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Which of the following conditions is associated with increased risk of breast cancer?

A. Fibrocystic mastopathy.
B. Severe hyperplasia.
C. Atypical hyperplasia.
D. Papillomatosis

Answer: C

DISCUSSION: Fibrocystic mastopathy, or fibrocystic disease, was once thought to

increase the risk of breast cancer; however, later studies of the pathologic findings
in fibrocystic complex found an increased cancer risk only for patients whose
biopsies showed atypical hyperplasia. “Severe hyperplasia” is a pathologic term that
refers to the amount of hyperplasia and is frequently seen in the biopsy specimens of
young women; it is a misleading term and is not associated with a disease risk.
Papillomatosis is also part of the fibrocystic complex and is a frequent finding in
benign breast biopsies; it does not confer an increased risk of cancer.

Which of the following breast lesions are noninvasive malignancies?

A. Intraductal carcinoma of the comedo type.

B. Tubular carcinoma and mucinous carcinoma.
C. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma.
D. Medullary carcinoma, including atypical medullary lesions.

Answer: A
DISCUSSION: Tubular, mucinous, and medullary carcinomas are histologic
variants of infiltrating ductal cancer and are all invasive malignancies. Infiltrating
lobular cancer is a particular histologic variant of invasive breast cancer
characterized by permeation of the stroma with small cells that resemble those
found in the breast lobule or acinus. Intraductal carcinoma refers to a malignancy
of ductal origin that remains enclosed within duct structures. This noninvasive
proliferation can undergo central necrosis, which frequently calcifies to form the
microcalcifications seen on mammography. The central necrosis within enlarged
and back-to-back ductal structures resembles comedoes and gives rise to the term
“comedocarcinoma,” now reserved for this histologic variety of intraductal

Which of the following are the most important and clinically useful risk factors for
breast cancer?

A. Fibrocystic disease, age, and gender.

B. Cysts, family history in immediate relatives, and gender.
C. Age, gender, and family history in immediate relatives.
D. Obesity, nulliparity, and alcohol use.

Answer: C
DISCUSSION: The most important risk factors for breast cancer are the patient's
age, gender, and a family history of breast cancer in immediate relatives (sisters,
mother, daughter). The age-adjusted incidence of breast cancer increases with age.
Breast cancer does occur in males, but the disease is far more common in women.
Family history is important when breast cancer occurs within the immediate family;
history of breast cancer in more distant relatives (grandmothers, cousins, aunts) is
less important. In addition, age factors into the risk associated with family history.
An affected young primary relative is far more significant as a risk factor than an
older relative with breast cancer. The other important risk factor not listed here is a
history of breast cancer, either within the conserved ipsilateral breast or in the
contralateral breast. Again, age plays an important modifying role; as the age at
which breast cancer was first diagnosed increases, the risk of a subsequent second
cancer decreases. Although patients with fibrocystic disease are at increased risk for
breast cancer, risk concentrates in those patients with fibrocystic disease who show
atypical epithelial hyperplasia within breast ducts. Obesity, nulliparity, and alcohol
all appear to increase risk slightly and are important to the epidemiologic study of
breast cancer; however, the effect of these factors is not sufficient to warrant their
use in common clinical practice.

9. The proper treatment for lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) includes which of the
following components?

A. Close follow-up.
B. Radiation after excision.
C. Mirror-image biopsy of the opposite breast.
D. Mastectomy and regional node dissection.

Answer: A
DISCUSSION: LCIS is best thought of as a precursor lesion that confers increased
risk for eventual cancer.
The magnitude of this risk appears to be in the range of seven- to ninefold over
baseline risk.
The chance of breast cancer is equal in both breasts, not just in the biopsied breast,
and the type of cancer is not confined to a lobular histology.
After a diagnosis of LCIS, patients are at increased risk for invasive and
noninvasive ductal carcinoma in both breasts.
Therefore, mirror-image biopsy as practiced in the past has little to offer. Since
LCIS is purely noninvasive, nodal dissection is not required if mastectomy is chosen.
There are no data on the use of breast radiation therapy for LCIS. Most surgical
oncologists recommend close follow-up for patients who have LCIS only; the
alternative surgical treatment that makes most sense is bilateral simple
mastectomies, with or without reconstruction.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning the anatomy of the

