Unidad I Máquinas, Herramientas y Elementos Mecánicos PDF

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Inglés Mecánica Industrial

Código: SMIM01

Inglés Mecánica Industrial


Unidades de Aprendizajes:

1.- Máquinas, Herramientas y Elementos Mecánicos.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

UNIT 1: MÁQUINAS, HERRAMIENTAS Y ELEMENTOS MECÁNICOS. ................................................................. 3
Skimming ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scanning ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Industrial Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Tools ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Lubrication .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Bearings .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Roller Chain................................................................................................................................................. 31
Flexible Belt Drives ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Mechanical Drives....................................................................................................................................................... 36
Verbs ........................................................................................................................................................... 37
There Is and There Are ............................................................................................................................... 39
Prepositions ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Time Measurements ................................................................................................................................... 43
UNIT 2: SISTEMAS ELÉCTRICOS, HIDRÁULICOS Y NEUMÁTICOS. .......................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Electricity .........................................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Hydraulic Principles ........................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Hydraulic Applications ...................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Pneumatic Principles ......................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Pneumatic Applications ................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
UNIT 3: MANTENIMIENTO Y MONTAJE DE MÁQUINAS ......................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Assembling Of Machines ...............................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Anchoring Machinery ....................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Infrastructure Requirements ..........................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Floor Plans .......................................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Dimensioning ..................................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Vibration..........................................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Alignment........................................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Additional Resources .....................................................................................¡Error! Marcador no definido.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01



Fry (2000) says skimming is a reading technique and means "very fast reading" and it refers to looking only for the
general or main ideas. To skim rapidly, you must leave out parts of an article or story. Skimming allows you to get
information quickly from anything you read.

To skim, read all of the first several paragraphs in order to identify the topic of your article, the subject, a little of
the author's style, the author's view point, and so on. Leave
nothing out, but read as fast as you can. Skimming works well
to find dates, names, and places. It might be used to review
graphs, tables, and charts.

Find the main ideas of every paragraph plus a few facts.

Sometimes the main idea will not be in the first paragraph; in
some paragraphs the main idea is located in the middle of a
paragraph or at the end.

In addition, you may come to a paragraph that does not have a key sentence at all, that is, the main idea is not
summarized in any one sentence. Look more closely, then to find several phrases or sentences that give the main
idea. Remember that the purpose of skimming is to get the author's main ideas at a very fast speed.

When is it used?

 Skimming is used when reading some general question in mind.

 Skimming is used in making decisions on how to approach a text such as when determining if a
careful reading is deserving.
 Skimming is used to build student confidence and an understanding that it is possible to gain
meaning without reading every word in a text.
 Skimming is used as part of the SQ3R method of reading, often for speed reading. This method
involves the student in surveying, questioning, reading, reviewing and reciting. Skimming is used
for the initial survey and for review.
 Skimming is a skill that a student may want to develop if they are planning to continue with
academic studies. It is often used in reviewing for a test.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Exercise 1: Read these bits of sentences and answer the questions.

There are different ways in which volcanoes are classified.

Perhaps the most common and certainly the one used by non-specialists
This classification is problematical
Typically, a volcano is said to be extinct
The difficulty with this is that man has been on the planet
This can be exemplified
When Vesuvius did erupt,
An assumption had been made
Indeed, this is by no means an isolated example
The one difference being that the castle is still with us

How long did it take?: ____________________________minutes.

Did you understand anything?: ____________________________.

What was it about?:_____________________________________.

(exercise taken from: http://www.dcielts.com/ielts-reading/skimming-exercises-skills/)

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Exercise 2: Read the text and answer TRUE or FALSE. Do it as fast as you can.

The Wild Life

Long before the arrival of Europeans on the Canadian prairie (the wide grasslands of what is now called
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), the First Nations people lived in a harmonious relationship with
their natural surroundings. Every item of their culture, from sewing needles to homes was obtained from
nature. Their homes were called teepees and were like large tents made from the skins of deer. These
people - tribes with names like the Blackfoot, the Peigan and the Blood people - were nomadic, which
means that they travelled from place to place following the animals they hunted or the growth of the
berries and fruits on the bushes and trees.

