- 4.5 Very Good
3 2.51 -3.5 Good
2 1.51- 2.5 Fair
1 1 - 1.5 Needs improvement

3. Pearson’s r this formula will measure the strength between variables and



r = Pearson’s Coefficient

x & y = deviation score

 Correlation of Coefficient Interpretation Guideline

0.00 No correlation
± 0.01 - ±0.25 Very small correlation
± 0.26 - ± 0.50 Moderately small correlation
± 0.51 - ± 0.75 High correlation
± 0.76 - ± 0.99 Very high correlation
±1 Perfect correlation

4. Chi-Square – Test for independence to determine whether there is a significant

relationship between two categorical variables. By analyzing the sample data.

Using sample data and finding the degrees of freedom.

x 2= ∑ ¿ ¿ ¿

X²= Chi-square
O= observed value
E= expected value

E=np ; For one-way

( row total ) (column total )

grand total


 Degrees of freedom

n = no. of observations
p = proportion of possible response
df =( no . of categories )−1 ; for one−way

df =( c−1 ) ( r−1 )
df = degrees of freedom
c = no. of columns
r = no. of rows


Chapter 4

Results and discussion

This chapter shows the Results and the discussions of the data, base from the

54 respondents from the two multinational companies. The researchers also show the

tabulation and the interpretation result of the study.

1. Evaluations of the respondents in terms with:

The respondents rate the evaluation base on their own personal ratings the

respondents includes the managers and the employees in the company.

1.1 Attraction

Table 1: The tables above are the results of the evaluation of the

managers and employees in the company where the researchers conducted the

study. The respondents all gave the rating of excellent for each statement that

are under the category of attraction.

A. Attraction Weighted mean Verbal

1. More benefits and higher salary scale 4.5185 Excellent
2. Impressive blogs, websites conforming 4.1481 Very Good

company profile and achievements

3. Word of mouth system, information that 3.9444 Very Good

are coming from people inside the 42

4. Advertisements from television ads and 3.9814 Very Good

radios that possess positive information

about the company.

5. Trainings and seminars conducted by 4.1296 Very Good

the company.
6. Travel opportunities 4.3888 Very Good
1.2 Strategies

Table 2: The table above shows the newly innovated strategies that the

respondents’ rank Excellent and Very good base on the arbitrary scale but

among these strategies got the highest weighted mean such as open-ended

question. That means that the respondents are more into discussion in terms of

interview. In addition, the lowest strategy was social media.

1. Open- ended question 4.2962 Very Good

2. Video Interviews 4.0740 Very Good

3. Online networking events 3.9814 Very Good

4. Social Media 3.9629 Very Good

5. Big data 3.9814 Very Good

6. Other effective digital tools 4.1111 Very Good

7. Unique company profile 4.1666 Very Good

8. Machine learning for automated resume 4.0925 Very Good 43

9. Algorithms for candidate rediscovery 4.1851 Very Good

10. A.I chat bots for candidate engagement. 4.2037 Very Good

11. Natural language processing for job description 4.2407 Very Good

12. Partner marketplaces for end-to-end recruitment 4 Very Good

13. Virtual Reality for job testing and previewing. 4.0555 Very Good
1.3 Effects

Table 3: The highest weighted mean that is in this table was 4.444 in the

category of effects that is in questions number one, which states that, more

candidates that are talented will apply in the company.

B. Effects Weighted Verbal

mean interpretation
1. More talented candidates will apply 4.444 Very Good

in the company

2. The success rate of the company 4.1666 Very Good

will increase

3. They will surpass each competitor 4.2777 Very Good

making these talented candidates

as an asset.
4. A chance to be recognize 4.1666 Very Good


5. It can nurture the company’s 4.0740 Very Good


2. Is there a significant relationship between the position of the

respondents and their evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for

efficient managerial talent management?

Table 4: The significant relationship between the position and evaluation of

the respondents.

The table above shows a very small correlation meaning that there is a

very small relationship between the position of the respondents and their
evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient managerial talent


Sample Manager Employee

1 4.4583 3.9375
2 3.9583 4.187
3 3.4583 4.3125
4 3.9167 4
5 4.5 4.25
6 4.5416 3.6665
7 4.6667 4.625
8 3.857 4.0208
9 4.4583 3.7141
10 4.3333 3.8542
11 4.75 4.2638
12 4.125 4.2361
13 2.75 4.2083
14 4.25 4.1944 45
15 4.4167 4.0694
16 3.875 4.1527
total 66.3152 65.6923
3. Is there a


Pearson’s(r) (manual solving) -0.134734861 difference in

evaluation of

the Pearson’s(r) -0.134734861 manager and


Table 5: Represents the significant difference in evaluation of the managers and


Ratings Manager Employee TOTAL

Good 358 875 1233

Needs Improvementa 7 0.0510 17

df 1
TOTAL chi -square value365 885
1.1957 1250
chi -square crit value 3.841
significance no
  accept ho
The researchers use chi square to represent the significant difference

between the evaluation of the managers and employees, the hypothesis of the

researchers was, “there is no significant difference between the evaluation of

the managers and the employees” due to the results of the rating. The

respondents both agreed that the attractions, strategies and the effect are

good that is why it got a highest total of one thousand three hundred thirty

three (1233). There for the hypothesis is null or acceptable.

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusion that was based

from the researchers obtained data from the study and the researchers


Summary of findings
This descriptive study done in 2017 and it centers the innovative recruitment

strategies for efficient managerial talent management.

The researchers involved two multinational companies and took 54 respondents,

which involve the managers, and the employees therefore the researchers used quota

random sampling technique.