a. About 25% of the lymphatic drainage of the breast courses to the

internal mammary nodes
b. Nerves within the axillary fat pad include the intercostal brachial
nerve, the long thoracic nerve, and thoracodorsal nerve
c. Fascial bands projecting through the breast to the skin form a
supporting framework known as Cooper’s ligaments
d. The ductal system of the breast from the alveoli to the skin are lined
with columnar epithelium
Answer: b, c
The breast abuts against the fascia of the pectoralis major and serratus anterior
muscles. Projections of the fascia course through the breast to the skin, forming a
supporting framework of the breast parenchyma. These fascial bands, called
suspensory ligaments of Cooper, are better developed in the upper breast. The
structure of the breast can be divided into lobular and ductal elements. The lobule is
the functional unit of the breast. Within a lobule, the terminal elongated tubular
ducts are referred to as alveoli. Ten to one hundred alveoli coalesce to form a larger
duct which defines a lobular unit. The lobular ducts join to form progressively
larger ducts and ultimately an excretory duct. The alveolar ducts, lobular ducts, and
excretory ducts are all lined with either cuboidal or columnar epithelium.
Eventually, 10-20 excretory ducts, each dilate into a short excretory sinus (lined
with squamous epithelium) just beneath the areola. Excretory ducts then course
perpendicular to exit through the nipple.

The lymphatic anatomy of the breast is of interest to the surgeon because of the
tendency of breast cancer to involve the regional lymph nodes. Studies using
radioactive tracers demonstrate at least 97% of lymphatic flow from the breast is
into the axilla; the remainder courses into the internal mammary nodes. These
studies also show that lymph flowing into the internal mammary gland chain is not
restricted in origin to the medial half and sub-areolar region of the breast, as was
thought, but can originate in any quadrant of the breast. In the axilla, lymphatic
vessels terminate in the lymph nodes embedded within the axillary fat pad. Also
within the axillary fat pad are the intercostal brachial nerves (a sensory nerve
supply in the under arm), the long thoracic nerve (a motor nerve to the serratus
anterior and subscapularis muscles) and the thoracodorsal nerve (a motor nerve to
the latissimus dorsi adjacent to its accompanying arteries and veins).

• Which of the following statement (s) is/are true concerning the recurrence of
breast cancer?

a. The majority of patients recur within five years of diagnosis

b. More than 70% of breast cancer recurrence involve distant

c. Pulmonary metastases are the most common initial site of distant
d. The local recurrence rate following breast-conserving procedures
varies from 10% to 40% whether or not radiation was used
e. Recurrent disease will be seen in at least 35% of node-negative
patients undergoing appropriate primary breast therapy

Answer: a, b, d

Metastatic disease following primary therapy for breast cancer can recur at any
time. However, of those who relapse, 50% to 70% do within two years and over
85% relapse within five years. More than 70% of recurrences are distant, but
anywhere from 10% to 30% of recurrences are local. Bone and lung are the most
common initial sites of distant relapse (50% and 25%), respectively. A breast-
conserving procedure can be associated with a local tumor recurrence rate. The rate
of local recurrence falls from 40% to 10% if postoperative radiation therapy is
given to the entire breast. Despite potentially curative resection, at least 20% of
node-negative and 60% of node-positive breast cancer patients have recurrence of
their disease at some time after surgery.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning mammography?

a. Up to 50% of cancers detected mammographically are not palpable

b. One third of palpable breast cancers are not detected by
c. The sensitivity of mammography increases with age
d. The American Cancer Society currently recommends routine
screening mammography beginning at age 40
e. Only about 10% of nonpalpable lesions detection mammographically
are found to be malignant at biopsy