They had horses, although horses came to North

America after escaping from the Spanish explorers who
brought them here to explore the areas around Mexico
and Texas. Boys and girls were both expert riders. They
did not use saddles or reins or stirrups; they rode
"bareback". Their clothes were made from deer skins
and buffalo skins and decorated with the parts of other
animals - tails from squirrels and gophers, quills from
porcupines and the delicate bones of birds.

These children of nature did not ever have to go to school. They did not have to study to get into a
prestigious college, nor did they have to worry about finding a job after graduation. This does not mean
their life was easy. The winters were very long and very cold and there were sometimes wars between
tribes. There were also the very great dangers involved in the buffalo hunt. Warriors rode at top speed
(with no saddle) beside the huge buffalo shooting arrows to bring them down. The chances of a buffalo
turning suddenly or of falling off the horse were very great. We must remember that there were also no
hospitals in those days.

Even so, the young people of the tribes must

have enjoyed a very pleasant lifestyle:
fishing and gathering berries in summer,
hunting in the forests in the early morning,
dancing around the fire at night and
listening to the old people tell stories and
legends from long ago.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Now answer True or False:

1. Riding "bareback" means riding without any equipment on the horse.

__ True
__ False

2. First Nations people never killed deer.

__ True
__ False

3. First Nations people had no enemies.

__ True
__ False

4. Mathematics was not a priority for the kind of life they led.

__ True
__ False

5. The First Nations people did not develop a written language.

__ True
__ False

6. People were rarely killed while hunting buffalo.

__ True
__ False

(exercise taken from http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/490/wchild/wchild15.htm)

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


Scanning is a reading skill you use when you want to locate a single fact or a specific bit of information
without reading every part of a story, article, list, or document. You use scanning many times in your
daily activities. You use scanning many times in your daily activities. For example, you scan the television
listings of a newspaper or a magazine to find the time and channel of a T.V show.

To scan you always know about the material you are going
to read about. Whatever the text you read be sure it is
arranged in some logical way. Following are several types of
common arrangements.

1. Alphabetical
2. Non-alphabetical
3. Prose

Since the purpose of scanning is to locate information quickly, a high rate of speed is essential. With
clue words in mind, try to scan as much as you can in the least amount of time. Remember to make
accuracy your goal (Fry, 2000).

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Exercise 2: Read the following text quickly and answer the questions.

Except for a brief description of the Compton Effect, and a few other remarks,
we have postponed the discussion of X-rays until the present chapter
because it is particularly convenient to treat X-ray spectra after treating
optical spectra. Although this ordering may have given the reader a distorted
impression of the historical importance of X-rays, this impression will be
corrected shortly as we describe the crucial role played by X-rays in the
development of modern physics. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Roentgen
while studying the phenomena of gaseous discharge. Using a cathode ray
tube with a high voltage of several tens of kilovolts, he noticed that salts of
barium would fluoresce when brought near the tube, although nothing visible
was emitted by the tube.

This effect persisted when the tube was wrapped with a layer of black cardboard. Roentgen soon
established that the agency responsible for the fluorescence originated at the point at which the
stream of energetic electrons struck the glass wall of the tube. Because of its unknown nature, he gave
this agency the name X-rays. He found that X-rays could manifest themselves by darkening wrapped
photographic plates, discharging charged electroscopes, as well as by causing fluorescence in a
number of different substances. He also found that X-rays can penetrate considerable thicknesses of
materials of low atomic number, whereas substances of high atomic number are relatively opaque.
Roentgen took the first steps in identifying the nature of X-rays by using a system of slits to show that (1)
they travel in straight lines, and that (2) they are uncharged, because they are not deflected by electric
or magnetic fields.

The discovery of X-rays aroused the interest of all physicists, and many
joined in the investigation of their properties. In 1899 Haga and Wind
performed a single slit diffraction experiment with X-rays which showed
that (3) X-rays are a wave motion phenomenon, and, from the size of
the diffraction pattern, their wavelength could be estimated to be 10-
8 cm. In 1906 Barkla proved that (4) the waves are transverse by
showing that they can be polarized by scattering from many materials.

