Destroyed, What Can The Righteous Do? It Is Our Desire That After Studying This Tract You Will Be Counted

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The phrase is the initial part of the question asked in Psalm 11:3 and it says “ If the foundation be
destroyed, what can the righteous do? It is our desire that after studying this tract you will be counted
among the righteous and would know what to do.

Foundation is about the most important aspect of building. It is, in fact, the first step in any venture or
undertaking. In many cases, the outcome of anything can be predicted from its beginning (foundation);
praises, rebuke, successes or failures are traceable to foundations. Hence, to remedy a bad situation or
correct an anomaly, it is godly wisdom to begin from the roots (foundation).

We can all learn a lesson here that we must be careful to build a sure foundation in whatever we do
because the way a tree leans is the way it falls.

But this scripture, Psalm 11:3, is not referring to the foundation of physical buildings. The focus of this
passage is entirely spiritual. The contemporary situation in the Christian world makes this question a
“must” for everyone to address regardless of your calling, persuasion or religious affiliation. The earlier
you pay attention to it, the better it is for your soul and your eternity.

 “What can the righteous do when the church openly performs wedding rites between man and
man, woman and woman and went further to ordain celebrated homosexuals as priests to stand
in the holy place in utter defiance of Romans 1:21-32?”
 Tell me what the righteous can do when a church denomination would divide itself into classical
and model parishes with different lifestyles, attires and appearances and yet laying claim to the
same new birth and eternity simply because the general overseers do not want to hurt their
 What will the righteous do when pastors who are supposed to be shepherds of souls have
abandoned the pulpit to seek political office in this sin-cursed, Satan-perverted earthly kingdom
going in as good people but coming back as crooks with catalogue of scandals ranging from
sexual immorality, lies, bribery to thuggery trailing them.
 What will the righteous do when our churches (especially Pentecostals) have an outlook of
brothels and all these Satan-inspired beauty pageants because so-called born again sisters
barely wear clothes anymore, leaving large portions of their bodies uncovered to seduce. It is no
longer a shame to wear see-through clothes, mini-skirts, perforated clothes and immoral
designs. Modern Ahabs (preachers) even encourage the Jezebels in this shameful abuse with the
deceptive phrase “it is your heart that matters”. They have forgotten that true Christianity is
from the inside to the outside; if the inside is clean, it will show on the outside.
 What can the righteous do when divorce has dared the church and overtaken it with born again
pastors and their born again wives chief in it and yet they retain their positions. People who
cannot run their homes, who do not realise the shame brought on the gospel and reputation of
our Lord Jesus Christ still keeping charge over God’s heritage?
 What can the righteous do when churches have become family estates where we have pastor
and pastor (Mrs.) always presiding over both the spiritual and secular matters, as family
members take turns to lead. No woman was even appointed a deacon in the Bible, yet it has
become compulsory for pastors’ wives to have a calling and be addressed as pastors, reverend
etc. in defiance of 1 Corinthians 14:34 and 1 Timothy 2:11-14?
 What can the righteous do when the title “born again” has become an anathema today because
those who do not go to church see no difference between themselves and the professed born
again? They steal, dress immorally, commit fornication and adultery, fight, abuse, keep malice,
gossip, wear bikinis, scandal skirts, trousers as women, commit fraud, abortions etc. one then
wonders if the new birth actually makes a difference between who you were and who you are

You can clearly see that the foundation is gone yet churches are increasing in number with programs
that occupy goers from Sunday to Saturday. Preachers too are enrolled in continuous theological
programs in their man-made seminaries, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the
truth. According to 1 Corinthians 3:11, the true and real foundation is Jesus Christ and He is the Word.
Remember, the Word is perfect; adding to it or taking away from it contaminates its purity, rendering it
ineffective. This is the crucifixion of the Word, that is, a destruction of the very foundation and all church
denominations are guilty of this. They have deviated from Eph. 2:20 which states that Christ is the chief
cornerstone, the apostles and prophets the foundation and because they would not endure sound
doctrine, they have heaped up teachers for themselves through their seminaries and Bible schools,
teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. This started at the Nicene Council of AD 325 where
the false church substituted the sound doctrines of Godhead, water baptism and many more for trinity
creeds and dogmas and passed it down from generation to generation.