Answer: a, c, d

Although mammography has been available for years, it did not become widely used
until the findings of the Health Insurance Plan of New York and the Breast Cancer
Detection Demonstration project studies of screening mammography were
disseminated. These and other investigators demonstrated that 10%–50% of
cancers detected mammographically are not palpable. Conversely, palpation
recognizes 10%–20% of tumors not detectable mammographically. The incidence of
breast cancer begins to rise sharply at age 40, and the sensitivity of mammograms
increases with age as the dense parenchymal tissue of young women is progressively
replaced by fatty tissue. Routine screening mammography has been shown to
decrease breast cancer-related mortality in asymptomatic women over the age of 50.
Controversy exists concerning the role of screening in younger woman. However,
currently the American Cancer Society recommends that mammographic screening

begin at age 40. Although sensitive, mammography is not specific. Only about 25%
of nonpalpable lesions detected mammographically are found to be malignant at
biopsy. A spiculated density with ill-defined margins on mammogram is almost
certainly malignant. Most commonly, features are seen that are suggestive but not
diagnostic of cancer. These include clustered microcalcifications, asymmetric
density, ductal asymmetry, and distortion of normal breast architecture and/or skin
or nipple distortion.

• A 35-year-old woman, who is currently breast-feeding her firstborn child,

develops an erythematous and inflamed fluctuant area on breast
examination. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning her
diagnosis and management?

a. The most common organism which would expect to be cultured is

Staphylococcus aureus
b. Open surgical drainage is likely indicated
c. Breast-feeding absolutely should be discontinued
d. If the inflammatory process does not completely respond, a biopsy
may be indicated
Answer: a, b, d

Infection complicates breast-feeding in fewer than 1:100 women, but these

lactational infections still account for 80% of all breast infections. Presumably,
gaining access via the skin of the irritated nipple of the nursing woman,
Staphylococcus aureus is by far the most common pathogen in this setting. Many
breast infections begin as cellulitis, without abscess formation. When an actual
abscess is suspected, percutaneous aspiration can establish the diagnosis and allow
for bacterial culture and sensitivity testing. Open surgical drainage is the most
prudent and effective treatment. Although women may choose to cease breast
feeding, there is no absolute indication for this. When mastitis or breast infection is
suspected clinically, the possibility of an inflammatory carcinoma must also be
entertained. Any inflammatory process that does not respond completely and
promptly to antibiotics or drainage should be subjected to biopsy to rule out cancer.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning the surgical

staging of breast cancer?

1. All biopsy specimens should be transported to pathology in formalin

within 24 hours of the procedure
2. Removal of only level I axillary lymph nodes may understage breast
cancer in up to one-fourth of patients
3. Level III axillary lymph nodes should be removed in all axillary
lymph node dissections
4. A clinically negative axilla will be found to have histologically positive
metastasis in approximately one-third of patients
Answer: b, d

Pathologic staging begins with the initial biopsy. Unless previously secured, fresh
tumor needs to be obtained for hormone receptor analysis prior to placement into
formalin solution. A period of warm ischemia as short as 30 minutes may cause
underestimation of estrogen receptor levels. The need to remove axillary nodes must
be determined preoperatively. Axillary lymph node metastasis will be found in
approximately one-third of clinically negative axillae, but only if proper axillary
dissection is performed. Removal of only level I nodes or “sampling” of axillary
lymph nodes in a haphazard fashion increases the risk of injury to major axillary
neurovascular structures and may understage up to 25% of women. Proper staging
of axillary lymph nodes should include en bloc removal and examination of level I
and level II nodes. When conducted for staging, axillary lymph node dissection
should not include removal of level III axillary nodes; in fewer than 2% are
metastases present in level III nodes when level I and level II nodes are negative.
Removal of level III nodes, however, does increase the incidence of postoperative
arm lymph edema almost fivefold. Therapeutic axillary lymph node dissection
performed for palpable disease in the axilla should include removal of all levels to
clear gross disease.