There is, of course, no longer anything unknown about the nature of X-rays. They are electromagnetic
radiation of exactly the same nature as visible light, except that their wavelength is several orders of
magnitude shorter. This conclusion follows from comparing properties 1 through 4 with the similar
properties of visible light, but it was actually postulated by Thomson several years before all these
properties were known. Thomson argued that X-rays are electromagnetic radiation because such
radiation would be expected to be emitted from the point at which the electrons strike the wall of a
cathode ray tube. At this point, the electrons suffer very violent accelerations in coming to a stop and,
according to classical electromagnetic theory, all accelerated charged particles emit
electromagnetic radiations. We shall see later that this explanation of the production of X-rays is at least
partially correct. In common with other electromagnetic radiations, X-rays exhibit particle-like aspects
as well as wave-like aspects. The reader will recall that the Compton effect, which is one of the most
convincing demonstrations of the existence of quanta, was originally observed with electromagnetic
radiation in the X-ray region of wavelengths.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Now answer the questions:

1. When were X-rays discovered?



2. Who discovered them?



3. What are the four characteristics of X-rays?



4. The Discovery of X-rays



Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Industrial Safety

An industrial safety system is a countermeasure crucial in

any hazardous plants such as oil and gas plants and
nuclear plants. They are used to protect human, plant,
and environment in case the process goes beyond the
control margins. As the name suggests, these systems are
not intended for controlling the process itself but rather
protection. Process control is performed by means of
process control systems (PCS) and is interlocked by the
safety systems so that immediate actions are taken
should the process control systems fail.

(wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial safety system)

Exercise 1: Use the words from the word bank to complete the following passage:

distance safety guards instruction protection distracted

cleared machine unattended teacher switched off

1. Don’t operate a __________unless you have received thorough __________ and fully understand how
the machine should be used.

2. When using machinery that is fitted with __________ ___________, ensure that they are fitted correctly.

When appropriate wear eye and ear _____________ and restrain hair.

3. Keep a safe ___________ between your hands and any moving parts of the machinery, and only make
adjustments to the machinery when the power is ____________ _____________.

4. Ensure that you operate a machine by yourself, and do not leave a machine _____________________
while it is running. Give your machine your full attention and do not look away or talk to others while
using a machine. Operators of machinery should not be ____________________.

5. Never lean on machines. If any part of the machine is broken or malfunctions notify your _________
immediately. After using machines, the work area should be _________ of scrap material and machine

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 2: The purpose of material safety data sheets is to provide the information needed to allow the
safe handling of hazardous substances. An example of a MSDS is shown below. Carefully examine this
sheet and complete the activity.

Interpreting material safety data sheets (MSDS)

1. What general information is outlined on material safety data sheets?



2. Describe the purpose for producing material safety data sheets.



3. For which material has this material safety data sheet been prepared?


Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

4. Outline the general safety hazards associated with the use of this substance in a workshop.



5. What specific information should be noted when handling this substance?



Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


Tools and their uses are very important to a mechanic. For the person who desires to become a skilled
mechanic it is essential for him to develop his abilities to properly select, use, handle, and care for the
hand and power tools made available for him to use in the performance of his work.

Cutting Tools

As Schneider (2009) says, in the context of machining, a cutting tool is any tool that is used to remove
material from the work piece by means of shear deformation. Many types of tool materials, ranging
from high carbon steel to ceramics and diamonds, are used as cutting tools in today’s metalworking
A cutting tool must have the following characteristics in order to produce good quality and economical
 Hardness — harness and strength of the cutting tool
must be maintained at elevated temperatures, also
called hot hardness.

 Toughness — toughness of cutting tools is needed so

that tools don’t chip or fracture, especially during
interrupted cutting operations.

 Wear Resistance — wear resistance means the

attainment of acceptable tool life before tools need to
be replaced. Cutting Tool

Hand Tools

A hand tool is a tool that is "powered" by an operator, such as a hammer or screwdriver. Hand tools
must be kept clean and sharp in order to avoid injury. Some examples of hand tools are:

 Clamp (Abrazadera)

A brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
 Files (Limas)

A file is a metalworking, woodworking and plastic working tool used

to cut fine amounts of material from a work piece.

 Hammers and Striking Tools (Martillos y Herramientas para


A hammer is a hand tool consisting of a handle with a head of metal

or other heavy rigid material that is attached at a right angle, used for
striking or pounding.
A striking tool is a very basic hand tool consisting of a weighted head
attached to a handle.