This study aims mainly to answer the following questions stated:

1. What are the evaluations of the respondents in terms with?

1.1 Attraction

1.2 Strategies

1.3 Effects

2. Is there a significant relationship between the position of the respondent and the

evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient managerial talent


3. Is there a significant difference in evaluation of the manager and employees?


In order for the researchers to collect the data for the study, the researchers

selected two multinational companies and distributed the questionnaire with a letter of

permission for the company.

The statistical tools used in the study was weighted mean to find the most

effective strategies and other tendencies that were asked in the following questions and

categories, Pearson’s R for finding the significant relationship between the position of
the respondents and the evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient

managerial talent management. The researchers also used chi square to find the

significant difference in evaluation of the managers and employees.

Summary of Findings

1. What are the evaluations of the respondents in terms with?

1.1 Question number got 4.5185 weighted therefore the respondents are

attracted for more benefits and higher salary scales. All of the six (6) questions

under the category of attraction receive a rating of excellent.

1.2 These are the top rate strategies according to the rating of the respondents’

evaluation: Open-ended question (4.2962), Natural language processing for job

description (4.2407), A.I chat bots for candidate engagement (4.2037), Algorithms for

candidate rediscovery (4.1851), Unique company profile (4.1666), Other effective digital

tools (4.1111), Machine learning for automated resume screening (4.0925), Video

Interviews (4.0740) and Virtual Reality for job testing and previewing (4.0555). These are

strategies got the highest weighted mean in accordance to the evaluation of the

respondents. 48

1.3 All of the effects stated in this category are accepted and rate as Very Good

by the respondents.

2. Is there a significant relationship between the position of the respondent and the

evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient managerial talent


With the help of Pearson’s R the researchers found out that there is a very small

correlation between the position of the respondents and the evaluation in the company’s
innovative ways for efficient managerial talent management. The position and the

evaluation were not base on the respondents’ position at the company but it was rather

the opinion based on the personal experiences and expectations.

3. Is there a significant difference in evaluation of the manager and employees?

Chi- square were used to help the researchers find the significant difference in

the evaluation of the managers and the employees and result was there is no significant

difference in evaluation of the respondents therefore the hypothesis was accepted.


1. What are the evaluations of the respondents in terms with?

1.1 The respondent aims for companies with bigger salaries and benefits to


1.2 The respondents are into technologies and interaction between the

employers they were challenge by these concept or strategies and they find

it very interesting because it test their intelligence.

1.3 They expect the company to gain more and the respondents knew that the

strategies could help the company more. 49

2. Is there a significant relationship between the position of the respondent and the

evaluation in the company’s innovative ways for efficient managerial talent


The position and the evaluation were not base on the respondents’ position at

the company but it was rather the opinion based on the personal experiences and

3. Managers and employees can have the same level of thinking when it comes to

innovations and strategies, the respondents’ wants betterment for the future of

the company they work with.


The researchers offer some recommendations based on the conclusion

the researchers come up with in the study.


 The company should always consider what would happen in the future,

forecasting and analyzing the changes in the world, from new

technologies up to the people in the country.

 Talented candidates are just around the corners, in and out of the

company. Innovative recruitment strategies can help the company elevate

and surpass competitors.

 Always focus on the goal of the company welcome new ideas but always

be ready for the risk.

 Contingency plan is always needed. 50


 Talented candidates are into more challenge they want to

test their abilities and intelligence they are competitive and

adventurous innovative strategies can attract them they will

feel that this company could give a better opportunity for

them to excel.
 More employees that are talented, the more successful the

company can be.

 Observe people carefully some people may not look

talented but they are the ones who keep the company on

the right spot and the one that helps the company grow.


 In order for the strategies to be effective the company must study and

examine it thoroughly do not let pressure be a distraction.




Anthony Celani, Parbudyal Singh, (2011) “Signaling theory and applicant attraction

outcomes", Personnel Review, Vol. 40 Issue: 2, pp.222-

DELOITTE (2010). Talent Edge 2020: Blueprints for the new normal. Deloitte

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ľudských zdrojov v EÚ. Journal of management: research and practice. 2(1-2),


Case studies

Dana Egerova (2013) Integrated Talent Management, introduction, pp. 7-8

Ryan Estis (2013) Trends in Talent Management a collection of articles from thought

leader Ryan Estis on Branding for Talent, Nine Best Practices for Gen Y, pp. 14 -17

Online Source

Dora Wang (2017) the complete guide to hiring with social media,

Ji A-MiN (2017) The 5 Best Innovations in Recruitment of 2017 52

Madison Jones (2015) Talent Management as a Tool for Successful Businesses

Maria Bocancea (2015) Innovative Recruiting Strategies for 2015
Ricky De Vera (2014) Creative Strategies for Quality Recruitment

Ryan Healy (2014) 7 Innovative Ways Recruiters Are Attracting Top Talent

Appendix 1

Appendix 1: Research Instrument

Chi - Square
Ratings Manager TOTAL

Good 358 875 1233

Needs Improvement 7 10 17

TOTAL 365 885 1250

Appendix 2
1. Weighted mean
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
Ratings Tally Tally Tally Tally Tally Tally
x fx x fx x fx x fx x fx x fx
(f) (f) (f) (f) (f) (f)
Excellent 31 5 155 22 5 110 20 5 100 17 5 85 25 5 125 29 5 145
Very Good 21 4 84 20 4 80 15 4 60 22 4 88 17 4 68 17 4 68

Good 1 3 3 10 3 30 15 3 45 13 3 39 7 3 21 8 3 24
Fair 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 8 1 2 2 4 2 8 0 2 0
Improvemen 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
Total 54 15 244 54 15 224 54 1 213 54 1 215 54 15 223 54 15 237
5 5

mean 4.518518519 4.148148148 3.944444444 3.981481481 4.12962963 4.388888889
Appendix 2: Correspondence

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