• A pre-menopausal woman three years after mastectomy for breast cancer

presents with pulmonary metastases. Which of the following statement(s)
is/are true concerning her management?

a. If the patient has received adjuvant therapy, her response is likely to

be better
b. If the patient is ER-positive, hormonal therapy should be the first line
of treatment
c. The response to chemotherapy will likely be dose-dependent
d. Combination chemotherapy will likely work better in this patient than
a woman who is post-menopausal
Answer: b, c, d

Chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer is more likely to be employed for young
women, those with ER-negative tumors, those with visceral organ involvement and
those with rapidly advancing or life-threatening disease. Generally, combinations of
agents are used in treating metastatic breast cancer with the response rate usually
dose-dependent. All regimens are slightly less active in post-menopausal women.
Response rates are highest in women who have not received prior treatment for
metastatic disease. Prior adjuvant therapy is not consistently associated with a
poorer response to therapy, particularly if a long interval has lapsed between
adjuvant therapy and the development of metastases. Endocrine therapy is
appropriate as the first-line treatment for nearly all women with ER-positive
metastatic breast disease. Tamoxifen is the agent of choice for first-line hormonal
therapy for metastatic breast cancer. Both pre-menopausal and post-menopausal
patients can receive this agent and side effects are minimal.

• A 21-year-old woman presents with an asymptomatic breast mass. Which of
the following statement(s) is/are true concerning her diagnosis and

a. Mammography will play an important role in diagnosing the lesion

b. Ultrasonography is often useful in the differential diagnosis of this
c. The mass should always be excised
d. The lesion should be considered pre-malignant

Answer: b

Fibroadenoma represents the most common tumor in adolescents and young

woman, but if also frequently encountered in older women. It generally presents as
a palpable breast mass and must be differentiated from cancer. Typically,
fibroadenoma presents as a painless, slow-growing mass found incidentally on
breast self examination. Palpation of a mass usually reveals a well-circumscribed,
oval or round, mobile mass with a firm, rubbery texture. Because the
mammographic appearance of a fibroadenoma is rarely characteristic,
mammography plays little role in diagnosing this lesion. Ultrasonography can
differentiate a solid mass from a cyst. Additionally, the ultrasonic appearance of a
well-marginated, homogenous mass may be sufficiently characteristic to permit
diagnosis of fibroadenoma. Excisional biopsy is not necessary for every
fibroadenoma. Women under 30 years of age with characteristic physical
examination and sonographic appearance of the fibroadenoma may be given the
option of observation. Generally, fibroadenomas are not felt to be pre-malignant
lesions, nor to indicate any increased risk for the development of breast cancer.

A 45-year-old woman presents with a weeping eczematoid lesion of her nipple.

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning her diagnosis and

a. Treatment is with warm compresses and oral antibiotics

b. Biopsy of the nipple revealing malignant cells within the milk ducts is invariably
associated with an underlying invasive carcinoma
c. The appropriate treatment is mastectomy
d. The lesion always represents a high-risk disease with a significant risk of
subsequent metastatic disease

Answer: c

Paget’s disease is characterized by weeping, eczematoid lesion of the nipple. There is

often accompanying edema and inflammation. Biopsy of the nipple reveals
malignant cells within the milk ducts. The lesion is invariably associated with an
underlying invasive or in situ ductal carcinoma. The prognosis of Paget’s disease is

that of the underlying cancer. Standard treatment is mastectomy with axillary
lymph node dissection only if invasive cancer is present.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct concerning cystosarcoma


a. The tumor is most commonly seen in post-menopausal women

b. Total mastectomy is necessary for all patients with this diagnosis
c. Axillary lymph node dissection is not necessary for malignant
cystosarcoma phyllodes
d. Most patients with the malignant variant of cystosarcoma phyllodes
die of metastatic disease

Answer: c

Cystosarcoma phyllodes is a tumor arising in the mesenchymal tissue of the breast.