 Impact Sockets and Bits (Dados de Impacto y Brocas)

Sockets, when paired with a ratcheting tool, are designed to tighten or

loosen nuts and bolts. Impact sockets were introduced as an
improvement over standard sockets for use in high-impact situations
requiring a lot of torque. A bit is a removable boring head used on
certain kinds of drills, as a rock drill.

 Pliers (Alicates)

A kind of small pinchers with long jaws, -- used for bending or cutting
metal rods or wire, for handling small objects such as the parts of a
watch, etc.

 Punches, Chisels, and Hand Drills (Punzones, Cinceles y Taladros

de Mano)

Punches are tools usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously
shaped at one end for different operations (as forming, perforating,
embossing, or cutting). Chisels are a metal tool with a sharpened edge at
one end used to chip, carve, or cut into a solid material (as wood, stone,
or metal). Hand drills are tools with a sharp point and cutting edges for
making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
 Screwdrivers and Nutdrivers
(Destornilladores y Llaves de tuerca)

A screwdriver is a device specifically designed to insert and tighten, or to

loosen and remove, screws. Nut drivers are like screwdrivers, except they
drive nuts.

 Sockets and Bits (Dados y Brocas)

Sockets are an opening on a piece of electrical equipment into which a

plug, lightbulb, etc., fits. A bit can be the biting or cutting edge or part of
a tool. It's a replaceable part of a compound tool that actually performs
the function (as drilling or boring) for which the whole tool is designed.

 Vises (Tornillos)

Vises are tools that are usually attached to a table and that have two flat
parts that can be opened and closed by a screw or lever in order to hold
something (such as a piece of wood) very firmly.

 Wrenches (Llaves)

Wrenches are any of various hand or power tools, often having fixed or
adjustable jaws, used for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts,
bolts, or pipes.

 Center Punches (Punzones)

A center punch is used to mark the centre of a point. It is usually used to

mark the centre of a hole when drilling holes. A drill has the tendency to
"wander" if it does not start in a recess. A centre punch forms a large
enough dimple to "guide" the tip of the drill. The tip of a centre punch has
an angle between 60 and 90 degrees.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
 Abrasive Tools (Esmeriles)

An abrasive tools is a substance or material such as sandpaper,

pumice, or emery, used for cleaning, grinding, smoothing, or polishing

Exercise 1: Look at the picture and write the name of the tool in English. You can use your dictionary.

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
4. ___________________________
5. ___________________________

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

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Código: SMIM01
8. ____________________________

9. ____________________________

10. ___________________________

11. ___________________________

12. ___________________________

13. ___________________________

14. __________________________

15. __________________________

16. __________________________

17. ___________________________

18. __________________________

19. __________________________

20. __________________________

27. __________________________

28. __________________________

29. __________________________

30. ___________________________

31. __________________________

32. ___________________________

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the correct word.

Wrench – File – Drill bit – Vernier Caliper - Goniometer

1. _____________ is a metalworking, woodworking and plastic working tool used to cut fine amounts

of material from a work piece. It most commonly refers to the hand tool style, which takes the

form of a steel bar with a case hardened surface and a series of sharp, parallel teeth.

2. A ______________ (also called a spanner) is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical

advantage in applying torque to turn objects—usually rotary fasteners, such as nuts and bolts—

or keep them from turning.

3. ________________ are cutting tools used to create cylindrical holes, almost always of circular cross-

section. Drill bits come in many sizes and have many uses.

4. ________________ is a device used to measure the distance between two opposite sides of an

object. They comprise a calibrated scale with a fixed jaw, and another jaw, with a pointer, that

slides along the scale.

5. A ________________ is an instrument that either measures an angle or allows an object to be

rotated to a precise angular position.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


Lubrication is the process, or technique employed to reduce wear of one or both surfaces in close
proximity, and moving relative to each other, by interposing a substance called lubricant between the
surfaces to carry or to help carry the load (pressure generated) between the opposing surfaces. The
interposed lubricant film can be solid, (e.g. MoS2) solid/liquid dispersion, liquid, liquid-liquid dispersion
(grease) or, exceptionally, gas.

The principle of supporting a sliding load on a friction-reducing film is known as lubrication. The
substances of which the film is made, is a lubricant and is lubricated apply.

Grease is the most common type of lubricant used for rolling element bearings today. About 90 percent
of all bearings are lubricated in this manner. It is important to select the right grease for specific
requirements and to calculate the lubricant life cycle.