NEW BIRTH/TITLE BAPTISM: Jesus Christ plainly taught that every complete birth involves water, blood
and spirit (Life). The first step is genuine repentance towards God. This depicts a heart that is unable to
deliver itself but is actually tired of sin, convinced of the need for a change of life and truly desires it. A
broken and a contrite heart, God will not despise (Psalm 51:17). Such were the people who asked Peter
what they must do in Acts 2:37, and Peter told them to “repent, and be baptized everyone in the name
of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost…” ( Acts 2:38). The
apostle knew the answer because he was given the keys to the kingdom (Matt. 16:19) and he had
received the Holy Ghost in the upper room (Acts 2:14); he could not have been wrong.

But how far off the churches are today! They no longer preach repentance unto salvation, all the
billboards do not advertise Jesus Christ again but the preachers’ photographs in wonderful colours with
their campaigns of healing, signs, wonders and prosperity. They do not baptize by immersion in the
name of Jesus Christ like the apostles did. Rather, they sprinkle or make a cross sign on people using
titles, contrary to the scriptures. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commanded baptism in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Father, Son and Holy Ghost are not names but titles and
positions. Every father has a name and so does ever son, why don’t we ask ourselves which name Jesus
referred to in that scripture? The apostles received the revelation and that is why they truly obeyed
Matt. 28:19 in Acts 2:37-41.

The bible has not left us in darkness at all. In Luke 24:46-48, Jesus Christ reaffirmed that repentance and
remission of sins (water baptism) should be preached in His name. Acts 4:10-12 states that there is no
other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. This procedure, followed
faithfully, is what brings a true cleansing by the blood and makes it possible to receive the Holy Ghost.
This is the only Bible way; title baptism is false.
WOMEN PREACHER: This is another serious deviation from the sure foundation and church women do it
flagrantly nevertheless it is a service outside of God’s will. They think that God will be moved by the
emotions of their efforts but they will be rejected as workers of iniquity in the end because the only
thing that moves God is His Word. That word forbids women preachers and gave reasons as in 1
Corinthians 14:34-36 and 1 Timothy 2:11-14. Please take special note of those verses. God is not
responsible for any other reasons people are fashioning through their willful imaginations in disobeying
this clear, strong scriptural commandment. It is part of the addition and subtraction from the word
today. But remember, 1 Cor. 14:37 says “if any think himself to be a prophet, let him acknowledge that
the things I write to you are the commandments of the Lord.” These commandments have not changed
even in the order of speaking in tongues, interpretations and prophecies in all churches of the saints ( 1
Cor. 14:33) as against the modern day emotion work-up, barbaric and stage-managed chorus of
speaking in tongues that has become a part of the regular worship ritual in churches today.

We can go on and on but let’s still ask ourselves, any hope for the righteous? Who is the righteous? The
righteous is the one who places the Word of God above his own opinions, above his church affiliation,
who realizes that more than any gathering or church, his soul is at stake; one who will not turn a blind
eye to the truth because it condemns his church belief or will bring him to repentance, he admits that
every man’s word regardless of how highly placed must be a lie but God’s Word is the truth. The
righteous is the one willing to lose his own identity and take on the image and adorning of the word of
God to walk in God’s ordained path for his day. He will bring his worship where God has chosen to place
His name.


The righteous will heed the call of Revelation 18:4 and come out from among denominations, among
cages of unclean birds, among those who have added and subtracted from the word, among those who
have lost respect for the word and come in to God’s program for his own day.


In every scriptural exodus, two infallible signs – The Pillar of Fire and Cloud – have always been God’s
divine witnesses to direct the path of His people to the truth so they will not be mistaken as to where
God chose to put His name. in these last days, these two signs identified the ministry of William Marrion
Branham. A thorough examination of their authenticity was carried out by the USA’s FBI and a memorial
of it is kept at the Washington Religious Hall of Fame till this day. You can come and partake in life-
transforming ministrations, revelations of hidden Bible mysteries from Genesis to Revelation and
thousands of infallible “THUS SAITH THE LORD” prophecies, discernment of Godhead truths, origin and
destination of denominationalism, trinity, iniquity, anti-Christ, etc. You will certainly become a new
creature in Christ.

If God has touched your heart by this tract, do not hesitate to find out more and have a new beginning
with God by contacting any of the addresses below. God bless you.

For more information, contact:

The Pastor,
Bibleway Fellowship Tabernacle,

5 Ali-Asekun Street (Beside Oworonsoki link bridge)

Olojojo bus stop,

Oworonsoki, Lagos,


The Pastor

Solid Rock Endtime Tabernacle

Olumide Street, Goshen Estate,

Asero, Abeokuta,

Ogun State.


The Pastor

Christ’s Bride Tabernacle

2nd Powerline, New Eleyele

Eleyele, Ibadan.


You are welcome to the family of the bride of Christ

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