The tumors usually present as a painless breast mass. Phyllodes tumor is most
commonly encountered in women age 30–40 years of age but can occur at any age,
even before puberty. The differentiation of a benign from a malignant phyllodes
tumor may be difficult. About one-fourth of all phyllodes tumors are histologically
malignant, but only a fraction of these patients actually develop metastatic disease.
The optimum treatment for benign or malignant phyllodes tumor is wide excision
with a margin of normal breast tissue. The margin must be histologically free of
involvement because even benign lesions can recur after incomplete excision. If this
can be done leaving an adequate cosmetic appearance, mastectomy is not necessary.
Total mastectomy is reserved for large lesions in small-breasted women or
recurrences after previous local excision that is not amenable to repeat local
excision. Axillary lymph node dissection is not performed in the absence of biopsy-
proven nodal involvement, even for malignant phyllodes tumors, because axillary
metastases are uncommon.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning adjuvant systemic


a. Adjuvant tamoxifen in post-menopausal, node-positive, ER-positive

women is equivalent to cytotoxic chemotherapy
b. Tamoxifen clearly improves survival in all hormonal receptor-positive
c. CMF is associated with improved overall survival in both pre-
menopausal and post-menopausal node-positive patients
d. There is no evidence to suggest a role for chemotherapy in node-
negative patients

Answer: a

Adjuvant tamoxifen leads to a prolonged disease-free interval in post-menopausal
ER-positive women with histologically positive nodes and in pre-menopausal and
post-menopausal ER-positive women with negative nodes. Because of similar results
and, because tamoxifen is generally less toxic than chemotherapy, this treatment is
the treatment of choice for post-menopausal, node-positive, ER-positive women.
CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil) is associated with both
a longer disease-free survival and overall survival time in pre-menopausal patients
with positive lymph nodes. In post-menopausal women with positive nodes, there is
an improved disease-free survival, but there is no significant difference in overall
survival. Several trials of adjuvant chemotherapy with CMF or related regimens
have been conducted in node-negative patients. The early results of all of these trials
have been similar: disease-free survival is definitely improved with adjuvant
chemotherapy. These studies are definitely not mature enough to draw definitive
conclusions regarding overall survival. Therefore, the National Cancer Institute has
recommended the use of adjuvant chemotherapy for all patients with tumors large
enough to have hormonal receptor levels measured.

• A 33-year-old woman is referred with nipple discharge. Which of the

following statement(s) is/are true concerning her diagnosis and management?

a. Bilateral galactorrhea is suggestive of an underlying endocrinopathy

b. Brownish discharge is usually suggestive of old blood and is
worrisome for an underlying breast cancer
c. Expressible bloody nipple discharge should be evaluated with a
d. Milky breast discharge would not be expected one year after
discontinuation of breast feeding
Answer: a, c

At one time or another, many women notice a nipple discharge. The most common
physiologic basis for nipple discharge is lactation. Milk may continue to be secreted
intermittently for as long as two years after breast feeding has stopped, particularly
with breast stimulation. A milky whitish discharge, usually bilateral, that is not
related to lactation or breast stimulation is termed “galactorrhea.” The presence of
bilateral galactorrhea should prompt an evaluation for underlying endocrinopathy
causing increased prolactin secretion by the pituitary. Classically, this is associated
with amenorrhea, but galactorrhea may be the only sign of hypoprolactinemia.
Nipple discharges associated with fibrocystic disease are generally, green, yellow, or
brown, Intraductal papillomas and cancer lead to a bloody or blood-tinged serous
discharge. The brownish discharge of fibrocystic disease can easily be confused with
old blood. A guaiac test or simply dabbing the discharge with a gauze pad and
examining the stain can usually differentiate the two. A bloody or blood-tinged
discharge must be promptly evaluated to exclude carcinoma. If the discharge is
expressible at the time the patient is seen, a contrast ductogram may be obtained.