 Selecting the proper industrial gear lubricant is

important to the long-term efficient operation of the
gear drive.

 Purpose of cylinder oil: Lubrication: build up oil film

between piston rings and cylinder liner, Cleaning:
additive treat contains detergency agent,
Neutralisation: Bunker oils contain varying levels of

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Exercise 1: Translate the following words and definitions into Spanish.

1. Friction: When two surfaces rub against each other, friction will occur. Friction generates heat and
thus a loss in power with wear and tear deforming or destroying the two materials. Introducing a
lubricant between the two surfaces has the effect of reducing the friction causing the damage.
Optimal lubrication is achieved when the exact film of oil is between the two surfaces.







2. Viscosity: As an oil moves / runs it meets with resistance, described as viscosity. As the viscosity level
increases as temperature decreases, and vice-versa, the flow is altered.





3. Viscosity Index: The viscosity index applies to the viscosities of the oil at various temperatures – at the
higher index of the lubricant the more stable the viscosity of the oil at temperature and under load.





Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

4. Sae Grades: The Society of Automotive Engineers’ international classification of oils on the basis of
their viscosities. Grades marked ‘W’ are at a temperature below 0oC (W = winter). The lower the number
next to the ‘W’, the lower the pouring temperature of the lubricant.






5. Mono grade versus multi grade: Mono-grade oils, as by their name, work at their optimal lubrication
at a limited outside temperature range. Multi-grade oils have a stretched range of viscosity which allows
a greater difference of outside temperature for optimal lubrication.





6. Detergency: This is the lubricants capacity to remove / clean the varnish and carbon residues
deposited inside the engine.




7. Dispersion: This is the oil’s capacity to prevent the accumulation and deposit of sludge.




Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion and reduces friction between moving
parts to only the desired motion. The design of the bearing may, for example, provide for free linear
movement of the moving part or for free rotation around a fixed axis; or, it may prevent a motion by
controlling the vectors of normal forces that bear on the moving parts. Many bearings also facilitate
the desired motion as much as possible, such as by minimizing friction. Bearings are classified broadly
according to the type of operation, the motions allowed, or to the directions of the loads (forces)
applied to the parts.

Bearing Types

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Bearing Terminology

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Código: SMIM01

Exercise 1: Translate the following words.

1. Air Bearings: 2. Pillow Blocks:

3. Ball Bearings:
4. Plain Bearings:

5. Bush Bearings:
6. Rod Ends:

7. Linear Bearings:
8. Roller Bearings,

9. Magnetic Bearings: 10. Roller Bearings,


11. Mounted Ball 12. Roller Bearings,

Bearing Units: Spherical:

14. Roller Bearings,

13. Mounted Plain Tapered:
Bearing Units:

15. Mounted Roller

16. Sintered Bearings:

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Roller Chain

Roller chain or bush roller chain is the type of chain drive most commonly used for transmission of
mechanical power on many kinds of domestic, industrial and agricultural machinery, including
conveyors, wire- and tube-drawing machines, printing presses, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles. It
consists of a series of short cylindrical rollers held together by side links. It is driven by a toothed wheel
called a sprocket. It is a simple, reliable, and efficient means of power transmission.

Chain transmissions do so by closing therefore without slippage, between two spaced apart a distance
that can not be covered with sprockets trees. For this, the chain links engage in the teeth of the
sprocket. Chain drive is used when the gears are not suitable sprocket because of the great distance
of trees as belts can not be used because of the humidity, temperature, and other oil vapors.

Exercise 1: Match the name with the definition.

1. Roller ______Part of the outer link.

2. Outer ______Have a bush force fitted and outer links are connected using a

3. Pins ______The thickness of the plate measured between the plate holes.

4. Inner Plates ______Part of the inner link. The roller guides the chain onto the
sprocket as it rotates on the bush.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences.

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Código: SMIM01

Outer plates - Pins – Inner plates – Rollers

1. “…Short cylindrical ______________ held together by side links.”

2. “…Inner links alternate with the outer links, consisting of two outer plates held together by

_______________ passing through the bushings of the inner links.”

3. “…With both the _________________ and outer plates held by pins which directly contacted the

sprocket teeth.”

