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evidence 5 supply chain flowchart”

Present by:

John Fredy Arévalo Fernández

Andrés Camilo Mateus Cruz

Present to:

Yanira del Carmen Rosales Jurado

TICKET: 1852636





Diagrama de flujo Nestlé

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Process flowchart and product distribution
4. Process functions at each stage
5. Flow of production and distribution activities by product status
6. conclusion


Taking into account all the links of logistics work that are presented, an organizational

chart is analyzed and designed for effective and efficient development as well as this

company on which the flowchart is based in the company Nestlé as a tool that visually it

is presented by means of a graphical representation and illustrates the sequence of

operations in detail in order to identify the step-by-step structure of the production

activities of storage and distribution of the products. It is thus ranked in the world's

largest food company by revenue and other metrics in 2014, 2015 and 2016


1. Use symbology for flowchart

2. Make the evidence taking into account your product or service.
3. Justifies each process properly
4. Correctly apply the use of grammar and spelling in English.
5. Submit the document following APA Standards.
6. On-time delivery of the assigned activity.
Diagrama de flujo Nestlé

Flowchart processes and distribution Nestlé



Drying Shelling


Production logistics

Grinding, mixing,
refining, harvesting and

Distribution logistics

Ingredient mix Enlistment and dispatch

Molding and


End customer
Diagrama de flujo Nestlé

Processes and distribution

1. Cultivation and harvesting: I consider it a great company that also manages its
own crops for the development of its crops exclusively the cocoa with which it supplies its
raw material.
2. Harvesting: Its products are selected and collected for later rinsing and de-sacring.
3: Fermentation: in this process the remains of pulp glued to the grain are removed
from the germs and develops its peculiar aroma flavor and color.
4. Drying: is exposed to direct solar radiation and evaporates water from moisture
contained in the grain in takeout and transport in this process the grains are heavy and placed
in the sack with a specific weight that are distributed to the different production plants on.
5 crushing: in this process the grains are crushed into large pieces called NIBS and
then prepared and placed in throwers.
6: Roasting: develops scented aromas eliminates the latest volatile acids reduces
water content by (8% and 2%) decreases bacteria.
7 Grinding: in this process you get the paste mass or cocoa liqueur at this stage you
get the liquid and solid stage of the cocoa,
8. Liquid: it is dehorned, filtered and molded, the solid is ground and the cocoa
powder is obtained.
9: Milk treatment: through its ultra-purification and pasteurization machines of milk
are mixed the ingredients necessary to obtain a homogeneous mixture and achieve an
efficient treatment of sabatize the milk.
10. Mixture: the mixture is subjected to a series of rollers until a smooth paste is
obtained and then processed to machines in the form of beaters to be smoothed, the speed,
duration and temperature for this process is (60 to 80 degrees) affects the firmness and
softness taste so that the same stage of heating, cooling and overheating.
11. Molding and packaging: at this stage the processed chocolate is mixed with
almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts placed in molds on vibrating tables to be unmolded and
12. Distribution: so that they are finally transferred and distributed for your window.


In this evidence, the production stages can be optimized through a flow of chained activities

for the process the distribution and marketing of products especially based on cocoa fully

complying with the best quality standards giving it international recognitions with its good

food incentive .good life. Thus forming a distribution to all stores and easily reaching the

consumer at low prices being thus cataloged a very competitive company.

Diagrama de flujo Nestlé


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