• Which of the following statement(s) is/are associated with gynecomastia?

a. If the disease is unilateral, it is unlikely drug-related
b. The standard surgical treatment is subcutaneous mastectomy
c. The presence of gynecomastia is often associated with the subsequent
development of breast cancer
d. A formal endocrine evaluation is indicated in most patients with

Answer: b

Gynecomastia is defined as palpable enlargement of the male breast. Pathologic

causes of estrogen excess or testosterone deficiency are associated with
gynecomastia. In many cases, no cause is found. Clinically significant gynecomastia
has been associated with the use of a number or drugs including cimetidine, digoxin,
spironolactone and tricyclic antidepressants. The use of marijuana has also been
associated with gynecomastia. Drug-related gynecomastia is often unilateral or
unequal between the two breasts, and discontinuation of the offending drug does not
always lead to resolution of the condition. A formal endocrine evaluation is not
indicated for gynecomastia unless some other sign of hormonal imbalance is found
on routine evaluation. The standard surgical treatment of gynecomastia consists of
subcutaneous mastectomy performed under local anesthesia. The presence of
gynecomastia is not associated with the subsequent development of cancer, yet
protracted hyperestrogenemic states, which are associated with gynecomastia are
linked to breast cancer development.

6. Axillary lymph node dissection is routinely used for all of the following
conditions except:
A. 2-cm. pure comedo-type intraductal carcinoma.
B. 1-cm. infiltrating lobular carcinoma.
C. 8-mm. infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
D. A pure medullary cancer in the upper inner quadrant.

Answer: A
DISCUSSION: Intraductal carcinoma is carcinoma in situ and does not metastasize
to regional or distant sites. Lymph node dissection is not routinely required for a
pure in situ cancer of the breast. In contrast, all of the other cancers listed above
(infiltrating lobular, infiltrating ductal, and medullary carcinoma) are invasive
malignancies that are capable of nodal and distant metastasis. Lymph node
dissection is commonly recommended for these invasive malignancies. Intraductal
lesions that have grown larger than 5 cm. are more apt to have become focally
invasive. Since this invasive component might be missed histologically, many
surgeons advocate selective use of axillary node dissection for large intraductal
lesions, particularly high-grade tumors such as the comedo variant. However, a
purely intraductal 2-cm. cancer would most likely be treated without performing
node dissection.

Failure to perform radiation after wide excision of an invasive cancer risks which
of the following outcomes?

A. Recurrence of cancer in the ipsilateral breast.

B. Shorter survival time.
C. Regional nodal recurrence.
D. Greater chance of breast cancer mortality.

Answer: A
DISCUSSION: Retrospective reviews and prospective surgical trials agree that
omission of breast radiation after wide excision leads to a higher rate of ipsilateral
breast recurrence. However, survival and the risk of distant disease are not altered
in patients treated by excision alone, within the follow-up time of the studies and
given their inherent power to detect differences in outcome. Regional node
metastasis is not affected by the choice of mastectomy versus wide excision and

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning the surgical staging of
breast cancer?

a. All biopsy specimens should be transported to pathology in

formalin within 24 hours of the procedure
b. Removal of only level I axillary lymph nodes may understage
breast cancer in up to one-fourth of patients
c. Level III axillary lymph nodes should be removed in all axillary
lymph node dissections
d. A clinically negative axilla will be found to have histologically
positive metastasis in approximately one-third of patients
Answer: b, d

Pathologic staging begins with the initial biopsy. Unless previously secured, fresh
tumor needs to be obtained for hormone receptor analysis prior to placement into
formalin solution. A period of warm ischemia as short as 30 minutes may cause
underestimation of estrogen receptor levels. The need to remove axillary nodes must
be determined preoperatively. Axillary lymph node metastasis will be found in
approximately one-third of clinically negative axillae, but only if proper axillary
dissection is performed.
. Removal of only level I nodes or “sampling” of axillary lymph nodes in a
haphazard fashion increases the risk of injury to major axillary neurovascular
structures and may understage up to 25% of women. Proper staging of axillary
lymph nodes should include en bloc removal and examination of level I and level II
nodes. When conducted for staging, axillary lymph node dissection should not
include removal of level III axillary nodes; in fewer than 2% are metastases present
in level III nodes when level I and level II nodes are negative. Removal of level III
nodes, however, does increase the incidence of postoperative arm lymph edema

almost fivefold. Therapeutic axillary lymph node dissection performed for palpable
disease in the axilla should include removal of all levels to clear gross disease.


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