4. “…This problem was partially solved by the development of bushed chains, with the pins holding

the outer plates passing through bushings or sleeves connecting the _________________ plates.”

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Flexible Belt Drives

A belt is an endless flexible band passing about two or more pulleys, used to transmit motion from one
pulley to the other or others or to convey materials and objects. Belts are used to transfer power through
rotational motion from one shaft to another. Belt driven fans are common in heating, ventilation and
cooling systems.


 Power transmission at a long distance

 Ability to absorb shock.

Types of belts:

 Flat and round belts -> can vary in length

 V and Timing -> have standard length

A: The cover fabric vulcanized

B: load bearing elements

C: resistant rubber pad

D: flexural Layer

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 1: Write the type of belt next to the picture.

Belt Drives - Belt/Chain Tensioners - Conveyor Drives - Flat Belt Pulleys - Flat Belting
- Polyurethane Belts - Round Belt Pulleys

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 2: Write the type of belt next to the definition.

Round Belting - Sheaves - Synchronous Belting - Timing Belts - Variable Speed


1. ____________ are a circular cross section belt designed to run in a pulley with a 60 degree V-

2. ____________ are a positive transfer belt and can track relative movement.

3. ____________ are a positive transfer belt and can track relative movement.

4. ____________ is a power transmission belt featuring lengthwise grooves.

5. ____________ is a wheel or roller with a groove along its edge for holding a belt, rope, or cable.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

Mechanical Drives

Mechanical drives are used to transmit power

from the prime mover to the machine operating
member involving a change in velocities, force
and torque.

 When a prime mover is used to drive a

single machine, then the system of power
transmission is called as an individual drive

 When a prime mover is used to drive more than one machine, then the system of power
transmission is called as group drive.

Exercise 1: Answer the following questions.

1. What is a mechanical drive? _________________________________________________.

2. Why mechanical drives are necessary? _________________________________________.
3. What are the good requirements of a drive? ____________________________________.
4. What are different types of drive system? ______________________________________.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions: Some verbs
put stalled subjects into motion while other verbs help to clarify the subjects in meaningful ways. Look
at the examples below:

Analyze: To analyze something is to determine the nature of something by looking at it very carefully.

Charge: To charge something is to provide it with a store of electrical power.

Dismantle: To dismantle something is to separate the parts of something.

Fuse-blown: A resettable protective device that opens an electric circuit to prevent damage when
the circuit is overheated by excess current flow.
Give out: If a piece of equipment gives out, it breaks or becomes unusable.

Inflate: To inflate a tire is to force air into it.
Install: To install something is to put or attach something in a particular place.

Maintain To maintain something is to keep something working properly, often by regularly repairing or
replacing parts.

Pull To pull is to move in a direction without being intentionally steered that way.

Troubleshoot To troubleshoot a problem is to evaluate evidence in order to identify and solve it.

Vibrate To vibrate is to shake rapidly.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 1: Write a short text using at least 5 verbs in context.










Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

There Is and There Are

We use There is / There are to say that something exists (or does not exist). The real subject usually comes
after There is / There are.


1. Use "There is" for singular nouns and things you cannot count.
2. Use "There are" for plural nouns; that is to say, we use there are with a plural subject.
3. To say the opposite, (the negative form of this structure), use isn't (is + not) or aren't (are +
4. To make questions, (to ask whether something exists or it doesn't) just change the order of there
is and there are.
5. To express the idea of quantity, we usually have to use "some" and ''any" with there is and there
are. This happens when we have to mention an unspecified amount of something, for example,
when we are using uncountable nouns.
6. We generally use some for positive statements, and any for negative and interrogative ones.

Exercise 1: For each sentence, choose “There is or There are/ Is there or Are” there to complete the gap
from the sentences below.

1. In our job we have workers from Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia but _________ no workers from
2. In our job, every Friday ________ a 'Conversation Club' in the afternoon after lunch.
3. On Wednesday morning __________ two workers absent from work.
4. Please look in the teachers' room. _________ any teachers in the teachers' room right now?
5. Excuse me. ________ a student called Andreas in this class?
6. Are there any students in the school from Switzerland? Yes, _______ one in class G and two in
class A.
7. Why _________ empty beer cans and wine bottles in the classroom this morning? Did somebody
have a party in here yesterday?

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


A preposition is a word in a sentence that normally precedes a noun or a pronoun and that’s used to
illustrate the noun’s or pronoun’s relationship to yet another word in the sentence. The actual word
“preposition” came from the idea of a word being “positioned before,” or preceding, another word.
While a preposition typically precedes a noun or pronoun, it’s not the case that it must always do so.

Prepositions and prepositional phrases are fairly flexible and important devices in English grammar. For
most native English speakers and writers, grammatical errors involving prepositions actually aren’t very
common. The following prepositions are the most used in manuals.


Below the
Between X and Y

In front of
In the front
In the rear of

Next to

On the upper part


Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 1: Look at the prepositions again and translate them into Spanish.

1. Above: ___________________________

2. Behind: __________________________
3. Below the: ________________________
4. Between X and Y: __________________

5. In: _____________________________
6. In front of: ______________________
7. In the front: _____________________
8. In the rear of: ____________________

9. Next to: ________________________

10. On: ____________________________
11. On the upper part: ________________
12. Over: __________________________

13. Under: _________________________

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 2: Look at the picture and complete using the right preposition.

1. The pen is ________ the notebook.

2. The brown dog is _______ the box.

3. The apple is ________ the book and the pen.

4. The pupil is _________ the door.

5. The girl is standing ________ the board.

6. The pencil is ________ the big red apple.

7. The chair is ________ the desk.

8. The ball is ________ the box and the bear.

9. The red ball is ________ the dog.

10. The panda is ________ the lamps.

11. The gray cat is ________ the purple box.

12. The presents are ________ the table.

13. Two people are ________ the green car.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

14. The girl is reading ________ the chair.

15. My brother is sitting ________ the computer.

Time Measurements

Time is the fourth dimension and a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the
present into the future.

Work measurement is the application of

techniques designed to establish the
time for an average worker to carry out
a specified manufacturing task at a
defined level of performance. It is
concerned with the length of time it
takes to complete a work task assigned
to a specific job.

Availability Reliability

D Resilience
H Seconds
Maintainability U



Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01
Exercise 1: Put the word next to the definition.

Availability – Downtime – Hours – Maintainability – Minutes – MTTR – MTBF –

Reliability – Resilience – Seconds – Serviceability - Uptime

1. The contractual conditions with supplier covering the availability of, and the conditions under
which the contractual conditions are valid for, a configuration Item (CI) or system.

2. The ability of a component or IT service to perform a required function under stated conditions
for a stated period of time. Reliability is now often taken to include resilience.

3. The second (symbol: s) is the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI) and is also
a unit of time in other systems of measurement (abbreviated s or sec); it is the second division of
the hour by sixty, the first division by 60 being the minute. ___________________.

4. Part of active time during which an equipment, machine, or system is either fully operational or
is ready to perform its intended function. Opposite of downtime. ____________________.

5. It's the mean elapsed time from the occurrence of an Incident to the restoration of service. Mean
Time to Repair is the average time taken to repair a configuration item or IT service after a failure.

6. Availability is determined by Reliability, Maintainability, Serviceability, Performance and Security.

Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed
Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of
the Business output of the IT Service. ___________________.

7. The hour (common symbol: h or hr) is a unit of measurement of time. In modern usage, an hour
comprises 60 minutes, or 3,600 seconds. It is approximately 1/24 of a mean solar

8. The total period that a service or component is not operational within an agreed service time.
Measured from when a service or component fails to when normal operations recommence.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01

9. It is the ability of a component or an IT service, under stated conditions of use, to be retained in,
or restored to, a state in which it can perform its required functions. Maintainability also describes
maintenance being performed under stated conditions and using prescribed procedures and
resources. ___________________.

10. The capability of a set of Configuration Items (CIs) to continue to provide a required function, it
not immediately then very quickly, when some CIs in the set have suffered a failure.

11. The minute is a unit of time or of angle. As a unit of time, the minute is equal to 1⁄60 (the first
sexagesimal fraction) of an hour or 60 seconds. In the UTC time standard, a minute on rare
occasions has 59 or 61 seconds, a consequence of leap seconds. ______________________.

12. (mean time between failures) is a measure of how reliable a hardware product or component
is. For most components, the measure is typically in thousands or even tens of thousands of hours
between failures. ___________________.

Inglés Mecánica Industrial
Código: SMIM01


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